E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1995 No. 162 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was Mr. GUTIERREZ led the Pledge of Well the schoolchildren are not called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Allegiance as follows: starving, and the hospitals will not pore [Mr. LAHOOD]. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the close. f United States of America, and to the Repub- I urge my colleagues to preserve and lic for which it stands, one nation under God, protect Medicare. Live long and pros- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. per. TEMPORE f f The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE, fore the House the following commu- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER WITH CHARITY FOR ALL nication from the Speaker: PRO TEMPORE WASHINGTON, DC, The SPEAKER pro tempore. There (Mr. GUTIERREZ asked and was October 19, 1995. will be fifteen 1-minutes on each side. given permission to address the House I hereby designate the Honorable RAY for 1 minute.) f LAHOOD to act as Speaker pro tempore on Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, today this day. IT IS TIME TO UPDATE MEDICARE is a historic day. A day that House Re- NEWT GINGRICH, publicans, to fulfill their unsatiable de- Speaker of the House of Representatives. (Mr. TIAHRT asked and was given sire to give a tax cut to their wealthi- f permission to address the House for 1 est contributors, will try to slash Medi- minute and to revise and extend his re- care by $300 billion. PRAYER marks.) We Democrats remember historic The Chaplain, Rev. James David Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, today is a days. We remember when 30 years ago Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- historic day. Today, the House will Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman er: move to preserve and protect Medicare. stood together and said, ``the time has We pray, O God, that peace will reign Thirty years ago, on a closed rule, come to guarantee health care for all in our world and we specially pray that Congress passed a 1960's Blue Cross- of our seniors.'' peace will reign in our hearts. We are Blue Shield health care plan called We feel as much pride in that day as grateful that even in lives that know Medicare. Health care has progressed 30 Republicans should feel shame on this the tension between the ideals of the years. It has improved. Now it is time day. So maybe it is time for them to mind and the reality of an imperfect to bring Medicare up to date. remember their history too. In 1865, world there can be a sense of calm, and If we do not, it is going to go broke. facing a challenge far greater than ris- even with great responsibilities that The only way to sustain the cum- ing Medicare costs, our greatest Presi- seem to overwhelm there can be seren- bersome system is to raise payroll dentÐa Republican PresidentÐstated ity. Grant to all Your people, O God, taxes $123 billion. that we would heal our Nation's the gift of peace and calm and serenity, The Republican plan will preserve wounds ``with malice toward none, this day and every day, we pray. Amen. and protect Medicare and offer some with charity for all.'' f options. If seniors do nothing, they will I say to my colleagues in the major- stay on Medicare. They can also select ityÐslashing $300 billion from seniors' THE JOURNAL Medicare Plus to expand their coverage health care for a tax giveaway to your The SPEAKER pro tempore. The through a health managed care plan. rich friends is malice, pure and simple. Chair has examined the Journal of the They can select a medical savings plan With malice toward none, with charity last day's proceedings and announces to reward them for having a healthy for all. How empty and distant those to the House his approval thereof. lifestyle, or they can select the health words seem to the party of Abraham Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- care plan they had while working Lincoln today. nal stands approved. under an employer if he chooses to f f offer it. Those who oppose updating Medicare REFORMING MEDICARE FOR THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE are the same folks who said school- BETTER The SPEAKER pro tempore. The children would be starving this year. It (Mr. HAYWORTH asked and was Pledge of Allegiance will be led by the was reported last night they said if we given permission to address the House gentleman from Illinois [Mr. passed this plan, one-fourth of the hos- for 1 minute and to revise and extend GUTIERREZ]. pitals in America will close. his remarks.) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 10309 H 10310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 19, 1995 Mr. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I lis- show the seniors that we care about The point is we are going to make tened with great interest to my good them and their future. Medicare better for senior citizens. friend from Illinois who preceded me The Medicare Preservation Act is an f here in the well. He quoted Abraham honest, realistic, up-front bill, that Lincoln accurately. But he misapplied provides real reform for our current A FALSE CHOICE the quote, for rather being malicious Medicare system. It will ensure that (Mr. DEUTSCH asked and was given and mean-spirited, the only mantra the seniors have the right to stay in their permission to address the House for 1 guardians of the old order can offer, in- present Medicare plan, but will also minute and to revise and extend his re- stead what we are doing today is em- offer choices to those looking for a marks.) bodying the spirit of America. change. Mr. DEUTSCH. Mr. Speaker, we are Because we are saying to America's The Medicare Preservation Act at- here today because my Republican col- seniors, you deserve to have a choice in tacks waste, fraud, and abuse in order leagues want to destroy Medicare, and health care. You do not need to be cut to provide real accountability for the their premise is that Medicare will be off magically at age 65 to a one-size- taxpayers dollars. bankrupt in 7 years. fits-all plan. We believe you have the Yes, Mr. Speaker, today is the day we What I have here is a chart that right to determine the health care you vote to save Medicare for the next gen- points out a fact, which is that in the should have, and if you want to keep eration. I urge all my colleagues to 30 years of Medicare's existence, the Medicare as it exists now, then you vote ``yes'' on the Medicare Preserva- actuarial life of Medicare was less than have the right to keep that as well. tion Act. 7 years. This is not unprecedented. It is But the senseless mantra that we are f a flatout lie that my Republican col- making changes in Medicare for tax TROOPS TO BOSNIA WITHOUT leagues have been stating about the breaks for the wealthy is patently false CONGRESSIONAL CONSENT? unprecedented nature of the 7-year ac- and, Mr. Speaker, even malicious. tuarial life. How sad it is; it is symptomatic of (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was The $270 billion in cuts, as my Repub- the new minority, folks who have no given permission to address the House lican colleagues have been talking vision for the future, would only apply for 1 minute and to revise and extend about, is also a flatout lie. The trustee a Band-Aid and only came up with a his remarks.) report calls for a far less number in Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, once plan in the final nanosecond of the 11th terms of what would make actuarial again, a President says he can send hour, instead of dealing responsibly. sense for the Medicare system. troops into a war zone without the con- Friends, join us. Let us reform Medi- The choice that my Republican col- care for the better. sent of the Congress. What is the surprise here? Think leagues have been talking about is a f about it. The Congress of the United false choice. Everyone in this Chamber, everyone in America knows what the MEDICARE AND MANAGED CARE States has time after time allowed the Presidents of the United States to agenda is. The agenda is to force people (Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island usurp the constitutional power of the into substandard HMO's because the re- asked and was given permission to ad- people. Turn the other cheek, and now imbursement level in a traditional dress the House for 1 minute and to re- the President is just simply going Medicare will be so low. vise and extend his remarks.) ahead and servicing all the cheeks he Just because people are old in this Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island. Mr. can in Congress. country does not mean they are stupid. Speaker, today is the day, today is the The bottom line is this: I do not The American people will not believe day that the Republican majority will know how you feel about Bosnia, Mem- what the Republicans are doing.
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