Beginning schussers offered Holiday accident doesn't St. Rose, Neptune top free ski pastas this Friday recovering agoraphobic Register basketball polls LIVINQ/10A MONMOUTH/3A . SPORTS/1 B ThMONMOUTHe COUNTY'S HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1878 TUESDAY, JAN. 5. 1988 VOL. 110 NO. 83 25 CENTS Township OKs police computer mation — three sets of districts, By RANDY BRAMEIER first aid, fire and police — and the THE REGISTER history .of calls to certain address- es, for example. MIDDLETOWN — After mul- Officers at the scene of a crime ling two bids during the past 10 or en route could receive informa- months, Township Committee tion that could help them avoid a members last night awarded a dangerous situation, Scott and $532,354 computer records-and- others said. dispatching system to NCR Inc., More than 750,000 index cards Newark. and stacks of metal filing boxes delay officers and clerks who The award ended 12 years of search for background informa- frustration by administrators in tion. NCR's model will dispense the 102-member Police Dept. with the old syetm. Since 1975, police administrators have sought to computerize the He said information provided department. by Monmouth County law-en- forcement officials would supply "I'm quite pleased. This puts us police with "90-95 percent" of the back on the forefront (of police information police need now. he work)," Arthur C. Scott, captain of THE REQI8TER/ED BRETT added. detectives, said. "This system will Otherwise, civilian personnel READY, AIM — Snow showers down on, from left, Richie Crismale, 9, and Vinnie Crismale, 6, yesterday as they crough behind their be the best in the business." • snow fort. Margaret and Richard Crismale, standing behind the boys, are pelted by snow as Well. will begin work to pump in the ' Committee members voted 4-0 information as the need arises and to approve the bid during a spe- time permits. cial-action portion of a workshop session. Mayor Raymond I. Township leaders first bid the O'Grady, a division manager of project in March 1987, but only County digs out of snowfall Wang Labs, abstained, citing a one company — NCR of Dayton. •Qhio — bid. Committee members possible conflict. decided to rebid the project in Police said the system will expe- July. blamed for otrtages' dite patrols by providing all infor- See POLICE,.Page 2A ... Youngsters yesterday got an unexpected extension to their lines Lowney, manager Of graph Hill Road near Bethany Christmas vacation, thanks to ablic i lations for the Jersey Road caused the problems. Pair charged a fast-moving Nor'easter that fentral Power & Light Co. "It's a fail-safe system blanketed the area with up to 5 though the flickering lasted there's a short, (the power) gi inches of snow. i minutes, it triggered the out" to prevent fire, he said Most school* had been snows- 1 generator at Bay- In the Strathmore shore Community Hospital. Aberdeen, 100 customers lost with murder scheduled to reopen yesterday after a 10-day Christmas break. ay, people electricity 11:41 a.m.-1 The hospital's auxiliary .m., when branches fe Officials in virtually all yod home in Holmdel power systc switched on six school districts postponed Bne. rdeen had ' »r share of t first power Police and local officials ill opening until today, however, Gumina, hos- plead innocent both municipalities si in the wake of a major snowfall ice president. dents reported few complaints.' Sunday night that left high- sfmit- a were removed "Something blew. Tl in the bedroom of his apartment ways slick and some secondary failure s Holmdel, >ns proceeded nor- company was there in six min By KEVIN FRECHETTE in the Thousand Oaks apartment roads all but impassable. ent on and mally, he said. utes. It's just something that THE REGISTER complex, Middletown. Road crews worked through said that a burned- happened," said a Holmdel po- the night to clear roads and i fuse box at Tele- lice-desk officer. Investigators said that shortly See COUNTY, Page 2A FREEHOLD — Two Bayshore before he died, Meredith supplied men pleaded innocent yesterday to information leading to the arrests. charges they shot and killed the Wilson, of Railroad Avenue in music director of a Red Bank the Helton! section of Middletown! Governor signs health-attendant bill church in September. is charged with murder, conspira- The pleas were entered on be- cy to commit murder, unlawful final approval in the Assembly Nov. 30. to remain in their homes and to be employed, half of Ronald Wilson, 19. and possession of a weapon and pos- By KEVIN FRECHETTE trained or educated and to avoid being ad- The program allows people with chronic dis- Timothy J. Dyson, 20, during their session of a weapon for unlawful abilities to remain at home, rather than being. mitted to an institution," Bennett said. purpose. THE REGISTER The $3-million supplemental-appropriation arraignment before state Superior admitted to a nursing home, by providing them Court Judge Lawrence M. Lawson. with non-medical services at their, residences. will enable the program to continue and to Dyson, of Seabreeze Way. TRENTON — Gov. Thomas H. Kean expand to all 21 counties, Farragher said. Keansburg, is charged with mur- "Two years ago, a demonstration program The program is open to people 18-6S on a The pair were indicted Thurs- signed into law yesterday a bill appropriating' was set up in 10 counties to provide personal day on charges of murder in con- der and conspiracy to commit an additional $3 million to provide personal- sliding-fce scale based on participants' ability murder. attendants that help people with chronic physi- to pay. People whose income falls below the nection with the shooting death of attendant services to people with chronic phys- cal disabilities with such activities as bathing, Gary L. Meredith, former music ical disabilities. income-eligibility requirements receive free A Feb. 22 trial date has been set. dressing, preparing meals, laundry, shopping service. director of the First Presbyterian Wilson and Dyson are being The bill, sponsored by Assemblywoman and transportation," Farragher said. "This bill The bill also establishes a 20-member Advi- Church at Tower Hill, Red Bank. Clare M. Farragher and Assemblyman John O. will make this program permanent." sory Council on Personal Attendant Services in held in the Monmouth County Jail Bennett, both R-Monmouth, was merged with "By providing routine non-medical services, the state Dept. of Human Services, to include Meredith was shot once in the in lieu or $400,000 and $300,000 identical Senate legislation before receiving we are helping people with chronic disabilities at least 11 program participants. head and once in the torso Sept. 24 bail respectively. ' Ann Landers 8A Bloom County 6A Fighting addictions a delicate balance Business 6B Classified 8B said. "A person with an eating disorder Comics SB By KELLY JOHNSON turns to the nurturing effect of food. In Crossword 8A Psychologist tells women of prevention fact, it's that initial tension reduction that Editorial 6A THE REGISTER accelerates the addiction and increases de- Horoscope 8A an addiction occurs. It's important to un- in an addictive behavior such as drug pendency." Living 10A SHREWSBURY — One way for women derstand what changes tip that balance." abuse, alcoholism, overeating, anorexia, Some people may have a genetic predis- Lotteries 2A to stop and possibly to prevent addictive Certain changes in that delicate balance bulimia, gambling, etc. Even cigarette position for certain addictive behaviors. Monmouth 3A behavior is to understand the causes of ad- often come at a certain age, Erwin said. smoking is a type of addiction, Erwin said. Erwin said. Nation 7B diction, said Donald E. Erwin, a licensed "There are certain periods of normal de- "Given the health effects, laws and the A genetic predisposition does not prede- Obituaries 7A clinical psychologist in Fair Haven. velopment that can result in addictive be- social nonacceptance of cigarette smoking, termine addictive behavior but increases People ...» 8B anyone who smokes today, is addicted," thetondency to develop certain addictions, At a meeting last night of the American havior, such as graduating from high •The key to solving an addiction is ad- Sports IB Assn. of University Women, northern school, going to college, separajSn from Erwin said. "If they say they are not, they are going through denial." mitting one is helpless to the addiction, State 8B Monmouth County branch, Erwin lectured parental restraints," Erwin saidrj^In older Erwin said. Weather 2A on addictive behaviors in women. women addictive behavior may be trig- An individual may use her addictive be- gered by a biological or family transition, "You have to surrender and admit that World 7B havior to relax tension caused by a prob- you are powerless over the addiction," Your Town 9A "In every person there is a balance be- such as a marital separation or when older lem, Erwin said. tween inclination and restriction," Erwin children move away." Erwin said. "Anyone who is brought into CLASSIFIED 642-1700 said. "When the inclination becomes "The addiction refocuses the attention treatment prior to surrender really is not a CIRCULATION - 642-S8M stronger than the restriction, that is when Such changes may manifest themselves away from the source of stress," Erwin candidate for treatment." Action Front Page Reader* Odds * Ends for Sale JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! RN'S GN'S LPN'S Aide* Rumson Rotilelte AUTOS FOR SALE Explore the opportunities. Get results. Attract 68,000 Winter Clearance Now Merchandise for Sale Read the Help Wanted Columns readers with your ad here In Today's Classified in Today's Classified section Best Prices Nursing Medical Directory Best Deals in today's Classified Section See Today's Classified 2A The Register TUESDAY, JAN 5, 1988 News West Long Branch organizes In Brief WEST LONG BRANCH — been on the council since March, Police-fight report probed When the Borough Council orga- when he stepped in to fill the uri- nized noon Friday there were few expired term of Lester Wilcox.
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