l(AIS01,2, The Arts Council of England Accounts 1999 The Arts Council is the national body for the arts in England . We distribute public money from government and the lottery to artists and arts organisations, both directly and through th e 10 Regional Arts Boards ; we commission new work ; conduct research ; provide advice and information ; and develop awarenes s and support for the arts in this country. We are an independent , non-political body working at arms length from the Government. Through all our work, we aim for excellence and seek to mak e the highest artistic achievements available to the widest public ; to be proactive in encouraging new work ; to integrate the arts more fully within education ; to bring the challenge of new art i n all forms to as many people as possible ; and to celebrate th e diversity of England's cultural background . The Arts Council's 1999 annual report is published in three sections : • Annual Review • Accounts • National Lottery Report I The Arts Council of England 1 The Arts Council of England accounts 1 April 1998 - 31 ,tilarch 199 9 Foreword year and monitors the work of the Chie f efficiently. All fixed assets are stated a t Introductio n Executive and staff . There are a numbe r cost less depreciation, except works o f The Arts Council of England is a of advisory panels which have no art, which are stated at cost . The registered charity, Charity Registration executive authority but play an estimated market value of the works o f Number 1036733 . It was established b y important role by providing advice fro m art is f26.973 million . Investments are Royal Charter on 1 April 1994, taking the arts constituency. The Arts Council' s stated at market value . over those responsibilities in Englan d staff are led by the Chief Executive an d previously discharged by the Art s his Executive Team . There is a separate Internal restructure Council of Great Britain . department for each of the art form During 1998 a new Executive Team wa s The address of the principal office i s areas that the Arts Council supports a s formed consisting of the Chief Executive 14 Great Peter Street, London SW1 P 3N Q well as the cross-art form areas o f and three Executive Directors . The Council receives grant-in-aid fro m education and training, touring and Following a consultation period a ne w the Department for Culture, Media an d lottery programmes . staffing structure was agreed . The Sport and is one of the bodies revised structure is organised into fou r designated to distribute funds from the Review of the yea r directorates . These are : National Lottery by the National Lottery The Council's principal activity is th e • The Arts Directorate etc. Act 1993 (as amended by th e support of the arts . To this end it makes • The Planning and Resources Directorate National Lottery Act 1998) . grants to arts organisations an d • The Communications Directorate Grant-in-aid is distributed by th e Regional Arts Boards, and engages i n • The Research and Policy Directorat e Council in support of the arts i n other activities on behalf of the sector. accordance with the objectives set ou t The Chief Executive's report in th e This structure, which contains 20 7 in the Royal Charter. Funds from th e Annual Report provides further details o f full-time equivalent posts covering th e National Lottery are distributed i n its policies and activities . activities of the Council both for grant - accordance with directions issued unde r in-aid and lottery, is due to becom e the Act by the Secretary of State fo r Financial results operational on 1 November 1999 . Culture, Media and Sport. The Department for Culture, Media an d The Council works at arm's lengt h Sport provided grant-in-aid of f 189 .6 Regional Arts Board s from Government and has the status o f million for the year . An adjustment o f The Regional Arts Boards are a Non-Departmental Public Body . As f 1 million to grant-in-aid outstandin g independent companies, and grants to such it is regulated in accordance wit h was made during the period . them from the Arts Council are subject Financial Memoranda issued by th e A further f 1 .35 million was received to conditions set by the Council . Th e Secretary of State. Accounts fo r from the Department for Educatio n Council made operating grants o f grant-in-aid and lottery are prepared and Employment towards the Interi m £58 .376 million to the Regional Arts separately in accordance with th e Funding Scheme . The accounts fo r Boards during the year, as detailed i n accounts directions. activities funded from grant-in-aid (se t Note 4 of the accounts . In addition the The governing body of the Arts out on pages 8 to 20) show a deficit of Council made further grants of f2 .447 Council of England is the Council which , f4.534 million . Total grants awarde d million to Regional Arts Boards for a from June 1998, consists of a Chairma n during 1998/99 were f 188 .293 million . range of other activities . and ten members . The Council meets i n Assets are held to enable the Counci l formal session about ten times each to fulfil its objectives effectively and 2 The Arts Council of England Foreword Continued Membership of Counci l The members of the Arts Council during the year and up to the signing of the accounts were : Member Date of appointment/renewa l Date of resignation/retiremen t .. __ Gerry Robinson (Chairman from May 1998) January 199 8 Lord Gowrie PC (Chairman to April 1998) April 1994 April 1998 Derrick Anderson June 1998 David Astor CBE April 1998 June 1998 David Brierley CBE* November 1997 June 1998 renewed June 199 8 Deborah Bull CBE June 1998 Professor Ray Cowell April 1996 June 1998 Professor Brian Cox CBE FRSL January 1997 June 1998 Charles Denton August 1996 June 199 8 Professor Christopher Frayling* April 1995 March 199 8 renewed June 199 8 Antony Gormley OBE June 1998 Gavin Henderson May 1997 June 199 8 Thelma Holt CBE May 1997 June 199 8 Anish Kapoor June 1998 Councillor George Loggie April 1998 June 199 8 Joanna MacGregor June 199 8 Lady MacMillan December 1996 June 1998 Professor Andrew Motion April 1996 June 1998 renewed June 1998 Rod Natkiel November 1997 June 1998 Stephen Phillips May 1997 June 1998 Trevor Phillips OBE May 1997 June 1998 Christopher Price November 1997 June 1998 Roger Reed April 1996 June 1998 Prudence Skene* April 1996 June 1998 renewed June 1998 John Spearman December 1996 June 1998 Hilary Strong June 1998 Professor Stuart Timperley April 1998 June 1998 *These members are also members of the Audit Committee . I The Arts Council of England 3 Foreword Continued Chief Executive, Chairman an d less favourable treatment on th e or modified to achieve compliance . Council members appointmen t grounds of race, colour, ethnic or The cost of this exercise is estimated The Chief Executive, Peter Hewitt , national origin, marital status, age , at approximately E100,000 . This was appointed on 9 March 1998 b y gender, sexual orientation, disability figure covers both grant-in-aid an d the Council with the approval of th e or religious beliefs . lottery activities . Secretary of State for Culture, Medi a The Council ensures that there are The Council operates a Year 200 0 and Sport for a period of five years . arrangements to promote effectiv e help desk set up to provide advice an d The title of the Secretary Genera l consultation and communications wit h assistance to funded arts organisations . was changed to Chief Executive b y all staff. All departments have regula r an amendment of the Charter o n staff meetings at which matters relatin g The Euro 22 April 1998 . to the Council's activities are discussed The activities of the Arts Council of On 1 May 1998 Gerry Robinson too k and staff are regularly briefed on th e England are largely national . Althoug h up his appointment as Chairman of th e matters discussed at Executive Team an d some exposure to transactions in euro s Arts Council of England . On 17 Jun e Council meetings . Meetings of all staff is anticipated, it is not considered tha t the existing Council of 22 member s are held periodically. The Counci l these will initially be significant. resigned . A new Council, comprisin g recognises the trade union MSF, with Financial systems and procedures are a total of 10 members together wit h which it has established a procedura l being reviewed to ensure that they are the Chairman, was then appointed . This agreement; representatives o f capable where necessary of dealing i n contains four members of the previou s management and union meet regularly . the new currency. Costs of ensuring Council plus six new members . compliance in the early stages are not The Chairman is appointed for a n Year 2000 computer complianc e expected to be great. initial term of up to five years and is The year 2000 problem relates to th e eligible for re-appointment for on e inability of most computer programs to Other matters further term of up to five years . Other recognise the transition from the yea r The Co-operative Bank of 78-8 0 members are appointed for up to thre e 1999 to 2000 .
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