137597 C1C4 4C_OK-Proofs_PG 1_2017-03-06_14:43:42_C-M-Y-K Book Publishing Company Healthy Living v GroundSwell v First Nations Second Story Press c/o UTP 5201 Dufferin St. 800-565-9523 Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T8 FAX: 800-221-9985 Canada [email protected] 2017 Fall/Winter Catalog Printed in Canada 137597 01-32 int 4C_OK-Proofs_PG 1_2017-03-02_09:46:16_C-M-Y-K Book Publishing Company 2017 Fall-Winter Catalog Table of Contents New Titles Cooking 2 GroundSwell Books 3–4 Live Healthy Now 5 PathFinders Hi-Lo Novels 6 Featured Healthy Living 7–11 Books Alive Guides 10 LiveHealthyNow 10–11 GroundSwell Books 12 Vegan Cookbooks 13–15 Raw Food Nutrition 16 Health/Diet DVDs 17 PathFinders Hi-Lo Novels 18–19 First Nations 20–21 Backlist 22–25 Canadian Authors 26 Index 27–30 Sales Reps 31 Ordering Information 32 Canadian Authors 137597 01-32 int 4C_OK_0002-Proofs_PG 1_2017-03-06_14:41:10_C-M-Y-K New Titles Cooking VEGAN FOR ONE Hot Tips and Inspired Recipes for Cooking Solo Ellen Jaffe Jones $22.95 978-1-57067-351-1 160 pages 8x9paper available September Eating solo is a great opportunity to explore a range of culinary options without beinglimitedbyanyoneelse’spreferencesorneeds.Beingacollegestudent, a first-time renter, or an empty nester can make food shopping and meal prep challenging.VeganexpertandsavvyshopperEllenJaffeJonescomestothe rescue with her all-inclusive guide and cookbook designed specifically for veg- ans who are cooking just for themselves. Vegan for One ispackedwithvitalinformation,suchaswhichfoodsprovideoptimalnutrition,howtodeal withspecialdietaryneeds,whattoeattofeelenergized,andwhichfoodscanhelppreventage-related healthproblems.First-timecookswilllearnhowtocreateoradaptmenuplans,whichstaplestostockup on,andwhatequipmentisessential.Ellenalsoshareshertoptipsforhowtoextendtheshelflifeoffresh produce, determine which canned goods and packaged items to buy, transform leftovers, save money at the store, and trim time in the kitchen. Ellenprovesthatcookingsolodoesn’tmeancuttingcornerswhenitcomestoflavorandsatisfaction.With over100recipesperfectlyportionedforsingles,Vegan for One makescookingandeatingaloneboth pleasurable and gratifying. Author bio: Award-winning television journalist Ellen Jaffe Jones has fol- lowedaplant-baseddietformorethan30years.Shecreditsherdietwith helping her dodge the breast cancer and other diseases that afflicted her mother, aunt, and sisters. Certified as a Personal Fitness Trainer by the Aerobics and Fitness Asso- ciationofAmericaandasaCertifiedCoachbytheRoadRunnersClub of America, Ellen offers in-person and online personal training sessions. Whetherconsultingaboutweightloss,fitness,oravegandiet,Ellen exudes enthusiasm and energy. Her goal for clients is to enjoy lifelong health, vigor, and well-being. EllenistheauthorofthebestsellerEat Vegan on $4 a Day.Sheisalsothe author of Kitchen Divided, Vegan Fitness for Mortals, and the coauthor of Paleo Vegan. 2 800-565-9523 137597 01-32 int 4C_OK-Proofs_PG 3_2017-03-02_09:46:17_C-M-Y-K GroundSwell Books New Titles TINY HOUSE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION GUIDE Your Guide to Building a Mortgage Free, Environmentally Sustainable Home Dan Louche $38.95 978-0-99728-870-4 180 pages 7 x 10 paper full color Takethefirststeptowardachievingthedreamofbuildingandlivinginyourveryowntiny house! Tiny House Design & Construction Guide is your road map for the entire building process. This latest edition contains twice as much content and 38 additional images and illustrations. The framing, electrical, and plumbing sections have all been greatly expanded. Experienced home builder Dan Louche steers you through every detail to get started, such as how to begin the designprocess,whichtoolsaremust-haves,andthebestwaytoordermaterial.Thenhecoverseachaspect of construction, including flooring, walls, flashing, roof framing and sheathing, insulation, siding, plumbing, elec- trical, and interior cabinets—all calibrated for building on a trailer chassis. Within-depthinstructionsandanabundanceofcolorphotosandgraphics,thisguideisallyou’llneedtoobtain the skills and self-assurance to start building your own tiny house. Author bio: DanLoucheistheownerofTinyHomeBuilders.Hehasbeenbuildingtinyhousessince2009, when he built his first house for his mom. He strives to help others achieve their tiny-house dreams by giv- ing them the knowledge and confidence to build their own homes. He has taught tiny-house construction techniques to thousands of would-be builders through scores of workshops and speaking engagements. Hiscompany’swebsite,tinyhomebuilders.com,isvisitedbyoveronemillionpeopleeachyear,andhis designs have been featured on numerous websites and TV shows, including Good Morning America and the HGTV network. Dan has a degree in engineering from the University of Central Florida. [email protected] 3 137597 01-32 int 4C_OK-Proofs_PG 4_2017-03-02_09:46:17_C-M-Y-K New Titles GroundSwell Books TAPPING INTO WATER Low-Tech Well-Drilling Techniques and Tools Paul Sawyers $20.95 978-145058-059-5 130 pages 6x9paper Discover the lost art of do-it-yourself well drilling “on the cheap” and learn how to use common materials to fabricate percussion bits, sludging pipes, bailer valves, casings, screens, and much more. Included are step-by-step instructions for how to rig and operate these low-tech drilling devices to create a private water well up to 100 feet deep. Jam-packed with instructional diagrams, photos, and illustrations that provide easy-to-follow directions,thisbookprovidestheappropriatelevelofdetailtoempowerevenbeginnersto embark on their own well projects. Sections include: “Percussion Drilling to Create a Well Hole,” “Sludging (Reverse Jetting) to Create a Well Hole,” “HandAugertoCreateaWellHole,”“DrivePointsforCreatingReady-MadeWells,”“CasingandFinishing Bored Well Holes,” “Water Flow Development of New Wells,” “Hydrology Basics and Locating Groundwater.” Author bio: Paul Sawyers is also the author of Expanded Discussion of the Method for Converting Shipping Containers into a Habitable Steel Building and Intermodal Shipping Container Small Steel Buildings.Supportvideosandgraphicsareavail- able at paulsawyers.com. 4 800-565-9523 137597 01-32 int 4C_OK-Proofs_PG 5_2017-03-02_09:46:17_C-M-Y-K Live Healthy Now New Titles LIVER DETOX Energize Your Life Rhody Lake $7.95 978-1-57067-350-4 48 pages 5½x8½paper available October Ahealthyliverisessentialforpreventingahostofchronicanddegenerativediseases.Environmental toxins and other harmful substances, such as pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and food additives, can overburden the liver and prevent it from working at peak efficiency. Fortunately, optimum liver func- tion can be restored, resulting in improved mental alertness and increased energy. InthisabridgedversionofherseminalbookLiver Cleansing Handbook, author Rhody Lake explains safe ways to eliminate toxins from the body, which foods and herbs support a healthy liver,andthebeneficialroleofprobiotics.Includedaretipsfordesigningaliver-cleansingmenu to promote daily detoxification, a one-day liver cleanse for deeper detoxifying, and a few easy, delicious, liver-friendly recipes. Author bio: Rhody Lake was a well-respected health researcher and advisor from Sechelt, British Columbia, who investigated medicinal herbs, whole-foods nutri- tion, and the politics of health. As the editor of Alive magazine from 1991 to 2002, she tirelessly advocated for freedom of choice in healthcare. See page 10 for the original book on liver cleansing by Rhody Lake. Liver Cleansing Handbook Rhody Lake $12.95 978-1-55312-004-9 64 pages 6½ x 8½ paper full color [email protected] 5 137597 01-32 int 4C_OK-Proofs_PG 6_2017-03-02_09:46:17_C-M-Y-K New Titles PathFinders Hi-Lo Novels NO MORE NO NAME Tim Tingle $11.95 978-1-939053-17-6 160 pages 4½ x 7 paper Ages: 12 to 16 Reading level: 2.5 available September TimTingle’sfirstnovelinthecontemporaryNoNameseriesdepictsthestrugglesofChoctawteen Bobby Byington. A strong-willed and determined high school basketballer, Bobby must carve a path through the dark world of his father’s alcoholism and angry nature. In the second book, No More No Name, Bobby’s mother returns home, and Bobby’s basketball team, galvanized by his impressive shooting skills, begins to win. But trouble looms when his father’s cravings resurface. “Son,IhopeyouneverfullyunderstandwhatI’mgoingthrough.Everyday,everyhour,everyminute.An owl claws on me from inside my chest. The desire to have one—just one more drink—that is the owl.” Author bio: Theauthorof12books,TimTingle(Choctaw)isafour-timewinnerof theAmericanIndianYouthLiteratureAwardforHouse of Purple Cedar (2016), How I Became a Ghost (2014), Danny Blackgoat, Navajo Prisoner (2014), and Crossing Bok Chitto (2008).Hewasalsotherecipientofthe2015WordcraftCircleofNativeWriters and Storytellers Award for his PathFinders novel No Name. TimhastraveledtoNavajocountryeveryyearsince1993,andtheDannyBlackgoat seriesemergedfromhisjourneysthroughthemountainsandcanyonsofNewMexico and Arizona. For more information, visit timtingle.com. Enjoy this first book in the No Name series by Tim Tingle. No Name Tim Tingle $12.95/978-1-939053-06-0/168pages/4½x7paper Ages: 12 to 16 / Reading level: 2.5 Winner of the 2015 Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers andStorytellersAwardinthemiddlegradescategory. 6 800-565-9523 137597 01-32 int 4C_OK-Proofs_PG 7_2017-03-02_09:46:17_C-M-Y-K Healthy Living Herbal Antivirals Strengthen Your Immunity Naturally Recent Sorrel Davis Thisbookdescribesthenatureofvirusesinlayman’stermsandcoverswhythesepathogenic organismsaresodifficulttodefeat.Exploretheadvantagesofusinganimpressivearrayofplant
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