Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Blackwell, Morton: Files Folder Title: Jewish (1 of 3) Box: 36 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT FIVB,.BEEKMAN STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10038 AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS PHOKE: (212) 791-1800 CABLE: AGUDOHNEWYORK 1983 J~;i\ 11; Mr. Morton Blackwell Special Assistant to the President The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 ~~~ Dear Morton: ''8 v~ I would very much appreciate your help with the invitation that we have extended to Treasury Secretary Donald Regan to be the principal speaker at our Eighth Annual Conference on Social Concerns on March 11th. our last conference in March 1972 was addressed by Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick and Ed Harper, which turned out to be an important platform for the Administration's positions. I believe that this too would be an ideal opportunity for a more solid identification of the Jewish coDDDunity with the Administration's concerns. Thank you. Kind regards. incerely, Rabbi Menachem Lubinsky Director of Government and Public Affairs ML:dl Enc. i .,,..,.,...,,.,.1/C U'TAIUSt110 1-,2 ··----------· FIVE BEEKMA.'< STREET ~EW 'cORK, N Y 10038 OFP"!CE OF T,_.E PRESIOENT PHONE. ' 212 \ 791-1800 C.4,BLE ACL'DOH:\EW'r O RK December 15, 1983 Hon. Donald T. Regan Secretary of the Treasury U.S. Department of the Treasury 15th & Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. ~ashington, D.C. 20220 Dear Secretary Regan: I am pleased to inform you that our Board of Directors at its recent meeting unanimously resolved to invite you to be our principal speaker at our 8th Annual Conference on Social Concerns, which will take place on Sunday, Harch 11th at 9:JO A.M. at the Vista Internation~l Hotel in New York City. The Conference is sponsored by Agudath Israel of A!llerica, the broadest based o~thcdox Jewish ~ove~ent in the ~ ticn '.Jhose lear!ership i~clt.:de~ the r~~e~oet rabbinic and lay leaders in this country. Founded in 1922, it has developed into the largest national Orthodox Jewish service organization. We have been closely aligned with the policies of the Administration and have worked very closely with the \iihite House on a broad range of issues. ~13 cor.ference, b~~ed upon ou~ experience ove~ the pa3t seven year,, bring, together f::iportant .Je'Ji.~h g!"assroots cci::::iunity leaders, me~bers or ~ew York's Congressional delegation, New York State legislators, officials of federal, state and city governmental agencies, and heads ot higher education institutions. In the past we have dealt with such subjects as "Meeting the Needs of the Middle Clas:., Urban Family in the Next Decade," "Revitalizing New York City . ,u,vu~u n~J,.6UVV&HVVY \J&.V ...... U QUY LJC'IC..LVywcu"'' , ·~i;:,;;;v.LU6 .... Ulll;i ... ~C\,,l..;:t. VI. n..... V£.VO.U Group:.,: Doe3 the Federal Program Measure Up?", "America and Its Energy Future: Self-Sufficiency or Continual Dependency?", and "New Directions in America's Foreign and Domestic Policies: Are They Working?". The principal speakers for these topics have included John Sa~hlll, Mitchell Sviridofr ot the Ford Foundation, Governor Hugh L. Carey, Senator Jacob K. Javits, Stuart E. Eizenstat, Richard Ravitch, Jeane Kirkpatrick and Edwin Harper. , D1VISI~ ~ellOl'I.J 't'O\ollh Comm.it11oft• Znr" A,,_.d,1h fun• !not "11Jd,th ftrul. P,tc!i\t1 -\,e1Jd,th r,ru-• !.chuu, .\guJu!-1 / tr.HI. "'11.iJ.~1 Womrn , Org•n:ur,un :-,..· ,h,i A&uJ,rh !uul. C .1tnp 1 "awJ•JrvC •~P '"°"' n,. J.,-,,h O~,~",O°"' 'r dd,1h1 \/orvComff'nt.oft °" l"11•l•r10f'I ,rd (1v1c -"c! :Or\. C ,>mm:11,on J l'l l,,.,,t C.:,,..m ,,110n .Jn O ... rt1tn Rnc\it ,n4 Rrl1.,[, (.Jmm11hon ~n Soc,,I '>fo,,..,, n-C.. H'P' .'11,U-on Oft S<rfl~r C,ou1"11/ Pr ..:i 1.-c1 COP(,(.,.,., Oppoth,n\l;" •nJ Prf'p•r•oQn for [!"l'\pio>r"'•"ll•CGPE \.x.i1.)t'\•i ,:-,1 ~1ul f'1CJmm.u ,on ..>I'\ L.u,n ."-mf'ri<•n Jt...,r1, S,11or11, Cllm .. m,1tte:w1 Ol'I : ...,.~ E1hr-..c Alf •itt 1J-.;d41w:opir ».1hc-1n 9roo&l yn C Jmmun,f'y Or"•n 1u110n11 C .JrTl;T\Ut,on ,Jn !r-1(\( t,. 4:-"r..,,u- u•d c, .. " ;..:i ;H':"'r nt/ C .;irr,:1"1•u 1on en "J1J 11 r .,, al'I (ju( •llo n D.af 'fom&/ ; ,.... •.,h E-'vunoil' i'ro1r•m t.JEP\,ior&Jrl £duuuol'l ~~n,,,,ork 1iil:l"'lkt1 5hcurn Toi,hl/T?tah ._,!lo" P1:-c~.tm l TAP! !)!O,f<'t a.!SE it,.u ..m ltT\l'T1 ,11r,n1 S,1..,1(t1 ar,d EJ~c.tt:on) Ft-...,11,n ;m:n1gi.ant •~,..• fwnci. PT-o:ct 'r AO fOC' a,.,....,. Jtwry, .41-..a-ilti 9f'nc-voimt Soc.itt'"f. C~nr, {ftitl'I Ct-in4"d Hon. Donald T. Regan , December 15, 1983 Page 2 This year we are looking to discuss "The Future of America's Economy" and are particularly highlighting the responsibility of government and the corporate sector. You may be interested to know that our organization will also bestow an award on Arthur Hauspurg of Consolidated Edison, Inc. on that occasion. I hope that you will accept our invitation. Kind regards. Sincerely, ) /~ L--- ~~bbi Morrls Sherer President MS:dl Winter Grossman . Danziger McAteer .Odd Couple In Pro-Israel Camp people, but SUt;h Initiatives would endanger Baptist missionaries In New Right Arab states and violate Baptist principles on separation of church and state. In Accord There also Is an element, which McAteer describes as small, that takes the line that Jews forfeited Withjews God's favor as the chosen people By MICHAEL CLARK and negated Old Testament In­ Jewish and conservative Chris­ junctions by falling to accept Je­ tian leaders, seldom closer than sus as messiah. arm's length in the past, are knit• Dr. Georfe s. Ben10n, former ting unprecedented ties with the president o Church of Christ-sup­ thread of unequivocal support for ported Harding University In Israel. Searcy, Ark., 11epresented this Evidence of Intimate local inter­ view In a letter· concerning The action is scant, but spiritual lead­ Roundtable's pro-Israel program. ers of local Jewish congregations "When we Christians set about take essentially Identical posi­ to Increase the popularity of an­ tions on the phenomenon: A other people who are almost 100 friend Is a friend. per cent lnfid4ls," he wrote, "I : Christian Right leader E. E. wonder If we are really working McAteer or Memphis says devel­ in harmony with God's will." oping conservative evangelical Rabbi Alexapder Schindler, and fundamentalist advocacy for president of tile the Union of Israel and forging ties with Jew­ . American Hebrtlw Congregations, ish leaders from that base Is the is said to be tiost prominent major priority of the conservative among Jewish leaders advising movement. caution. ; ' Thursday, McAteer, other con­ "Obviously, l'IJ grateful for any servative Christian leaders, In­ nominations increasingly began community can be particularly support for Isr"81," he said in a cluding Dr. Adrian Rogers of to temper their advocacy of the pickY, (saying) 'Your support we telephone interview, "but just the Memphis, and Jewish leaders, In­ Jewish state with concern for Pal· like, your support we don't like."' same I have certain reservations cluding Rabbi Rafael G. Gross­ estlnlan rights. Most Israelis, says Zev Chafets, ipan ofMemphis, attended a meet­ Many mainline Christian de- director untillast fall of the Israe- "Whtie I'm In agreement with ing at the Israeli Embassy In nominations endonie inclusion of II government press office, do not them on what they say about Isra­ Washington to cement, In Mc­ the Palestine Liberation Organ!- know "a great deal about shad- el, I am totally at variance with Ateer's words, "the fast develop­ zation In negotiations for resolv- lngs of religion In other themonmostofthelrotheragen­ ing coalition." lng Middle East conflicts and e&- countries. da Items," which, he believes, are tabllshlng a Palestinian "The average Israeli's attitude Is higher Christian Right priorities. : The meeting, Rabbi Gro11m11n homeland, a sentiment. that Is that we're glad to have auppon. The ambivalent attitude■ of the said, was very cordial. Partlci- anathema to Israel. That multiplied ls Begin's N11tionalCouncllofChurches11nd pants acknowledged their many attitude." other mainliner, notwithBtand• differences, but emphasized Local rabbi■ generally uy they Bellin, ChafetJ 118ld on a recent ing, Rabbi Schindler says he has 11 points of commonality and agreed welcome support from any quar- visit"here, has sought to build ties "lot more In common wtth main- further discussions should be ter. Many national Jewish leaders with liberals as well. line Christian groups than I do \eld. hold similar feelings. Yet there with evangelical groups." , McAteer says he and his conser- are Jews and Christian conserva- Some . comervative Chrt1tian1· He also cites as .demeaning the ?Btlve allies will try "to influence r tives who remain uncertain about and IOllle Jewish leaders, howev- beliefs of some evangelicals that the State Departlltent along bil1JI- · this growing alliaace. er, are more reluctant to embr- all the Jews must return to blbll• c!al lines as we perceive them •• :, • Among looal rabbis, Rabbi the new Jewtah-conaervatlve cal Israel before Jesus will come 'the pendulum definitely has to Grossman of the Orthodox Bardb dialog.
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