September 10, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5911 friends and allies to constantly contain and Kelly (MS) Noem Sessions Schrader Swalwell (CA) Veasey Kelly (PA) Nugent Shimkus Scott (VA) Takai Vela confront Iranian aggression in the region. The King (IA) Nunes Shuster Scott, David Takano Vela´ zquez United States and Israel must always stand to- King (NY) Olson Simpson Serrano Thompson (CA) Visclosky gether to confront that threat. The fact remains Kinzinger (IL) Palazzo Smith (MO) Sewell (AL) Thompson (MS) Walz that Iranian support for their terrorist proxy Kline Palmer Smith (NE) Sherman Titus Wasserman Knight Paulsen Smith (NJ) Sinema Tonko Schultz Hezbollah continues to destabilize Lebanon Labrador Pearce Smith (TX) Sires Torres Waters, Maxine and poses a direct threat to Israel, as does its LaMalfa Perry Stefanik Slaughter Tsongas Watson Coleman support for Hamas. We must do all we can to Lamborn Pittenger Stewart Smith (WA) Van Hollen Welch Lance Pitts Stivers Speier Vargas Yarmuth ensure that our ally Israel maintains its quali- Latta Poe (TX) Stutzman tative military edge in the region, including LoBiondo Poliquin Thompson (PA) NOT VOTING—2 providing increased funding for Israel’s Arrow Long Pompeo Thornberry Maloney, Wilson (FL) anti-ballistic missile and Iron Dome anti-rocket Loudermilk Posey Tiberi Carolyn Love Price, Tom Tipton systems. Consideration should also be given Lucas Ratcliffe Trott b 1722 to previously denied weapons if a need for Luetkemeyer Reed Turner So the resolution was agreed to. such enhanced capabilities arises. We must Lummis Reichert Upton MacArthur Renacci Valadao The result of the vote was announced always remember that some of Iran’s leaders Marchant Ribble Wagner as above recorded. have called for the destruction of Israel and Marino Rice (SC) Walberg A motion to reconsider was laid on we must never forget the awful past that Massie Rigell Walden the table. teaches us not to ignore those threats. McCarthy Roby Walker McCaul Roe (TN) Walorski Stated against: The threats Iran poses in the region are McClintock Rogers (AL) Walters, Mimi Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on real. But all those threats are compounded by McHenry Rogers (KY) Weber (TX) rollcall No. 492, had I been present, I would an Iran that is a threshold nuclear weapons McKinley Rohrabacher Webster (FL) McMorris Rokita Wenstrup have voted ‘‘no.’’ state. This agreement will roll back the Iranian Rodgers Rooney (FL) Westerman f nuclear program and provide us with greater McSally Ros-Lehtinen Westmoreland ability to detect and more time to respond to Meadows Roskam Whitfield APPROVAL OF JOINT any future Iranian attempt to build a nuclear Meehan Ross Williams COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ACTION Messer Rothfus Wilson (SC) weapon. Mica Rouzer Wittman Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, pursuant For all of the reasons given above, I’ve con- Miller (FL) Royce Womack to House Resolution 412, I call up the cluded that this is an historic agreement that Miller (MI) Russell Woodall bill (H.R. 3461) to approve the Joint Moolenaar Ryan (WI) Yoder should be supported by the Congress. Mooney (WV) Salmon Yoho Comprehensive Plan of Action, signed The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time Mullin Sanford Young (AK) at Vienna on July 14, 2015, relating to for debate has expired. Mulvaney Scalise Young (IA) the nuclear program of Iran, and ask Murphy (PA) Schweikert Young (IN) for its immediate consideration. Pursuant to House Resolution 412, Neugebauer Scott, Austin Zeldin the previous question is ordered on the Newhouse Sensenbrenner Zinke The Clerk read the title of the bill. resolution and on the preamble. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The question is on the resolution. NAYS—186 ant to House Resolution 412, the bill is The question was taken; and the Adams Doyle, Michael Lipinski considered read. Speaker pro tempore announced that Aguilar F. Loebsack The text of the bill is as follows: Ashford Duckworth Lofgren the ayes appeared to have it. Bass Edwards Lowenthal H.R. 3461 Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, on that I Beatty Ellison Lowey Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- demand the yeas and nays. Becerra Engel Lujan Grisham resentatives of the United States of America in Bera Eshoo (NM) Congress assembled, The yeas and nays were ordered. Beyer Esty Luja´ n, Ben Ray SECTION 1. APPROVAL OF JOINT COMPREHEN- Bishop (GA) Farr (NM) The vote was taken by electronic de- SIVE PLAN OF ACTION. vice, and there were—yeas 245, nays Blumenauer Fattah Lynch Bonamici Foster Maloney, Sean Congress does favor the Joint Comprehen- 186, not voting 2, as follows: Boyle, Brendan Frankel (FL) Matsui sive Plan of Action, signed at Vienna on July [Roll No. 492] F. Fudge McCollum 14, 2015, relating to the nuclear program of Brady (PA) Gabbard McDermott Iran. YEAS—245 Brown (FL) Gallego McGovern Abraham Comstock Gosar Brownley (CA) Garamendi McNerney The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill Aderholt Conaway Gowdy Bustos Graham Meeks shall be debatable for 3 hours equally Allen Cook Granger Butterfield Grayson Meng divided and controlled by the chair of Amash Costello (PA) Graves (GA) Capps Green, Al Moore the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Amodei Cramer Graves (LA) Capuano Green, Gene Moulton Babin Crawford Graves (MO) Ca´ rdenas Grijalva Murphy (FL) the minority leader or their designees. Barletta Crenshaw Griffith Carney Gutie´rrez Nadler The gentleman from California (Mr. Barr Culberson Grothman Carson (IN) Hahn Napolitano ROYCE) will control 90 minutes. The Barton Curbelo (FL) Guinta Cartwright Hastings Neal Benishek Davis, Rodney Guthrie Castor (FL) Heck (WA) Nolan gentleman from New York (Mr. ENGEL), Bilirakis Denham Hanna Castro (TX) Higgins Norcross the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CON- Bishop (MI) Dent Hardy Chu, Judy Himes O’Rourke NOLLY), and the gentlewoman from Bishop (UT) DeSantis Harper Cicilline Hinojosa Pallone California (Ms. MAXINE WATERS) each Black DesJarlais Harris Clark (MA) Honda Pascrell Blackburn Diaz-Balart Hartzler Clarke (NY) Hoyer Payne will control 30 minutes. Blum Dold Heck (NV) Clay Huffman Pelosi The Chair recognizes the gentleman Bost Donovan Hensarling Cleaver Israel Perlmutter from California (Mr. ROYCE). Boustany Duffy Herrera Beutler Clyburn Jackson Lee Peters Brady (TX) Duncan (SC) Hice, Jody B. Cohen Jeffries Peterson GENERAL LEAVE Brat Duncan (TN) Hill Connolly Johnson (GA) Pingree Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- Bridenstine Ellmers (NC) Holding Conyers Johnson, E. B. Pocan imous consent that all Members may Brooks (AL) Emmer (MN) Hudson Cooper Kaptur Polis Brooks (IN) Farenthold Huelskamp Costa Keating Price (NC) have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- Buchanan Fincher Huizenga (MI) Courtney Kelly (IL) Quigley tend their remarks and to include ex- Buck Fitzpatrick Hultgren Crowley Kennedy Rangel traneous materials on this measure. Bucshon Fleischmann Hunter Cuellar Kildee Rice (NY) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Burgess Fleming Hurd (TX) Cummings Kilmer Richmond Byrne Flores Hurt (VA) Davis (CA) Kind Roybal-Allard objection to the request of the gen- Calvert Forbes Issa Davis, Danny Kirkpatrick Ruiz tleman from California? Carter (GA) Fortenberry Jenkins (KS) DeFazio Kuster Ruppersberger There was no objection. Carter (TX) Foxx Jenkins (WV) DeGette Langevin Rush Chabot Franks (AZ) Johnson (OH) Delaney Larsen (WA) Ryan (OH) Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker I yield my- Chaffetz Frelinghuysen Johnson, Sam DeLauro Larson (CT) Sa´ nchez, Linda self such time as I may consume. Clawson (FL) Garrett Jolly DelBene Lawrence T. Mr. Speaker, in the Foreign Affairs Coffman Gibbs Jones DeSaulnier Lee Sanchez, Loretta Committee, we have held 30 hearings Cole Gibson Jordan Deutch Levin Sarbanes Collins (GA) Gohmert Joyce Dingell Lewis Schakowsky and briefings on Iran since these nego- Collins (NY) Goodlatte Katko Doggett Lieu, Ted Schiff tiations began. We have reviewed this VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:23 Sep 11, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10SE7.019 H10SEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5912 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 10, 2015 agreement in depth; but, Mr. Speaker, us—to Hamas. It has committed to re- I reserve the balance of my time. I can come to no other conclusion than build the network of tunnels from Gaza Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- not only does it come up short, it is fa- to attack Israel. self such time as I may consume. tally flawed and, indeed, dangerous. I Mr. ENGEL and I were in one of those Over the past 2 years, I have sup- will oppose the measure before us. We tunnels last year. They have agreed in ported our negotiating team in the should have gotten a better deal. Iran to replenish the medium-range P5+1. I have favored giving time and Indeed, when the House passed stiff missile arsenal of Hamas, and they are space to achieve a diplomatic break- Iran sanctions legislation—now, this working right now, they claim, to give through to foreclose Iran’s pathways to was in 2013—in the prior Congress, we precision-guided missiles to Hezbollah. a nuclear weapon. I am grateful for the passed this legislation, authored by I can tell you I was in Haifa in 2006 tireless efforts by President Obama, myself and Mr. ENGEL, by a vote, a bi- when it was under constant bombard- Secretary Kerry, Secretary Moniz, Sec- partisan vote in this body, of 400–20. ment by those types of rockets, but retary Lew, and Undersecretary Sher- The intention of that legislation was they weren’t precision-guided. Every man. I appreciate the work of our P5+1 to put that additional leverage on Iran day, they slammed into the city, and partners in concluding an agreement and force the Ayatollah to make a there were 600 victims in the trauma with Iran. choice between real compromise—real hospital. Now Iran has transferred But, unfortunately, I cannot support compromise—on his nuclear program eightfold the number of missiles, and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Ac- and economic collapse if he did not.
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