BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Vol. 51 No. 5 Philadelphia, April 11, 1908 Price 5 Cents PENNANTTQFLY CHANCE©S SHOES WILL CAUSE AT AN* EARLY DATE OVER THE AN APPEAL. "CUBS©" PARK. Recent National Commission De Flag-Raising Day to Be Celebrated cisions The Atlantic Associa on the Occasion of the World©s tion Completes Its Organization Champion Chicago Team©s First N Wagner Remains Obdurate* Game at Home on April 22* SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." Chicago, 111., April 7. "Hank" O©Day, Chicago, Ilk, April 7. The Cubs© second one of the veterans on President Pulliam©s consecutive National League, pennant ©will be umpiring staff in the National League, ex hoisted to its place on the Wast Side flag presses the opinion that pole on April 22, when the Frank L. Chance, the man world©s champions are sched ager of the Cubs, would not uled to open their season be allowed to wear the here with Cincinnati, and "made to order©© spike the remodeled plant will be shoes which were prescribed thrown open to public in by the specialist to cure the spection for the first time. "ailment in his left foot. The later date for christen "Hank©© cites the rules as ing the world©s pennant has laid down in the laws of not been decided by Presi the national agreement. dent Murphy. The construc Rule 19 sets forth in ad tion work on the stands has dition to the kind© of uni been completed, but decora forms each club shall wear tive details will be contin Hank O©Day on the home grounds and ued until the opening of the Chas-W. Murphy in games abroad, the fol- season. In the decorations lowing restriction as to shoes: the team©s nickname will be made promi "No player who shall attach anything to the sole nent by the extensive use of cub bears. Two or heel of his shoe other than the ordinary base ball shoe plate, or who shall appear in a uniform not life size cement figures of ball players are conforming to the suits of the other members of his to adorn the roof of the chib©s office and teain, shall be permitted to take part in a game." underneath the bay window of the office, In the case of Chance©s "made to order" apparently supporting it, will be two life Ehoes the ordinary base ball* shoe plate is sized bears in cement. Inside the grounds done away with entirely and a row of blunt the newel posts of the stairways also will spikes substituted. In the opinion of Um be sculptured cubs. In addition to the en pire O©Day this will not be allowed, but it largement of the old grandstand and the was announced at the headquarters of the great increase in the number of reserved world©s champions yesterday that an appeal seats and boxes, already detailed in an would be made to President Pulliam for a nouncements of the improvements, the ar ruling on the matter. rangement of the bleacher stands has been changed. The 25-cent stand in deep left centre has been enlarged to . occupy McBREEN©S LEAGUE. the space in front of the players© club house, filling the previous gap there and The New Atlantic Association .Now Quite necessitating the removal of the score board EDWARD L. GRANT elsewhere. The narrow section of quarter. Ready For Business. seats of the centre field stands has been in Special to "Sporting Life." Infielder of the Philadelphia National League Club. cluded in the 50-cent accommodations and i* Boston, Mass., April 7. The members of Edward Leslie Grant, the young inflelder who joined the Phlllles In June, 1907, after gradu joined to make one stand with the right the Atlantic Association met on the 2d ating from the Harvard Law School that month, i» a native of Franklin, Mass., where he was born field bleachers. New dressing- rooms have 26 years ago. He first attracted attention as a base ball player with Independent teams in and been provided for the umpires and more inst., at the American League headquarters around Boston. Late in 1905 he was utilized by the Cleveland Club for a short time during the in this city, and each club put up $100 for disability of Lajoie. That fill he was signed for the Jersey City Club by Manager Murray, who commodious quarters for the visiting play feit money, to show its good intention of got in barely ahead of Manager Tenney of the Boston National League Club. Grant made good with ers. Another improvement that will be ap starting the season. Six cities were repre Jersey City from the start. He not only ranked high as a third baseman, but led the Eastern preciated is the replacing of the former sented, as follows: Lewiston, J. Beebe; Port League batsmen for the 1906 season. When Manager Murray signed with the Philadelphia Club steep climb into the grandstand by a broad land, Driscoll and Mitchell; Newport, Ben he secured Grant also for the same club by purchise. Mr. Murray was absolutely confident Grant er and longer stairway. President Murphy, would make good as a major league player. When he joined the Phillies last year he was handi of the Cubs, has received word from Presi Anthony; Taunton, Michael McDermott; capped by lack of condition, but he made a good showing flespite that fact and subsequent injuries. Woonsocket, William Griffin; Pawtucket, This spring at the training quarters he made a showing warranting hope and prediction of a bril dent Herrmann, of the Cincinnati team, that Martin Carr. Treasurer Fred Lake presided. liant season. he will be here in Chicago with the Beds on. It was decided to open the season May 2 April 22 for the opening of the Cubs© sea as a six-club league, and to close Labor Day. son here and the raising of the league pen The Maine clubs will open in the south, and another year at least, which means that the to March 1. The attention of both the Bos nant. Judge K. M. Landis yesterday sent Newport will play two games at Taunton, circuit will comprise the same clubs as be ton National League Club and the Steu a request for the reservation of a box for April 19. Five per cent, of the gross re fore, it is not known whom Bacon has benville Club was called to the case by the the opening. ceipts will go to the league for a sinking selected for his manager, but it is more Commission, but nothing was heard from fund, after the style of the American League. than likely that Hank Ramsey, who led the either of them. They were then given five © _ WAGNER RESOLUTE. Outside of this feature the constitution and locals to second plUe in the race last year, days© time to furnish any evidence that they by-laws of the New England League will be will get the job. desired to submit in the matter and were Says $25,000 Would Not Tempt Him to followed closely. The salary limit will be notified that upon their failure to do so an close to $1000 per month, and the pro PLAYER LIBERATED. award would be made in favor of the player, Play This Year. moters of the new organization have prom as is provided under Article 8, Section 4, Special to "Sporting Life." ised to live up to those figures. President Pitcher Dessau, Formerly of Boston, De of the National Agreement. Nothing has Hugh McBreen will draft the schedule after been heard from either one of these clubs, Pittsburg, Pa., April 7. All hope of see he gets a line on the Eastern League docu clared a Free Agent. and the player©s request is therefore granted ing "Hans" Wagner in the uniform of the ment. Special to "Sporting Life." and he is declared to be a free agent. Pittsburg Clug this season has been aban Cincinnati, O., April 7. The National doned in local fandom. The ©*Carnegie BACON BUYS Commission has declared pitcher Dessau, COMISKEY©S DEFENCE. Union," edited by Gus. A. Beard, one of formerly of the Boston National Club, a free Wagner©s closest friends, to-day contains A. J. G.©s Club and Will Retain it in New agent upon his appeal for release. Dessau Denies Intention of "Covering Up" in an interview with the great short stop which York League. stated that up to March 4 no contract had effectually killed what few rays of hope had been tendered him by any club for the sea New Orleans Deal. remained in the hearts of the fans here and Special to ©Sporting Life." son of 1908, and that under Article 7, Sec Special to "Sporting Life " Scranton, Pa., April 6. Great surprise tion 1, of the National Agreement, he should elsewhere that eventually Wagner might be was occasioned in the New York State be declared to be a free agent. He states Chicago, 111., April 7. President Comis- induced to reconsider his determination to League circuit last night by the announce that the Boston National League Club pur key, of the Chicago American Club, has to take a year©s vacation and yield to the lib ment that John L. Bacon, of Troy, has pur chased his release from the Steubenville date failed to pay the $100 fine imposed by eral offers he has received to rejoin the team chased the franchise of the Amsterdam- Club of the P.
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