, V 7 ^5^ .. • . -r: V, . Average Daily Net Preee Ron * The Weather flrURSDAY^ JANUARY 18, 1982 Foreoaat of U. 8. Weather Bnreae PAGE. TW ENIT^UR Far the Week Haded jianrlii^Btifr lEo?nitts Jaanary IS, ItS l Not eo eoU, *Bow lato tonlglit^ and part of Saturday. Low tonight' 1 3 ,5 3 5 15,40. little tempetmtoro ohaago Niftps Editor 2Therapi»ts MeariMr o f the Audit Saturday. High In fiOe* ' ]£bout Town Bnreaa o f OIreulatlaB MmU:he$ter— A City o f Village Charm TiM W itirTwttr flouar* Dance Of Monitor Stay on Job Oh! What A Wonderful Club wUl hold a danea Saturday at Volpi - BelUs (.Claaeifled Adrertlelng on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS ht' I# $ pjo. at the Waddell School with VOL. LXKXl,^NO. 92 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) ' MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1962 Karl JOhnaton aa caller. This will Mias Reas BeUis o f‘forino, Italy Two school speech therapists be a cloaed dance for Manchester Club Speaker and Carlo Volpi of Bolton were who last mdnth asked to resign •V ^'1 Club members only. Refreshments united in marriage last Saturday have now deetd^ not to, andd the wiU bo aenred. The Women’s Club of Manchester school system plans to ease some­ at St. Maurice's Church ih Bolton. what the heavy work load that ■ i will p resen t Robert R. Brunn, , h Dominicams Cheer Stai^Newsl^ Miss Hems Is. the daughter of prompted the resignation requests. i . v o J U blrla Friendly Society Sponsors American news editor of The Mrs. Catherine Beilis of Turin, Supt. of Schools William H. Cur­ St. Mary's Episcopal Church will Christian Science Monitor, in a tis last night told the board of meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the f, and the sister of Mrs. A n ^ o lecture at its amnual Men's Night aglio of Manchester. The education Umt Mrs. Alice Perkins •dA Roundup dlnlnf room o f the old peulsh hall. of Glastonbury and Mrs. Bonnie After a business meetln, members program Monday at 8 p.m. in Fel­ bridegroom Is the son of , Mrs. :i-.^ Secondo Morra. Kenyon of Storrs, the system’s Win fold bandar for the Cancer lowship Hail at Second Congrega­ only two speech therapists, will Society. Hostesses will be. Mrs. tional Church. The Rev. Guido. Caspanl of the Holy Apostles Seminary in Crom­ "fulfill their contracts for the rest Traffic Institute Matntoe lAmbert, Miss Edna Brunn is editor in charge of news of the year." nedy and Mrs. Jesse Hettinger. well icelebrated ..................................... a nuptial Mass and peifcirfomred the wedding ceremony. The therapists' decision to with­ Favors Police Bouquets of white mums and draw their resignation requests . Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Sandals, 40 was the result of discussion he and Steep Hollow Lane, will leave by gladioli were at the altar. Mr. President’s Job and Mrs. Charles Robbins sang the board’s personnel relations Unmarked Cars Jet front Idlewild International committee have had with them, he Airport Tuesday for a 17-day trip and Mrs. George Banks was or­ ganist. said. Hartford, Jan. 19 to Hmel, with a group of 140 re­ The school board voted imanl- {IP)— gional and natioiml board members The bride was given in marriage WmAington, Jan. 19 Traffic Institute of North­ by her brother-in-law, Joseph mously to approve withdrawal of armed force* com- o f Hadassah. Mrs. Sandals is a re­ the resignations. Officiala said today the gov­ mwder. western University approves j gional chairman o f Hadassah which Peretto of Manchester. She wore a cocktail-length gown of silk The superintendent said that ernment newly returned to The general’a own officer* exe­ the use of unmarked police la celebrating its SOth anniversary during the meetings, one of which cuted the . counter-coup last night McNamara Ministers bombazine with Alencon lace, de­ power in the Dominican Re­ cars to cope with unusual con­ this year. The Sandals will visit Vas Monday, some solutions were and Jailed him. Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa and signed with a scalloped scoop neck­ public has ready-made U.S. ditions, State Police Commis­ line, three-quarters-length sleeves, worked out to the therapists’ prob­ Rafael Bonnelly a 57-y«ar-oid will attend the dedication of me­ lems in trying to work with about recognition and will get full lawyer professor who has been ac­ sioner Leo J- Mulcahy stated i Asking for morial windows in the synagogue fitted bodice and straight skirt tive In the National Civic Union, with back fullness. She wore a 100 children each. Instead of the diplmnatic and economic sup­ today. 1 Question at the Hadassah Medical Center. state-recommended load of about port from this country. became the new president, as he The commissioner said he con- 1 seed pearl and crysal headdress had been scheduled "to be before with bouffant silh illusion veil, and 40. Work was rraumed at the tacted Bernard B. C^aldwell, in- i Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ Supt. Curtis said outside the Tuesday's military takeover. stitute director, after Republican $54 BilUon carried a prayer bo<^ with orchid State Department and in the Bonnelly was sworn in almost ranth, v ^ l meet at the Masonic and st^hanotls. meeting that he has directed Mrs. State Rep. Gennaro W.- Frate^ of Unsolved Temple tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. Re- Miss Corenda Lynn Morra of Perkins and Mra Kenyon to de­ agency for international de­ Darien had criticized the wholesale , Washington, Jan, 19 (/I*)- freelunents will be served by Mrs. (Continued on Page Ten) Bolton, niece of - the bridegroom, termine the most severe eases for velopment on an aid program usd of unmarked cars. ! Secretary of Defense Robert Albert Heavisides and committee served as maid of honor. She wore the school system’s administra­ designed to bolster the Do­ tive council of principals to set McNamara told Congress; Geneva, Jan. 19 (/P)— ^The an aqua satin dress with off-the- minican economy. stripped from Connecticut State, " i three feuding p rin ts o f Laos A rehearsal of ‘"nie Bluebird., ahoulder fitted bodice and bouffant up on a priority work list. That Police cars Monday in an attempt; today the present C .b. re- '( ^ to bo preeented by the Children’s skirt with bow trim, a matching way, those who most need aid will C ongo Troops to cope with the one-a-day rate! taliatory forces “ are fully ca- reached agreement here today Theatre group March 10, will be be helped first, he said. Santo Domingo, Dominican tiara, with pearl trim, and carried \ of traffic fatalities in the opening pable of destroying” assigned on a formula for a govern­ held tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. at the Robert B. Bnmn a seml-ckscade bouquet of tange­ In addition, he said he wrlU rec­ Republic, Jan. 19 (/P)—Do­ fortnight of 1962. Since t^ n there j afrer a ment of national unity. , East Side Recreation building. rine feather carnations. ommend salary allocations for two minicans exulted wildly to­ M urder P our, has not been a single traffic death . , The agreement was announced coverage of the United States and more speech therapists In the 1968- Robert Richard Morra of Bol­ day over restoration of civil­ in the state. surprise Russian attack. by neutraltat Prince gouvanna Latin America. His talk will be fol­ 83 school budget, now under pre­ Representative Frate stated But the defense chief warn­ lowed by a question and answer ton, nephew of the bridegroom, paration. ian government in a counter- UN Discloses Phouma at the end of a 2-hour served as best man. Ushers were Wednesday the traffic institute’s ed that it must be assumed meeting of the three princes. period for members and guests. Supt. Curtis said the therapists - coup that formally ousted positloq was that marked cars Mrs. John Malone, program chair­ Ray Soma and Donato Rattozzi, are working with the State De­ Chidkea that has everytfaing-FLAVon, pbeshness, plumpness and boomomt. TheyVe I the Soviet Union will build Souvanna Phouma said "very both of Bolton. President Joaquin Balaguer Leopoldville. The Congo. Jan. 19 provided the "best and most effec­ great progress’! was made at tt man, reminds members that this Is partment of Education to learn government inspected. Grade A. Thc^ie carefaUy-biit very caieftdlj^-Mlected by our tive method of making the motor­ still more powerful missile Tbe bridegroom’s mother wore policies throughout the state gov­ and imprisoned the strong­ fyPi'-r- Fresh, bloodshed in the East­ meeting, and there were hopea^ the one meeting of the year which ern Congo, again involving Congo­ ists safety conscious.’’ I forces and that in the next is open to their husbands. erning the work of speech thera- buyers. YouTl relish eveiy juicy, fla v o ^ morseL And my! how youTl save money! man who had imposed mili­ united Laotian government a blue print dress with yellow . ... if, lese troops, was disclosed by the be set up before the end mum corsage. After a dinner at piste. He said he will review the Mulcahy said he has been in­ : few years the U.S. clearly will Brunn is a graduate of the Uni­ tary rule. United Nations today. formed by Caldwell that the in­ month. versity of Csdlfomla. During World the Villa Louisa, a reception for policies with them. ■ need new retaliatory systems. Chix Livers lb. 89c SELECTED LARGE U. S. CONNECTICUT GRADE A FRESH "Balaguer boo boo, Balaguer boo A spokesman said four civilians stitute approves the use of "in­ But he streased that thjU agree- ■ War n he was a U.S.
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