Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1998-10-28 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1998). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2807. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2807 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. X~A V l'E R UNIVERSITY ·www.xu;edu!soa/newswirel ·.·.. ..\~: Election officially voided Senate dsserts constitutiOnalauthority, removes B. of E . ·;.:. BY CHAD ENGELLAND Michae!Dake, a number of code Thoniasori, who sponsored the . Senate resolutions .. · · Editor-in~Chief & Publisher · framer of the violations, in­ motion. Text of 99". 71 : 'We move After finding out it had the final current constitu~ cluding the Senate removed the Board of thafthe fall '98 el(:!ction results c6nstit9tio'nal authority over its own tion, .wrote to omission of two Elections after the Association Af­ are declared void by the election.. results, Student Senate The Newswire candidates' fairs committee investigated its han­ authority. vested in· Article 11, · voted unanimously last Thursday to and cited the. relevant passage. names from the ballot during the dling of the election. ,An interim section' 1, para. ·2i· last line of .. void the resuits of the.freshman "When we. found out from first day of voting. Board of Elections, appointed by . the .~. constitution:' . elections and. remove the entire former Senator Dake we had con­ On Oct. 2 and Oct. 7, President the Association Affairs committee Text of 99-75: ;'We move· t~ Board of Elections. · stitutional power to 'have the final Desiree Demonbreun vetoed the of Senate,. will oversee the new · remove the Board of Elections New elections will be held Nov. decision on the results of the elec­ first two Senate motions to void the · freshman election if Demonbreun from office. The Board must 10 and 11, pending approval by the tion, we decided to act," said Sen­ elections and schedule new ones - accepts the motion. present the Association Affairs student government president. ate Coordinator James Bowling. vetoes the Senate failed to ._over­ "They [Board of Elections mem­ Committee· with any _and all This is the third time Senate has · "The constitutiOn is. a sacred ride. bers] were incompetent. The com­ documentation received during voted to void the election results, document.. lt'is our law. We swear "That motion to void the results mittee talked to all. the candidates. the Fall '98 election:' ·. but the first worded in such a way to uphold that document," said · means the election is still going on. From what they said we felt the . >-NO APPROVAL by the as to make a presidential veto con­ · Bowling. "We had to• do this for . The new motion will take us back· [Board of Elections] committee was student government president stitutionally impossible: Senate did future elections." to where the problem occurred so not doing an adequate job," said . is required for 'either motion not realize it had the power'to do Senate criticized the election, that we can receive untainted and Bow Iirig. so until last .week, when alumnus ·held Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 1, for a tiue results," said Senator Jason See Senate, Page 3 . .LABOR of LOVE. Chabot, Qualls debate at Xavier BY KARA- BENKEN ·• .... "often referred to,~.was-:the.recent, ·" Managing Editor 4,000-page, omnibus spending bill Next Tuesday, voters in the 1st which passed in_the House and Sen­ District will choose between two ate shortly before Cong~ess re­ politically opposed, yet ideologi- cessed. cally similar, candidates for the Chabot crossed party lines to House of Representatives. vote against the bill, citing too much · Incumbent Steve Chabot and "pork," and saying the federal gov­ Cincinnati Mayor Roxanne Qualls ernment was "looting money from met last Thursday at WVXU to de- the surplus ... for grasshopper re­ bate the issues which define each search in Alaska and peanut qual­ . ,•;. .... ~· candidate, ranging from middle ity research in Georgia," money class tax cuts to a proposed light- which should be going to the tax­ rail system in hopes of improving payers, according to Chabot. the city's public transportation. Qualls challenged his decision, NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY BILL TERRY Moderated by WVXU's news saying Chabot "engaged in the poli­ Students landscape at North Avondale Elementary School during Community Action Day. editor, Steve Hirsh burg, the debate ·tics of 'no'." BY JAMIE .CURRAN "These. students were able to and crisis, heitlth and develop- featured local television news and .. · She noted the importance of News Writer share their gifts and skills with a . ment, and the environment. newspaper reporters, who ad- .passing the bill~ citing the provi­ More than 160 Xavier students community broader than Xavier," Action is als9 coordinating the dressed broad, general questions to sions for 100,000 new teachers ga~!! up thei~ Saturday ~fternoons said seni_or David Tressler, direc- adoption of two small apartments both candidates. across the country, heating assis- · to participate .·ih Xavier's third tor of Xavjer Acti~n. of the Race Street Tenant Orga­ The candidates also responded • tance for the elderly and.cancer re- . annual ~ommunity Action Day. "Our mission is to involve stu- nization, a cooperative housing to written questions from the stu~ .· search in the bill. The student:;; volunteered at 21 dents with consistent and com- program in Over~_the-Rhirie. dio audience. Another difference between the local agencies, coinciding with. mitted service to these agencies," They also recruit voiunteers for During his opening statement, candidates is general or targeted tax national volunteers for Make a he)~aid. RESTOC work ~very Saturday. Chabot stressed the differences be- cuts. · Qualls approves of targeted Difference Day. Xavier Action acts as a re7 One of the new benefits for tween himself and Qualls, particu- tax cuts within the context of a bal­ "The. day was devoted to ser-. source, identifying opportunities Xavier Action this yt!ar is the use larly in reference to the partial-birth ·anced budget agreement. vice ... and ~as a complete sue- for individuals to s.hare t_hei_r gifts of Xavier's Shuttle Service. abortion procedure, the role of gov- . Chabot, however, prefers across- cess," said senior Katie Keller, with those.in need. During the day, shuttles are ernment and taxes. the-board tax cuts, but recognized . c~o~dtnator of Xavier Actio~. Throughout the year, Action available to transport students to Qualls' opening statement spoke · political compromising invariably Volunte~r activities -.ranged has deve,l9ped relationships with their volunteer site, eliminating. of the duty of an official to keep the ,means targeting tax cuts. from serving lunch at an over~ approximately 2s· agencies and previous transportation problems. interests of the district in mind, es- Both candidates responded to a · the-Rhine soup kitchen to c_lean- projects. in order to meet volun- Anyone with questions about . pecially by returning money to that question about gay rights' legisla­ ing local school gl-ourids. Other teer n6eds. ,' · or interest in attending a service district. tion by saying the recent murder of students, assembled packages for · .. The. agencies are grouped into . opportunity with Xavier Act.ion She was.most passionate about · Matthew Shepard in Wyoming was ,uµderpr~vileged ipothers. four ca~egories: education,urban should call 745-4:343> environmental issues. a terrible ad, but Qualls said she One of the topics each candidate · See Debate, f>age 3 ©1998 ·The Xavier Newswire All rights reserved . :· · NEW·S·: o·P-ED:· SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: ROTCpr:ofessor ~xchanges , Head. .. to head: Big weekend for men's and Toasters wage, a war . Advertising ·.... (513) 745-~561. fatigues/or a badge ·The.ethics.of cloning women's soccer for indepe11,d~nt~ ... •::• -··· ,11,'" --~Editor-in'·Chief (513) 745-3607 . PAGE 4. PAGE.7 PAGES 9·10 PAGE 12 . · . :_ A . D : M A ·J ('.) R E · M , o: .E I @ . · L , 0 · R 'I .A. M ,.__ '- ,. · : . I . .' .. ·,,..,. 2 weeko/OCTOBER28, 1998 CAMPu·s. NEWS. THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE CENTURY. ,CAMPAIGN,. COMES. .HOME... '• >-News Room: 745-3122 >-E-mail: [email protected] Culture lecture On Frid~y. Nov. 6 at :3 p.m.; Dr. Pauline Nugent, associate pro­ fessor at Southwest Missouri' State Univers.ity will speak on "Vir Trilinguis: .St. 'Jerome. Conduit of Classical Culture." Nugent will discuss,how St. Jerome became a conduit for Greco-Roman Clas­ sics. The speaker is part of the John W. Rettig lecture series. du ( Dr. Susan.Shapiro at 745-3456, with questions. · I Volunteers needed . Volunteers are needed to help .with the floats for Homecoming · 1998. The floats will be built at Bes) Transfer Company on Este Avenue Volunteers are needed to work the registration table and serve as representatives for Xavier at various float-building times. Building hours are 10 a.m.-7p.m., Nov. 15~20. If you can volun­ teer, call Jody Buelterman at 745-1091. Poetry. re~ding The English Departmerit is sponsoring a: poetry reading by The campus campaign kickofftOok place last Friday in the. University C~·nter Thea.tre. .~ Catherin~ Hardy on Monday, Nov. 9 at 3 p.m. in the Hinkle Hall Those in attendance were updated on The Century Campaign's accomplishments in addition faculty l~mnge. Hardy is ~n associate professor of English at the to its need for further funding, in particular the need for funding from faculty. , Art Academy of Cincinnati. Her poetry has appeared in "The Geor~ The Century Campaign was announced on Oct.
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