.. -.~---.----.--- - .. --- --.-"" PAGE 4 THE JEWISH POST THE JEWISH POST pAGE 5 H. E., $1.00; Goldstein, Mrs. H. L., $10.00; Brown. H., $3.00; Bermak, Dr. Donin, $5.00; Davis, L., $HLOO j Do­ $5.00; Goldstein, L., $9.00; Gold, M., night to conduct the orchestra in com~ C. ,T., $20.00; Braunstein, I., $]0.00; mmlOn Electric, $15.00; Elkin, E., I was very sorry to hear of the $3.00; Greenberg, t, $6.00; G£lfand, death of Rabbi Joel Blau, in England. pliment to his young pupil. In case Bell, D., $10.00; Bookbinder, L., $6.00; E'lkin, I., $1.00; ll'riedman, Mrs. $3.00; Conick Mr. and Mrs. H., $1.00; He was my neighbor for a year or YOli don't know it, Auer is also a J-e.'W, l_LO_C_A_L_N_E_W_s_1 SI8.00; Bliss, S" $8.00; Boolmum, F., G., $11.00; Freed, M., $25.00; From~ Random Thoughts .- Granofski, H. J., $15.00; Gardner, A., more on the same pag·B of the Phila­ and has taught more violinists who' $11.00; Barsky, B., $6.00; Bornstein, SOI1, M., $5.00; FainsLein, 1-I., $100.00; $5.00;Goldstein, L., $7.00; Greenberg, delphia "Jewish Times," writing a col­ htl ve he.come famous than any other ANNUAL MEETING OF B., $2,00; Bakel', P., $17.50; Brenner, Forgan, S., $15.00; Fried, Dr. I., BY CRAS. R. JOSEPH il'Irs. C., $5.00; Goldberg, M., $68.00; umn on "Syncopations." He was a living teacher. He has to his credit, OLD l"OLKS HOME NOV. 13 L., $15.00; Coh{~n, D., $25.00; Cohen, $25,00; Foxman, R., $2.50; Feci-cratcd Gre.Enbcl'g', E., $~W.OO; Hochman, 0., (Copyright, 1927, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) learned man and wielded a most in­ among others, Elman, Heifetz and M., $15.00; Colman, Mrs. n., $2.00; Budget Board, $l,GOO.OO; Friedman, (Continued on Page 10) ~ o_~~ ,,_"_u-u-a-1.:. teresting pen. I recall several years Zimbalist. 'Nol11ini:ltion~ for a nc\v board of di­ M .• $18.00; l'rankel, S" $2.00; Garrett, .:. ____________ __ __ . I CnLln(!l', P., $12.00; Duboff, B., $1.00; ago that he had an article in the "At~ >I< * * l'i:ctOl'fl and new officers fot, the Jew­ There is such a thing as personality. Glenn Frank, the Pr·esident of the lantic Monthly," entitled, I think, They arc certainly a mean lot in ish Olel Folks' HOlne will be received Take Father Duffy, of New York, for university of Wisconsin, scores the at­ "Problems of M'Odern Faith," that Hungary. If a Jew sneezes in that at the annual ll1ccting of the institu­ I examp1e. Vle hav·e n(!ver seen nor tempt to create a Nordic Jesus. Under aroused nation~wide interest. In 1925, country a riot is 6n in a jiffy. The other tion Lo he held at the Home) Sunday, heard him, yet so unusual is the pel'~ the title of "Religion and Racialism" he delivered a sermon in New York, day they staged a s'eries of Tiots be­ November la, at 2.30 o'clock in the sonality of this humanitarian priest, lw has this to say in his syndicated called "The Great Hunger," which cause a Je\vish dramatist wrote a play' afternoon. Officers to be nominated so many acts of unselfishness are to column in the daily press: was includ·ed in the list of the best called "High Lnd~l or Maria Theresa," for a one year term al'C pl'csid211t, BEDS, SPRINGS, MATTRESSES his credit, that the whole country has "With one magnificent gestur.e sermons for 1H25, the first time such which was produced in the National " two viec-prcsirlcnts (one a woman), heard of him. He is the rector of the Jesus internationalized what had been a compliment had been paid an Amer~ Theatre in Budapest. The National treasurer and a secretary. For a two Church of the Holy Cross, in an office untn his time a racial religion. One ,can rabbi. Theatre, to begin with, is an anti-Sem­ year term, a hoard of dil'cdol's COll­ would imagine, therefore, that Jesus AND COMPLETE BED OUTFITS building district of New York, and his • * • itic institution, which by the way ~isting' or cighL women and seven lu:::-n parishioners move away so rapidly would be the last fig'ure in history Ready for another Jewish musical shows just wher·2 the Hungarian gov~ arc to be narned. Arc offercd at prices lhal should prove a great saving to n1<\I1)' needing new cquillmcnt at this time-and to place anyone would think of relating, even that it keeps the church busy paying genius. Benno Rabinoff is his name. ernment stands officially. Where Any person who has eonLributcd these cffering~ within the I'ench of cycry purse we have al'l'anged lhe easiest of IHlymenl terms. its telephone bilk So on the occa­ indirectly, to race-consciousness or Only 21 years old, born on the ]~ast elsc wou1d there 'be a theatre sponsor~ $G.OO or more Lo the Federated Budget race discrimination. sion of the seventy-fifth anniversary Side of New York. At the age of ed by th-e government discriminating may be nominated for office. l~lec­ DELIVERS ANY OUTFIT TO YOUR HAnd yet, from time to time, the of this church, an endowment fund of thre-e he showed talent as a violinist, HOME AT ONCE incredible attempt is made to unite against one class of its population? tions will be held November 27. $1.00 DEPOSIT a quarter of a million dollars is to be so who will say that genius is made, the non-racial religion of Christianity The riots grew so seV€l'e that the play raised by Jews, Catholics and Protes­ not born'! At the age of 12, the with the Cult of Racialism. I find it was finally withdrawn. The univer­ T. T. SOCIAL NOTES tants, which in itself is a remarkable great Leopold Auer took him in hand difficult to believe that J·esus, the J;;w, sity boys, of course, were in the fray, tribute to the personality of Francis and now, on Novembel' 18th, he will playfully maltreating many J'ews, flouted his own race in order to flat­ .. The Talmud Torah Social Cluh h,," $1.00 Per Week P. Duffy, chaplain of the famous old make his debut in Carnegie Music tearing the clothes off their backs and " ' Sixty-ninth Regiment of N€w York. ter even the Nordics. Hall, New York, as the violinist with i ' ' made arrangemcnts to conduet a ~i{!l'­ 'lAnd although my own ancestry has actillg tnlC to form as hoodlums. In . , i-cs of dances on Sunday evcnings dlll'­ the New York Philharmonic Orches­ PAYS FOR ANY • • • been, lor as many generations as I am Hungary, to be admitted to a univer~ ~. in~: thc fall and winter months in the tra. Leopold Auel', 82 years old, now ~ BED OUTFIT Otto Kahn, who is the treasurer of able to truce it, white, Protestant, and : " ,i" in retirement, will emerge for one ,,-,ity, evid'2nUy one must be a tough. larg'e auditorium of the Talmud Torah, the fund, said that "Father Duffy has Nordic, I cannot quit-e concur in th-e Charles and Flora. The Club is spllr­ aided' every caus.e in New York that intermittent attempts to convert Jesus ing' no effort to make the danc,Es hecould. He has friends among ·every into a mere press agent for the Pil­ clean, cnt-ertaining- and pleasant. It selt and every profession. Who grim Fathers." has engag'ed Bill Moore and his classy PARIS JURY FASTENED GUILT ON ~ ) . COUCH AND MATTRESS wou1dn't back Father Duffy, a won­ A heretic! Call out Dr. Straton! .1 St. Louis Orchestra to play at the derfully good, delightful. red_blooded No Christian would ever talk in such PETLURA, IS PRESS COMMENT , ! '! ; dances and in addition various novel­ a manner! Som.e day the Stratons Twenty-five couche~ complete, heavy man." Other well known Jews behind g'l'eat signii'icance of the verdict of I • ties have been arrang·cd. Mr. Jack angle iron frame with link fabric this movement are Jules Bache, and the Bowlbys and all the others In the main, great satisfaction is ex­ '. Swal'h, popular manager of th,e Col­ pressed by the press of New York at acquittal." , , j. i spring, finished in black japan, and Adolph Zukor, Col. Michael Friedsam, of the tribe of literalists (I hope tho The Day says: IUfhe horrible pog­ :1' i':!' onial theatre is at the head of the club the acquittal of Solomon Schwul'tz­ heavy, evenly tufted mattresses cov­ Bernard Gimbe1 and Robert Gug'gcn­ types'etter doesn't make this r-ead roms and massacres in the Ukraine and is worldllg' with 11i5 usual inde­ bard of Petlura's killing. The only re­ ered in a good q uali ty cretonne. heim. BefoTe closing this paragraph I'liberalists") may learn just what were judged before a world court. fatigable z.eal to make these dances gret sound·~d is, that it may intensify Complete ____ .............. __ ........................ _______ ... __ . __ $9.95 I would like to mention that Otto ksus the Jew stood for. 'l'hey, their inspirers and perpetrators real sociable, in ol'd-el' that the Jewish >I< .. $ bad feeling between Jews and Ukrain­ Kahn is about the IIhdpingcst" person were put on the bench of the accused.
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