Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, October 14, 2010 OUR 120th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 41-2010 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Westfield Council, Residents and Officials Oppose Armory Tower By LAUREN S. BARR approval. Mr. Bramnick said he andMr. Kean Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Kean told the residents he has are “bringing all of the resources we WESTFIELD – More than 50 resi- been talking with the state’s Adjutant have to stop the cell tower.” dents, many wearing “no cell tower” General, Major General Glenn Reith, Mayor Andrew Skibitsky thanked stickers, attended Tuesday’s town to find a solution “that doesn’t in- the senator and assemblyman for at- council meeting to hear from the clude a cell tower at that location.” tending the meeting and said he hopes council and State Senator Tom Kean, He said that the Department of Envi- that with their help, the town will Jr. and Assemblyman Jon Bramnick, ronmental Protection (DEP) is cur- prevent the construction of the cell both Westfield residents, regarding a rently reviewing the project and that tower at the Armory. proposed cell tower on the Westfield the review will take at least six months. Before the public-comment por- Armory property on Rahway Avenue. “I feel very good about the direction tion of the meeting, the council passed The 150-foot-high tower is being we’re going in,” Mr. Kean said, add- a resolution opposing the cell tower, proposed by T-Mobile. Because the ing that the Department of Military which Fourth Ward Councilman Armory property is state-owned, the and Veterans Affairs started this James Foerst read in full for the audi- project does not require the town’s project, but “We’re going to end it.” ence. The resolution says that, “the Town of Westfield strongly objects to the erection of a communications tower that would, in fact, be the tall- est structure in the entire town and, therefore, would permanently alter the landscape of this primarily resi- dential community.” According to the resolution, “the Town Planner has forwarded the His- toric Preservation Element of the Town’s Master Plan to the consultant conducting the requisite investiga- tion to determine compliance with Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader regulations set forth by the federal MAKING PROGRESS…Gary Michel, collection coordinator for the Rotary Club of Westfield’s Pedals for Progress, fixes government through the National a bike during the donation event held Saturday morning at the parking lot of the Westfield Board of Education Historic Trust.” The Armory is lo- administration building. The program rescues American bicycles and sends them to needy communities overseas. cated in the vicinity of the historic Stoneleigh Park neighborhood, which is listed with the National Register of County to Seek Competitive Historic Places. Ben Levin, who spoke on behalf of the residents opposed to the cell tower, thanked the council for speak- Bids on Solar Installations ing out against the project. He said By PAUL J. PEYTON gram is a direct-buy project whereby was all done prior to the improvement Lauren Barr for The Westfield Leader Specially Written for The Westfield Leader NOT ON MY WATCH...Regarding the proposed 150-foot-high cell tower on the that this is a “proposal that would the county would own the system and, authority’s project being born,” Mr. Westfield Armory property, Asm. Jon Bramnick of Westfield said at the town have a negative impact on housing ELIZABETH – The Union County thus, get back all the money it invests Graziano said. council meeting Tuesday night, they are “bringing all of the resources we have to prices.” Mr. Levin added that while Board of Chosen Freeholders is ex- for solar installations at the juvenile In other business, the county is ready stop the cell tower.” Senator Tom Kean, Jr., right, said that the Department of it is currently unknown what the pected to vote tonight on a resolution to detention center in Linden, the to move forward on its Green Skills Military and Veterans Affairs started this project, but “we’re going to end it.” health risks are in living next to a authorize seeking competitive contract- prosecutor’s office in Elizabeth and the Equals Green Jobs program. The pro- cell tower, there are special-needs ing for the installation of solar photo- Trailside Nature and Science Museum gram is funded through a $1-million children in the neighborhood sur- voltaic systems on county buildings. in Mountainside. grant from the United States Depart- Westfield Council Acts rounding the property who are pre- The county program is separate from a The second part of the solar program ment of Labor. The county is working disposed to cancer. program being offered to towns and concerns a power-purchase agreement, with the Utility Workers Union of Mr. Kean and Mr. Bramnick said school districts. which involves contracting with a third- America (UWUA-AFL-CIO) to train On Properties, Hears Public that they would update the mayor and According to Joseph Graziano, di- party solar developer who pays for the the unemployed and underemployed By LAUREN S. BARR process that could take months, and council regarding any news on the rector of engineering, public works total costs of the solar installations. for green-technology jobs, including Specially Written for The Westfield Leader prevented residents from being able issue. and facilities, the first part of the pro- County buildings to be included in this solar-energy installations such as the WESTFIELD – The town council to return home from the hospital, part of the program are Runnells Spe- panels to be installed on government passed two ordinances on second according to Fourth Ward Council- cialized Hospital in Berkeley Heights, buildings throughout the county. reading, at its Tuesday night meet- man James Foerst. Westfield Police Investigate the Vocational-Technical Schools and The first contract, to be awarded to ing, regulating the placement and The new ordinance allows for resi- the John Stamler Police Academy, both LCH Consulting of Hackettstown, length of time for use of portable dents to apply to the Zoning Official of which are located in Scotch Plains. would be for 20 hours of life-skills storage structures and an ordinance with proper documentation of medi- Report of Sexual Assault The Union County Improvement training in areas such as searching for on the installation of handicapped cal need for a fee of $50 with an By SUZETTE F. STALKER scribed as between 35 and 40 years Authority has offered a separate power- jobs, interviewing skills, résumé prepa- ramps. annual renewal cost of $25. The ordi- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader old, and that the black male driver is purchase program to all municipalities ration, understanding proper work at- The ordinances regarding “mobile nance also sets forth certain land- WESTFIELD – The Westfield Po- described as about 50 years old. The and school districts in the county. Cur- tire, proper social skills in the work- storage structures” require that resi- scaping requirements on the prop- lice Department is currently investi- victim was unable to give any further rently, 46 installations are proposed in place and an introduction to the utility dents submit an application to the erty owner and that the ramp must be gating an incident that occurred in description on the clothing or fea- 17 of the county’s 21 municipalities, industry. town’s construction official and sub- removed within 60 days of the “ces- the early-morning hours Monday in tures of her attackers. She reported with the county bonding $45 million – The board will vote on a resolution to mit a non-refundable $10 registra- sation of medical need.” which a 20-year-old Cranford being followed by a white male while funds that will be repaid by the power award a contract to the Leominster, tion fee. Residents will only be per- The council also approved the woman reported being forced inside walking south on South Chestnut providers. Mass.-based Steven J. St. Laurent/ mitted to have one unit on their prop- demolition of houses and detached a vehicle and sexually assaulted. Street toward North Avenue from a Mr. Graziano said the solar program Bridges Safety Institute, to provide 10 erty for no more than 30 days and can garages at 24 South Wickom Drive According to Captain David friend’s house and was forced through is part of the county’s energy master hours of training per guidelines set forth only apply for a unit twice in a 12- and 818 Wallberg Avenue. Wayman, the victim said she was the rear door of a van. plan, presented to the state in 2009. by the federal government’s Occupa- month period. Violations of the ordi- During the public-comment por- walking alone in the area of South The chief described the incident as “This (county buildings solar program) CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 nance are subject to a $250 fine. tion of the meeting, residents spoke Chestnut Street near Gumbert Park “criminal sexual contact” and said The new ordinance regarding on several topics. in Westfield when a white male ap- that a rape test was not conducted. handicapped ramps changes the pro- Martin Robins encouraged the coun- proached her and physically forced The victim was robbed of two credit cess for residents who become ill and cil to pass a resolution to support a her into a waiting dark minivan oper- cards and $450 in cash. The van did require a ramp to gain access to their project to build a tunnel that would ated by a black male.
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