Published Monthly by JEFFERSON and PIKES PEAK :E === ===JANUARY, 1922 Jefferson Highway Free Camp Site Number Free Camp Sites .!1 vYithin the last two ._years the free camps for tourists, supplied by the trarious towns on marked highways, have proven themselves very attractive, and a valuable adjunct to other facilities which are offered to draw valuable tourist traffic. To assist the various localities in their endeavors to secure this traffic the J efferson and Pikes Peak Highway Associations are each issnin.g at heavy ex­ • pense Free Camp Manuals for free distribution to tourists by mail and through information bureaus. The inside pages of the Jefferson manual are reproduced in this issue. 'rhe Pikes Peak manual will be published in the next issue. jjlii4jtii!i~li!Qjj!Miii ~I I 101 II I!M!Hil!i ~!~~~l!lll!~lii~~~j!i~!iJ!!!1!iijjj~@j.!!'P'!f!iliil"'11'~""'~~~~~!!1! d"II!!IOI I! MI!il!i ill! A ft!!PWjjjjilibi!O! ~ '''"""" '" ' """~ 2 The MODERN HIGHWAY lor JANUARY, 1_922 Formerly "JEFFERSON DECLARATION" Published Monthly by Jefferson Highway Association, St. Joseph, Mo. Entered as Second Class Matter, Ja nuary 16, 1918, at the I Volume6 Postofflce at St. Joseph, Mo., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Number 12 JEFFERSON HIGHWAY DIRECTORS MEET Sixth Annual Meeting of the International Board of Directors of Jefferson Highway Associat ion at the Chamber of Commerce, St. Joseph, Missouri, January 17 and 18, 1922 Following named directors were pres­ J . Luther Taylor, Civic member, Pitts· on a roll call of states commencing with ent at the opening: burg, Kan., at 11:15 a. m. Manitoba. J. K. Martin, Vice-president, Little, Falls, F. W. Newman, Pittsburg, Kan. For Manitoba, Mr. Clarkson reported that Minn. J. Riley Green, Director, Wolfe City, Tex., Mr. Johnson of Winnipeg wrote that be E. H. Frisby, President, Bethany, Mo. at 11:45 a. m. could not attend this meeting because of W. N. King, Vice·president, Denison, Tex. C. L. Samuels, Director, Pryor, Okla., at the fact that his legislature was in session D. M. Gregg, Director, Harrisonvllle, Mo. 12:00 noon. and he being attorney general had to at­ L. U. Babin, Director, Baton Rouge, La. C. E. Dallas, Mound City, Kan., at noon tend this session. Paul Russell, Director, Paola, Kan. recess. For Minnesota, Mr. Martin asked to be Hugh H. Shepard, Director, Mason City, Hon. Thos. E. Cashman, Director, Owaton­ passed until data expected In next mail Iowa. na, Minn., at noon recess. could be available. W. A. Hopkins, past president and liCe The following written proxies read and For Iowa, 1\lr. Shepard made quite a vo- • member, lAmoni, Ia. allowed: luminous report, reading numerous letters J . D. Jones, Director, McAlester, Texas. S. R. Greer, Director, Pittsburg, Texas, by from various localities. He was followed J. E. Combs, Treasurer, St. Joseph, Mo. Geo. 0. M. Scott, Mt. Vernon, Tex. briefly by Messrs. Harvey, Hopkins and Hon. Geo. E. Mclninch, Director, St. Jo- H. A. Russell, Vice-president, F t. Scott, Harlin of that state. seph, Mo. · Kan., by Paul Russell, Paola, Kan. Mr. Mclninch of Missouri, made a com­ W. L. Connett, Civic member, St. Joseph, C. M. Weeks, General Secretary, Gary­ prehensive report for that state. Mr. Frisby Mo. ville, La., Walter Parker, life member, New said his county (Harrison), was building R. B. Millard, Civic member, Little Falls, Orleans, La., C. A. Ransom, New Orleans, 221h miles of road and Gentry ·eounty Is Minn. La., B. S. Simmons, <Jelfax, La., all held by now having two roads graveled. Mr. Gregg Mrs. W. H. Thomas, Civic member, An- R. D. Nibert, Bunkie, ,.La. reported the forming of a strong organiza­ drew and De Kalb counties. Dr. W. A. Nabors, Director, Mansfield, tion south of Kansas City to see that the T. L. Youman, Osawatomie, Kan. La., and John H. Keyser, Natchitoches, La., Jefferson Highway was in the $60,000,000 Hon. J. MeW. Ford, Shreveport, La. "­ held by Hon. J . MeW. Ford, Shreveport, La. program for Missouri. R. D. Nibert, Bunkie, La. Dr. H. P. Hatfield, Director, Olathe, Kan., Geo. 0. M. Scott, Mt. Vernon, Texas. by T. L. Youman, Olathe. Kan. Mr. Paul Russell for Kansas reported oiled W. A. Hopkins, past president and life roads In Miami and Johnson counties and At the opening of the meeting the gen­ grading in Linn County. Mr. J. Luther Tay­ eral manager stated that on previous sim­ member, Lamoni, Ia., by E. C. Harlan, In­ dianola, Ia. lor of Pittsburg, reported 26 miles of mono-· ilar occasions various methods had been lithic brick road under contract and con­ adopted in regar d to keeping the minutes. Arthur H. Shafer, Vice-president, Pitts­ burg, Kan., by F. W. Newman, Pittsburg, struction in Crawford County with active In some cases notes were made by a sec· road building going on in Bourbin County. retary appointed from the directorate and Kan. the minutes written up from those notes. John M. Malang, Vice-president, Joplin, For Oklahoma, Mr. Jones reJIOi1ed road On two occasions we had hired a special Mo., by Geo. E. McJnlnch, St. Joseph, Mo. bond Issue carried In Pittsburg County a·"' stenographer to take a verbatum account of E. B. Van Ness, Director, Mound City, $50,000 bridge nearly completed at Gai the proceedings. On the last occasion at Kan., by C. E. Dallas, Mound City, Kan. ville. Road completed in Mcintosh, Mus an QXJK!nse of $125.00 and that when the Daniel Shaw, Director, Thief River Falls, gee and Wagoner counties except a s· time came to read the minutes at the next Minn. and Hermon Roe, Northfield, Minn., mileage in Wagoner to be completed in · succeeding meeting it was found entirely both held by J . K. Martin, Little Falls, Minn. Mr. Samuel reported that they were impractical to read the one hundred twenty­ Walter L. Loubat, New Orleans, La., by living with their dirt roads in Mayes Cou. • five (125) closely typewritten pages of ver­ L. U. Babin, New Orleans, La. but hoped for township action during 192l:l ~ batum proceedings-that last year we had Meeting called to order by President E. H. Mr. Dodd reported very satisfactory candi­ used the office stenographer to make notes Frisby of Bethany, Mo., at 10:30 a. m., Jan· date in Bryant County with a live contin­ and write up the minutes which proved the uary 17, 1922. gent at work in Atoka County to better most satisfactory of any of the methods. Address of welcome by Mr. Wesley Con­ their condition. For this occasion a similar arrangement had nett, who said he was proud that the head­ Immediately before adjournment Presi­ been made and that Mrs. Seay, the office quarters Is sltuateq In St. Joseph, also proud dent Frisby appointed the following commit­ stenographer, was here to perform that serv­ that the Auto Club with the Chamber of tees: ice If there were no objections. There being Commerce have an opportunity to entertain Nominating: R. D. Nibert, chairman: no objections made the board proceeded to the delegates. Geo. E. Mclnlnch, J . D. Jones. business with the office stenographer mak­ Auditing: J. A. Harvey, chairman; Wes­ ing notes of the proceedings. Business ley Connett, W. N. King. The following named directors came in Resolutions: J . MeW. Ford, chairman; J. at the time Indicated after their names: Register of all directors was made at the K. Martin, Mrs. W. H. Thomas. Jas. F. Harvey, Director, Des Moines, Ia., opening of the meeting or as they came in By-Laws: J. E. Combs, chairman; D. 111. (Leon), at 10: 35 a. m. later. Gregg, Paul Russell. E. C. Harlan, Vice-president, Indianola, Ia., Reading of minutes of previous meeting They were requested to be ready to re­ at 10:35 a. m. (Jan. 17 aRd 18, 1921), by Mr. H. D. Judson. port if possible Immediately after the gen­ Wm. Lillibridge, Civic member, Andrew Approved as read. eral manager's report. and De Kalb counties, 10:32 a. m. Reports from different states as to what At this point Mr. Connett Introduced Mr. W. F. Dodd, Director, Caddo, Okla., at they have been doing and remarks thereon M. P. Lawler, president of the St. Joseph 11:20 a.m. occupied the balance of the morning hour Automobile Club, who Invited the directors JEFFERSON and PIKES PEAK HIGHWAY ASSOCIATIONS 3 to be guests of the Auto Club and Com­ verbal explanation to give the directors a cussion of the camp site Information which merce Club at the St. Charles Hotel. working knowledge of the affairs of the as­ was being tabulated for the purpose of get­ Adjourned until 2: 00 p. m. sociation. ting out a Free Camp Site Manual. By this report, which took about one hour The general manager reported that the Afternoon Session and a half in time, it was shown that the contest in Iowa as to relocation of the Jef­ Mr. Clarkson introduced Mrs. W. H. association was in better financial condi­ ferson Highway via Ames, la., instead of Thomas, first lady civic director of the Jef­ tion than ever before, with $9,513.54 in the via Cambridge, Ia., had been determined in ferson Highway and told of her splendid treasury or in course of remittance to the favor of Ames and that was the official lo­ work in organizing and Andrew and De Kalb treasury at the moment the report was cation of the highway hereafter. (:OUnty Jefferson Highway clubs, which en­ made. He reported the contest for the re-loca­ titled that territory to the second civic di­ The pole marking has been continued and tion of the highway as between Avenue City, rector, namely Mr.
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