THE THEOSOPHIST VOL. 129 NO. 9 JUNE 2008 CONTENTS On the Watch-Tower 323 Radha Burnier A Bubble in a Stream 327 Wayne Gatfield The Spirit of Wisdom in your Heart 332 Paul Zwollo The Round Table 335 Mary Anderson Blavatsky at Adyar — From her Letters 340 Adele Algeo Wagner’s Parsifal (Part I) 343 Alan Senior Seek Out the Way 350 Dusan Zagar Theosophy as a Guide in Life 353 Anon Theosophical Work around the World 357 International Directory 358 Editor: Mrs Radha Burnier NOTE: Articles for publication in The Theosophist should be sent to the Editorial Office. Cover: Plain Tiger butterfly (Danaus chrysippus) on Antigonam creeper flowers — by J. Suresh Official organ of the President, founded by H. P. Blavatsky, 1879. The Theosophical Society is responsible only for official notices appearing in this magazine. On the Watch-Tower RADHA BURNIER Seeing the Whole essence is something that we do not know It is well known that our idea of the of at all. But we have to try to know as spiritual path, at best, is only partial and much of it as possible, simply because it therefore not true. Suppose we see only is so beautiful. This is true of certain other one arm of the physical body of another qualities. There is divine beauty which has person, we have a wrong idea of what we nothing to do with a cause, which may see. Similarly, our view of life, whatever embody itself in forms to a small extent, ideas we may have of this physical plane, but does not show its full nature at all. is only a partial picture, and is therefore Love, beauty, goodness, etc. are qualities false. Those who have been able to see which belong to the divine plane, of which more fully may find it difficult to say what we have only an impression down here, they know. Even if a Mahatma tells us and not the reality. For instance, for most what is on the other side of life, we will people, love in the family is important. not be able to grasp it fully or whatever Whether they love anyone outside a we grasp may not be true. So spiritual- small circle which they know of or not, ly advanced men can only try to make is not their concern at all. But they get others aware that there is much more to satisfaction out of giving something to see; they cannot say what is to be seen as a few people, and expecting a return. all the ideas which we get from books To be able to love without asking for a and people about other worlds, etc. can- return is very difficult. not make us see what is true. We must A mothers love is often praised, keep in mind the fact that, however cor- because of this very quality; she can go rect we may be compared to other people, on loving her child even when grown what we think is not really what is. up, self-willed, or selfish. She feels a bond For most people love means something between the two of them. But for most which is not really very spiritual. It may people a small feeling of love, a little be very good in its own way. A mother feeling of beauty, etc., is a great thing. loves her child and this is better than not It makes life worth living. We cannot loving the child. She is able to give the imagine anyone who is able to perceive child the sense of protection, of someone no beauty at all, or any of those qualities who cares, etc. But if we think that this which we associate with life, the receiv- love provides the full meaning of the term, ing of which he instinctively feels is then we would be wrong. Love in its important. June 2008 323 The Theosophist But if the wife is very loving but does our prejudices, and all that goes on in our not provide comfort, a man is not very mind, we see only a part of it. It never has happy. So there is expectation where there the same quality. Krishnaji points out that is love. Of course we try to look at the if we can give all our attention to some- whole question in a different way. It may thing, not necessarily a little bird sing- be a question of learning to look at the ing with innocence, then it opens a whole thing carefully. We tend to come to con- new view which is wonderful. And that clusions even when we do not know a happens because the observer is not there. thing well, and which may take a long The observed may be a wonderful piece time to know truly. But meanwhile we of art, beautiful music, a lovely tree, and need not have many ideas about it. the observer may observe the beauty of One of the ways in which we gather it, but he is still there. So the beauty of ideas is through looking at art objects. it makes but a small impression. When Some of the famous places where these there is no observer at all, the entire con- art objects are gathered and kept are the sciousness undergoes this experience. museums and galleries that people visit. Why do they do it? Partly it is a question Learning to Meditate of keeping abreast; everybody talks about This is part of meditation: by watching, something, and you want to say, I have by listening, by giving ones heart and also been there. They may be learning mind, meditation begins. But we do not something, but they also hope to catch begin that way. We think about some some fresh idea, a fresh way of looking, things, but that is not meditation, for the which the artist has. So we need the other observer is there. Only when the observer person to stimulate us in some way. is not there, one can see beauty. Perhaps In Freedom from the Known, a col- some of us sometimes do see beauty in lection of Krishnamurtis talks, there is that way not beauty in a form. As long a story about a religious teacher who as there is the feeling I am looking at it gave sermons. People appreciated them perhaps because it is not real, it is not and flocked to hear them. One day, a complete. Self-abandonment, letting go of little bird came and sat on the window- the feeling of myself, of the feeling of sill and sang with all his heart. They do being different from the object, has to go. not sing like human beings, who are This is the essence of meditation, when thinking of other things. A bird has no we can forget ourselves. such care. He sings because he feels like Whenever there is a strong emotion, singing. The teacher was quiet, and at the when a person is very angry and does not end of the music, he said: The sermon is know what he is doing, the consciousness over. This is an instance of the sermon of myself does not seem to be there; and coming from sources other than what we the anger takes over. The person is still expect. When we see that same thing with there, but he is overcome by anger. But 324 Vol. 129.9 On the Watch-Tower when there is observation without the Those who spend some time apparently observer, there is an experience which is doing nothing, just watching, can also see not ordinary at all. Some of us may have what society expects of them and what had this experience. But when you re- they are taught from childhood. In East- member that experience, it is no longer ern literature this feeling comes, giving like that, because you are there to re- glimpses of a person who sees duty, order, member what has happened before. It is goodness, truth and so on, even in the not happening, it has happened. It is midst of this world. But there is the therefore something which belongs to the possibility for the world to change, when past. So how can we gradually come to people learn to behave differently. understand the difference between the Perhaps we do not see the importance person who has realized, or not realized? of bringing about a change of this kind The realized person does not expect in ourselves, which makes for greater some change to take place in the other. If awareness of the deeper side of life that were so, then everybody would have of truth, goodness, and beauty every- to change according to the wish of the where. If that were so and it will onlooker, which is impossible. That is not become so even if it takes a long time what is meant by self-abandonment, then the world would be changing much which is a state of silence inside. Silently faster. But if we presume that order in this watching whatever happens to be, or takes sense is not possible, it will take very long. place around you, is very important. But If many of us feel that we must do what this is precisely what we and our neigh- will make us instruments, or a little part bours do not approve of. If someone is of an instrument, through which the silently watching something, they think world itself changes, then it will make a something is wrong with him.
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