7 two—, •' 'o Ih« Weather 1 o-Day: iBaSOKIi FAIR; WARMER. SLOIION Ut . /,,,, The News and Observer. PRICE KIVE CENTS VOL. XLVIII, NO, -» KALEiGH. NORTH CAROLINA. Si XDAY MORNING, MARCH 18, !900. Leads allMoFthGarelinaßailies mMews andGiroulaticp transportation. His reply wa- .bs., trotting a mile in 2:17%. Her next vide Exchange Telegraph Company from Cape not a peso in the treasury. laid record breaker was at Chicago, when she there was Town, dated today, says it has been de- were yet unpaid tor their it in 2:13 . As a five-year-old, that the police cided to send only the Transvaalers *o made /21 The party of wo- MAFEKING, finding she still further reduced this to 2:11%, last two months’ work. Helena, the authorities A MICHIGAN TOWN St. TO 'ftDEATHBLOW retracing RUMOR quietly, some men dispersed I difficult to prevent conflicts betw’een the and at Buffalo to 2: l0’/2. Then began ef- afoot, others begging easier Free Staters and the Transvaalers. forts by others to beat her record. their steps to Naranjito, which is -0 Finally at Narragansett Bay, J. 1. C. conveyance Colonel Scliiel, who was captured In Juan, a portion of tho SLAVERY GUAM made the startling record of EJECT NEGROES miles from San IN then early part of the war, lias 2:0!i% TO IS j Natal in the RELIEVED being SAYS. almost impassable. road | a special sentry at his doer to prevent and deposed Maud S from her position Similar parties are expected from other I hitn from doing himself bodily violence. as queen of the turf. But the reign of But the War Has No The Proclamation Issued by her rival was short. Twenty-four hours ; Its Experience With “Coons” towns. Office after J. I. C. made his record of 2:09% j ! HONOR ERIN S PATRON SAINT ENGLAND Governor Leary. Maud S, at Cleveland, made her record Short But Sickening President Desires to Serve Wheeler. Confirmation. of 2:08% and regained her lost title. —- ; Day May Day passed Bonner’s hands Shamrock Rival Primrose in the After she into Mr. (By The Associated Press.) she her record, but People - s Heart. still further lowered Washington, March 17; —It is evident, was eclipsed possi- ELOPE WITH THEV. IN LONDON PEONAGE IS ABOLISHED later by records made GIRLS that an effort is being made by some of SHAMROCK London, 17.—Shamrock day ble by pneumatic tires and other March devices the Administration officials to induce promises to vie with Primrose day In the for increasing speed. General Wheeler to withdraw hi; request of the people, judging from the Town hearts Took Effect on the Twenty- Committee Appointed to Rid the for immediate action on his res Celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day With which, for the first tim« The Order s/.rtion. enthusiasm with SCIENCE MAKES CHAPPELLE ÜBIQUITOUS It is intimated that this effort is, attrib- in the history of the nation, loyalists all Negroes. Ears Toward Mafeking. Second of February. of the utable solely to an interest in tjic per- over United Kingdom celebrated. the in He sonal welfare of the general. In this From Windsor Castle, where the Queen Himself the Philippines Speaks Simul- connection it is recalled that the Presi- observed the day by wearing a sprig of taneously at Two Cities Here. £ THE LARIUVSITES SWEAR THEY MUST GO dent has bad it in mind to ask Congress DUNDONALD HAS A SKIRMISH WITH BOERS genuiue four-leafed shamrock, to the east OTIS WILL DIS:HARGE /LL CHINES (By the Associated Press.) for special legislation empov, ri ;g him | end of the slums of London, nearly ev- El- retire Wheeler, Gene-Mi Lee ! ery one sports something in the shape Cincinnati. March 17. —Archbishop to General Trouble another brigadier general of Lady Rob rts For Africa. of a green favor. A word from Her They Will No Longer bd Employed as Litter der was unable to be at New Orleans to- They Say They tave Had Constant and voiuu- Departs Transvaalers night to deliver his address the open- with the rank of brigadier generals Majesty has turned the emblem of semi- at teers Even, ing V/iti These Tennessee and Alabama regular per- to be Sent to Sair.t Helena. Bitter- disloyalty into a badge of honor and has or Burden Bearers in the Field of the Catholic winter school in in the army. Some of the the Crescent City. He delivered the ad- sons who are interested In the success made the shamrock the most prized of all f ilipinos to Enter the Ri g- Negroes and Are Gfing to ex- ness Between Them and the plants in the British isle 3. dress at St. Mary’s Theological Seminary of this movement feel that by immediate on Prince Hill, in the Western suburbs resignation and the prosecution of his By the order the bells in the imental Bands. clude Them by Law. Free Stateers. Queen's of this city in the presence of the stu- determination to attempt to se- l Curfew Tower of Windsor Castle honored present The Associated Press.) dents and others, anil it was tidnsnilt- (By The Associated Press.) in the House London, March 17. —It is persistently St. Patrick this morning; Irish a>rs play- (By cure his seat of Represen- i Washington, March 17.—A proclamation ted by long distance telephone to New Houghton, Mich., March 17.—Citizens tatives, Wheeler arouse an- reiterated that Mafeking has been reliev- ed by the Grenadiers, enlivened the General will Orleans. Archbishop Chappelle was also of Laurin, a fine residence suburb of the ! tagonisms which may make it difficult or ed, ' Queen's luncheon, and on London's Man- has been issued by the Governor of the j but the War Office has no confirma- \ to have spoken in New Orleans tonight. impossible thereafter to secure from the sion House floats new loyal Irish flag, says part: big mining camp of Calumet, have ap- tion of the rumor. a Island of Guam, which in Before leaving for the Philippines sever- with the Union Jack in the upper corner. ' House the legislation needful to secure i “To the inhabitants of Guam: al months ago, Archbishop Chappelle de* pointed a committee to rid the town of > REJOICING IN LONDON. Most of the Government officials hoist- his retirement. “Honest labor with just compensation, I livered his speech in a phonograph and, negroes. They object to having it called ed the Irish flag and the clubs wf ere sim- given London, March 18.—(3:45 a. m.) —Amidst dignified by faithful consideration of the as it was by the phonograph to the j a vigilance committee and announce that the festivities cf St. Patrick’s ilarly decorated, the officials all wearing New Orleans, Day, Lon- | mutual interests and welfare of all con- audience in it was trans- only peaceable and legal methods will be Senators Stop to See the Oil King. don has been today for the green. mitted also by telephone St. listening the Avord cerned, should insure prosperity in this to Mary’a j used, but that the negroes must go. that Mafeking is relieved, it is remark- The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Russell, Seminary in this city and heard by the ! almost unknown there i community; whereas, the existing labor- Colored men were (By The Associated Press.) able that the revival of this holiday, 1 ot’ Killow en, set the example In the new same audience that was addressed by j brought in sev- r degrading system of human bondage and until a sewer contractor Palm Beach, Fla., March 17. —Senators which puts St. Patrick's Day hereafter law courts and ail the judges followed Archbishop Elder. The transmission eral car loads from Tennessee and Ala- unjust, indefinite servitude or peonage, I Aldrich, Platt (Conn.) and Teller, who on equality with Primrose Day, has been his example of wearing the shamrock bo from the phonograph by telephone from bama eighteen months ago. Several permitted during the late Spanish control are on their way to Cuba to investigate the occasion of the first real gala day low their ermine collars, j New Orleans was as distinct as the hu- white girls have eloped with negroes, and in this island, is, in fact, a system of conditions in the island, stopped over since the declaration of war. Christmas- j It is understood the Queen, having ap- man voice. has led to this action. slavery, as such is subversive to constant trouble here to see Mr. Henry M. Flagler. Tho tide was gloomy indeed in comparison proved the proposed formation of a regi- and good government, is an obstacle to prog- party discussed at length the needs of with today’s merry-makings, and the only ment of Irish guards, will make the an- ressive civilization, menace to Boy Dies of Hydrophobia. FOR RUSBO-JAPANSE WAR. Florida, especially the proposed harbor fillup needed was the news of the relief , nouncement on the subject, today. a popular LOOK improvements Jacksonville. Miami of the besieged Mafeking. The usual Lord Mayor’s procession took liberty, and a violation of the sacred at nud (By Tt>e Associated Press.) Key West. The commission then left • place in Dublin today. The Lord Mayor privileges guaranteed by the Constitution What Means the Activity in the Russian There is so much in the situation fn Baltimore, Md. March 17. —Charles for Key West, where they will spend a of Belfast and the Mayor of Cork par- of the United States. t in Eastern Waters'? South Africa to justify rejoicing, how- 1 Newton, eight years old, whose parents Squadron day before going to Havana.
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