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"", ~," . .- <אי-ז 11 THETHE WEIZMANNWEIZMANN INSTITUTEINSTITUTE OFOF SCIENCESCIENCE DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT OFOF PHYSICSPHYSICS ISRAELISRAEL PHYSICALPHYSICAL SOCIETVSOCIETY 19921992 ANNUALANNUAL MEETINGMEETING PROGRAMPROGRAM ANDAND ABSTRACTSABSTRACTS BULLETINBULLETIN OFOF THETHE ISRAELISRAEL PHYSICSPHYSICS SOCIETYSOCIETY VOL.VOL. 38,38, 19921992 THETHE WEIZMANNWEIZMANN INSTITUTEINSTITUTE OFOF SCIENCESCIENCE DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT OFOF PHVSICSPHYSICS ISRAELISRAEL PHVSICALPHYSICAL SOCIETVSOCIETY 19921992 ANNUAANNUALL MEETINGMEETING PROGRAMPROGRAM ANANDD ABSTRACTSABSTRACTS BULLETINBULLETIN OFOF THETHE ISRAELISRAEL PHVSICSPHYSICS SOCIETVSOCIETY VOLVOL.. 38,38, 19921992 rronnהועדה jimNnnהמארגנת ntnpo מקבלתTIN את כל<J« fc<באי «?tכנס rrannהחברה הישראלית לפיסיקה וכנס הגאודה הישראלית לואקום בברכת o'Dnברוכים o'Nnnהבאים mprDiיבתקוה 3'כי D>03onהכנסים <vnיהיו D'wyoמעניבים D>t»yioi.ומועילים. o>O3D3בכנסים «ייוצגוnn iisiרוב now'שטחי הפיסיקה הפעילים piוכו תהיה הרצאה «כללית !על מצב המים בארץ. מארגני הישיבות tהשתדלו iלמצוא מרצים מקרב אלו אשר הצטרפי לאכיי לאחרונה. לפיכד ניןת יצוג יסחית גדלו עלולים ולישרלאים צעירים. אני Dמדוהnnn!? HTIלחברי myinהועדה nהמארגנתD'NnnNni njjnxoוהאחראים jiin'wbלישיבות nwwnהשונות i>yעל ONDH^המאמץ iv>?vynvyשהשקיעו ולסגל מזכירות הפיסיקה vעל<inson iהפטול nהמסור moo.. יוסף אכtרי icipantss ooff ththee IPSIPS andand VaccuuVaccuumm SocietySociety meetinmeetinggח ess '1!!all p,Iparticipant ו itteee we!conwelcome ו n וו g l'oIcommitteו TheThe org,lniziIorganizin andand wishewishess thethemm interestinginteresting andand usefu!useful meetings.meetings. MostMost activeactive branchebranchess ooff PhysicsPhysics willwill bbee er,11l lel·turelecture onon thethe watew,lterr situationsituation inin fsraelIsrael wilIwill bebe given.given. TheThe sessionsession ו representedrepresented '1n(1and .1a gelgenera ongg recentrecent newcomersnewcomers toto Israel.Israel. OliOlimm andand youngyoung IsraelisIsraelis areare וorganizersorganizers triedtried ttoo findfind lecturerlecturerss anamon thusthus relativelrelativelyy welIwell representedrepresented inin thethe program. itteee andand thosethose responsibleresponsible forfor ththee sessionssessions forfor רn רberss of thethe org'1nizingorganizing concommitte וך membererוח 1I thankthank thethe . ss '1ndand thethe st'1ft'staff ot'of thethe PhysicsPhysics F'1cultyFaculty forfor theitheirr helphelp andand devotionח theirtheir effoeffort YosephYoseph ImryImry GeneralGeneral InformationInformation WeWe areare happyhappy toto welcomewelcome youyou toto thethe WeizmannWeizmann 1nstituteInstitute toto participateparticipate inin thethe annuaannuall 1P8IPS Meeting.Meeting. TheThe follo\vingfollowing isis forfor youryour information.information. 'l'heThe conferenceconference desdeskk wil1will bebe openopen inin thethe lobbylobby ofof thethe WixWix AuditoriumAuditorium frofromm 08:3008:30-- 10:00a.m.10:00a.m. foforr registration.registration. YouYou areare requestedrequested toto paypay thethe membershimembershipp fee,fee, 18IS 30.30.­- (for(for retiredretired membersmembers andand foforr studentstudentss 18IS 20.-)20.-) toto thethe IsraelIsrael PhysicalPhysical 80cietySociety aatt thethe timtimee ofof registration.registration. TheThe plenaryplenary sessionssessions willwill bebe helheldd atat thethe WixWix AuditoriumAuditorium andand thethe paral1elparallel sessionssessions atat variousvarious LectureLecture Halls,Halls, asas indicatedindicated inin thethe program.program. st TheThe posteposterr sessionsession willwill bbee hpldheld iinn thethe lobbylobby (l(1st andand 2nd2™* f1oor)floor) ofof thethe PhysicsPhysics Building.Building. 1tIt isis recommendedrecommended thatthat postersposters bebe displayeddisplayed aass earlyearly aass possible.possible. PleasePlease staystay neanearr youryour posterposter duringduring thethe posterposter sessionsession (3:30-4:45(3:30-4:45 p.m.)p.m.).. AbstractsAbstracts presentedpresented orallyorally appearappear inin orderorder ofof presentationpresentation andand thethe restrest ofof themthem areare arrangedarranged inin thisthis bulletinbulletin inin alphabeticaalphabeticall order,order, inin eacheach session.session. ParticipantsParticipants areare welcomewelcome toto visitvisit ourour new]ynewly establishedestablished 8ub-micronSub-micron Center.Center. OrganizedOrganized tourstours ofof thethe CenterCenter duringduring thethe lunchlunch andand afternoonafternoon coffeecoffee breakbreak willwill bbee arranged.arranged. PleasePlease registerregister aatt thethe conferenceconference deskdesk ifif youyou araree interestedinterested iinn thisthis tour.tour. A threthreee coursecourse mealmeal wilwilll bbee availableavailable atat thethe 8anSan MartiMartinn CafeteriaCafeteria forfor 18IS 10 . 8andwichesSandwiches andand coldcold drinksdrinks willwill bebe soldsold onon thethe lawnlawn ofof ththee WixWix AuditoriumAuditorium ((I18 S r a drink).drink). YouYou areare requestedrequested toto buybuy ticketstickets atat thethe )ן forfor sandwich,sandwich, andand 18IS 0.500.50 ffo 1.501.50 deskdesk duringduring registration,registration, forfor thethe mealmeal ofof youryour choice .. COUNCILCOUNCIL uyaa - presidentpresident - WeizmannWeizmann InstituteInstituteח ProfProf.. 1.I. TseTserruy ProfProf.. S.S. GurvitGurvitzz - secretarysecretary - WeizmannWeizmann InstituteInstitute Prof.Prof. DD.. RappaportRappaport - treasurertreasurer - UniversityUniversity Bar-IlanBar-Ilan Prof.Prof. DD.. ShaltielShaltiel - HebreHebreww UniversityUniversity ProfProf.. G.G. ShavivShaviv - TechnionTechnion ProfProf.. S.S. MordechaiMordechai - Ben-GurionBen-Gurion UniversityUniversity DrDr.. B.B. SvetitskySvetitsky - Tel-AvivTel-Aviv UniversityUniversity Dr.Dr. YY.. BarakBarak - AtomicAtomic EnergyEnergy Comm.Comm. YavneYavne Dr.Dr. T.T. Bar-NoyBar-Noy - AtomicAtomic EnergyEnergy Comm.Comm. DimonaDimona Dr.Dr. D.D. FaliFalikk - RAFAELRAFAEL Prof.Prof. C.C. KuperKuper - AnnaIsAnnals representativerepresentative - TechnionTechnion MEMBERMEMBER ORGANIZATIONSORGANIZATIONS Bar-II<lnBar-Ilan UniversityUniversity Ben-GurionBen-Gurion UniversityUniversity HebreHebreww UniversityUniversity IsraelIsrael AtomicAtomic EnergyEnergy AuthorityAuthority TechnionTechnion - IsraeIsraell InstitutInstitutee ofof TechnologyTechnology Tel-AvivTel-Aviv UniversityUniversity WeizmannWeizmann InstituteInstitute ORGANIZINGORGANIZING COMMITTEECOMMITTEE .- WeizmannWeizmann InstituteInstitute Y.Y. Imry,Imry, ChairmanChairman 1.I. BarBar JosephJoseph Y.Y. GefenGefen MM.. HasHasss M.M. KuglerKugler 1.I. MaronMaron MM.. MagaritzMagaritz MM.. MiIgromMilgrom S.S. SafranSafran U.U. SmilanskySmilansky uyaaח I. TseTserruy.1 l,ltivee of'of VacuumVacuum IsraeliIsraeli SocietySociety ו G.G. Hodes,Hodes, RepreselRepresentativ Table of Contents Summary of the Program 1-9 Plenary Session Y. Nir,Weizmann Institute "Recent Developments in the Physics of Neutrinos" 10 D. Zaslavsky, Water Commissioner "The Water Situation in Israel and Challanges in Research" Y. Yeshurun, Bar-Ilan University "Review of High Temperature Superconductors: Oxides and Fullerenes 11 Parallel Sessions 1. Non-linear Dynamics R. Zeitak, Weizmann Institute "Vectorial Correlations on Fractal Paths: Applications to Random Walks and Turbulence." 12 Y. Zarmi,Desert Research, Ben-Gurion Univ. "Renormalization in Classical Nonlinear Systems." 13 I.S. Aranson, Hebrew University "Stability Limits of Topological Defects and Spatio-Temporal Chaos in Nonequilibrium Media." 14 Abstracts 15-21 2. Solid State (I) A. Finkelstein, Weizmann Inst. & Landau Inst. "Magnetic Properties of Electron Liquids with Disorder." 22 A. Palevsky, Tel Aviv Univ. "Electronic Transport in Coupled Quantum Wells 23 D. Eger, Soreq Nucl. Res. Center "Blue Laser Light Emission by SHG in Periodically Segmented Waveguides" 26 O. Cohen, Hebrew Univ. "1 /f Noise and Incipient Localization." 27 Solid State (II) (Afternoon Session) E. Akkermans, Technion "Conduction and Statistical Properties of Metallic Spectra." 24 B. Laikhtman, Hebrew Univ. "Current-Voltage Instabilities in Superlattices." 25 S.A. Credeskul, Ben-Gurion Univ. "Extended States on the Landau Levels with Disorder." 28 N. Hass, Tel Aviv Univ. "Sharp Gap Edge and Determination of the Fermi Velocity in YlBa2 Cu3 O7-8 by Point Contact Spectroscopy." 29 Abstracts 30-65 3.3. ParticlesParticles andand FieldsFields . .Inst רD.D. Gepner,Gepner, WeizmanWeizmanln ""Fusio Fusionn FieldField Theories " .......................................................... 6666 E.E. NissimovNissimov,, Ben-GurionBen-Gurion Univ. thethe DefonnedDeformed GroupGroup ן Induce Inducedd WL ~ GravityGravity asas a WZNWZI\[WW ModelModel OIon"" s "." ...................................... 6677 ן.ofof Area-PreservingArea-Preserving DiffeomorphisnDiffeomorphisms M.M. SpiegelglaSpiegelglass , TechnionTechnion etry "." ............................... 6688 ןן.odromiess anandd a BlackBlack Hof.eHole GeolGeometry ן String Stringyy MOIMonodromie"" A.E.A.E. FaraggiFaraggi,, WeizmanWeizmannn Instlnst. JJ ""Derivin Derivingg ththee Standard-ModelStandard-Model fromfrom ththee Superstring." •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6699 A.A. Hanany,Hanany, WeizmanWeizmannn lnstInst. ns "." ...................................... 7700 ן) Quar Quarkk SolitonSolitonss asas ConstituentsConstituents ofof Hadrons.Ha(:ir"" AbstractsAbstracts .................................................................. , 71-771-766 4.4. EnvironmentEnvironment terr ן ii CelCente ןs,, ARO,ARO, VolcalVolcan ן M.M. FuclFuchs oclimatee
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