. ,- x · . - ' 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 4657 terests, and ordered to be printed, with the amendments of the Senate. Kankakee County, Illinois, for legi.slation against imitation butter-to Mr. KING. I move that the House do now adjourn. the Committee on Agriculture. The motion was agreed to; and accordingly (at 4o'clock and 45 min­ By Mr. nANDALL: Petition of cutters, trimmers, and other skilled utes p. m.) the House adjourned. mechanics of Philadelphia, Pa., against the proposed reduction of the duty on ready-made clothing-to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. RICHARDSON: Papers relating to the claim of William F. PETITIONS, ETC. T. Coleman, of Rutherford County, Tennessee-to the Committee on The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clark's desk, War Claims. under the rule, and referred as follows: By Mr. RIGGS: Resolutions of the Commercial Exchange of Chi­ By 11Ir. BEACH: Petition of citizens of Newburgh, N.Y., for the cago, against taxation of oleomargarine-to the Committee on Agri­ redemption of the trade-dollar-to the Committee on Coinage,· Weights, culture. and Measures. .Also, protest of the Kansas City Board of Trade, against taxation of By Mr. BENNETT: Petition of the president _and faculty of the Uni­ oleomargarine-to the same committee. versity of North Carolina, for experimental stations in aid of agdcult- Also, protest of the Kansas City Live-Stock Exchange, against the ure-to the Committee on Agriculture. · bill to tax oleomargarine-to the same committee. By Mr. BLAND: Petition of citizens of Wright, Webster, and La­ By Mr. SAWYER: Petitions for amendment of patent laws-to the clede Counties, Missouri, for opening up Oklahoma Territory-to the Committee on Patents. Committee on the Territories. By .Mr. SHAW: Petition of citizens of Carroll County, Maryland, By Mr. BUCHANAN: Petition of Grange No. 40, of New Jersey, for for retirement of the trade-dollar -to the Committee on Coinage, the suppression of the manufacture and sale of imitations of da-iry prod- Weights, and Measures. • ucts-to the Committee on Agriculture. By Mr. STORM: Petition of the Cltamber of Commerce of Cincinnati, By Mr. J. M. CAMPBELL: Petition l>f citizens of Bedford County, against taxing oleomargarine and butterine-to the Committee on Ag­ Pennsylvania, asking that a pension be granted to.Asahel Walker, late riculture. of Company A, Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers .(Honse bill By Mr. TUCKER: PetitionofNicholasO'Keefe, forpensionasschool 8716)-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ' teacher-to the Committee on Pensions. By Mr. DORSEY: Sundry petitions from 33,000 citizens of Nebraska, By Mr. WHITING: Petition of citizens ofFitchburg, Mass., for tho asking the passage of the bill giving permission to the U¢on Pacific . bill establishing a national board of health-to the Committee on Com­ Railway Cpmpany to build branch lines-to the Committee on Pacific merce. Railroads. Also, petition of citizens of South Hadley, of Chicopee, of Holyoke, By Mr. DUNN: Petition of Richard D. Lamb and John 11f. Lamb, of Plainfield, of Hatfield, of Athol, and of Prescott, Mass., in favor of praying that their war claim be referred to-the Court of Claims-to the the bill taxing imitation butter-to the Committee on Agriculture.· Committee on· War Claims. By Mr. WISE: Petition of Peter Tresnon, private CompanyB, Sixth By Mr. ERMENTROUT: Petition of 53 miners, laborers, and others, Regiment NewYork Volunteers, for changeofrecord of charges of de­ of Philipsburg; of161, of Snow Shoe, Centre County; of 54, of Karthaus; sertion-to the Committee on Military Affairs. oJ 248, of Osceola. Mills; of 572, of Houtzdale; of 503, of Du Bois, Clear­ The following petitions, urging the adoption of the bill placing the field County, Pennsylvania, requesting an investigation by the Curtin manufacture and sales of all imitations of butter under the control of committee of labor troubles in said district-to the Commit,tee on La­ the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, taxing the same·Io cents per bor. - pound·, and urging the adoption of such effective measures as will save By Mr. EV.ANS: Petition of 168 citizens of Bucks County, Pennsyl­ the dairy interests from ruin and protect consumers of butter _from vania, praying for the redemption of the trade-dollar-to the Committee fraud and imposition, were presented: a1;1d severally referred to the Com­ - on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. mittee on .Agriculture: · By 1\Ir. EVERHART: Petition of Grange No. 60, Patrons of Hus­ By Mr. SHAW: Of dairymen and butter-makers of Carroll County, bandry, of Chester County, Pennsylvania, praying for the suppression Maryland. of imitation of dairy products-to the Committee on Agriculture. The following petitions, praying Congress for the enactment of a law Also, memorial of same, protesting against the admission, free of duty, requiring scientific temperance instruction in the public schools of the of agricultural raw material-to the same committee. District of Columbia, in the Territories, and in the .Military and· Naval By Mr. GROUT: Petition of Joel H. Marsh and 71 others, citizens Academies, the Indian and colored schools suppported wholly or in part of Sharon, Vt., for a tax on oleomargarine-to the same committee. by money from the national Treasury, were presented, and severally By Mr. HERUAN: Petition of Herman Baumhager, of Oregon, for referred to the Committee on Education: increase of pension, with accompanying papers, to accompany House By Mr. BENNETT: Petition of citizens of :Mecklenburgh County, bill 6958-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. North Carolina. Also, affidavits, petitions, and proofs on behalf Of claim of Kate Hali­ By Mr. BRUMM: Of citizens of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. ton, of Oregon, to accompany House bill 6553-to the Committee on By Mr. D. B. HENDERSON: Of citizens of Dubuque County, Iowa. Claims. By Mr. HITT: Of G5 citizens of Stephenson County, .illinois. By M.r. HEWITT: Petition of the Berdan Fi.re-arms Manufacturing Bv .M.r. WAIT: Of Rev. S. G, Willard and other citizens of New Company, for relief-to the same committee. Lon.don County, Connecticut. .Also, petition of Eugene E. McLean, for removal Qf political disabil­ ities-to the Committee on the Judiciary. B)! Mr. HIRES: Petition for relief of Joseph Curriden (House bill 1491)-to the Committee on War Claims. SENATE. ByM.r. KELLEY: Petition ofGeorgianaShowers, fora widow's pen­ sion-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. WEDNESDAY, May 19, 1886. .Also, petition for the protection of the purity of girls under eighteen Praye1· by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. years of age-to the Committee on the Judiciary. - The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. By Mr. KING: Petition of captains and owners of steam-vessels run- ning on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, against tbe building of a low POTOMAC RIVER BRIDGE AT ANALOSTAN ISL.L.~ D . bridge across the Ohio River at or near Cairo, lll.-to the Committee The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the-Senate a communica- on Commerce. tion from the commissioners of the District of Columbia; which was By .M.r. NE.AL: Petition of John Stewart, of Bledsoe County, Ten- read, as follows: nessee, asking pay for services as recruiting officer during the late war, OFFICE o F THE CoMMISSio~s, DISTRICT oF CoLUMBIA, and pay for expenditures incurred in and about said recruiting-to the i' Washington, May 18,1886. Committee ou War Claims. · ~IR: In response to the Senl!-te_ resoluti?n of May 3, the comm~ioners beg . to Inform the Senate that prehmmary estimates of the cost of a bridge across By Mr. 0 S BORNE: Resolutions of the Commerc1al Exchange of Chi- the Potomac to connect the city of Washington with the Arlington National cago, opposing tax on oleomargarine-to the Committee on Agriculture. Cemete_ry have beef!- prepared. _ Also resolution of the Commercial Exchange of Philadelphia fav- The line of the bridge JSappro.nmately _that of New Yor_k avenue pr~Ionged, · 'h d · . ' and, traversing Analosta.n Island, leads dJiectly to the mam gate of Arlmgton. onng t ere emption of the trade-dollar-to the Committee on Comage, As the Senate resolution conveys no intimation of the character of the pro- Weights, and Measures. posed. structure ~or ?ftheprobable uses to be made thereof, the commissioners Also, resolution ?f the Chamber of _Commerce or Cincinnati, opposing ar!Jfe:!!~~~! :~i~a~s t~~veerbie~c~ade for an iron trussed structure for the tax on oleomarganne-to the ComiD.lttee on Agncnlture. entire width of the valley and for a combined truss and embankment cionstruc- By Mr. PARKER: Petition of the Legislature of New York in favor tion. of granting relief to Jonathan D. Stevenson-to the Committee on Mil- The ::;-eneral features of both are for a roadway of 20 feet m Wldth w1th two -ta A-. 6-foot Sidewalks, open spans of 210feet each, and a. draw-span over the channel 1 ry .o..u.arrs. of 250 feet, with center pier. The bottom chord of the bridge is 20 feet above 'J Also, petition against changing the tariff on spool-cott<>n-to the Com- mean low water. mittee on Ways and Means Plan A includes 1,300 linear feet of trussed bridge as above proposed, with -.·..- p S .. · . 2,100 feet of embankment; total cost, S350,000. Jf the roadway be reduced to 18 ') B y J.Ur. A Y ON: Petition of L. Martin and many others, c1tizens of feet and the sidewalks be omitted, the cost would be 3300,000. - \ • ) XVII--292 v. • ~. - . _:·_ -- 4658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. }lAY 19, Plan B is for a trussed iron structure throughout, with no embankment.
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