,:i u, -t River Bridge, $1.3 million, completion fall 1987; SR 123, Sum­ place May 12 for the Third Lake Washington floating bridge, C: C 1·705 TACOMA SPUR STATUS QI Transportation mit Creek Bridge (Cayuse Pass), $ I million, completion sum­ with bridge approaches and deck construction in progress; cii' 3 :a Construction of the Tacoma Spur continues along the A ::r Ill mer 1987; SR 161, 132nd Street to SR 512, $2 million, and, the First Hill temporary connection traffic switchover was ro 3 "a Puyallup, completion summer 1987; 1·90/1•82, Cle Elum Inter­ accomplished in late May, opening way for construction of 1· Street corridor. The $100 million poured-in-place concrete CD 0 .. change to Terrace Heights, $1.4 million, Ellensburg to 90's permanent westbound and center lanes and walls for the Spur will have four lanes, two in each direction, interchanges D .. o-lll�- C"'D I\) :.I C: ... ..QI I Yakima, completion fall 1986; SR 204, U.S. 2 to SR 9, Truck lid over the Mercer Island roadways. A major contract was at South 13th and A Street, South 15th, and 21st which tie in 0., U) -0>3:JO"u,o � -o C/l:: :::r 0) o·.. -..J -o n -· Climbing Lane, $1.3 million, completion late 1987; SR 127, awarded to excavate the northern edge of 1-90 at First Hill Pacific Avenue interchange at 1·5. Ultimate completion of the 0, :a c.nfo' g J> c! Activity Snake River to Dusty, $4.3 million, completion summer 1987; curve, eventual construction of permanent westbound lanes Tacoma Spur is late 1988. '< cp lll::t .. � N ::i!:::!'.111 SR 530, Bridge Replacement · Skagit County, $1.4 million, and northern half of First Hill highway lid; highway work CT �ell O :::;· s '< n completion summer 1987; U.S. 2, Skinney Creek to Peshastin .. �C/l :Ju,c,, through center of Mercer Island should be paved and reo­ 1·82/1• 182 CONSTRUCTION C: c· :!.CDC! Creek Bridge, $2 million, completion summer 1987; SR 290, pened to traffic later this summer; work continues on the build· :;:;: ::, c:: ::t STATUS g: ,c ce.=--CD Spokane River Trent Bridge, $2 million, completion spring ing of the East Channel Bridge eastbound between Mercer C) oc.nID Report 1988; U.S. 195, Colton to Country Club Road, $1.5 million, :D ::, 5· c, Island and South Bellevue; entire project to upgrade 1-90 be­ A total of six projects at $45 million are nearing completion )> CD coCC ,3 SUMMER 1986 completion this fall; Kingston Ferry Terminal Auxiliary tween Seattle and Bellevue is expected to be completed by on 1-82 and 1-182 in south central Washington State. ::::: CXl ;,;; Ill 0., "a Slip, $1 million, completion this summer; and, 1·5, Sleater Kin­ Planning and construction starts include a grade I pave job ::;· 0 � 71 l 1993. .. � ney to Martin Way Interchange, $5.4 million, in Lacey, comple­ The Spokane 1-90 redecking and resurfacing project on 1-82 from Prosser to Gibbon Road now underway, and a g tion fall 1987. started in early April on the eastbound Viaduct and Latah separate grade/pave project from Gibbon Road to Kiona o· ..i CONSTRUCTION • FEVER PITCH! Creek Bridge lanes is set for completion later this year. which is slated to begin in two years. 1-82 lanes from SR 14 ro a The Department of Transportation is managing hundreds of interchange near Kennewick to the existing Umatilla Bridge -t construction jobs all around Washington State-and private 1·5 PROJECT STATUS near Plymouth and the McNary Dam have been open since contractor crews are working at fever pitch taking advantage mid-1985. of favorable 'working conditions-and will continue to meet There are 42 projects at $88 million under construction on The new Umatilla Bridge, designed ultimately to carry deadlines throughout July, August, and September. 1-5 between Vancouver, Washington and Blaine at the Cana­ northbound traffic across the Columbia River, is slated for dian border. completion in 1987. After modifications are completed the ex­ The Department's Highway Advisory Radio system in Bel­ isting bridge now in use will become the southbound structure. ;· CONSTRUCTION ROUNDUP lingham continues to assist motorists bound for Expo 86 in Installation of a new deck and roadway on the "Blue Construction work throughout Washington State is in vari­ Vancouver, B.C., Canada, providing broadcasts of travel infor­ Bridge," U.S. 12, between Richland and Pasco created clo­ ous stages of completion on 255 WSDOT highway projects mation on AM vehicle radios. sure of the bridge in early May, with completion slated for totaling $770 million. Intermittent closures of 1-5 southbound (10:00 p.m. to 5:00 November/December of this year. Motorists are using the re­ There are 84 interstate highway projects totaling $469 mil­ a.m.) for truss erection of the new Washington State Conven­ cently opened 1-182 Columbia River Bridges and the cable­ lion under construction. tion and Trade Center in downtown Seattle were scheduled to stayed bridge between Kennewick and Pasco to cross the begin in July and may last about nine weeks. The 1-5 express river. The Department of Transportation is also administering - .. ,- - 948 city and county jobs totaling $266 million, through its lanes will be used as a detour. Flammable loads will have to State Aid Division. be hauled around Lake Washington. Beginning this fall the 1-5 1·405 PROJECTS PROGRESS TRANSPORTATION express lanes crossing the Ship Canal Bridge will be nar­ rowed for bridge rail replacement. Lane closures coming at A total of six construction projects at $14 million are in PROJECTS COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION night, on weekends, and during midday will be coordinated progress on 1·405, the north I south freeway carrying traffic Projects completed by June 30, 1986 totaled 16 at $10 with the Convention Center work. Other temporary 1-5 clo­ around the east edge of Lake Washington between 1·5 junc­ million. Examples included: SR 155, Colville Agency to Arm· STATUS sures will occur at the 1-5/1·90 ramp connections as ramp tions near Lynnwood and Tukwila. strong Meadows, Okanogan County, $2.2 million; SR 105/ modifications start later this fall and spread out over the next Major focus is on a High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes U.S. 101, Grays Harbor College to U.S. 101, near Aberdeen, two years. job between Sunset Boulevard and the Factoria interchange $2 million; SR 526, SR 525 to 1-5 Overcrossing, in Everett, $2 1•90 PROJECT STATUS Lane restrictions are occurring on several sections of 1-5 with 1-90 in South Bellevue, slated for completion this summer; million; and 1•90, et al., District 5 Stockpiling - 1985, $1.2 A total of 26 projects at $243 million are under construc­ through Lacey, Olympia, and Tumwater, while construction of and, a new 1-405 interchange being built in downtown Belle­ million. tion on 1-90 between Seattle and Spokane. additional lanes northbound and southbound continue through vue, which may cause some short-term slowdowns or detours Major work centers on 1-90 project jobs between Seattle, this year and next. Traffic slowdowns are expected at the while new girders are placed. Some closures of the north­ CONTRACTS AWARDED Mercer Island, and South Bellevue. All work on the 1-90/1·5 Martin Way interchange, College Street bridge, and new bound right-hand 1-405 lane will begin in late summer and connecting ramps in downtown Seattle is under contract; ex­ Sleater-Kinney interchange sites in Lacey; Pacific Avenue in­ should be completed by mid-October. For the same period, the WSDOT awarded more than 14 cavation and construction of the northern half of the 1·90 high­ terchange, Olympia; other work widening lanes and lengthen· contracts totaling $38 million. Examples included: 1·90, 23rd way lid in Seattle's Rainier Valley west of the new Mt. Baker ing bridges between Plum and Henderson Streets; City Center NON·INTERSTATE PROJECT Avenue South to Martin Luther King Way South · Westbound Ridge tunnel was awarded in April; core excavation of the new interchange, Capitol Lake interchange linking 1-5 and U.S. and Center Lids, $15 million, in Seattle, completion in early 1-90 tunnel was completed in May clearing the way for future 101; and, construction of a paved bike path from Martin Way STATUS 1989; City of Renton, Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement, $1 installation of the three-tiered roadway structure within the to State Capitol interchange at 14th Street, Olympia. Currently there are 171 non-interstate highway projects at million, completion spring 1987; SR 9, South Fork Nooksack tunnel, along with a site developed for the tunnel's ventilation Paving work on 1-5 from the Columbia River to Vancouver's $302 million under construction throughout Washington State. system building; final four floating pontoons were moved into 39th Street interchange began in mid-June and was slated for Significant work includes: SR 520, (Evergreen Point floating completion in July. bridge approaches) in Seattle, with ramp metering in effect Washington State ment of Transportation w, .. (2) ' (4) e • • (3) beginning in March on two eastbound on-ramps in Seattle. (7) SR 20, North Cascades High• Electronic stop/go signals are operating at Montlake Boule­ way: Motorists being directed onto 4- mile detour paralleling SR 20 highway verd and Lake Washington during afternoon peak hours (2:30 ,,,, p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) improving flow of traffic merging at on-ramp lanes, around grading job. Traffic con­ ) trolled by signs, cones, !Jaggers in vicin­ ! \ ........ sites; U,S, 2, Stevens Pass Highway, with summer work con­ I ity of Mazama.
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