2000D~ fORAPRACTICEBUOOITReview Sponsors Defense Car-Skar.ing Program m~~~rO~~t Pointe Ncuit\ll VOL. 17-No, 41 - GROSSE POINTE PARK, MICHIGAN,-_.- --------_._----------------------------------------THURSDAY, l\IAY 21, 1942 CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY PHONE LEo nil TOTAL BLACKOUT SUNDAY Speakers For TO DEDICATE HOSPITAL SUNDAY Drivers Urged To Join I5-Minute Home Rule Car-Sharing Program as Blackout to be Rally Friday Defense Contribution Enforced Bere Speakers both opposing and de- fending the proposed Home Rul~ Automobile owntrs in the five ested can fill out and mail or take Grosse Pointe wilt undertlD ilia '. plan for Wayne county will appear Grosse Pointe municipalities and to the office of their particular vii. first lotal blackout SUllday-, Kay Ma'"-," tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at a Gratiot township who drive to work !age elerk. when it joins with the thr~ miIIioIf ' public rally in the auditorium of are offered an opportunity to get In 61ling out the coupon, drivers residents of the Detroit lDetr~--" Pierce junior high scbool. tbe "",ximum in wear from their are advised to give full details as tan area in a full test of 10caJ * ' • I ]ulius Berns, supervisor of Grosse cars this week through a ~Car-Shar- requested on the blank, in order to raid preC<lutions. ,~ ing" plan proposed and sponsored urn. Henry, Alger Posts Pointe township; Alfred E. Meder, facilitate the classification and sort. From 10 to 10:15 p.m. Stmday ."" attorney for the City of Grosse by Th. Gro •• ~ Pointe Review. ing at the clerk,' uffices. 1t is neces- lights, including strut ~, ~ ponsor Poppy Sale Here Pointe; and Caspar Lingemall, Elsewhere <)n this page will be S3ry that the name, address. plIone lights, building lights, &ad a~' 'Vayne county clerk, wiD present found a coupon which tbose inter. number (if any) and two alternate bile, truck aad bus lights will. ..;, conduct all the street, of Grosse some questions about the proposed choices be given and c~cked. ting-nished. Pointe the sale of poppies Illade by plan to be answered by represen ta- M .... ~ W Unlike Delroit, where street JicIdJt: their buddies now pat~nts at the No Prosecution uves of those favoring its adoption. It is pointed out tbat a car driven will go oat be minutes after t1Mfl. Veterans' Facility at Battle Creek. William Lovett, secretary of the In Mudge Case, oDe week out of two, gives twice tbe blackotrt is scheduled to --::'i:' The poppy is more than a badge of Detroit Citizens League, will speak wear, and, similarly up to and in- street lights iJs Grosse Poisate d:-.;, patriotism this year when yoUDg for those favoring the proposed Van Deusen Reports c1uding one week in fin, 'WIll give be mingtJished for the fall IS .u.:':", - Americans are again offering their measure. He will be accompanied by five times as much service. And, ates, going'off promptly at 10 P...... : '~, lives to keep our COUntry secure. se,,~ral o,her mem bers of his group A charge of embezzlement of vil- when. driven alternately, the auto- George Elworthy, defense c:oon:IiItoI,::' .Each poppy symbolizes beautifuUy who aided in the drafting of tbe lage funds against Clare Mudge, m~bile receins enough use to pre- ator for this area, declared. " the supreme sacrifice which has proposal. suspended Grosse Pointe Park p0- nnt deterioration. The complete blackout will again become necessuy to main. The rally sponsored by the atctIIl.~: is lice officer, "'ill not be lodged, ac- The plan is proposed. for driven throughout Grosse Pointe &ad-Gnt.:.~ tain America's freedom and democ- Grosse Pointe Park Citiie~s Asso- cording to the recommendation of going in all diredions and for SIlC- iot t01rllship for tbe faD J5 racy. ciation who desire to give the pub. -wteai:, the 'Vayne cOUllty prosecutor's of- cess depends upon imlllediate re- E1wortby decided, to give all ....... ;' Pictnring one ~de of tbe sale is a lie the opportunity to hear both 0p- fice recei,'ed this week by "'ard S. sponse from the drivill&' public. At demonatratiots of tbe ~ '11!f..-' letter received by the Review from posing and favorable arguments Van Depsen, police commissioner. a later datt, it may be pOssible for the Pointe's civilian defeate ~.,' the Bums Henry Post of toward the plan. Gros~ The recommendation declared that the el«ks of the lIIunicipalities to ution. " , Pointe: "while there is a shortage in Mr. inter. change co-operation and fur- As during tbe last test. tha. "President Roosevelt said not laD&" Mudge's accounts, proof would reo ther co-ordinate the car-saving pin. raid warning sirens will start . ," .. ago: 'AmericallS from all walb of KeUy Faces Charge quire the subpoeaning of several Dririac AJo.e U.,.1riotie illg at 9:51 p.m. This SandQ- hundred witnesses * * Your police Of Manslaughter in Not only is it deemed unpatriotic IVillage of Grosse Pointe F ....... ' off;cers have informed us that many to driv:e to ,,'ork alone, when not nae officially for the firn a.e- Mrs. Ol1\line's Death of these witnesses cannot now b~ necessary. but with gas rationiug two seven and a balf located. In view of this and other imminent, the proposed plall may air raid sirens ordered lUt ... Kennelh K~lIy, 33-year-eld De- difficulties * • * we do not think a prove to be a contributiD&" factor in illSt.11led late this week ill 1IIe; ~~ warrant should be issued," troit youth, driver of the car in- solving the inevitable trans porta. lage. The.;reus haft ~ :<, ~ ~ GOdS Calls Special Water "olved in the accident whicb caused Following is the text of the report tion problems attendant to such cur- at Ridgemont and Lotm~-IIlIll, ,lIond Ilection for June 2. the death of Mrs. Florence Ortwine .' which Commissioner Van Deusen tailment by and Beaupre., }. ....,'.. last Wednesday noon, will be ar- ,,'iIl formally present to the village In kftping witb the spirit of con. In tb otqer 'fiDaas aMI . I~: raigned on a charge of manslatlghter commission Monday night: suvation, and :liS a part of the pro- City of Grosse Pointe t1Ie elecUoa to determ ine erly viIlage line to Vernier real and before justice JoHfJh V. U"ck at "On or about February 20, 1942, gram of civilian defense, Area Co- the fire ami police c:an wiI1 .. he ,,~e of Grosse in ~ strffi ftolJl v~..to~ ~ .. he ij ~ fTt- ~ it became known to the police de- ordinator George E1wortby has gi,. u waram. •...".. ~"0111'$90,ooo ~ '........... tMlspital, ~ to a ''*~ partment that the conduct of t eu hit full approval to the plan Blackoar cedilIucea. _'1&ss~ or ,. ~.r..,..~SC!_...*,£1 .a... Vio~, Bureaq aud ]lISiju Co~11 ..~red by Tbe~Gr~ ~e.- local.poIice tD~ ~ fill, ditl' :'tmlr. .4iatribati.ll.i main .as aDed ,~.,~~,~ a~d to isl'\!! serial coupon Hospit.11 pbY5icius said that Kel- lllldi'e, was nol in proper emler. Various plallt for,'dasstlicatioa of abo be .Ia fOfte.ftir Swkby J&aday, 1me 29, by the village boIl4s, !lO in nuDlti.!r and ;a the ly win probabJ,- be released this "This was brought to the ~_ the coupons are b~ worked Ollt by bladwat ia the City of .--..at at its ,tegular DleetiDe' Tues- allftlWlt 01 $1,000 eacb. They wiD '''f;, __ .ht. _ek. Bon SecoD.r Hospital to tion of President. Goddard., who the clerks of !be municipalities. Pobde adopted ita ordiAa.Au.- .. mattlrl: seria1Iy at the rate of $3,000 Kelly is recovtting from bums promp.t1y on February 21, 1942. sus- Some of them have indicated that day night, Yay II. GrO$le ~ .:,..~,'; '11ae ~d main woald ..xtend eacb yr.ar from 1~~ through 1966 received tn his unsaccessful aUempt Hold Open House Suoday pended Lieut. Muage, anel authoriz- they plan to mab! postings on tbe Woods approved its or-diaaaci,.'. '-' ". .... Wad: aftll1le from the sooth. and tacb year frOO1 1967 thru $4.000 to free Mrs. Ortwine from the ed seizure of all records and man- 1972. bulletin boards at their offices. Tll6day ni(rht of this wed: ... burning car where sbe met her ne}'s in his official possession. The Interest will be bid on at a rate The hours from 2 until 5 o'clock ing day of the hospital. The public a.n. LiaW it went into immedWe effect as _7=' ~'.~LioodsApproves death. 'Vest ern Casualty and Surety Bond- For the convenience of. the driv- eJDUJreDcy OI'dinantc. not 10 exceed four and a half per San day afternoon, May 24, will find is in,' ited. One of the t1l--o 16-year-old girls ing Company was ilPmedialely noti- cent per annum. Interest be most of Grosse Pointe and Detroit ing residents of the five Perintes and III the Village of Grosse ~ :. Blackout Ordinance; wiJ1 who were passengers in the car Spring flowers in blue and white fied and an audit of the records of payable nmi-annuaDy. headed for Cadieltl: road and the Gratiot t01ll'l1ship,the nanles and of. Farms, ViUage President PalIl ~" driven by Kelly, in a statement to .....iU be llsed on the tea table, and (Continued on Page 2.) The period of usefulness of th~ new Bon Secour! hospital for con- (Continued On Page 8.) <l;olltinued 011 Page 1) Amend Refuse Rule; the prosecutor's office, declared in the chapel of the hospital, a col- project is estimated to bet at up- nJescenlS. where open house will " that KeDy was traveling SO miles or scheme of yellow and white will ~ Suncby night's blackout in Grosse wards of JO years. be held in connection with the open- per hour and failed to itop at the be carried out, Pointe Woods will be regulated un- I fa.
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