ACCRINGTON AT THE HEART OF PENNINE LANCASHIRE HYNDBURN BOROUGH COUNCIL LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK ACCRINGTON AREA ACTION PLAN PUBLICATION EDITION MARCH 2010 PAGE // Accrington AAP PAGE // Accrington AAP PAGE // Accrington AAP CONTENTS CONTENTS PART A THE PLAN AND ITS CONTEXT Policy Index 1.0 Introduction and Background Plans and Figures .0 Strategic and Local Forward Policy Context .0 Characteristics and Key Issues .0 Vision, Objectives and Proposals Hyndburn Borough Council Planning & Transportation Services Scaitcliffe House Ormerod Street Accrington Lancashire BB5 0PF Tel: 01254 388111 Fax: 01254 391625 [email protected] If you require this information in a different format, for example large print, audio or in different languages please let us know. PAGE // Accrington AAP PART B PART C PART D APPENDICES POLICIES SPATIAL QUARTERS IMPLEMENTATION .0 11.0 1.0 1.0 Range of Uses within the SPATIAL QUARTERS AND IMPLEMENTATION AND APPENDICES Town Centre, Employment PROPOSAL SITE POLICES MONITORING FRAMEWORK Development and Housing The Blackburn Road Quarter Delivering Accrington Appendix 1: Accrington 6.0 Town Centre Area Action Urban Design and Plan Proposal Map Environmental Quality The Arndale Quarter Strategic Business Plan Appendix : Accrington Area 7.0 The Cannon Street Quarter The Town Centre Action Plan: Key Boundaries The Historic Environment Development Board The Grange Quarter Appendix : Policy 8.0 Marketing Strategy ATC: Active Shopping Transport and Access Frontages plan The Scaitcliffe Quarter Performance Indicators 9.0 Appendix : Regeneration The Hyndburn Road Quarter Town Centre Management Impact Measures, Implementation Plan & Phase 1 Projects 10.0 The Eastgate Quarter Infrastructure Provision and Flood Risk Appendix : List of Development Briefs Background Documents Brief 1: PL Squared, Accrington Appendix 6: Tests of Soundness Appendix 7: Glossary of Terms Appendix 8: Acknowledgements PAGE 6 // Accrington AAP PLANS AND FIGURES Figure 1: AAP BoundarIies Plan Figure 7: Street Lights and Materials Figure : Policy Document Structure Figure 8: The Town Centre Spatial Strategy Figure : Planning Context – Key Designations Figure 9: Existing Town Centre Retail Circuits Figure : Making Hyndburn the Place to be Figure 0: Proposed Town Centre Retail Circuits Figure : Spatial and Regeneration Context Figure 1: Proposed Destinations and Arrivals Figure 6: Regeneration Spatial Framework Figure : Public Realm Strategy Figure 7: Strategic Context Plan Figure : Street Hierarchy Figure 8: Land Use Plan Figure : Route Strategy Figure 9: Urban Design Analysis Figure : Pedestrianisation of Blackburn Road Figure 10: Townscape Quality Figure 6: Opening up Blackburn Road Figure 11: Accrington Town Centre Conservation Area Figure 7: Design Concept for Eastgate Figure 1: The Growth of Accrington Figure 8: Design Concept for Abbey Street Gateway Town Centre Conservation Area Figure 9: Pedestrian Crossings Figure 1: Heritage Assets within Accrington Figure 0: Concept Sketch for Eagle Town Centre Conservation Area Street and Scaitcliffe Street Figure 1: Townscape Analysis of Accrington Figure 1: Design Concept for St James Street Town Centre Conservation Area Figure : Car Parking Provision Figure 1: Growth of Accrington Town Centre Figure : Accrington Town Centre Figure 16: Gateways Area Action Plan Proposals Map Figure 17: Green Spaces Figure : Quarters Plan Figure 18: Street Trees Figure : Peripheral Development Figure 19: Flooding and Watercourses Figure 6: Blackburn Road Quarter Figure 0: Roads and Parking Figure 7: Arndale Quarter Figure 1: Movement Figure 8: Cannon Street Quarter Figure : Coherent Streets Figure 9: The Grange Quarter Figure : Landmarks, Views and Vistas Figure 0: Scaitcliffe Quarter Figure : Edges and Barriers Figure 1: Hyndburn Road Quarter Figure : Surface Materials Figure : The East Gate Quarter Figure 6: Signage and Public Art Figure : PL2 Squared Project Area Boundary PAGE 7 // Accrington AAP 0 POLICY INDEX Range of Uses within the Town Centre, Em- Transport and Access: ployment Development and Housing: Policy ATC15 Town Centre Road Network Policy ATC1 New and Enhanced Shopping Facilities Policy ATC16 Accessibility – Gateways & Approaches Policy ATC2 Shopping Frontages and the Use of Upper Floors Policy ATC17 Public Transport Policy ATC3 Markets and Street Stalls Policy ATC18 Pedestrian Environment Policy ATC4 Employment Development within the Town Centre Policy ATC19 Cycling/Cycle Parking Policy ATC5 Public Administration, Po- Policy ATC20 Town Centre Parking lice and Her Majesty’s Courts Service Policy ATC6 Provision of Facilities for Arts, Cul- Town Centre Management: ture, Tourism Entertainment, Leisure, Policy ATC21 Managing the Town Centre recreation, the Community, Faith and Volun- tary Sectors and Hotel Accommodation Infrastructure Provision and Flood Risk: Policy ATC7 Housing Policy ATC22 Town Centre Infrastructure Policy ATC23 Flood Risk Management Urban Design and Environmental Quality: Policy ATC8 Higher and Further Education Quarter Areas and Proposal Site Policies: Policy ATC9 Design of the Public Realm Policy AQ1 Blackburn Road Quarter Policy ATC10 Green Infrastructure – Public Spaces/Green Policy AQ2 Arndale Quarter Policy ATC11 Design Quality in the Town Centre Policy AQ3 Cannon Street Quarter Policy ATC12 Energy Efficiency and Sus- Policy AQ4 Grange Quarter tainability in New Development Policy AQ5 Scaitcliffe Quarter Policy AQ6 Hyndburn Road Quarter The Historic Environment: Policy AQ7 Eastgate Quarter Policy ATC13 Accrington Town Centre Conservation Area Policy ATC14 Monitoring and Investment in the ATC CA PAGE 8 // Accrington AAP VISION Accrington will become a vibrant floral market town with an excellent quality of place at the heart of Pennine Lancashire PAGE 9 // Accrington AAP 0 FOREWORD What sort of Town Centre do you want Accrington to be in the future? Accrington Town centre is the principle economic and cultural asset in the Borough and as with other centres we are facing major challenges and are at a crossroads. Over the next 10-20 years we would like to see Accrington Town Centre become a distinctive, prosperous and vibrant centre recognised for the collective quality and attractiveness of its specialist retail offer, historic heritage and public realm. We would like to hear what you think about the way which we propose to realise this vision. The Borough Council will work with public and private sector organisations and the people who live here to deliver the changes that are needed to achieve our vision. Some of the policy options that are proposed will mean difficult decisions have to be made and when considering these matters we will take into account the views of those most affected as well as addressing the needs of the Town Centre. Accrington Town Centre has a proud heritage. The centre has fine examples of retail, civic and ecclesiastical buildings and features that were built within the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as the Lancashire cotton boom reached its peek. Much of the town centre core is contained with a conservation area that includes 300 buildings. Some of the buildings are listed and nationally important, whilst many of the others are local landmarks which together help make up Accrington’s identity. The Council is keen to encourage as many people as possible to become involved in the preparation of the Area Action Plan for the future development of Accrington Town Centre. If you think we should be taking a different approach or if you think our policy and proposals represent the right way forward we would like to know. If you are interested in being involved in planning for the future of the Borough please let us know and we will ensure that you are consulted and kept informed on what is happening in Hyndburn. This is your opportunity to have your say on the Council’s preferred strategy for shaping and managing development in Accrington Town Centre over the next 10-20 years. The Council values your views and opinions and would like to know what you think. BRIAN ROBERTS Deputy Leader of the Council [Community Services] PAGE 10 // Accrington AAP PAGE 11 // Accrington AAP PART A PART A THE PLAN AND ITS CONTEXT PAGE 1 // Accrington AAP Figure 1: KEY BOUNDARIES AAP Boundary Town Centre Boundary Primary Retail Secondary Retail Town Centre Conservation Area Suggested extension to Conservation AreaLeisure PAGE 1 // Accrington AAP PART A The Plan And Its Context 1.0 Introduction and Background 1.0 What is the Accrington Development of the Area Action Plan? Area Action Plan 1.1 The Accrington Area Action • The findings of spe- 1.5 The need to develop an sary work to help reposi- Plan [AAP] forms part of the cialist studies; AAP for the town centre tion itself within the wider emerging Local Development stems from the Accrington Northern Way and Central • Stakeholder and com- Framework [a set of plan- Town Centre Strategy [2005 Lancashire City Region. munity engagement; ning documents which will – 2008] and its six strate- eventually replace the Local • Development pres- gic objectives including: 1.7 The strategy identified the Plan] for Hyndburn Borough sures; & need to develop a Master- Council [HBC]. The AAP is plan for Accrington Town • Sustainability Appraisal • Strengthening the a formal Development Plan Centre which would provide of the likely social, Retail Position; Document [DPD] and sets economic and environ- a conceptual roadmap for Becoming a Visi- out the statutory planning mental effects of the • its regeneration and pro- tor
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