• Serving the State t Th. Weatt..' University of Iowa Campus and Iowa City owan Est. 1868 - AP LeoY'd Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents lowo City, lowo, Tuesdoy, Jonuory 19, 1954 ~~------~----------~~~----------~-------- I e e awe. es as lnOIS • . '11 oJ' Of -I ~ Lost Indian Treaty Comes Home W P I . The original Black Ha.wk Indian war treaty was scheduled to . arrlve In Davenport by tram Mooday night under the care of Clyde U eS ar n S er I C. Walton, curator ot r/lre books at SUI. - The 1832 treaty had been 10 t tor a century 01' longer. A Chicago book dejller discovered it and plpced a $3.850 price tag on it. - UN Ch Walton and ReD. Fred SchwengeJ, Davenport, announced a dive lo raise funds to purchase the Healy. Prof. Ralph E. Ellsworth, di­ rector' of SUI Jlbraries, said Sawrday a donation of $25 had been [ OS I received from an anonymous Iowan. CHAMPAlGN, I1J. - IoWa's g youn, Hawkeyes broke the n r r moat a te Walton and Schwengel, both ofCicer of the Iowa Book Collectors' club, have a three-month option to purcha 'e Ule document. Plans persistent jinx in IU, Ten hurtll~1. WASHINGTON (A» - Secretary , have been made to place it in II Dave-nport muscum. here Monday nlibt bt pus,hnij State John Foster Du\Jcs said Under the treaty, the Sac and Fox Indians ceded about six mil­ past lliinob!, 79-70; and iD dol .Ion,day the United Nation's chart­ lion acres of eastern Iowa land to the whites. The Indians got about so stayed hl the chase for tHe.:81 Id stand changing, but that nine cen~.p_e_,_'_a ~jr_e_. ________~ _____________________________ Ten title. r - , 'i '. Itrowing It away to start afresh Not slncl! 182.; b¢fort. an.r ' M Id be opening "a Pandora's the present Hawkey" ~ert bGrtit had an IoW'a t~am:~ete.t,.c!d . ~lllItola The way Dulles put it, to a sen­ Ike Asks fat.. Support In Georle Hutt D.mnastUIJ\·. Tl\~t foreign relations subcommittee, span or 28 years tt\c1ud~d ~ 11 was a delicate problem. He said siralght losses to the 111Ini on t)leIl! UN charter is far Irom perfect, Of Private Health Plan home,1\oor. th at it is better than nothing The llist loW' \\'in tbere "a~ a must not be killed by any WASHINGTON WI- Pre Ident H-27 victory on Feb. 24, J921. 1 e. EI enhower asked eongre Mon-Iand localities In building hospitals It "'8$ the Hawks' first ccln.t~7 Then, In reply to questions t1'om day to Pllt limited jfovernment for the chronically ill, plus ex- • \. Jen. John Sparkman (D-Ala.), he support behind private health in- panslon ot the program to PI'ol'lde Box Score cited the myth in which over­ surance plans so lhey cun protect for constrLlction of nonprofit elin- 10"" 0 F . 1 .i.a.~OI8 r r. tcu.rlous Pandorll lifted the lid of a American families against the "ca- ics. rehabilitation centers lor the Dnl•. t ,. r.. I" C~I. , •• .''''4'.'''''',1•• mllgic box tor a peck insidc and tastrophc" ot prolonged major III- disabled and nursing and conva- u,... e .: 4 "'i~.rt.Ia.... ,,., ••• • let loose all the evils of the world. nesses. lesccnt homes. • ...., .. "I ".""""', •• Qt"r... ! ~ ~ ! ""I ~ •• i'''' ., I Opens liearines Eisenhower pro po cd crea tion or 4. Continuing prc~ent activities lIi.h'r. r ' . • • !hr.. ~ I' " 1 a 25-mlllion-dollar fund to rc- ot Ihe public health service. I·... r. .... 1t Z. ! Sparkman's questions came atter '~~r~·.~ - ,.r. I I".r.; ' ~'1~'J,~ i1. 6,.' .. ulles read a prepared statement insu:CI s ~c:. t1 Pla~s t~a,l.nst t "the 5. Simplifying the complex. ~~""I.~:t. r. ~ i ~ ! ~.':~tt;r' t i : the subcommittee, which opened specla a I ona r s S 0 ex- pAtch-worl< formula tor grants of .....III.'iIt, " .....Ie .... r . , I • Illic hearings on proposed re- pandlng benerits for their mem- government money tor health, ~ 1 • =-;-- Ion of the UN' charter. Changes bers. child welfare and other programs (AI' WIre ,Joel.) !:::I·I.,;j,~~;/i ·th~:~r~·~,~.~_~ He didn't Indicate how much to makCllt "more responsive to the IOWA' DEACON DAVI slips pa t an unidenUfied defender to 6. ",,6arte. U •• tn..,. ~ J~'''''' / Q- authorized In the charter itself th . I I hl h titII1I ItCh I 1\1 d I ht J h K ''i '!. .. th UN I bl h e Insurance pan m, ave 0 needs or the states and their cit!- score ara. n8 no s a ampB rll on ay n, a 0 nny err J",1l"1_6.~... it.!!I'!,. ar. I "It.... "rI.'. So ~I ' d e ge~era assem y as boost tees for subseribers to Civil! zern ." (22) looks on. The Hawk won their fir t at Champalrn since 1921, d to hold a ~harter review con- them extra PI'otection against dis 79-70. ence rolld trip. of th4! dsoli .\llt nee in 1956. Ilstrous medical and hospital bilIS. -- - kept ihem In ~ootl1l' tll,tan~ 6~ n c;a~:~e t~l)~n~:.n!~~ic~P:~~: ~~~e e:::~1 s~~lnak~!~rm;~~\::'I~;' 1 Moral-Don'l Use Re p a tr Ie a tie 0 n 's DI' s' P u t,~e ~ohCheIAolS~tta;d,s:!~ •.d. 7i2::;~to·M.ned;c,,~~';I:lt could not block with a veto? Neither did thc Prcsldent sa), ""." M II 'I lies said yes, depending upon exactly how the re-Insurance PI'O- Car as a Slellgh" B" E h D I wllh bii Don Schlu-ftctt '.ettln • orld opinion, to which, he added, 'AI' "'Ire,".'e) Id I P e bl ·t rings nge new con1F~le:~ ;:~~IDN'I... #.~i»-4. ~. Ie Russ!'ans rire mO"e sensitive SECRETARY OF STATE John Foster Dulle is a th u.-btl I "It- cram wou wor<. ~ suma Y I , XC a e a.y .... ,.,.. """ ... " • 0.. u wo uld operate something like gov- than the free world may realize. nus ~Ionday, tet!ltlfyln, before enate forell'll relations subeom- emment Insura ce of bank de os- Lesson Costs S2 5 The victory followed :on tlM . New Cbarter Idea mlnee on pro))Olled revisions of the United Nation harter. Be- it' 11 P PANMUNJOM, Tuesday 01')-' heels bt the H~wks' cQlcI~st ni'~t . What IIbout writing an entirely hind him Is David Key, as I,eant secretary of state in charle of S:'The best way for most of our " Incjla 's decision to start tu~nin " (celing the commission had U1 clof the s~asdl1 In losi!ll to Nl~~~- w charter? UN affairs. , people to ... obtain good mecjical Two SUr students deCIded to back 22.388 dIsputed war prtson- ':,solemn obligation" under the sota at Kome SUurdaYI 5a-51!. '\ d "You'd be opening a Pandora's - " "" . h .. 1.10 "I t have some Jun, Monday afternoon ers to the two commands wus aJmi~licc to koep the prison'rs , B4t It wa, a dUCClJ'eO{ s(~I'Y MI'. , .. .. ,, ~ . ~ . Jcare, ",I en OWl'. sa... S 0 par- 'th th . th I . " . j M d ' I" • ill- itilll, " , ~llu-&aid, and) he ex~ try pl'ofits fro~ trN mernber~hip. c 's Facirittl;ant line might have1licipate in voluntary health. in- WI ~Ir cal' - on e 0" II nvo!. thrcatened ~vltn. ?el~y Tu d y by untll Ja~ .. 23 and then declare OD ay .. '.l as 8opliom ~~ D.-!u ~sed doubt that all the present While not comp1etely satisfied been push~ back a:> far as her pa-/suranee plans." Bob Blokman, .Pl, Underwood, ~ed China s f:1I1ule to send .. a them civlhans. LO,an and Carl 9al.1 I qe,u~(~.ci members could be brought with thc efforts of other UN na- ciflc seabO\lrd Further be said owner ot the CIII, and Dick Wood. I cply here over the controvctsl.lI The Reds while teUing India illinois wltb a lourtll,lI\1l\rter ,bii'· .. k into whatever successor or- tions in checking Red aggression Britain and France alr~ady wer~ DI'II~e. Sodall.aUen AI, Albuquerque, N. M., ~rivel' of Iis sue. in u note to' New Delhi they "in. a,c that pushed the U...... kB HG~~ ization might be created. in Korea, Dulles said the U.S. making sacrifices in lighting the In a speCial message to the la,,:,- the car, spied two coeds ICC skat- A new Indian stalement was tensely disliked" the deCision, Irt {root. , _ j • .. Dulles and Sen. Fulbright (0- would have had to oppose com- Reds in Malaya and Indoct.lna l makers-one Qr CI sel'les filling In Ing on the ~owa rivet' ncat' . the expected Tuesday. possibly put- have yel 10 reply to Thimaytu IlIIools held a o~~.point 1ea,d , in a question-and-answel' munist aggression in any event _ and, J! they had put aU their details of thc lcgilllative program Park road brldgc, parallel to hlgh- ling off the operation a day lJr saying whether they would tllke 38·37, OIL h;llftlnle aD~ ~is . U~ti agreed not cnough Ameri- with or without allies. Istrength into Korea, wOl1ld have he outlined to congress :2 days way 218. two. • back the 21 Americans, olle BritOn with the youthful Haw~e,es it lize how much their coun- Otherwise, he testified, Ameri- played into the communists' hands. ago - :he .:resldent ag;lIn ~pokc Wood d,'ove the cllr to the edge Nonetheless, the U.
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