Regular Governing Body Meeting City of Rio Rancho AGENDA April 22, 2021 6:00 PM Council Chambers Governing Body Members Greggory D Hull, Mayor Paul Wymer, Councilor District 4 Jim Owen, Councilor District 1 Karissa Culbreath, Councilor District 5 Jeremy Lenentine, Councilor District 2 Daniel Stoddard, Councilor District 6 Bob Tyler, Councilor District 3 Meeting Information This meeting will be conducted virtually and streamed live on the City of Rio Rancho website at https://rrnm.gov/2303/Watch-and-Download-City-Meetings Anyone wishing to present verbal public comment on an agenda item may do so remotely via Zoom Meeting software with the information provided below... Join via computer: https://zoom.us/j/91804920905?pwd=ZlZ5NmdTUTF1RndxTVN2dHBTSnJ3Zz09 Meeting ID: 918-0492-0905 Passcode: 903274 Join via phone: 1-253-215-8782 US Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations and Awards of Merit Public Forum Public comment may be submitted in writing via email to [email protected] or fax to 505-994-2557 through 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2021. Comments by Councilors Consent Calendar There will be no discussion of these items unless a Governing Body Member so requests, in which event the item will be moved to a discussion item on the regular agenda. 1. Minutes of April 8, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes of April 8, 2021 Regular Meeting 2. R38, Resolution Authorizing a Budget Adjustment for the Installation of a Permanent Traffic Signal Mast Arm Resolution 3. R39, Resolution to Accept and Budget for the Sandoval County General Obligation Bond, Series 2021 Allocation Resolution 2021 GO LIB BOND MOA - Rio Rancho 4. R40, Resolution Rescinding Resolution 31, Enactment 21-031 and Establishing Budget Authority for the Special Assessment District (SAD) Debt Service Funds 363, 364, and 365 Resolution R31 5. R41, Resolution Authorizing the Decommissioning and Disposal of Vehicles and Equipment by Auction Resolution 6. R42, Resolution Authorizing the Trade-In of Library Materials Resolution Sustainable shelves Q1 2021 Public Comment 7. D9, Appointment of Michael Lizzi to the Planning and Zoning Board Michael Lizzi Resume_Redacted Boards and Commissions Public Hearings 8. D10, Approval of Application No. 1183056 for Turtle Mountain Brewing Company, LLC. (the "Applicant") located at 7835 Enchanted Hills Blvd. NE Suite M-101 and M-103 Rio Rancho, NM 87144, for an issuance of a Small Brewer Off-Site Location Liquor License with on Premises Consumption with Patio Service and Package Sales Turtle Mountain Application 9. D11, Approval of Application No. 1183057 for Turtle Mountain Brewing Company, LLC. (the "Applicant") located at 7835 Enchanted Hills Blvd. NE Suite M-101 and M-103 Rio Rancho, NM 87144, for an issuance of a Restaurant Beer and Wine Liquor License with on Premises Consumption only with Patio Service Turtle Mountain Application 10. Public Hearing for the City of Rio Rancho FY22 Annual Action Plan and 30-Day Public Comment Period FY22 AAP IDIS Second Reading of Ordinances 11. O10, Ordinance Amending and Restating Ordinance No. 15, Enactment No. 13-16, which Authorized the Issuance and Sale of the City of Rio Rancho Taxable Industrial Revenue Bonds, series 2013 for Innovation Partners. Ordinance Amended and Restated Lease Agreement Amended and Restated Indenture Settlement Agreement First Reading of Ordinances 12. O11, Ordinance of the City of Rio Rancho, New Mexico Amending the Rio Rancho Municipal Code, Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 154 Planning and Zoning, Design Criteria, 154.60(B)(8) Ordinance DEPICTION Discussion and Deliberation 13. R43, Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for Commercial Property Located at 7845 Enchanted Hills Blvd. Resolution Purchase and Sale Agreement Enchanted Hills Plaza Final Quality of Life Center Overview April 22 2021 14. R44, Resolution Authorizing a Budget Adjustment for the Acquisition, Remodeling, Furnishing, and Equipping of Commercial Property Located at 7845 Enchanted Hills Blvd. Resolution Quality of Life Center Overview April 22 2021 15. R45, Resolution Establishing Annual Schedule of Governing Body Meetings and Determining Reasonable Notice for Public Meetings of the City of Rio Rancho Resolution 16. Permanent Fund Overview Permanent Fund Overview Presentation Final April 22 2021 Public Comment 17. R46, Resolution Authorizing Temporary Pay for the Acting City Manager/Deputy City Manager Resolution Public Comment 18. R47, Resolution Appointing Matthew Geisel as City Manager and Approving an Employment Contract Resolution Geisel Redacted Resume FINAL Geisel CM Employment Contract - 04.15.2021 Support Letters Public Comment Public Comment Support Letter City Manager Comments by Councilors Adjournment CITY OF RIO RANCHO COVER PAGE Legislation Item: AGENDA DATE: April 22, 2021 D EPARTMENT: City Clerk S UBJECT: Minutes of April 8, 2021 Regular Meeting B ACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: I MPACT: A LTERNATIVES: D EPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENT: Minutes of April 8, 2021 Regular Meeting 1 Governing Body 2 of the 3 City of Rio Rancho 4 5 MINUTES 6 7 APRIL 8, 2021 8 6:00 PM 9 Council Chambers, City Hall 10 MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Greggory D. Hull, Mayor Peter Wells, Acting City Manager Jim Owen, Councilor Dist. 1 Steve Ruger, Deputy City Manager Jeremy Lenentine, Dist. 2 Greg Lauer, City Attorney Bob Tyler, Councilor Dist. 3 Rebecca Martinez, City Clerk Paul Wymer, Councilor Dist. 4 Stewart Steele, Police Chief Karissa Culbreath, Councilor Dist. 5 Matt Geisel, Acting Dir. of Dev. Svcs. Amy Rincon, Planning & Zoning Division Manager MEMBERS ABSENT: Yolanda Lucero, Deputy City Clerk Daniel Stoddard, Councilor Dist. 6 11 12 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 13 14 Mayor Hull called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 15 16 Each member stated their presence virtually. Councilor Stoddard was excused from the 17 meeting. 18 19 On April 1 and April 2, 2021, the Governing Body held a closed session in accordance 20 with Section 10-15-1 (H) 2 NMSA, 1978. The topic discussed was: Limited personnel 21 matters; provided that for purposes of the Open Meetings Act, “limited personnel 22 matters” means the discussion of hiring, promotion, demotion, dismissal, assignment or 23 resignation of or the investigation or consideration of complaints or charges against any 24 individual public employee; provided further that this Subsection is not to be construed 25 as to exempt final actions on personnel from being taken at open public meetings; nor 26 does it preclude an aggrieved public employee from demanding a public hearing. 27 Judicial candidates interviewed by any commission shall have the right to demand an 28 open interview. No action was taken during this session. 29 30 PROCLAMATIONS AND AWARDS OF MERIT 31 32 Mayor Hull read a Proclamation for National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. 33 34 PUBLIC FORUM 35 36 No written public comment was received. 37 1 1 COMMENTS BY COUNCILORS 2 3 Councilor Tyler thanked BJ Gottlieb, Public Works Director and his staff for all their hard 4 work and dedication 5 6 CONSENT CALENDAR 7 8 1.) Minutes of March 16, 2021 Work Session Meeting 9 2.) Minutes of March 25, 2021 Regular Meeting 10 11 Jim Owen moved to approve consent calendar. Seconded by Jeremy Lenentine. 12 13 The motion carried by a vote of 6 FOR and 0 AGAINST. 14 YES: Greggory Hull, Jim Owen, Jeremy Lenentine, Bob Tyler, Paul Wymer, 15 Karissa Culbreath 16 NO: None 17 18 BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 19 20 PUBLIC HEARINGS 21 22 3.) O9, Ordinance of the City of Rio Rancho, New Mexico Amending the Zoning 23 Classification and Official Zoning Map for the Property Legally Described as Rio Rancho 24 Estates Unit 20 Block 136 Lots 8-17, From R-1: Single-Family Residential to R-2: Single- 25 Family Residential, Identifying Conditions of Development, Providing for Severability and 26 an Effective Date 27 28 Ms. Rincon presented this item. The applicant, Estrella Vista Development Inc, through 29 their agent, Consensus Planning Inc, requests zone map amendment approval to 30 change the zoning from R-1: Single-Family Residential to R-2: Single-Family 31 Residential on the property legally described as Rio Rancho Estates Unit 20 Block 136 32 Lots 8-17. The subject property is approximately 5 acres located on the west side of 33 Chayote Road NE, between Chopin Road and Kennard Rd NE. This application came 34 before the Planning and Zoning Board on January 12, 2021 as a request to change the 35 zoning to R-4: Single-Family Residential. The Planning and Zoning Board 36 recommended denial. The applicant withdrew the application prior to the Governing 37 Body hearing. This application was subsequently resubmitted with the request to 38 change the zoning to R-2: Single-Family Residential. At the March 9, 2021 meeting, the 39 Planning and Zoning Board recommended denial of the change to R-2. At the March 23, 40 2021 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Board expressed an interest to reconsider this 41 item. In discussing such, it was noted that for a zone map amendment the Board's role 42 is advisory in nature and not final. Additionally, the item had already been noticed to 43 proceed to the Governing Body for April 8, 2021. As such, it was determined that a 44 reconsideration was not procedurally prudent and would stall the application process. 45 Staff recommends denial of the request. 46 2 1 Mr. Stozier gave a brief overview of the project. The proposed zone map amendment 2 will allow for a slightly higher housing density of approximately 5.6 dwelling units per 3 acre for a total of 28 lots. The subject property has remained vacant for 34 years under 4 the existing R-1 zoning. Vacant undeveloped land is not a stabilizing factor and is not a 5 good use of existing public infrastructure.
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