—The best time to let —Bachelors are men who the children get three looked for the ideal wo- jumps ahead of you is man and found her look- when the sidewalks are ing for the ideal man. slushy. The Glengarry New THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1953 SINGLE COPY, PRICE—7c VOL. LXII—No. 5 Gets Appointment The Strike Threat And The News Area High School Board Now Twelve Hundred Jam Gardens At an executive meeting of the Archdiocesan Union of the Holy Right across the country, Canadians are preparing for the Name Society of Montreal, held in threatened nation-wide strike of railway workers. There is still hope Has Three Counties Members To Witness Official Opening the Tertiary Hall of St. Francis, on that conciliation will bring an end to the strike threat, but our rail- Monday, January 26th, Douglas road system may be dead by Monday, and no one knows how long Lacombe of St. Thomas More the strike will last. Fine Hockey Show Staged By Parish, Verdun, was appointed G-. G. Aubry, Alexandria; Arcade Valleyfield Braves And Lachine For some of our readers this may be the last issue of this paper chairman of the public relations received for some time, as second-class mail will not be moving. We Trottier, 9th Lancaster, And committee, succeeding C. James Rapides Following Brief Ceremonies will arrangé some method of delivery to all county points, as well as Hanratty, who has retired after John A. Fraser Are New Trustees to Montreal and Ottawa, if possible. Glengarry Gardens attracted some 1,200 district hockey fans for many years of faithful service. Mr. We regret any delay to our many other readers, but their copies -official opening,. Monday night, when the highlight was an. exhibition Hanratty, who belongs to St. An- Three new members of the Glengarry District High School Area will be carefully kept and delivered as soon as organized labor allows. hockey tilt featuring Valleyfield Braves of the Quebec Senior League thony’s Parish, is a Life Member of Board attended the first full meeting of the Board held in the school the Archdiocesan Union of the Holy and their farm team, Laohine Rapides. here, Monday night. Appointed as representatives of Counties Council Name Society. on the Board, they are G. G. Aubry, Alexandria; Arcade Trottier, 9th Official opening ceremonies were kept to a minimum, yet it was an o Get R.N. Degrees impressive moment when W. J. Major, M.P., cut the gay ribbon at Visitingf Musicians Lancaster, and John A. Fraser, Glen Sand-field. Mr. Aubry is the only one having previous experience on the Board, centre ice. Many of those present* Miss Jean MacKinnon, RR. 1, were recalling the fine arena which Former Apple Hill Dalkeith, and Miss Jean Farlinger, Most Impressive # he having retired last month as had been lost by fire only one year Rev. N. F. Sharkey Is Martintown, are among recent representative of Town Council in ago and in the brief addresses by Legion Plans To favor of Dr. D. J. Dolan, new Board graduates who have been awarded Music from the maritimes as Bis Excellency Bishop Brodeur, by Chairman Lancaster Man Killed In Japan their Registered Nurse’s degrees. chairman. He will serve a three- Mayor Simon and Mr. Major there played by two gifted Cape Breton Mark Coronation year term. Mr. Trottier’s is a two- Both are presently on the staS of musicians was the big attraction at was expressed admiration and Section Of Legion Word was received Saturday of year appointment, and that of Mr. Cornwall General Hospital, where the Bums Concert in Alexander gratitude of the community to those the accidental death on January Alexandria Legion Branch is mak- Fraser is for one year. Lancaster Section of Branch 423, they trained. Hall, here, Monday and Tuesday ing plans to mark the Coronation primarily responsible for the build- 14th, while serving with the Cana- o John F. Chisholm of Alexandria, ing of this excellent, and in many Canadian Legion, held a meeting in dian forces in Japan of L/Opl. John nights. Discriminating audiences of Queen Elizabeth II, June 2nd, by was appointed secretary-treasurer. which were almost capacity both ways better, sports palace. the Public Library. Elected to of- Sauve, 19, son of Peter Sauve of a monster celebration. At Wednes- Committees were formed with the nights, much enjoyed the entertain- Declaring the new Glengarry fice were Rev. N. Sharkey, chair- Mille Roches. day’s meeting of Town Council, the following as charimen: Agriculture, Elle David Again - ment provided by the visiting ar- Gardens officially open was J. man; vice-chairman, D. Lynch; L/Cpl. Sauve joined the army a Legion sought and received the co- Lloyd MacRae, Bainsville; property, tists as well as the music of our Arthur Vinet of Valleyfield, presi- secretary, Andy Caron; treasurer, little more than a year ago and operation of Council in their plans. Edwin McDonell, Lochiel; trans- own favorite violinists and other dent of the Valleyfield Braves. In W. McCready; service officer, Geo. landed in Japan just before Christ- Heads School Board Preliminary planning for the big portation, Ranald J. McPherson, vocal and dance numbers. his brief address, Mr. Vinet com- Aylett; members, of executive, T. B. mas- day was discussed at Tuesday’s ex- Greenfield; management, Hector plimented the town on its fine new Conroy, A. Robertson, M. Grant, Prior to residing in Mille Roches Elle David was re-elected chair- Making their first stop in Glen- ecutive meeting of the Branch, Perrier, Dalkeith; finance, Robert arena and expressed the pleasure of John McLaren, Louis Lapierre; en- he lived in Apple Hill and attended man of the Alexandria Separate garry on a tour that -takes them when it was also decided to hold a Edgar, Lancaster. All members of himself and his club in being able- tertainment committee, chairman, school there. School Board, at its first meeting next to Toronto, William H. Lamey, reception on Tuesday, February the Board are on the building to participate in the opening. Ivan Clark, Bernie Abrams, Ernest He is survived by his father, Peter held on Wednesday night of last violinist, and Rev. H. A. MacDonald, 10th, for Pte. Joe Thauvette and committee. Campbell Fraser acted as master Pelley; works committee, George Sauve; seven sisters, Mrs. Alex Bu- week. pianist, were most impressive and Pte. Jim Sharkey, Korean war vet- Plans for the new school building of ceremonies and introduced the Aylett, Moses Dufresne and Ed. rner, Monkland; Mrs. Bernard Bu- The chairman, Frank McLeister, entertaining in their debut, here. erans, at the Legion clubrooms. were discussed and a representative speakers as well as other guests and Beilis. rner, Monkland; Mrs. Hilliard Har- and Stanislas Carrière were named Mr. Lamey displayed a mastery of The regular general meeting of of the firm of architects tentatively members of the Gardens’ executive, Poppy Fund committee — Chair- ris, Northfield; Mrs. Earl Lafave, a committee to see to the needs of his Instrument which was equally the Branch will be held Tuesday, engaged accompanied some mem- hloyd McHugh, president, expressed man, D. Lynch; secretary, Leonard Mille Roches; Misses Shirley, Dar- St. Margaret’s School, and the accomplished in pastoral airs, to February 3rd, at 8 p.m. All mem- bers of the Board, Wednesday, on the thanks , of the Glengarry Gar- Edgerton; treasurer, Ernest Pelley. lene and Doreen Sauve, Mille chariman, Laurier Lefebvre and marches, reels, strathspeys or horn- bers are asked to attend and bring an inspection tour of new schools at dens Company as well as the hope o Roches, and two brothers, Garnet, Eugene Ouellette were appointed to pipes. And the unique manner in a comrade with you. Hawkesbury and Richmond. Mak- that residents of the area will con- Mille Roches, and Peter, Cornwall. supervise the bilingual schools. which the various tempos were — —o ing the trip were R. J. McPherson, tinue to. support all arena projects — o The chairman, Eugene Ouellette, blended for presentation was an Edwin McDonell, Martin Clement and activities. W. H. McWhinnie New and Stanislas Carrière were named added delight. Dalkeith Farm Forum and Principal J. T. Smith. While the visiting teams were a committee to oversee construction The piano accompaniment of It is expected a meeting of the lined up near centre, ice, 7-year- Chairman Of Board St. Alexander’s, Lochiel of the new school. Father MacDonald added much to Hears Address Board will be held early next week old Gaétan Lefebvre, son of Mr. and The chief of pohce and police Mr. Lamey’s playing and he showed with the architects when detailed Mrs. Wilfrid Lefebvre, Alexandria, W. H. McWhinnie of Williams- officer were appointed truant offi- On Monday evening, January Sk town, was elected chairman of the Reports A Good Year himself not only a gifted pianist but specifications will be^gone into. skated across the ice surface in full cers. a talented entertainer as well. 26th, the Dalkeith Farm Forum held — o Charlottenburgh Township Public Rev. C. F. Gauthier, P.P., Lochiel, The meeting date was changed hockey regalia to symbolize the Father MacDonald presented sev- a most successful meettog in the primary purpose to which the arena School Area at the first meeting of reports a successful year with 1952 from the third Friday to the first the 1953 Board held January 21st. eral piano solos including classical Dalkeith public school. Following will be devoted — the healthful de- ordinary revenue at $3,267; church Friday of each month. and semi-classical pieces which gave Other members of the Board are: Hope To Occupy velopment of the young people of conveyance, $697.35; social activi- o him the opportunity to display his the broadcast, which was a Fourth the area.
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