Index Page numbers in italic indicate maps or photographs. 1st Battalion, 6th Marines (1/6) 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines (2/4), 248, 346, dysfunction of, 183 347, 348 headquarters, 54, 83 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, 351 leadership, 86 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines, 294–95, 352 Operation Squeeze Play, 27 5.56mm rounds, 7, 96, 136, 249 provincial government center 7.62mm ammo, 7, 74, 136, 149, 155, 166, protection, 163 226, 249, 303, 311 in Qatana, 162 9mm pistols, 36, 39, 286 and SEALs, 144 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) taking credit for weapons cache find, AO Bull-Rush, 348 133, 136 commanding officers’ visit and pep UAV use, 179 talk, 137 See also Operation Hue City; Operation deployment extension, 183 Hue City II deployment into Al Anbar Province, 89, 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry (1/9 infantry), 346–47 188, 191, 192, 235, 292, 352. See also Rutbah, 349 Julayba; Operation Churubusco 24 (TV series), 221 1st Battalion, 37thCOPYRIGHTED Armor (1-37 Armor) 40mm MATERIAL grenades, 17, 115, 116, 207, AO Bandit, 4 256, 304 intelligence officer’s briefing, 22 .50 caliber machine guns, 12, 17, 146, 147, leadership, 28 152, 154, 304 Operation Squeeze Play, 27 57mm IRLs (improvised rocket launchers), SEALs use, 87 258, 262 See also Operation Harrison Creek I 82mm mortars, 133, 174, 262, 285, (HC1); Operation Harrison Creek II 295, 340 (HC2); Operation Windmill Point 120mm cannons, 55, 149, 217 1st Brigade, 1st Armor Division, 20, 351 120mm mortars, 109, 133, 174, 244, 282, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines (2/3), 348 283, 340 355 bbindex.inddindex.indd 335555 22/24/10/24/10 11:15:17:15:17 PPMM 356 INDEX 122mm artillery rounds, 103 Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 240G machine gun, 149, 171, 172 briefings on, 23–24, 26, 28 brutality of, 26, 102 Abdallah Ibn Al-Mubarak Brigade, 23 command-and-control network, 262, 351 Abd-al Sala’am mosque, 138, 166–67 founding of, 23 Abizaid, General John, 346 Kasim kidnapping, 327–31, 333–34 Abrams tanks, 6, 55, 56, 70, 97, 108, 149, leadership, 23, 26, 184, 194, 312 172, 300, 318 Operation Churubusco goals, 192, 197 Abu Soda tribe, 192, 195 Operation Squeeze Play goals, 22, Ahlquist, Sergeant Clinton, 271 349–50 death and sacrifice of, 304–5, 312, 345 in Sijariah region, 201, 216 enemy vehicle recovery mission and and Sunni scouts, 228, 229 ambush, 247, 251 al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 23–24, 303 Julayba patrol, 279, 280, 281, 283 America, Iraqis’ view of, 164 Operation Hue City, 114–15, 116 ammunition, 69. See also specific types Operation Hue City II, 156, 157, 159 Anbar Awakening movement Risala Takedown, 303–5 AQI’s brutality against members of, 26 AIF (Anti-Iraqi Forces), 31, 193, 194 briefing, 24 Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company campaign with 15th MEU, 351, 352, 354 (ANGLICO), 30, 32, 66 context of, 347–48 AK-47 and AK variant weapons, 35, 58, 77, founding of, 184, 347, 351 136, 166, 335, 345 transition from militia to security AK fire, 70, 71–72, 206 force, 353 Al Anbar Province, 49, 346–47 Anbar Salvation Council, 218 Al Anbar University, 24 Anderson, Corporal Dustin, 277 Al Andaloos, 24 Battle of Christmas Day, 154 Albin, Lance Corporal Joash, 43, 125 COP Melia patrol, 314, 317, 318 Battle of Christmas Day, 148–49, Julayba patrol and ambush, 254, 256–57, 150, 152 260–61, 262 and Brigade Reconnaissance Team, 159 ANGLICO (Air Naval Gunfire Liaison competence of, 65 Company), 30 detainees supervised under, 290 Annapolis-Farm intersection, 155, 156–57 Operation Harrison Creek I, 29, 32, 35, Anti-Iraqi Forces (AIF), 31, 193, 194 36, 37 AO. See area of operation (AO) Operation Harrison Creek II, 49 Apache 6, 160–61 Operation Hue City, 97, 113–14, Apache Company, 86, 94, 113, 174–75 120, 123 Apache helicopters, 253, 268, 290–91, Operation Hue City II, 138, 142, 163, 331–33 164–65, 166, 173 Apple, 195 Operation Windmill Point, 65–66, 67, AQI. See Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77 Aranez, Corporal Ezekiel, 150–51, 304 Team America graffiti, 164 ARDF (Ar Ramadi Regional Detention Albu Bali tribe, 230, 231, 255, 272, 287 Facility), 37, 61, 92, 210 Albu Musa mosque, 222, 235, 289, 330, 331 area of operation (AO) Albu Musa tribe, 230, 231, 286, 287, 288– Bandit, 4 89, 331–32 Bastard, 137, 348 Albu Obaid IP, 285 Bull-Rush, 137, 347, 348 Ali, Abu, 236–37, 243, 272, 284, 285, 286, Manchu, 188 288, 289, 320, 329, 331, 333–34 Rage, 214 al-Masri, Abu Ayyub, 303 Tarheel, 84, 183 Alpha (objective), 31, 33, 34 Arias, Sergeant, 15, 17, 18, 19 al Qaeda, 22 armor, 69 bbindex.inddindex.indd 335656 22/24/10/24/10 11:15:18:15:18 PPMM INDEX 357 Ar Ramadi Regional Detention Facility Battle of Christmas Day, 149 (ARDF), 37, 61, 92, 210 Operation Hue City, 103, 114, 116, Awakening movement. See Anbar Awakening 121, 122 movement Operation Hue City II, 147, 166, 173, 174 Ba’athists, 23, 218 Ba’ath Party, 54, 83 C4, 15, 17, 38, 96, 101, 155, 315 Baghdad, 22, 54, 347, 350, 351–52, 353 caches. See weapons caches Baker and Dog Company 1/9 INF, 191 caliphate, 24, 105 Bandits. See 1st Battalion, 37th Armor (1-37 Camp Corregidor, 190–91, 195, 252, 287 Armor) Camp Hurricane Point (HP), 54, 83 Barnes, Corporal Chris, 264, 265 Camp Pendleton, 22 Barwana, 348 Camp Ramadi, 19, 29–30, 40, 48, 61, 79, Baseline-Graves intersection, 72 83, 91–92 Baseline Street, 68, 69–70, 71 Camp Ranger, 211 basic officer trainer, 23 Camp Taqqaddum, 332 Basra, 353 Carlson, First Sergeant Eric, 131 Bastard (AO), 137, 348 1/6 taking credit for weapons cache battle-damage assessments (BDA), 122, 145 find, 133 Bears Road, 331–32 and Oliver North’s visit, 90 Beaton, Doc, 205 Operation Churubusco, 200, 203–4 “Beemer,” 36–37, 38, 40 Operation Hue City, 83 BFT (Blue Force Tracker), 202, 296, 297–98 Operation Windmill Point, 68 BFVs (Bradley fighting vehicles), 30, 42, 60, Carter, Lance Corporal Christopher, 251, 284 258, 261 “Bird Dog,” 292–93 Casey, General George, 346 Bishop, Gunnery Sergeant Edward casualties and Iraqi scouts, 284 at checkpoints, 292–95 and Oliver North’s visit, 90 Iraqi scouts, 335–37 Operation Churubusco, 200, 202, Lance Cpl. Hadden from sniper fire, 205, 207 303–4 Operation Hue City, 83, 123 Sgt. Ahlquist from IED, 304–5, 312, 345 Operation Hue City II, 136, 146 shotgun accidents, 339 blogs, 146–47 CH-53 helicopters, 344 Blue Force Tracker (BFT), 202, 296, 297–98 Champion, Sergeant, 36–37, 38–39, 237 body bags, 250–51, 252 Charlie (objective), 31, 34 bongo trucks, 208, 253, 254, 255–56, 259, Chavez, Lance Corporal Steven, 287–88, 308, 335–36 339–40, 345 booby traps, 115 Chechens, 27, 306 Bradford, Corporal William, 10, 11, checkpoint, definition of, 298 167–68, 172, 173, 206–7 checkpoint 294, 54 Bradley fighting vehicles (BFVs), 30, 42, 60, checkpoint 295, 54, 92, 125, 180, 300 251, 284 checkpoint 296, 241, 294–95, 296, 297–300 Bravo (objective), 30, 33, 34 chem-lights, 74–75, 321 Brigade Reconnaissance Team (BRT), 159, children 160–62 insurgents’ use of, 48–49, 145, 150, 203, Brown, Corporal Adam, 254, 255, 259, 262 204–5 BRT (Brigade Reconnaissance Team), 159, Marines’ experiences with, 98 160–62 Chontosh, Captain, 175–76 Bull-Rush (AO), 137, 347, 348 Christmas, 123–24 Bush, George W., 183, 351, 352 Christmas Day, Battle of, 135, 148–55 Bustamante, Sergeant Churubusco. See Operation Churubusco bbindex.inddindex.indd 335757 22/24/10/24/10 11:15:19:15:19 PPMM 358 INDEX CINC U.S. Central Command, 346 Dagger GPS, 297 Clark, Captain, 210, 211 Daly, Lieutenant Thomas, 125, 126, 127, Clarkson, Kelly, 173, 175–76 128, 268, 269, 270 Clinton, Lance Corporal Jackie, 248 college experience with Lt. Thomas, 13 CNN, 354 dream about death, 123–24 coalition forces smoking, 25–26, 52–53, 70–71 and Awakening Movement, 24 wife of, 224, 228–29 in Haditha Triad, 353 See also specific index entries in Julayba, 192, 344 Davidson, Corporal Clark, 312 in Ramadi, 24–25, 27, 92, 280 Davila, Corporal Jesus, 130 in Sijariah, 313 egg breakfast preparation, 169–70 Cobra 6, 15–16 investigation of, 40, 51 COC (combat operations center), 9, 14–15 Iraqi scout missions, 231, 233, 234, 235, Collard, Corporal Seth, 247–51, 279, 280, 236, 289 281, 283 Julayba patrols, 341, 342 Colt (street), 6 Operation Churubusco, 197–98, 199, Colwell, Staff Sergeant Todd, 257, 277 200, 207, 208, 209 Comanche Company, 86, 95, 106, 108, 110, Operation Harrison Creek I, 34, 111, 143 37–38, 40 combat operations center (COC), 9, Operation Hue City II, 158, 165, 168, 14–15 170, 171 Combat Outposts (COPs) Ramadi events around COP Grant, 6, 7, Eagles Nest, 50, 61–62 8, 10, 11, 12 Falcon, 41, 44, 50, 63, 64, 153 Risala Takedown, 319–20 Firecracker, 86, 92–95, 110, 114, “Daytona 500,” 13 117, 159 Daytona Street, 6, 7, 11 Grant, 3–6, 13, 14, 31, 45, 50, 54–55, Del Castillo, Doc, 316–18 64, 78–79 detainees Iron, 60, 61 Iraqi scout missions, 235, 236, 237, Melia, 252, 265, 313 241–46, 252 Qatana, 86, 89, 90, 108–10, 111 Julayba missions, 286–87, 289–90, 300 Rage, 199, 206, 208, 238, 239, 302 Operation Churubusco, 210–11 Sword, 64, 72 Operation Harrison Creek I, 35–40, command-and-control network, 262, 351 46, 48 command wire, 69 Operation Harrison Creek II, 60–61 Company E, 348 Operation Windmill Point, 79 Company F, 348 processing, 29 Company G, 347 Risala Takedown, 322–23 Conley, Corporal Matthew Diyala Province, 352 Battle of Christmas Day, 150 dogs, 198–99 Julayba patrol, 279, 280, 281, 283 Double-A, 284, 286, 287, 319–21, Operation Hue City II, 147 323, 340 Risala Takedown, 303 Downum, Corporal William, 312 Convery, Private First Class Kevin, 317 dreams, about death, 123–24 Cooke, Lance Corporal, 126, 152 DSU riverine patrol craft, 193 COPs.
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