Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 8 1872 271 CHARTERS OF OUMBWELL PRIORY. (Continuedfrom Vol. VI. p. 250.) LITE. [Date, prob. circa 1180.'] EUSTACE DE MEREWORTE grants a rent-charge of five shillings in MEREWORTH, and another of twelve-pence, to the Abbey of Oufiibwell. The former is the grant ivhich the preceding Charter confirms, quod ego EUSTACHITTS concessi domui de Combwell et fratribus ibidem deo MAREWB v solidos et xii denarios aput clivum annuatim pro animabus solidos ad Pentecostem et EADWAROTS films KECH ad festura. Sancti Miehaelis ROBERTAS filius SEDEHEN patris et efc feminarum mearum et pro me ipso. .Ex his autem prefatis v solidis EGELHTS 1 At least as early as this, by evidence of the handwriting. I have placed this Charter after the preceding, though anterior in date, as being in its mutilated condition chiefly intelligible by the light of the earlier one. Very neatly half of the parchment is torn away and lost, the right hand portion, including fortunately just so much as to preserve the seal, being all that remains. We gather from the two Charters that Eustace de Mereworth had two sons, Stephen and Eobert, the former of whom, as the eldest, he calls in his own Charter his " heir," in spite of the maxim—" nemo est hasres viventis." But Stephen would appear to have predeceased his father, and Roger, the younger, to have been eventually the heir,. See also the Fine between this Boger and the Prior of Leeds in 1814, concerning the advowaon of Mereworth Church. Arch. Cant, vi. p. 880. The animal represented on the seal of Eustace is probably intended for the same as that on the seal of his son appended to Charter • LII. —apparently a mule. (<z) Gawt. (A) G-eat. Ancestryof Jat, (SnorraEdda). _ Sif. Loride. Henrede. Vingethoi\ Vingenei\ Moda. Magn. Cespheth. Bedvig. Atra. It.raiann.Heremod.SkiaUdunn.Biaf. Jat. „ „ Geait, (English Chronicle MS. Cotton. Tiberms A. VI). Sceaf. = Bedwig. Hwala. Hrawra. Itormon. Heremod. ScyldVa. Beaw. Tcetwa. Geata. Hulmul. Godwulfod- . " " -n"i. >m"x T>«."-N " " B. IV.). Sceaf. — - . Beowi. • Hathra. Itermon. Hereniod. Scealdliwa. Beaw. Taitwa. Geat. „ „ Eata, (Textus Roffensis).- Sceaf. —— Bedwig. Hadra. Heraman. Heremod. SceaMwa, Beaw. Tethwa. Eata, Augis. Fin. Amal. Frithwulf. Isarna. Erealaf. Osh-ogotha, d. 251. (5) Ibor & Ayo. Woden. Hunnuil. Agelmund. Wecta. (B) Casere. (o) Wothelgeat. (/) Sigge. (B) WsegdKg. (G) Seaxnot. (H) Winta, SMold. (z) Tngve. Athal. Lamissio. "Witta. Tytmon. Waga. Beri. Sigegar (E) Beornec. (]?) Brand. Gesecg. Cretta. Fridleif. Kolner. Achiulf. Lethu. "Wictgils. Seyld Sceflng. Trygils. Wihtlteg. Wwls. Sfflbald. Wffigbrand. Gewis. AJitseog. Gweldgils. Fridfrode, Swegder. Ansila. Ediulf. Wuldulf. Hermanaric, Hildehoc. Horsa, Henogest, Ossa. Swane. (o) Folewalda. Beowulf. Hi'othmund. (e) Icel. "Wsevmund. Sigemund. Signy. Sfflfiigel. Aloe. Elesa. Sw£eppa. Cjedbsed. Fridleif, Vanland. d. 375. si. 435. si. 443. I 1 Waleravans. Gudehoc. Henegest, d. 491. Fin. Healfdene. BT. Hryp. Cnebba, Offa. Sigefrith. Fitela. (i) Wsegmund. Seomel. Ingwi. Cerdio, d. 511. Sigefugel. Bubba. Havare, Visbur. Hunimund. Ebissa. Oerie. Octa. r~ Winithari. Caffo. j si. 446. 2Es'c-Octa, d. 467. Heremod. Heorogar. Hrothgar. Halga. Hrothwulf. Wilhelm. Cynewald. Angentheow. • (ff) Wonred. Hrethel. Swearting. (&) Ongentheow. ^thelberht. Cynerie. Creoda. Beadeca. , Basda, Erode. Domald. Thorismund. Oise. | Eomser.. Wulf. Eofer. Wandalari. Tato. Ossa, d. 511. Heoroweard. Hrethric. Hrothmund. Wewa. Creoda. Herebeald. Haithcyn. Hygelae, si. 511. W.=Ecgtheow. Weohstan. Wilgils. Eadgils. Onela. Ohthere. Ossa. Cyneric, d. 560. Offa, Biseop. Varmund, Domar. Berimund. \Valamir. Theodemir. Widemir. Hildigisl, Eormenrie, d. 560. Wuffa. Wybba, d. 597. Heardred. Beowulf. Wiglaf. Wuscfrea. Eanmund. Eoppa. Cutha, d. 571. Oeolwulf. Ceawlin. -Slsowin Eanfrith, Olaf. Widerie. d. 548. I 2Ethelberht,b. 552, Tytla. £ II. lil. IV. Vi. Vt. VII. VIII. IX. Penda, si. 655. Eoppa, si. 642. Coenwealh. Theoderic, I Yfie. Ida, d. 559. Ceolwulf,d.611. Outhgils. Cutha. Cuthwine. Sleda. Eatta, Dan. Agne. b. 455, d. 526. Eutharic. d. 616. Ah-io. and Eric. I Redwald, si. 617. Eni. Peada, Wulfhere, .ZEthelred, Merewald. Mearehelm. Alewih. Osmod. Cuthwealh. JElle, d. 58S. JBlfrie. Adda, d. 568. Bselric. The'odhere. Theodric. 2Ethelric. Osmser. Ocga. Eadric. Ecca. Oswald.' Sogor. Sogothere. Cynegils, d.643. Oosnfrith. Ceadda. Cutha. Cynebald. Ssberht, Seasbald. Aldfrith. si. 656. d.675. j d. 716. | | 1 | | Erode. Yngve. Alf. Atlialaric. Eadbald, d. 640. H d. 616. I j 1 Eorpwald, Begenhere, Anna, Jilthelhere, JEthelwald, ^Ithelric. -j ; | llerewine. JEthelbald, Heardberht. Eanwulf. Centwine. Jorund and Eric. Hugleit, Eadwine, b. 586, si. 633. Osric, ^Bthelric, d. 572. ^Ethelfrith, si. 617. Theodbald. Aldhelm. Cwichehn, d. 636. Coenwealh, d. 672. Centwine,r.685. Ccenfus. Cosnberhfc. Ceolwald. JEthelbald. Sigeberht, Switlihelm. Sigefrith. Eridleif, On. Eormenred. Ecgfrith, liv. 618. Earconberht, si. 628. si. 617. si. 654 si. 655. d. 664. | Coenred, Berhtwald, Ceolred, si. 757. si. 634. 1 1 1 I | Seaxred, Sssweard, Sigeberht, si. 660, . H [ d. 664. Aldwulf" 'A- , r. 709. liv. 686. d. 716. ThingMtli. Cynereou. Osfrith, Eadfi-ith, ^Ethelhun. Wyscfrea, Eanfrith, Oswald, Oswiu, d. 670. Osiac. Oswudu. Oslaf. Offa. Ecgwald. Cuteed, d. 661. JSsowine, Ceadwalla, Mul, si. 687. Coenred. Oswald. si. 617. si. 617. si. 617. SEelfrith. ^Ethelred. ^Bthelberht. Eegberht, d. 673. d. 713. Erode. Egil. nw a /TOR -R ' sL 633> sl> 633- a- inf- Oswine, si. 634. si. 642. { , j ; d. 676. d.689. , 1 | 1 , | Hlothhere, si. 685. h 1 Olia,d.796. Bassa. i , CK1 | | Alhfrith, Ecgfrith, JBlfwine, b.661, Aldfrith, d. 705. I/eodwald. Ine, r. 728. Ingild, d. 718. Stebbi, Sigeborht JElfwald, d. 749. Elrio.' I I I si. D&J.. Sigebald. Ingiald. Halfdan. Ofctui-. Eadi-ic, si. 686. Wihtred, d.725. Yffe d inf Talorcan, ^Ethelwald, d. 664. si. 685. si. 679. r Eegfrith, Cuthberht. ' ' ' d. 694. d. 653. Eieheard, d. c. 718. d. 656. d. o. 660. \ Osred, si. 716. Cuthwine. Eata. Eoppa, Sigeberht. Hcereli. Hi'oar, Helge. Adils. Eadberht, d. 748. ^Ethelberht, d. 760. Alhric, d. 794. d.796. Oslac. Sigeheard. Swafred, Sigehere. 1 1 Winebald. Wflbald, Comwulf, d. 819. Ceolwulf, r. 821. Cuthred, d. 805. Ccenred, Cutha. Eadberht, Ecgberht, Eafa. | n. 704 | Sselred, Erode Hrolf. Eystein, Eardwulf. b. 700, 'd. 786. JSthelsige. d. 718. | d. 768. d. 766. Cynehelm, b. 812, el. 819. I Sigemund. Offa, r. 709. si. 747. Ceolred, | Alhmund, liv. 784 | Halfdan, Yngvar, Echun. r. 737. Oswulf, | Swithrced, Sigeric, 1 j si. 759. Eogberlit, d. 836. n. 756. r. 799. Hserek. Onund. Oslaf, liv. o. 800. JElfwald, si. 788. ^Sfchelwulf, d. 856. Sigered. Harald. Ingiald. I I JBlf. 2Elfwme, jBfchelstan, d. c. 878. iEth'elbald, d. 860. JEthelberht, d. 865. JStheired, d. 871. -ZElfred, b. 849, d. 901. Sigurd. Olaf. si. 791. 1 2Btlielm. 2Ethelwald, d. 903. Eadweard, d. 924. ^Etholwcard, d. 922. Pagnar, si. 865. Half'dau. J JEtMstan, d. 940. JEthelweard, d. 924 Eadwine, si. 933. Eadmund, d. 946. Ead'red, d. 955. G-regorius. Thureytol, b. 907, d. 975. -ZElfwine, d. 937. ^Ethelwine, Eystein. Gudrod. A. Genealogy of the Kings of Kent (JEseings). • a. G-enealogy of the Kings of the Ostrogoths. b. „ „ „ Longobards. d. 937. H B. M E. Anglia (Wivings or Wuffings). Eadwig, d. 969. Eadgar, d. 976. Haralcl, Olaf. Halfdan. o. Mereia. 0. Eolcwalda and Kn (the latter cotemporary with Hencgest II.). II d. Seyldings (Scyld supposed to have settled in Northumbria, A.D. 375 ; Houlfdeno cotomporary witli Hencgesfc II. j Hrotlignr reigned for BO years and more, at Hart, in Durham., b. 851. u. Deira. » ! Eadweard, d. 978, Eadmund. ^Etholred, d. 1016. Hai-ald, Bemicia (Beomicas). e. Line of the lelings (supposed collateral with o). E. /. Waelsings (Sigeimind cotemporary with Healfdone and Heremod.) TS. 'Wessex (Gewissas), Eadniund, d. 1016. ^tlielstan. Ecg'borht. Eadrud, Eadwig, Ea'dgar. ^El'frod, Eadw'eard, &. Essex. g. Wonred and his sous (the latter subjects of Hygelae; Wulf supposed to be mentioned in a poem of Taliesin, as an antagonist of Urien of Rheged, 6th century). [ ( d. 1017. d. 1036. d. 1066. It. Lindsey (Lindisfaras). 7t. Geats or Hrethlings (Hygelae cotemporary with Offa, o; called nephew of Swerting, D; supposed to have reigned in E. Anglia before Wiwa; killed in battle by the Franks, e. A.D. 511). Eadmund. Eadweard, d. 1057. I. Denmark. II 1. Wsegmundings in Norfolk (Beowulf reigned in Durham after the Soyldings j at feud with the people of Wiwa, or Wivings, ever after the fall of Hygelac). 1C. Sweden. , Ic. Sweos (cotemporary with Hygelae and Beowulf; supposed to have been settled in N. Yorkshire). Eadgar, d. e. 1126. 272 CHARTERS OF CUMBWELL PRIORY. vid. et relicfca HEEICUN iiia. et ad eundem terminum Hos vero prefatos v solidos de MAEEW. STEPHANUS hseres meus mecum in elemosinam optulit. His testibus BOGERIJS filius (ELFW. OEDBICUS BAEUM ALFBICUS filius ESTM. SALED Juvenis JOHANNES filius ORDM. LIEWINUS SMART Sacristan de PECHAM TOMA Olerico SIMONE clerico de HABDEES EOBEETO Sacristano de EST PECHAM de ROCHEIE et hoc vidente HALIMOT. In dorso, in contemporary hand : " Eust. de M . ." 1st. wife=EuBtaco do Meroworth=2nd. wife. Circa 1180. _ ; Stephen. Alive circa 1180. LIV. [Date, before 1215.'] WILLIAM son of WILLIAM DE DETLING grants to the Abbey of Cimbwell 33 acres of his demesne land adjoining their own land 1 This being our date for the death of Stephen de Thurnhatn, who is a witness. CHARTERS "OF CUMBWELL PRIORY." 273 at a quit-rent of 3 shillings, and in consideration of 4 ma/rhs to himself and 2 bezants to MATILDA -his wife. WILLELMUS filius WILLELMI'DE DETLiNGE omnibus hominibus suis et amicis tarn Francis qiiam. Anglis salutem. Sciant—etc., quo'd ego WILLELMUS films WILLELMI DE DETLttto'E concessi— etc. Abbati et Conventui de Ouuibwell xxxtaiiies acras de domU< nio meo que jacent juxfca terram eorum supra montes a parte occidental! tenendas—etc., reddeiid& per annum iiiior solidos pro omni servitio scilicet ad natale domini xii d. ad pascam xii d. ad festumSancti JoJhannis Baptiste xii d. ad festum Sancti Micnaelis xii d. Et pro hac concessions et confirmatione predicti Abbas et C/onventus dederunt miM Willelmo iiiior marcas argenti et MAfHitDE uxori mee- duo visantia.
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