You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library •i '-"Mtv You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2009 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/reportofquarterm1895newj You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library Document No. 35. RE PORT Quarterinaster General STATE OF NEW JERSEY, For the Year 1895. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library REPORT. State of New Jersey, i Office of the Quartermaster-General, >- Trenton, October 31, 1895. ; To the Governor and Commander-in-Chief: As directed by law. I have the honor to submit the annual re- port of the workings of the Quartermaster- General's Department for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1895. The duties of Quartermaster-Greneral include also those of Com- missary-General. Paymaster-General and Chief of Ordnance. The Quartermaster-General also acts as Chief Medical Purveyor and Storekeeper. The service arm of the State is the Springtield Rifle, calibre 45, and the condition of those in possession of the several organizations of the National Guard, after twenty years of service, as is evi- denced by an examination of the annual returns, are in as good condition as could be expected, and for actual service in the field or streets would still be most effective weapons in the hands of our troops so long familiarized with their use by many years of practice on the State rifle ranges. Pursuant to orders from the office of the Adjutant-General and Division Headquarters the following new organizations have been added to the National Guard : Under Special Orders No. 3, Headquarters Division, National Guard, dated at Newark, February 26, the company of infantry located at Bayonne, previously mustered into the service, has been attached to the Third Battalion of the Fourth Regiment and desig- nated as (yonipany I. Under Special Orders No. 12, Headquarters Division, National Guard, dated at Newark, May 3, the Gatling Gun Company located at Orange, previously mustered into the service, has been attached to the First Brigade and designated as Gatling Gun Company A. Under Special Orders No. 15, Headquarters Division, National Guard, dated at Newark, ^lay 15, the company of infantry located at Camden, previously mustered into the service, has been attached to (3) You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library 4 quartermaster-gemeral'kS report. the iSecond Battalion, Sixth Regiment, and designated as (Com- pany G. Under Special Orders No. 18, Headquarters Division, National Guard, dated ar Newark, May 29, the company of intantry located at Jersey City, previously mustered into the service, has been at- tached to the Third Battalion, Fourth Regiment, and designated as Company L. Under Special Orders No 26, office of the Adjutant-General, dated at Trenton, June 4, the company of cavalry located at Red Bank, previously mustered into the service of the State, has been attached to the National Guard, and designated as the Second Troop Under Special Orders No. 24, Headquarters Division, National Guard, dated at Newark, August 15th, the company of infantry located at Hoboken, previously mustered into the service, has been attached to the Third Battalion, Fourth Regiment, and designated as Company M. All the above-named organizations (with the exception of Com- pany M, Fourth Regiment, for which no requisitions have been as yet received) have been uniformed, armed and equipped by this De- partment. The National Guard, as at present constituted, consists of sixty (60) companies of infantry, two (2) troops o^ cavalry, two (2) Gat- ling gun companies, a hospital and ambulance corps, and, under the law approved February 12, 1895, the organization known as the Naval Reserve of New Jersey came into existence, consisting at present of five divisions equal to as many companies of the Na- tional Guard. The uniforming, arming and equipping, providing camp and garrison equipage, ship and quartermaster's stores, trans- portation, subsistence, etc., for encampments, n^val reviews, parades, battalion drills and inspections for this large body is the particular duty of this department, and involves much thought and labor throughout the entire year. Notwithstanding the increasing activ- ity of the Department, owing to the augmentation of the uniformed militia, no addition has been made to the clerical assistance in this office or the number of employes at the State Arsenal since 1876, as the allowance then fix<'d by law for compensation of the assist- ants of the department is not sufficient to warrant any accession to the present force. ENCAMPMENT. The First Brigade, National Guard, encamped at Sea Girt by organizations as follows : Fourth Regiment, Colonel Hugh H. Abernathy, July 14 to 20, inclusive. You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library QUAliTERMASrER-GENERAL'S REPORT. 5 First Re^-iment, Colonel Edward \. Campbell, and First Troop, Captain Frederick Frelins^liuysen, July '22 to 27, inclusive. Second Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Edwin W. Hine coraraand- in<^, and Gatling" Gun Company A, Captain William L. Fish, July 29 to August 3, inclusive. The Hospital and Ambulance Corps, in weekly detachments of twenty each, under command of Lieutenant Charles B. Mitchell, were also encamped during this period. The expenses were as follows : Construction, and taking down of camp $1,663 2t Subsistence 8,000 13 Regimental cooks and waiters 1,170 98 Music 1,360 00 Freight and expressage 393 38 Transportation 5,203 73 Fuel and light— 391 53 Quartermaster-General's Department 235 00 Incidentals, including, postage, stationery, etc 355 96 Pay of officers and enlisted men 21,835 62 $40,311 54 Bills paid in 1895 chargeable to encampment of 1891 3,256 86 $43,568 40 STATE CAMP GROUNDS. The current expenses for the year were as follows: Pay of Superintendent and employes $2,965 a3 Supplies, maintenance and repairs 7,:336 47 $10,301 80 Under an act approved May L'), 1894, an appropriation of ten thousand dollars was made for the preservation and improvement of the State Camp Grounds. Of this appropriation there has been expended in the erection of new stables the sum of $6,220.62, leaving a balance of $3,779.38 applicable to the object of the bill. STATE ARSENAL. The expenses for the year at the State Arsenal were as follows: Salary of Military Storekeeper and payroll of employes $4,797 51 Repairs, forage, fuel, etc 1,045 90 $5,84:3 41 You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library 6 QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT. KKOKIPTS FliOM Till-: UXriKD STATKS. Stores to the value of $16,171.63 have been drawn during the year, The balance standing- to the credit of the State on the book& of the War Department is $16,292.79. AMOUNTS IIECKIVEI) FIH)M SALES OF AMMUNITION — CAMP GROUND RECEIPTS — SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS OF OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD, KLC. Balance on hand November 1st, 1894, $3.93:3 25. Amount of receipts for fiscal year ending October 31,1895 $3,467 19 CREDIT. By bills paid by the Quartermaster-General under the act approved March ;30th, 1893, as per vouchers filed with the Comptroller of the Treasury 103 .59 3.363 60- Balance on hand October 31, 189.5 $T.296 85 e:xpensp:s of the national gaurd. Annual appropriation to Companies, in lieu of armory rent, etc— $30,686 46. Clothing, equipments, camp and garrison equipage and miscel- laneous expenses- Camp and garrison equipage, ordnance and ord- nance stores, and Quartermaster's stores $14,573 88 Uniforms 18,619 69 Freight and expressage on military stores 370 .50 : 33,564 07 Battalion drills, inspections and parades (cost of transportation, music, horse hire, etc.,) 5,145 9.5 Expenses of ritte range and practice 18,870 27 Expenses of Annual Encampment- Construction, maintenance and subsistence $21,732 78 Pay of officers and enlisted men 21,835 62 43,568 40 Expenses of State Camp Grounds (including special appropiuation of $10,000) 20.301 8a Expenses of State Arsenal- Compensation of employes $4,797 51 Repairs, etc 1,045 90 5.843 41 Expenses, oflice of Adjutant-General— Clerical services $2,499 96 Blanks, stationery, etc 1,568 26 Express charges .54 11 Postage— 303 00 4,425 38 You are Viewing an Archived Copy from the New Jersey State Library QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S REPORT. 7 Expenses, office of Quartermaster-General— Clerical services $2,700 00 Blanks, stationery, etc 301 16 Postage 154 00 Telephone 183 00 3,a38 16 Expenses, court martial, military boards, etc 809 70 Insurance 3,780 00 Medical Department 1,000 00 Naval Reserve 16,207 29 $187,540 84 REPORTS. In the appendix will be found the following reports: 1. Report of Colonel Cyrus F. Loutrel, Deputy Quartermaster- General. 2. Report of Captain Samuel S. Armstrong, Paymaster. STATEMENTS IN THE APPENDIX. Statement A.—Camp and garrison equipage, ordtiance and ord- nance stores received at the State Arsenal from the [Jnited States during the year ending October 81, 1895, Statement B.—Uniforms received from the contractor and issued to companies of the National Guard during the year ending Octo- ber 31, 1895. Statement C. —Clothing, camp and garrison equipage and Quar- termaster's stores, implements for sappers and miners, huspital sup- plies, ordnance and ordnance stores at the State Camp Grounds, Sea Girt, N.
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