800 SMO—SNY Smythe C 6822 112 St 436-2282 Snell David 83 Lombard Cr St Alb......459-5845 Snortheim RP 695 Alder Ave Sh Pk 464-3846 EDMONTON WHITE Smythe D 1704-9939 115 St 488-0916 Shell David L 23-11031 88 Ave 439-3180 Snow A 1102-10615 47 Ave 437-4731 Smythe Don 9738 150 St 484-1802 Snell Donald 11815 51 St 479-7873 Snow Alfred 2107 85 St 450-4514 Smythe Douglas 7309 155 St 487-4957 Snell F 204-10432 76 Ave 439-8041 Snow Art 202-5608 134A Ave 473-4278 Smordin SE 20 Valleyvtew Cr 483-8855 Smythe E 7919 129 Ave 476-2604 Snell Harry C 2Flrll4D2 83 St 474-3213 Snow D 84 Creston PI _™.478-088S Smordin Shelby 1391X 91A Ave 483-8234 Smythe G 83 McKean Way Sp Gr 962-4987 Snell J 214-600 Kirkness Rd 475-3106 Snow DA 13603 136A Ave .™™™.45S-3866 Smotkowicz S J 4539 30 Ave 461-0486 Smythe George 8115 84 Ave 465-1747 Snell Jay 305-10432 76 Ave 432-7784 Snow D G (Northwestern Appraisal Ltd) Smotrych M 9307 72 Ave 439-4528 Smythe Jack 7911 130 Ave 476-9956 Snell K 13404 59 St 478-5954 12607 39A Ave .-™.~_..._™_43S-8386 Smout Les 25 Granville Cr Sh Pk 467-1089 Smythe K Snell L 202-4440 106 St 437-6828 Snow David 1004-9810 105 St .™_428-0796 Snell Leonard 204-12115 82 St 477-1744 SMR ARCHITECTURAL GROUP 1837-10770 Winterburn Rd 447-4615 Snow Donald 755-9712 152 Ave. 456-0652 Snell Les 9308 174 St 481-9650 Smythe R 6504 91 St 434-7264 Snow Garry 182 15 St Namao .973-3696 11904 113 Ave 452-6193 Snell Lloyd 10342 151 St 489-1934 SMYTHE RATCLIFFE & ASSOCIATES C Snow Gary 17640 94 Ave .481-4653 Smreciu Nick 3525 41 Ave 461-5950 Snell M 10424 55 Ave 434-5705 Snow Gordon Sherwood Park..™™. Simiga-Otto Stanislaw A 801-10454 82 Ave 433-7334 -467-3672 SneO Orville E 4625 117 Ave 479-3428 Snow H 4-11124 124 St -453-2973 11215 54 Ave 435-4355 Smythe Ronald 203-10530 84 Ave 439-8097 Snell Paul Winterburn .......™....™.™.470-3381 Smuk Kateryna Mrs RR8 St Alb ...~_459-8459 Smythe William 6343 109A St 436-9523 Snow Howard SneO Paul 1107-10711 Saskatchewan Dr Smuk Roman 310-10716 107 St 424-6808 Snack Factory The 115-102 Brookwood PI Sp Gr 962-0960 -433-9229 182 Millbourne Shopg Cntr; 463-1242 Snow James B 9016 145 St -483-7263 Smukowich Kevin 4548 29 Ave 450-8993 Snell R 4748 106 St 435-4568 Snow James B 9020 145 St.™. Smulski A Edmonton ——.483-6110 Snack Haven Deii Mart Groc -489-7247 Snell Robert 115 Matiborough PI 481-6733 Snow Jerry 1215 48 St Smulski <1 Dr 4 Riverside D _452-7628 17505 107 Ave 486-1482 -461-0913 Snell S 104-3914 105 St 434-3734 Snow L 459 Woodvale Rd E Smulski J Dr Pliys Snack Shop 4511 97 St 435-2033 Snell Ward 7240 152C Ave 475-6687 -450-2741 Snaddon JW 404-9929 113 St ,482-7460 Snow T 1803-10020 103 Ave_ -429-3787 303 Professional BIdg 428-7724 Sneinng SR 8207 163 St 489-6084 Snow T 4521 27 Ave. Smulski Ken 4 Riverside Cr___ 452-4645 Snaggs Clothg 230-10525 Jasper Ave 426-2722 Shelling Sidney 8012 1888 St 481-0411 SNOW VALLEY SKrCLUB -462-6111 Smulski Michael 314-13516 102 St 478-6969 Snags Truck Parts RR4 Tofield 662-3514 Snellman Uno 3621 107 Ave 474-6168 Smutt Conrad Snaith C 8420 134 Ave 476-5437 Snelson HE 499 Lessard Dr. ...487-3560 13204 45 Ave ...... 434-3991 106A-799 Calahoo Rd Sp Gr 962-6513 Snaith GC 8826 94 St 465-4734 Snepsts John 4814 Ada 8lvd 477-1819 5now W 399 Evergreen Park .™__™472-9343 Smutt D 799 Calaboo Rd Sp Gr 962-0475 Snaiberk John 11335 130 St 454-0778 Snesrud Andrew Snow W Howard n615 46 Ave 436-8847 Smy Drafting Enterprises Ltd Snalam R 309-10910 110 St 423-3517 303-4410 117 Ave 479-2903 Snow White Coin laundry Ltd 12420 104 Ave 482-2054 SNAP-ON TOOLS OF CANADA LTD Snethun K 9554 111 Ave -479-3110 Smy K 8307 Saskatchewan Dr433-9086 3512 78 Ave 468-1997 253 North Highland Hills Sh Pk 922-4266 Snow White Maid Service Smy Kenneth 116 Woodstock 487-2340 Credit Sales Office 468-2182 Sniatenchuk M 11347 123 St 455-8835 209-12907 97 St . -476-6070 Smy Peter 8307 Saskatchewan Dr ..—439-5260 SWice 1782D West Edmonton Mai 444-1021 Snowadzki B Spruce Grove ... -962-3^ Smy Tom 2-8408 105 St 439-2537 Snarff Arthur 13804 101 Ave 454-2672 Snidal James F 303-10021 116 St 488-7648 Snowadzki F 12123 141 St Smycniuk B 9251 Dtteweli Rd 466-2313 Snart Allen 7807 162 St 481-1745 -454-1746 Snidal Lane 48-1415 62 St 461-0747 Snowadzki Walter 11755 44 Ave.-438-5921 Smyk H 10423 14 Ave 437-6495 SNATENCHUK BARBARA A DR Dntst Snidal Stan 3 Glenmore Cr St Alb. 458-6607 Snowbird Aviation Inc Aircrft Smyke James 16810 88 Ave 484-6713 201-14310 111 Ave 452-2266 Snidal T 209-16194 121 St 457-2101 12624 124 St 452-2491 Smykot Andrzej 142 Londonderry Sq 475-9388 Snaterse CJ 12106 41 St 477-3784 Snider Snowbird Gallery " Smyl Byron 6635 109 St 435-9081 Snaferse Harry 10739 32 St 474-3264 -See also Snyder EjLmonton Mai .444-1024 Smyi G 4855 107 St 435-9177 Snaterse J 408-4436 117 Ave 474-0107 SNOWBIRD RENTAL LTD Smyl PM 101-11606 108 Ave 451-0447 Snider BL 6228 180 St 481-5080 Snaterse Jack 12214 38 St 477-8473 1-9766 51 Ave -438-2117 Smyl R 304-11140 28 Ave 434-1065 Snaterse K 11204 30 St 477-5782 Snider Cam 10932 135A Ave ...473-4183 Smylski A 106-13039 83 St 478-9198 Snider Clifford 5911 97A Ave 465-4332 11304 163 St Snaterse MD 10739 32 St 479-7769 12249 Fort Rd 151-2905 Smylski E 10230 147 St 451-7663 Shaterse P Snider D R 70 GranvUe Cr Sh Pk 464-4459 471-5^ Smylski E 305-9923 90 Ave 433-2935 4 Canterbury Tenace Sh Pk...™.. 467-7232 Snider Dennis 17903 89 Ave .481-1471 Snowden Barry L 12439, 52 Ave 435-2817 Smylski Henry 10435 154 St 483-3488 Snatic J 2612-11135 83 Ave 431-1617 Snider Douglas G Dr RR3 S Edm 955-7299. Snowden JA 1006-9915 115 St—488-8243 Smylski Steve 315-11114 75A St™.479-0168 Snatynclnik Brian' 39 Hughes Rd 478-9662 Snider E IIO8-IIO2O 99 Ave..; -.488-4578 Snowden Steve 12527 161 Ave 457-5794 Smymew E 306-11919 162 Ave 456-6193 Snatynchuk D 12120 128 St 455-5195 Snider Eaiie L 19 Quesnel Rd ....486-5528 Snowdon Bradley Smyslowski Dawel 12814 127 St 455-1577 Snatynchuk R 4224 131 Ave 475-6844 Snider GR 3907 36 Ave 450-0933 22-10230 122 St 482-0B39 Smytaniuk Alex Snatynchuk Wm Snider George 9621 79 Ave ™439-3144 Snowdon H H 9434 142 St -.452-6»i Bsmt-11320 St Alb Tr 455-7276 102-12934 119 St 455-5876 Snider Harry 303-10712 109 St 424-1524 SNOWDON JAMES DPROFIsSIONAL^ Smyth Snaychuk B 152-16725 106 St 456-2945 Snider Harry CORPORATION 204 13 St Lancaster Pk Namao .973-3754 •See also Smith & Smythe Snaychuk C 104-10131 152 St 484-2890 2500-10303 Jasper Ave .™™ Smyth A M 8 Laydon Dr St Alb 458-3120 Snaychuk D 13427 116 St 454-5213 Snider James Snowdon James Douglas 141-3209 Snaychuk Dennis 111 Vllage On The Green ......475-3455 Smyth Andrew 205-9930 113 St ...488-6816 11439 50 Ave •135-1098 Smyth BM 1501-11808 100 Ave-.482-3347 701-10906 133A Ave 475-8193 Snider K 202-7704 98 St 433-1073 Snowdon James J Snaychuk E 7607 130 Ave .476-2914 Smyth C Ardrossan .... 922-3040 Snider L 14825 51 Ave - 436-6298 8 Giknore Ave Sh Pk .467-0223 Smyth C 303-10018 83 Ave 439-1803 Snaychuk Helen 11715 132 Ave 455-1724 Snowdon Philip Snaychuk L 2-11440 124 St 454-0919 Snider M 403-10610 83 Ave 439-3508 Smyth C 2410-11135 83 Ave 439-2909 Snaychuk L M 319 Westridge Rd .....487-6190 Snider PR 3528 65 St 463-0635 1.16.Pjimn:)se_Gardens .—.444.74^^ Snider R 10470 148 St 454-9100 SNOWFLAKE FOODTaLES LTD Smyth C T 8116 85 Ave .466-3386 SNAYCHUK L M Barr Smyth D 104-2303 119 St 436-8666 Snider RE 13811 90 St 472-1078 lOOlO 107A Ave .493-8119 Smyth DarrdI 13306 91 St 475-5298 401-10036 Jasper Ave 422-2115 Snider R W 7211 140 Ave 476-6513 Snowie R W 1035 75 St Smyth E 370 Brcadmpor Blvd Sh Pk...467-8966 Snaychuk 0 8803 137 Ave 475-2347 Snider Roland M 33-10721 108 St 429-2305 Snowphone Services 8728 109 St .462-2102433-7lii Smyth E Snaychuk Peter 6-7812 106 Ave ....469-3410 Snider Ronald Bsmt-14820 107 Ave 454-3621 SNOW'S COURT REPORTING 54 Ridgewood Terrace St Alb ..........459-6685 SNAYCHUK & STEFANIK Barrs Snider SA 808-1063S 47 Ave 437-2381 Smyth E A Spruce Grove —962-6534 401-10036 Jasper Ave 422-2115 Snider Stuart 1326 39 St 461-0443 SERVICES LTD 90I6 145 St —483-1088 Smyth E R 1203-10025 115 St 482-3441 Snider T 216 Sturgeon Pt St Alb ....459-5738 Snozyk John 13019 120 St 4S5.76>;i: Snaychuk Steve 12307 137 Ave 454-3866 Snuverink J ' Smyth Frank K 10419 67 St 466-3786 Snaychuk T 54-1919 147 Ave 478-6190 Sniderman H 8 Wolf Cr 487-6066 Smyth G 7 Merrywood Cr Sh Pk ...—.464-7581 SNIDERMAN HOWARD J Lawyr 205-52152 Range Rd 225 Sh Pk 467-8651 Snaychuk TL 11342 139 Ave.

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