A; MRa CHLOM BAKER f BURTON E. BAKEIf The funeral services for Mrs. Mir& AODiE BAKER jf/f Baker, who died Wednesday at Burton EL Baker, who died sudden Gouveihenr, Get ITf.—Mrs. Addis home of her' sister in Oowgeo^ win Lamson Baker, 49, wife of Herbert B. ly oI pneumonia on April IsH waa held there on Friday at two- pw Baker, West Main street, died tonight one of the prominent business- men and the burial wlU be In cemetery, Sandy Creek. n She had been in poor health since last and citizens of the town of Boylston. spring but had only been confined .to BAKER-MEAD ^ her bed one week. ' j.,. •.*¥ He was the eldest son of L. J. Baker; MRS. CHLOE BAKER - The marrlase of ■ Thelma Netlnai • She was bom in Lorraine and mss* and was lx>m August 7, 1S67, and at Chloe A Tbomlinson, daughter ol Mead, daughter of Mr. and l&s. ES. I^ ried Mr. Baker in 1888. She was a his dea^ was aged 41 years, 7 Richard and Hannah (Potter) Thom-^ Mead to Emerald Baker, Bolton L>an« member of the Baptist church, Gou- Unson, died In Oswego Hospital, Sep Ing, was- aolemnteed at four o'clodci vemeur grange, the Mother's club and months and 24 days. He spent his tember 26, 1929, at the age of 74 Friday, Aug. 1, at the CongregatlonaU the West Side Birthday club. whole life on the farm where he after an illness of five months. ^ parsonage, Sandy Creek, ^t. T, T,' Besides her husband and mother, died. He has served his town suc She was maxried to Clayttm L, Davlea officiating. ■ / 1 30 j Mrs. Riley Lamson, Mannsville, she Baker. June 24, 1876, by Kov. j. ±iJ| The bride wore a gown of Jeanne d*] leaves a daughter. Miss Helen B^ers cessfully in the oflSce of town clerk Hicks at the home of hec uncle, B. P.* Arc blue chiffon, black velvet an« a sister, Miss Ehmice Lamson, Mannir for the past nine years and was Potter of Lacona, with whom shof straw hat, black slippers. The groozaj vilie'and two brothers, Norton J. Lam an honest and upright man who will made her home while attending Sandy wore a dark suit. The couple weret son, Barrington, R. L, and N. George Creek High ScbooL Clavton ^ Baker attended by Mr. and Mrs. Raymonds Lamson, Jersey Shore, Fa. be greatly missed by all who knew waa a brother of Howard r. Baxerjl, Given of Syracuse, Mrs. Given being) E\inei^ services will be conducted him. Lacona, and MrsrTff: V. Thomaaj a sister of the bride. She wore by Rev. Roy B- Bamett Sunday after He was married Novemhr 22,1887, Sandy Creek, and of Dr. BLiQ- B^feez gown of Bennnda green chiffon, blade noon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in of Vanceburg, Kentncky. velvet and straw hat and black sUik Riverside cemetery. jOf to Miss Cora B. Riley, who survives Itor home for a number of years, pen. After the ceremony the party him together with three childi-en, was in the wesL In 1898 she return had dinner at the "Wigwam." Mrs. Leon Bortles, Fto'sie, Grant; ed to Laoona where she resided until ■ Mrs. Baker graduated from Sandy MUH. ALICE BAKER an ag^ father. L. J. Baker, and one two years ago when she went to Os Creek High School and is a graduate On Friday, August 14,1931, occurred wego to live with her sister, Mrs. of Potsdam Normal in the class of the death of Mrs. Aice Baker at the sister, Mrs. D. M."Wood^ of Cam- John Washburn. '29. For the past year she has been home of her sister, Mrs. J. G. Snyder den; two hjothers, Willard of Os- She leaves to mourn her loss, Mrs. supervisor of music at Bolton Land of Lacona. Bilrs. Baker's health had wego and Herman of Liverpool, who George C. Baker and son of Washing- ing, where she Is engaged for the com been poor tor some time and during lon, U. C., ani niece, Mrs. Myron ing year. the past four weeks she had heen se mourn the loss of a kind and loving Stone of Oswegoi She wao a membes Mr. Baker is a popular young man riously ilL Death was caused by hard husband, father, son and brother of Cbrisr church of Des Moines, la, of Bolton Landing and attended the ening of the arteries. and a Isirge circle of friendis. His and a member of the order of the lo high school there. After a short wed E^lneral services were held at the cal Bastem Star. ding trip visiting places of interest home of Mrs. Snyder at 2:00 o'clock, fimeral was largely attended Sunday, about the Finger Lakes and Mohawk Sunday afternoon. Rev. T. T. Davies of April 4th. at the Wesleyan church, Valley the couple will reside in Bol ficiating. Interment was in Woodlawn ton Landing, N. T., where Mr. Baker Cemetery, Sandy Creek. Etev. D. 0- Havens officiating and r is employed by the Ormsby Brolhors, Mrs. B^er was bora in 1859, in the speaking from the text Job- contractors and builders., town of MarUn. Allef«tn rnpntv. Mich- 14:14 "If a ""t" die shall he liv< ' GRANT. LKBOY BAKER igan. being tne daughter of Nathan againt" His hrotheia Willard "Grant Leroy Baker, son of the Davis and Ruth Severance Davis. 'late. Burtoo B. and. Cora B. MRS, ADA BAKER-': When she was about one year of ago, Herman Baker, D._ It Woodard 1 (Rfleyl^Bak'«tf'''vnis'born in the: ■ she with her parents came to Com- Micheal Ridgeway carefully am 'tbWn'of Boyiston'Jude 29, 1899, September 2 at two o'clo^ the den. N. T., and after residing there tenderly laid his body to rest in tbc^ land'died July '16; 1938. at the eral services of Mrs. Ada ^er wew 1 for two years moved to this locality. i House>-'ot-' the -Good Shepherd, held at the homo of hw sister, Mim j Alice Dttvls was educated in the Wesleyan cemetery beside his oldest j Syraoube. where f he had been A. N. Howe, Rev. C. B. Woodley of the local schools, and in 1884 became the child. Myrtle, who died 19 years ago. i takea.ifof tr^tment: of embolism, M. & church officiating. wife of Howard F. Baker of Lacona, 'Ttraa Bad to see theo breathe thy last, i The (vneral; watit 4)eld Monday, Mrs. Baker's maiden name was Aoa their maiTied life being spent in that But Jeans lovingly 48td."Como _ • 'July 18 at his late home In Boyl Brewer. Her marriage to Mr. Baker village. Mr. Baker passed away Janu Sow thy sufferings all v 'occurred in Albion twenty-four ycOT ADd thy street spirit reats at borne.. ^ j ston,.and was .conducted by Rev. lago. Shortly after their marri^e h« ary 4, 193L mid since that time Mrs. i Adeibert Edwards, pastor of the hushand died. She has made^ Baker had made her home with her Wesleyan .Churcbj, of Boylston. home for many years with hw twto sister, Mrs. Snyder. 1 BurfM Svdd'In the Wesleyan ceme sUter. Mrs. A N. Howe, of South Mrs. Baker was a member of Lake tery;' " , Main street ' , ! Ontario Chapter O. El S. Mr." Baker Is sirylved by two Her Christian character has alwara She is Burrtved by two sisters, Mrs. MR& CAROLINE BAKER sisters.'Mrs. Leon Bortles of La El. S. Root of Sandy Creek and Mrs. The death of Mrs. Caroline Baker, cona and Mrs. C; ». Robblns of been shown by her libeiullty toward, J. G. Snyder of Lacona. Boyl0boa:;otwb aunts. Miss Anna those who were in need, and by atx People who were in towfi for Mrs. widow of Lartoa Baker,, who was a Riley--with-whom he had made kindliness to those who were afflicted^ reatdeat of Orwell tor-many years, Just pnor to her death she suffered Baker's funeral Included Mr. and Mrs. tccurred at tho homo of her grand- his home since the death of his many weeks with heart trouble Md- Nelson R. Pirnie of Albany; Mr. and •on, at Lycoming, parents,, and -Mrs: Rose Russell, passed away Aug. 30th. hw Mrs. William A Cave, Philadelphia, 'anuary 19. Mrs- Baker waa,94 yoara both of' Boylston;. two uncles, illness she displayed great ChrisUaal Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Elarl Hadley, Sol- f ago. She leaves one son, Atonzo, William Baker of.' Qswego and fortitude, a grace so muw needed J vay; Mr. and Mrs. Brainard HffL Syr •f Mexioo, and one brother, Elstck Hermaa Baker o(.Lacona- amidst the changes of life. _ 1 acuse; Mr. and Mrs. William Toung, itewart, of Richland. She leaves three sisters. Mm. Emni--j Syracuse; Howard Young, Syracuse; Thcr body waa brought to Sandy ces Nichols of Adams Center, Mr^^ Dr. Davis, Pulaski; Mrs. BUen Mon "broek. In tho spring burisl will bCj Augusta Spragtfe of Richland, mdi tague. Otweli; Mr. and Mrs. Dexter nado beside her husband in Wood: Mrs. A N. Howe of Sandy Creek. Tw^ LOly, Pulaski; Mrs. R. B. McConnell, -awn cemetery. 14. a/ brothem survive J. M. Breww o^ Pierrepont Manor, and Miss Alice Adams and James Brewer of RIcIh^ Pierrepont Mantfr, ani| Miss AiiCte land, .. Bradway, Pierrepont Manor, ° ..J In their bereavement they have toW sympathy of Mm Baker's mana* trien^ • .a or the village and water conxmiB8ion-|| DR, WILLIAM, PIMM BAKER MRa FLOJENCE BETT8 BAKER" er and rendered valuable service onn The sad nev^of me death of Flor the Board of Education for a quarter I I William Pimm Baker, for « years editor of The PosbStandardllardi 5 ence Betts Baker reached Pulaaki- of a century.
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