Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Fall 9-18-1985 The Parthenon, September 18, 1985 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, September 18, 1985" (1985). The Parthenon. 2253. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/2253 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 The weather . Sunny, high in The . the low 80's BULtt~ATE U.S. POSTAGE P A I D Permit No. 206 arthenon Huntington, W. Va. Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1985 Marshall University's student newspaper Vol. 87, No. 5 Marshall will request $28 million budget will get on solid footing if we can be fully funded by feel this is something that is really needed." Neel By Jennifer Green the state for one fiscal year," he said. said. · Reporter Previously, the state has funded approximately The current expense category covers the general three-fourths of the university's total budget, but operating costs of the university and Neel s.aid there Marshall University's budget request for 1986-87 Nitzschke said he hopes extra consideration will be . is presently not sufficient funding for this area For will total $28 million, which is $5.5 million more than given to Marshall this year. example he said utilities alone cost approximately last year's budget. The $5.5 million figure was indirectly set by the $1. 75 million per year, but only $1.25 million is However, vice president for financial affairs, · BOR in a decision that put a 25 percent cap on all available. Harry "Buster" Neel Jr., said the $5.5 million is not increase requests. The 1985-86 budget is $22.5 Marsh&ll has become dependent on contiltgency really an increase. million. funds which may· or inay not be available in the "We need more state appropriated money, not for Neel said all four categories of the budget - per­ future to finance this deficit. Neel said he thinks the outlandish developments, but to maintain our pres­ sonnel services, current expenses, repairs and altera­ budget increase will help eliminate this problem. ent level of operation," Neel said. tions and equipment - will benefit from the proposed In addition to its regular funding, any additional President Dale Nitzschke said the budget proposal increase. monies allocated to repairs and alterations will be will present a compelling case to the Board of Under personnel services, seven new faculty and given to buildings and grounds because, "It needs Regents showing Marshall's need "to be made two staff positions are being requested. Part-time help the most," Neel said. whole." · faculty members' salaries will-be upgraded and there The largest percentage budget increase is in the According to Nitzschke, Marshall has been play­ will be a significant increase in the number ofgradu ­ equipment category. This money buys instructional ing financial 'catch-up' for many years. "I think we ate assistants and the amount of their stipends. "We equipment, cars, service vehicles and !ibrary books. Gays protectjon in school policy now .up to BOR . By Mike Kennedy Staff Writer Homosexuals soon may be protected under the university's policy statement of non-discrimination if the change is approved by the Board of Regents. Dr. Frances Hensley, chairman of the university's Affirmative Action Advisory Council, presented the coun­ cil's recommendations to include the words ·"sexual orientation" in two paragraphs of the school's non­ discrimination policy at the Aug. 29 qieeting of the President's Cabinet. In addition, the council recom0 Staff p hot o by Lynn Dinsmore mended that the words be included in Welcome to the family the Policy Statement of Non­ discrimination on the inside covers of The sisters of Alpha XI Delta sorority welcome their sororities following rush week activities, according the university's graduate and under­ new pledges on "Bid Day" Monday. About 80 to Linda Templeton, Greek adviser. graduate catalogs. women were Invited to Join one of Marshall's five Hensley said the changes would be made in those parts ofthe policy forbid­ ding discrimination and not in parts pertaining to the active recruitment and employment of minorities. Returning to school "We're not talking about actively recruiting homosexuals," she said, Trying to keep up with job market o-ne of many reasons adding that the recommendation was a non-discriminatory move to ensure that non-job related criteria are not )ems. that alimony may not be able· to been out of school full-time for three · used to evaluate employees or students. By Rusty Marks solve, some of these women are return­ years, is one such person. Staff Writer ing 'to school for security and to learn "You can't get promoted without a President Dale Nitzschke said he skills needed to obtain a well-paying degree," she said, "especially in a large · decided to send a letter outlining the Ris often thought·that college is an job, Harless said. corporation. I came back:to get my proposed change to the BOR for appro­ institution for the young; but more and Others may just be bored, or are degree. val because of the "ripple effect" it more older students are finding their returning for themselves. "Some older "You want to accomplish something, might have on other state colleges. way-into Marshall's hallowed halls. students have been busy takng care of but you aren't always sure what. Some­ Hensley said the suggestion to Dr. James Harless, director of admis­ children and holding down jobs," said times you have to go out and work for a include sexual orientation in the policy sions, said that in the past several Christine Devos, a counselor with the while to figure out what you want to came from "individuals within the years students over the age of25 have . Student Development Center located do," she said After discovering what university." made up between 30 and 40 percent of in Pritchard Hall. "Perhaps with their she wanted to do, Conni~ said she Marshall's students. · If accepted by · the BOR, Marshall children leaving home and with more· decided to return · to school for the will join other schools such as Harvard According to Harless, many older time themselves, these older students degree she thinks is necessary to get University, Georgetown University, students are taking just a few classes are returning for their own personal ahead. - Oberlin College, the University ofCali­ for fun or for something new. Some stu­ growth." . "Coming back to school is a big fornia at Berkeley, Cornell University dents are older women who have been Still others are returning in order to adjustment," she said. "When you're and New York State University in hav­ out of school for five to 15 years. advance in their existing fields. Anne workng, you go in and know what ing a policy of non-discrimination Divorced and facing financial prob- Conrad, a 25-year-old senior who has RETURNING, Page 8 based on sexual orientation, she said. __J 2 ------------------------------~--· - ·-· ...· _ . ·-·- 'Wednesday, Sept. 18; 1985 The Patthenon From The Associated Press Racial fight empties two-thirds of school Princeton - Almost two-thirds of eight blacks playing basketball in the students at a city junior high ... there was a black boy standing by and he called them the gym were surrounded and threa­ school were kept home Tuesday by tened with chemical Mace by about parents afraid of racial fights, des• 'chickens.' The white boys turned around and they said to . six white males. The fight was pite school assurances that the him, 'I'd rather be that than a black... broken up, but the white students problem was "wild rumors." fled by a back entrance before Irene Pauley police were called. About 350 of Princeton Junior· "The parents of some of the black High School's 950 students showed students took their kids home until up for class after a fight between, would receive the maximum nine around and they said to him, 'I'd we could round up the other sw­ two white students escalated into a day suspension and that she would rather be that than a black... " dents to discipline them," she said. confrontation between groups of _ ask that they be expelled Pauley said that by Saturday, a Word got out and rumors spread white and black students, said Prin• "Originally; it was just a fight group of older white students had . through the community causing cipal Irene Pauley. between two white boys Friday challenged· several black students to about 250 parents to take their kids She said city police rounded up afternoon," Pauley said "An assist­ a fight over the matter and that six home from ·school. four white students believed repoBBi• ant principal walked over and they parents had received phone .calls Even so, Pauley said the school ble for the outbreak and brought stopped, but there was a black boy warning them their children would was quiet Tuesday aqd that no them to school for discipilinary standing by and he called them be beaten at school. further confrontrations were action. Pauley said the students 'chickens.' The white boys turned Before school Monday, she said, expected. Charleston Pawtucket, Rhode Island Bonn, West Germany ~ - SEXUAL ASSAULT TEACHERS' JAILED COMMUNIST SPY C:'-·-">-- ~ '(._ A Charleston elemen­ A judge ordered a Rhode A secretary in the office i ~ \ tary school teacher has Island teachers' union offi­ of Chancellor Helmut ~ , been accused of sexually cal jailed Tuesday for con­ K~hl is suspected of spy- \.
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