Death cab for De Niro NEWS............................2 OPINION.........................4 FREE Taxi Driver is cold-blooded entertainment ARTS & CULTURE............6 The Vanguard is published SPORTS..........................10 ARTS & CULTURE page 8 every Wednesday PSUVANGUARD.COM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY PSUVANGUARD.COM PSUVANGUARD.COM PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY PUBLISHED SINCE 1946 PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY PUBLISHED SINCE 1946 WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 2012 | VOL. 67 NO. 3 Rudy Crew: education architect Chief education officer tion—he has been noted for his com- begins sweeping plan mitment to creating college pathways for under-served students, and enact- for reform in Oregon ing deep-cutting reforms such as cur- riculum standards and elimination of RAVLEEN KAUR VANGUARD STAFF tenure for principals. “We’ve given him a pretty full plate, Dr. Rudy Crew is preparing to make I will admit,” said Kitzhaber in press a promise to students in Oregon— conference remarks. “He needs to from kindergartners to graduate design, organize and implement the students. And for once, it’s not just statewide education system. He needs about grades. to develop an outcome-based budget KARL KUCHS/VANGUARD STAFF A NEW RULE that bans barehanded contact with ready-to-eat food is headed for Oregon restaurants. Last week, Crew began the ardu- for education, oversee the implementa- ous task of reforming Oregon’s public tion of achievement compacts, oversee COURTESY OF THE OREGON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION education system, facing the chal- the reorganization of early childhood RuDY CREW is Oregon’s new chief lenge of overseeing a sweeping range education officer. services and reach agreement, prob- of programs. He’s the state’s first chief ably the hardest of all, on how we gov- education officer, a newly-minted po- ern our post-secondary education in Food safety and sition designed as part of Governor and unanimously approved for the Oregon.” John Kitzhaber’s education overhaul, position by the governor’s Oregon Crew’s appointment has direct im- and he’s ready to get to work. Education Investment Board. plications for Portland State and other “This is not just about test scores. “A clear education vision is critical post-secondary institutions; public the gloved hand This is about the ability to make a new to Oregon’s life as a state,” Crew said. colleges and universities will be an and sustainable promise to students While there’s tremendous potential essential component of the Oregon throughout the K–12 and post-second- in Oregon, he said he’s seen optimism Education Investment Board’s plan for New Oregon standards between July 1, 2011, and June 30, ary universe. And we have to make and anxiety in people he’s met with redesign and reform. to require increased use 2012, spent $8,913 on gloves alone. good on that promise,” Crew said. across the state. “ASPSU will definitely be observing “That’s a lot of gloves,” Kellen said. Speaking at a news conference at “It’s the kind of trepidation that Dr. Crew’s leadership since he will be of gloves in kitchens “It’s a big chunk of our money, but it’s Earl Boyles Elementary School on comes with doing something you’ve making decisions that will affect all worth it to be safe. In our eyes, that’s May 30, Kitzhaber introduced Crew never done before. We have to be in- Oregon students,” said Victor Mena, DESMOND FULLER VANGUARD STAFF a cost that we gladly have…The safety as someone who has dedicated his tentional in how we solve some of the Associated Students of Portland State feature outweighs what it costs to life to improving public education in problems. Once we get that kind of University academic affairs director, Ask Tim Kellen, Aramark Cor- have those gloves on hand.” America. momentum going, then I think it will in an e-mail. “I have no doubt ASPSU poration’s food service director at As of July 1, a new rule banning “He clearly has the courage to do carry itself forward. Right now, it’s will be visiting Dr. Crew soon; being Portland State, about non-latex glove barehanded contact with ready-to-eat what’s right, even if it occasionally just overcoming the inertia of some- the biggest university in Oregon, we use in his kitchens, and he’ll tell you food in restaurants was set to sweep ruffles a few feathers,” Kitzhaber said. thing brand new,” he said. have a lot of responsibility to lead and how it impacts his bottom line. Over a 30-year career, Crew has advocate for better and more afford- A ‘bold’ history Kellen’s team goes through ap- been chancellor for the New York City able tuition.” See FOOD SAFETY on page 3 proximately 183,000 gloves a year, and Board of Education (the nation’s larg- Nationally recognized for his bold, “The knowledge-based economy est school district), superintendent unrelenting approach to education demands greater education levels for the Miami-Dade school district, leadership—including a public dis- than ever before. Now more than ever, in Florida and a leader of numerous agreement with then-mayor of New students need education or skills Controversy surrounds other school districts and organiza- York City Rudy Giuliani over school tions. He was appointed by Kitzhaber vouchers that led to Crew’s resigna- See CREW on page 2 local high school’s dismissal of PSU instructor The real Roman Polanski? Fliers for upcoming Given Key’s successes, many affili- Motivation for firing Chiron course still unclear ated with Roosevelt are confused by the administration’s decision. vandalized; student SAM LLoyd Michael Verbout, a 1962 graduate instructor reacts VANGUARD STAFF of Roosevelt and a member of the Roosevelt High School Alumni Students, parents and alumni at Association, said students and fami- GWEN SHaw VANGUARD STAFF Portland’s Roosevelt High School are lies had nothing but good things to wondering why their award-winning say about Key. boys’ basketball coach won’t be re- “He took the team to the state “Cinematic genius—international turning next year. tournament, so it couldn’t have been playboy—tragic victim—immoralist. Coach Robert Key, a physical edu- a question of performance on the Which is the real Roman Polanski?” cation instructor at Portland State, court. It’s raised a lot of questions,” This is the first sentence on the was abruptly let go at the end of the Verbout said. “It’s definitely got to be syllabus of Eric Wilkinson’s Chiron school year. The administration at a PR nightmare.” Studies course, called The World of the school won’t say exactly why they The school’s administration has Roman Polanski. MILES SANGUINETTI/VANGUARD STAFF made the decision. remained relatively silent regarding Set to start this fall, it will focus ERIC WILKINSON will be teaching a Chiron course this fall examining the work of filmmaker Key was asked to resign from his the reasoning for Key’s dismissal and on Polanski as an artist—not the Roman Polanski. position on April 13 after holding could not be reached for comment for man accused of statutory rape. Cur- the position for eight years. He had this article. rently, only one student is enrolled, “At first I was mad. I can’t say that I disappointed that in a college set- received numerous accolades for However, Key himself feels he perhaps because of the class’s was shocked, but I was disappointed,” ting it’s still possible for things to his work with the team, including knows why: He overstepped the Or- controversial topic. Wilkinson said. Afterward, he sat in a be vandalized rather than to start two awards for Coach of the Year in egon School Activities Association’s A few weeks ago, as Wilkinson class but couldn’t focus, so he went out a dialogue.” Roosevelt’s division, the Portland In- requirements for the appropriate was walking to one of his classes, he into the hallway to think things through. He explained that he would not terscholastic League. Just last year, number of “hardship” players on saw one of his fliers on the floor with “I just went out, and after I had a have minded if people had put Roosevelt made it all the way to the his roster. the words “CHILD RAPIST” graf- little time to let it soak in, I took the up posters next to his that said, quarterfinals of the 4A state basket- fitied across the front. It wasn’t the fliers down, tore them up and threw ball tournament. only one. them away,” Wilkinson said. “I was See KEY on page 2 See POLANSKI on page 3 2 Vanguard • Wednesday, July 11, 2012 • neWs NE NE NEWWWS S SNE • • W•TUESDAY TUESDAY SWEDNESDAY, • TUESDAY, ,J JANUARYANUARY JULY, MAY 24, 11,17, 1, 2012 • VANGUARD 3 EDITOR: DEEDA SCHROEDER [email protected] NEWS 503-725-3883 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF [email protected] Erick Bengel NEWS EDITOR [email protected] Deeda Schroeder No diploma, no financial aid Portland State professor investigates OPINION EDITOR [email protected] Aid no longer change will affect enrollment in the Pell Grant continues to be Students without a high or have not taken a second Meredith Meier offered to students higher education, he added. $5,550 per student, the amount school diploma who apply to language class may take a Ofsink said that since a high of funding for the entire pro- PSU are now given the option to proficiency exam through the connections between suicide, alcohol ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR without a high [email protected] school equivalence is already gram has been reduced and is get a GED, said Celeste Krueger, Office of Admissions, Registra- Joseph Mantecon school diploma or required in order to be accepted no longer offered to students assistant director for new stu- tion and Records.
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