Evolution, 56(7), 2002, pp. 1352±1361 AGE AT MATURITY AND DIVERSIFICATION IN WOODY ANGIOSPERMS MIGUEL VERDUÂ Centro de Investigaciones sobre Deserti®cacioÂn (CSIC-UV), CamõÂ de la Marjal s/n Apartado O®cial, 46470 Albal, Valencia, Spain E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Angiosperm diversi®cation has been associated with plant-animal interactions such as seed dispersal and pollination and life-history characters such as rapid growth and fast reproduction. This paper relates a life-history character (age at maturity) to woody angiosperm diversi®cation. Here I present a comparative analysis of data drawn from the literature, indicating that time to ®rst reproduction is shorter in woody angiosperms than in gymnosperms. In addition, age at maturity is negatively correlated with the rate of diversi®cation (measured as the number of species per genus) at all the taxonomic levels analyzed and also when phylogenetically independent contrasts were conducted. This correlation suggests that early reproduction promotes diversi®cation in woody angiosperms. Furthermore, this correlation is not a confounding effect of the association between age at maturity and other ecological factors that promote angiosperm diversi®cation, such as pollination and seed dispersal systems. Key words. Dispersal, early reproduction, phylogenetically independent contrasts, pollination, species diversity. Received March 6, 2002. Accepted April 26, 2002. The well-known dramatic rate of diversi®cation of angio- 1989). It is well known, for example, that whereas many sperms and the concomitant loss of gymnosperm lineages is angiosperm species are able to reach reproductive maturity re¯ected today in the high relative diversity of angiosperms within weeks (e.g., Arabidopsis thaliana reaches maturity in most terrestrial habitats (Bond 1989). This difference be- within 24 days), ``even the most rapidly growing gymno- tween angiosperm and gymnosperm diversities continues to sperms, like Ephedra, typically take years to reach sexual puzzle evolutionary biologists. One popular explanation, the maturity'' (Niklas 1997, p. 205). Evidence on association reproductive coevolution hypothesis, focuses on plant-animal between these life-history characters and angiosperm success interactions, such as seed dispersal and pollination (Raven has been inferred from biogeographical and forestry studies 1977; Regal 1977, 1982; Crepet 1983, 1984). Here, the role designed to understand the current competitive dominance of of animals in angiosperm diversi®cation has been attributed angiosperms over gymnosperms (Bond 1989). However, to to increased speciation rates and/or decreased extinction rates date no studies have been carried out across taxa to test as a result of animal-mediated isolating mechanisms (Midg- statistically the association between those life-history char- ley and Bond 1991a,b). acters and angiosperm diversi®cation. This is despite clear Several studies have been carried out to test the association evolutionary explanations for the association, namely in- between angiosperm diversi®cation and seed dispersal and creased rates of evolution (anagenesis) as a result of shorter pollination by animals, with different conclusions reached. generation times (Kimura 1983; Barraclough et al. 1996; Herrera (1989), Fleming (1991), and Eriksson and Bremer Eyre-Walker and Gaut 1997; Barraclough and Savolainen (1992) were unable to ®nd any signi®cant association be- 2001). tween seed dispersal mode (biotic vs. abiotic) and rates of Here I provide the ®rst phylogenetic evidence for a cor- angiosperm diversi®cation. In contrast, an analysis of sepa- relation between rates of diversi®cation (cladogenesis) and rate groups of woody and herbaceous families of angiosperms shorter generation times. In particular, I present analyses of by Tiffney and Mazer (1995) found evidence for an associ- data drawn from the literature that show that age at maturity ation between dispersal by vertebrates and high levels of is indeed lower in angiosperms than in gymnosperms and diversi®cation in woody angiosperms only, with the same that diversi®cation rates correlate negatively with age at ma- mode of dispersal associated with low levels of diversi®ca- turity. Age at maturity was considered together with polli- tion in herbaceous angiosperms. (Similar conclusions were nation and dispersal modes to examine whether all these var- found by Eriksson and Bremer [1991] within the Rubiaceae.) iables provide independent explanation of the intergeneric A signi®cant role of animal pollinators in angiosperm di- variation of the diversi®cation rates. versi®cation was found by Eriksson and Bremer (1991) at the family level, an association that has been con®rmed by METHODS a phylogenetic analysis conducted by Dodd et al. (1999). The other major explanation offered for the relative rates Data from age at maturity, measured as the minimum age of angiosperm and gymnosperm diversi®cation, the regen- when the ®rst reproduction occurs, were obtained from U.S. eration niche hypothesis, focuses on physiological and life- Department of Agriculture websites at http://www.fs.fed.us/ history characters that allow angiosperms to colonize a wide database/feis/plants (Forest Service Intermountain Research range of habitats, excluding gymnosperms by competition Station's Fire Sciences Laboratory [IFSL] in Missoula, MT) (Stebbins 1974; Bond 1989; Midgley and Bond 1991a,b). and http://willow.ncfes.umn.edu (Forest Service, St. Paul These physiological and life-history characters, such as rapid [MN] Field Of®ce), from Bingelli's webpage on the ecology growth and fast reproduction, allow angiosperms to increase of invasive tropical trees (http://members.lycos.co.uk/ their reproductive rate through a shortening of their age at WoodyPlantEcology/), Niembro (1988), Pausas (1999), and maturity relative to gymnosperms (Stebbins 1974; Bond ®eld observations (see Appendix 1). Most of the species were 1352 q 2002 The Society for the Study of Evolution. All rights reserved. ANGIOSPERM DIVERSIFICATION 1353 North American temperate trees and shrubs, although tropical console.html); Rhamnaceae (Richardson et al. 2000); and Ro- and Mediterranean trees and shrubs were also included. In saceae (Dickinson lab homepage at http://www.botany. total, 174 woody angiosperm species corresponding to 95 utoronto.ca/faculty/dickinson/DickinsonLab.html). When the genera within 46 families were included in the analysis. In phylogeny was unknown (i.e., Fagaceae, Cistaceae), I averaged addition, data from 68 species corresponding to 21 genera of the values of all genera within the family. By combining in- gymnosperms were obtained from the same sources, from the formation from all these sources, it is possible to construct cycad page at http://plantnet.rbgsyd.gov.au/PlantNet/cycad/ a supertree without polytomies (Fig. 1) but the cost is that cycsour.html, and from K. J. Niklas (pers. comm.) for further it makes it impossible to obtain consistent branch lengths analyses. Data from congeneric species were averaged to ob- representing the evolutionary time (Ackerly and Reich 1999). tain a single value for each genus. For this reason, equal branch lengths were assumed in the Data on angiosperm diversi®cation, measured as the num- analysis of PICs between age at maturity and diversi®cation. ber of species per genus, were obtained from Mabberley Equal branch lengths may be appropriate under the punctua- (1997). Because the ages of genera will not be the same, the tional evolutionary model, but may in¯ate the Type I error number of species per genus may re¯ect age as well as the rates (Ackerly 2000). To ensure that the results were not rate of diversi®cation, and therefore, the use of the species- statistically ¯awed by the assumption of equal branch lengths, per-genus ratio as a proxy for angiosperm diversi®cation I reran PICs in a tree with branch lengths. To do this, I pruned should be validated. I did this by testing the correlation be- the Soltis et al. (2000) tree and calculated the branch lengths tween this ratio (log[species/genus]) and the net diversi®- for the taxa included in my database. The correct branch cation rate estimated for the clade the genus comes from. Net lengths in the pruned tree were calculated by summing the diversi®cation rates of the clades were obtained from Ma- branch lengths in the Soltis et al. phylogeny. Because this galloÂn and Sanderson (2001), who calculated the age of the pruned tree did not have grafted clades, the number of taxa taxa based on the paleobotanical record and modeled diver- was reduced to 51. si®cation as a stochastic, time-homogeneous birth-and-death PICs were normally distributed (Kolmogorov-Smirnov P process that depends on the diversi®cation and extinction . 0.05 for both variables). Phylogenetic independence of rates. I used the species to genus ratio instead of MagalloÂn's contrasts was checked, as suggested by Garland et al. (1992) net diversi®cation rates because the former provides one di- and Freckleton (2000), by correlating the contrast values versi®cation value per genus, whereas the latter only provide against the mean values of the variables on each node (Spear- diversi®cation values for families or higher taxonomic man's rho 5 0.01, P . 0.05 for age at maturity, n 5 84; groups. Spearman's rho 520.05, P . 0.05, n 5 84 for diversi®- All data were log-transformed to obtain a normal distri- cation). PICs were arbitrarily positivized, and the statistical bution. The ordinal classi®cation for the families of ¯owering signi®cance was tested by means of a MAR ®tted through plants published by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (1998) the origin (for an explanation about this procedure see Harvey was used as a reference framework of the phylogenetic re- and Pagel 1991; Garland et al. 1992). lationships among taxa. PICS assume homogeneity in the evolutionary process and The relationship between the age at maturity and the num- calculate contrasts over the full phylogeny by averaging the ber of species per genus was examined by ®tting major axis values of age at maturity and diversi®cation at higher nodes regression (MAR) between both variables across genera, fam- (Ackerly 2000).
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