. .. I • ., .. 1":. I .I BK0134 re 752 j. .:~· .. • ·~ ' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) MASTER DEED of PERJtEYCLEAR POINTE ) HORIZONTAL PROPERTY REGlHE COUNTY OP CHARLESTON ) THIS MASTER DEED ia. made by St. Cherlea Court AHocf.atH, a U111ted partnarehip (aub11equentl1 herein referred to 1111 the ."Orantor") punuant to ' ... 1. , the Horizontal Property Act of South Carolina (subsequently herein ref erred to aa the 11Ac.t 11 ) for the purpose of creating a hodzontal proper'ty regime -'\:. 1 · '· • ,, I and eetabliahing certain ea11ement11,, covenants, and •reatriction11 to run vith th• lend 11ubmitted to the horizontal property regime. ARTICLE I HAHll Section 1.01 .!!!!!.• The name of the horizontal property regime hereby eetabU.ahed shall ba Perreyclear Pointe Horizontal Property Regime 11 (aubaequently herein referred to H tha Regima"). ARTICLE II THE PROPERTY Section 2.01 Property. The tel'lll Property meana and include• the Land deacribed belov and all improvement• and atructurea nov existing or iubaequently placed on the Land and all eaaementa, rights, arid appurtanancaa balongina thereto. Section 2.02 Land. The term Land meana and include• the land owned in fee aillple abaolute by Grantor described belov and ahall include the land daacribad in Article III hereof if aubjected. to thia H1111ter Dead ea herein provided, The,.. lan~ her~by •eubmitted fo Perreyclear Pointe Horizontal Property Regime 111 de1cribid •• follovat ALL those certain pieces, parcela or tracta of land, vith the butldinga and improvements thereon, 111tuate, lying and being in the City of Charleeton, State of South Carolina, and bein1 1hovn and designated. ae Lot 2A containing 27,216.602 S.P., lot 3 containing 22,"\0f,'29,. s.r~. lot 4\ containing 31,.87,661 s.r., Lot 5 containing 32,326,045 S,P,, ~~ot 6 containidg 15,367,061 S.F,, 11 Perreyclear Point" containing 34,383.618 S.F., and 3,01 Strip containing 920,574 S,F,, all •• ahovn on a "Plat of the RHurvey of St. Charles Subdivieton, City of Charleston, South Carolina" made Auguat 23, 1983, by George A, Z, Johnaon, Jr,, Inc., Engineer1-Plannere-Land Surveyor1, which aaid plat ta recorded in the IMC Office for Charle1ton County in Plat look AY, P•I• 34. laid lot a or parcela of land hereby conveyed have auch liu, ahape, llletea, bounda, location• and dimension• •• ar• •how on 1aid plat but butt and bound generally, according to ••id plat, •• follower Lot 2A, to the Northeast on the 1alt mereh11 of Aehley River, to ~utheaat on property of Three R Realty Company, to the South on tha "3, O' Strip", to the Southwest on St. Charla• Court, and to th• Northwest on Lot 3; Lot 3, to th• Northeast on the talt marehet of Ashley River, to tiie'S'ii"utheaet on Lot 2A, to tha Southveat on St, Charla• Court, and to the Northwest on Lot 7J .!:!!!...!• to the North on Lot S, to the East on St, Charle• Court, to the South on Lot 1, to the Southwest on "Out Parcel" and property nov or formerly of Julian E. Smith, III, and to the Horthveet on Page 1 ' ' I BA0134 re 753 • .....• . ...-· J ··-· the salt merahea of AahleJ River1 Lot 5, to the Northea1t on St. Charlea Court, to the South on tot 4;"tO° the Southveat on the aalt ..rahea of Ashley River and to the Northwest on Lot 6: 1!?!_!, to the North and Northeast on St. Charle• Court, to the Southeaat on Lot 5, to the Southveat on the salt marahea of.Aahl•y River, and to the Northveat.on "Perreyclear Pointe": "Perreyclear Point", to the South and ~tiiea*t on•l St. ChufH Court, to the SouthvHt, Northwest and ffortheHt on the Hlt ,91arahe1 of Ashby River, to the East on tot 1 1 to the South again on a lift station aite and to the Southeast again on a lift station sites 3.0' Strip, to th• North on Lot 2A, to the East on property nov or formerly of Three R Realty co,pany~. to ~~· South on Orange Grove Road, and to the Neat on St. Charloa Court, TOGETHER vith a non-exclusive right to the uae of 6 1 of a 12' drainage easement lying on Lot 7 as shown on aaid plat adjacent to the co111111on boundary line of Lot 7 end 11 Perreyclear Point". Th• Land above described ia subjected to this Heater Deed aubjact to the followings l. A drainage easement over a 6' •trip lying on "Perreycleer" Point" adjacent to the common boundary line of "Perrayclear Point" and Lot 7 a• ahovn on aaid plats 2, Easement to South Carolina Electric & Gae Company datad April 13, 1965, recorded in Book P-85, page 196, in the RHC Offic• for Charleaton County1 3. Easement to South Carolina Electric & Goa Company dated January to, 1973, recorded in Book AlOl, page 134, in the RHC Office for Charleston Countyl and 4. An easement in favor of Grantor, ita agenta, independent contractor•, invite••, and aHian• for entry into and upon and paaaaa• over Reaim• Property for tha purpoee of facilitatin1 construction, ranovation, end eale of Apartments. ' I I f Ir . I • , B!lffO the aam• property conveyed to th• Orantor by dead of Batty H. Parka dated September I, 1983, and recorded September 2, 1983, in Book Wl32, page 169 in the RHC Office for Charleston County, South Carolina, ARTICLE Ill ADDITIONAL PROPERTY Orantor hareby reaerve• to itself, ita aucceHor• and aHiana, the rlaht to annex into the legim• the additional land de•cribad hereinbelov. The additional land which may bo annexad and mada a part of tha Ferrayclaar Pointe Hori&ontal Property Regime ia ·deacribed •• follova1 ALL that c~~l\ln ,p~eca" parcel, or ~ract of land, togethar with improvement• theraon, aituata, I lying, being ~n the City of Charleeton, State of South Carolina, and bain1 ahovn and de•iinated aa • portion of St. Charles Court on that certain plat entitled "Plat Of The Reaurvey Of St. CharlH Subdiviaion, City Of Charleaton, South Carolina", made Ausu•t 23, 1983, br Ceorge A, Johnson, Jr., Inc., !n1ineera-Planner•-Land Surveyore, which ••id plat i• recorded in the R.H.C. Office for Charleeton County, South Carolina, in Plat Book AY, page 34, betn1 that portion of St, Charla• Court bounded on th• •••t by that area daal1nated aa "3.0 11 0 11 11 8trip , "Lot 2A , "Lot 3 , and "Lat 7 r bounded on the north by 11 11 11 Parreyclear Pointe"r bounded on the vaat by "Lot 6 , ''Lot 5 , and "Lot 411 1 and bounded on the aouth by a prolonsation to the eHt of 11 tha •outharn boun~ary Una of "Lot 4 , Said property ehall be convayed subject to veter, eever, elect~icity, and other utility eaaemente aa are' neceaeary to ••rvice the Regime and Lot 7 aa ahovn on the aforesaid plat •. Tha aaid property ehall also be conveyed subject to an appurtenant Page 2 ... 1·• • •I . BX0134 PC • i :-•. ,.. 754 • •• .. ,, easement in favor of the record owner of Lot 1 for purpoaea of inare•• and egr••• to •aid Lot 7. The .additional land deacribed above i• presently a public road riaht-of-vay. Orantor axpraaely reserve• the right, at Orantor'• election,' to petition appropriate aovarnmental entitiu on behalf of the Reaille to hav• 1aid road abandoned •• a public right-of-vay. Upon abandonment of tha uia of 1aid land 11 a public right-of-vay, th• 1ama 1hall be 1nnaxad into tht Parreyclaar Point• Horizontal Property Regime a1 a Common Element. Th• additional land, if annexed into the Regille, vill contain aaphalt pavtna which will be aaint1ined at th• Common Expunee of th• leaime. the percentage intereat of tha Co-ovnara in the ColllmOn !lementa vill not chenae aa'\.&1 rea\tlt ot the an,exetion of euch additional lend into the· l•ai••· '• Orantor 1hall elect to proceed vith annexation of th• Hid property into th• leaima on or before December 31, 1985 (herein 11 Filina Date"). The failure of Orantor to file, prior to the Filina Data, a aupplemental declaration to thia Kaatar Deed containina euch information a• then required bJ the Act ehall "\Cob1tltuta ·'an irrav.ocabla dachion not to annex euch ! i additional property into tha legilla. The declaration of Orantor'•·•laction to proceed with the annexation of the additional land aa part of the leaime ahall include all information required to ba included within a Haetar Deed bJ tha Act effective at euch time at euch declaration may be filed. Any declaration filed pursuant hereto •hall be deemed ineffectual until it 1e Hlad in the Office of th• Reabtar of Kaeaa Convayancaa for Charl••ton CountJt South Carolina, and it ahell be indexed under the name of Hid Grantor• or it• 1ucca11or in title (if any)• and th• taataa. All.TICLI IV APAll~TS AND CO~N.!LEH!NTS f. I Sactton 4.01 lluildin1 and ImprovHanta. Th• froparty ta located in the citJ of Chariaeton, Charleeton County, South Carolina, and ia acceaeibla froa Sto Charla1 Court. The project con1iet1 of th• renovation and aubmiaaion to a horizontal· I property r•aiile of f iva axi•tina buildina• located on the Land contaiotna a total of •ixty (60)~r•eid•nta~.epartmenta (auHaaqu•ntly herein referred to I 11 •• the "Apartasnta ), ' The location of the butldinaa and oth•r improv1mant1 are ahown oa th• plot plan, !xbibit "A"• paae 1 of l, attached hereto and incorporated by reference in thia Haatar Deed. Wi t hi n reeaonabla con•tructfon tolerance•, n--- "' ,• I '• I ' ~... BK0134 755 .. ~. re th• dimeneion; area and location of the Apartmenta in the buildinga and of th• Co11110n !lementa affordina acceea to the Apartment• i1 1hovn on the floor 11 11 pbn• • Exhibit 1 • paaH I throuah 7, attached hare to and incorporatad b1 rafaranc• in thia Hastar Deed.
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