Giant Rat Familiar Kobold Scale Fanatic Goblin Folk Hero Rogue Leader CR Level 1 Beast • Aquatic Level 3 Kobold • Rage Level 5 Goblin • Stealth Level 4 Halfling • Stealth 1 Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M AC M AC M AC M 14 Little Incisors: +8 vs. AC; 5 damage AND this 14 Spikey Club: +5 vs. AC; 10 damage. +2 attack 17 Captured Mansword: +11 vs. AC; 15 damage. 17 Tiny Dagger: +10 vs. AC; 5 damage. creature may shift 1 square. and +5 damage (maximum +10 damage) for each r Red Stone: (range 6) +12 vs. AC; 5 damage AND FORT FORT Rage ally within 4 squares of this creature. FORT FORT target immediately provokes an opportunity attack 12 14 17 15 from one of this creature’s allies (choose one ally REF Powers REF REF REF adjacent to target). 12 Resist 5 Poison, Resist 5 Psychic 14 17 Powers 18 WILL Hole in the Wall: Invisible to nonadjacent enemies WILL Powers WILL Condence: Use when this creature hits with WILL Powers 12 when adjacent to a wall. 16 Immune Dominated 17 an attack: Heal 15 HP. 15 Sneak Attack 10: +10 damage vs. targets granting Familiar: Use at set up: Choose an Arcane ally that Expendable: Whenever there is a Dragon champion Clan Warcry: Use at start of round: Goblin allies of this creature combat advantage. has not been chosen by another creature with the in this creature’s warband: This creature is worth level 5 or lower have +5 damage until end of round. Low Shadows: Invisible to nonadjacent enemies SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED Natural Leader: Use when rolling initiative, if your when adjacent to a wall. 5 Familiar power. Until end of battle, that Arcane ally 6 0 VP when destroyed. 7 6 may use its own space or this creature’s space Inspired: Use when starting a turn within 4 squares opponent does not have a Champion on the battle when checking line of sight to targets and when of a Dragon ally: +2 speed and +5 damage until end map: Roll an extra d20 for intiative. Champion Powers HP determining if target has ranged cover. HP of round. HP Wild Raiders: Warband Building: All Small Goblins HP Use when a haling ally makes an attack or save: 15 30 40 are legal in your warband. 40 Roll 2d20 and use the higher result. BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD Use at start of round: Until end of round, each 5 15 20 20 Small ally has +5 damage. Use with Monster Menagerie II: Rat Use with Monster Menagerie II: Kobold (spiked club) Use with Monster Menagerie II: Goblin (sword) Use with Monster Menagerie II: Haling Rogue 5 8 16 19 ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 1/43 S ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 2/43 S ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 3/43 S ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 4/43 S Bullywug Ambusher Drow Slaver Orc Siegehammer Ghast Tomb Stalker Level 5 Aquatic • Bullywug • Primal Level 10 Drow • Aquatic Level 9 Orc • Rage Level 6 Undead Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M AC M AC M AC M 18 Spear: +11 vs. AC; 10 damage. 23 Deep Kraken Mancatcher: +17 vs. AC; 19 Fistknife: +14 vs. AC; 10 damage. 18 Claw +12 vs. AC; 10 damage AND immobilized. 10 damage AND Immobilized. m Siegehammer: (can use while charging) +13 vs. m Bite: Minor action: (Immobilized target only) FORT FORT c FORT Fortitude; 25 damage (Ignores Resist) AND push 1. FORT +10 vs. AC; 10 damage AND Dazed. 16 21 Ink Jet: (line 3) +16 vs. Reflex; 5 acid damage 21 18 AND Blinded. REF REF REF REF 16 21 21 18 WILL Powers WILL Powers WILL Powers WILL Powers 16 Swamp Dweller: While this creature occupies river 21 Immune Immobliized 19 Heavy Hammer: On natural attack rolls of 19 or 20, 18 Resist 5 Necrotic terrain, enemies 6 or more squares away from it Conceal 6 target is Dazed (hit or miss). Sprint Attack +2 Speed while charging. cannot trace line of sight to it. Constriction: Use at start of this creature’s turn: Punch: Immediate action, when an adjacent Grave Stench: (aura) Adjacent Living creatures have SPEED SPEED Each adjacent Immobilized enemy takes 10 damage. SPEED SPEED 5 Hop: Move action, once per turn: Moves up to its 7 7 enemy declares an attack; Make a Fistknife attack 7 -2 attack. speed, with Flight. Ink Cloud: Immediate action, use any time: against that enemy. Taste the Air: Use when a Living enemy is adjacent: Choose a square within 6 of this creature. Until the Leaping Charge 5: +5 damage and Flight while Das Siegehammer: Move action, when adjacent to Ignore Invisible and Ignore Conceal on that enemy. HP charging. HP start of this creature’s next turn, that square and HP secret door terrain: An adjacent square of secret HP 45 60 each square adjacent to it gain smoke terrain. 70 door terrain becomes clear terrain until end of 45 BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD battle. BLOOD 20 30 35 20 Use with Monster Menagerie II: Bullywug Use with Monster Menagerie II: Drow Elite Warrior Use with Monster Menagerie II: Orc (hammer) Use with Monster Menagerie II: Ghast 15 33 32 16 ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 5/43 M ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 6/43 M ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 7/43 M ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 8/43 M Human Cleric CR Human Monk Elf Ambassador CR Bugbear Stalker Level 8 Human • Divine 2 Level 5 Human • Ki Level 7 Elf • Mastermind 3 Level 9 Bugbear • Goblin • Stealth Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M AC M AC M AC M 21 Sword: +12 vs. AC; 15 damage. 18 Fist: +12 vs. AC; 5 damage. 20 Dwarf Hammer: +12 vs. AC; 15 damage. 20 Axe: +14 vs. AC; 20 damage. r Hold Person: (range 6) +11 vs. Will; Helpless. m Ki Strike: +11 vs. Fortitude; 15 damage AND FORT FORT Stunned. FORT FORT 19 16 18 22 REF REF REF Powers REF 18 Powers 16 18 Profound Diplomat: While this creature is not 20 WILL Holy Water: Minor Action. An adjacent Undead WILL Powers WILL bloodied, Dwarf creatures in your warband gain WILL Powers 20 enemy takes 10 damage. 16 Immune Stunned 18 the Elf keyword and Elf creatures in your warband 20 Sneak Attack 10: +10 damage vs. targets granting Healing: Minor Action. An adjacent ally heals Leaping Charge 5: +5 damage and Flight while gain the Dwarf keyword. this creature combat advantage. 15 HP. charging. Envoy: You may include one Elf creature in your Hide: If this creature has ranged cover other than SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED from intevening creatures vs. a nonadjacent 6 7 Mind Blank: Use when this creature is targeted by 6 warband from the Wild faction. 6 an attack vs. Will; +10 Will vs. that attack. enemy, it is Invisible to that enemy. Champion Powers Champion Powers HP Use when an adjacent ally starts its turn: End an HP HP Use when this creature is targeted by an attack: HP 45 effect or condition on that ally. 40 45 Redirect that attack to an adjacent Elf ally. 70 BLOOD Use at start of round: Until end of round, allies BLOOD BLOOD Use at start of an Elf Ally’s turn: Slide that ally BLOOD 20 have +2 attack while within 5 of this creature. 20 20 up to 4 squares. 35 Use with Monster Menagerie: Elf Fighter Use with Monster Menagerie: Bugbear (Axe) 25 13 23 31 ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 9/43 M ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 10/43 M ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 11/43 M ©2017 DDM Guild Monster Menagerie II 12/43 M Sahuagin Warleader CR Kobold King CR Goblin Fanatic Orc Siege Boss CR Level 9 Sahuagin • Divine • Aquatic 1 Level 10 Kobold • Stealth 2 Level 6 Goblin • Bane • Rage Level 11 Orc• Martial 2 Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M AC M AC M AC M 22 Trident: +14 vs. AC; 20 damage. 23 Axe: +15 vs. AC; 20 damage AND this creature 17 Rune Axe: +11 vs. AC; 15 damage. 22 Orc Bossblade: +18 vs. AC; 15 damage AND r Net: (range 3) +14 vs. Reflex; Stunned. may shift one square. m Bloodrage: +10 vs. AC; 15 damage AND repeat until end of battle, Orcs have +2 attack vs. target. FORT FORT r Sling: (range 10) +17 vs. AC; 10 damage. FORT this attack against a different target (once per turn). FORT M Fistknife: Minor action: +16 vs. AC; 10 damage. 20 21 17 Q whenever this creature starts a turn bloodied. 22 REF REF REF REF 20 Powers 21 Powers 17 22 WILL Scout WILL Kobold King: Each Kobold ally has +5 damage. WILL Powers WILL Powers 20 Bloodfrenzy: +5 damage while bloodied. 20 Sneak Attack 10: +10 damage vs. targets granting 17 Headstrike: Use when this creature makes an 22 War Boss: (aura 5) Each non-champion Orc ally Warleader: (aura) Sahuagin allies within 5 squares this creature combat advantage. attack with combat advantage: The attack is an within 5 squares of this creature has +2 attack. of this creature have +2 attack. Intuitive Dodge: Use when this creature is targeted automatic hit and a critical hit. Siege Boss: Each Orc ally has +5 damage vs. SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED with a c or a attack: Slide this creature 3 squares. 6 6 7 6 constructs and objects. Champion Powers Champion Powers Champion Powers HP Use at start of round: Non-good Aquatic allies HP Use at start of round: Each Kobold ally gains HP HP Use at start of round: Each Orc and Ogre ally 60 move up to their speed.
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