THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA C283 h63 V. 29-30 1959-60 UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL «a*.>i.-;c.?''i\ir-. 00042717523 This book must not be token from the Library building. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/highlandchurchma68epis The Official Publication of the Diocese of Western North Carolina oi 29 — No. 1 February, 1959 No. 21 See Page 3 Kanuga Assistant See Page 3 Summer Camip See Page 9 THE ?miv.m HENRY E. COLTON District Representative Chartered Life Underwriter A Church School of the Diocese of West- ern North Carolina. Accredited. Grades 7-12. Small classes. Gymnasium, sports, NEW ENGLAND MLTIAL LIFE swimming, fishing. Summer camp for boys 10-16 yrs. Tutoring. Periods 2, 4, or 6 weeks. For catalog and "Happy Valley" INSURANCE CO. folder, write: Geo. F. Wiese, Box U, Legrerwood Station AsheviUe, N. C. P. O. Box 7334 Lenoir, North Carolina COLLEGE PREPARATORY CHARACTER BUILDING ALL Pensions Fire Insurance and Life Insurance Allied Lines WITHIN Annuities Fine Arts THE Hymnals Fidelity Bonds Prayer Books Burglary and Theft CHURCH Prayer Book Studies General Liability ana .-^t^iUated L^oinpanied 20 Exchange Place • New York 5, N. Y. Published monthly, except January and June, by the Department of Communications and Stewardship of the Diocese of Western North Carolina at AsheviUe, N. C. Second class mail Qlljurrtjmatt privileges authorized at AsheviUe, N. C. Sc per copy; SOc a year, $1.00 a year mailed outside the Diocese. p. O. Box 2154 Ashe\rUle, N. C. J. Hart Snyder Editor William F. Toms. Bus. Mgr. Canuga Assistant No. 21 The board of directors of Kanuga The Rt. Rev. Arthur Lichtenberger -onferences announces the appointment became the 21st presiding bishop of the f Wallis S. Goodman of Columbia, S. Protestant Episcopal Church on Janu- I., as assistant manager, effective Feb. ary 14 and called for rapid but peaceful . This newly created post has been steps toward elimination of racial bar- ecessitated by the rapid expansion of riers in the Ignited States. le conference program in recent years. The church, he said, should be among will continue as Willard P. Verduin the leaders in establishing an integrated usiness manager. society. Goodman began his Kanuga career Bishop Lichtenberger said desegrega- ack in 1943 when he attended the unior Conference. Since then he has tion is "basically, a moral issue" but added: erved on the staff at Kanuga all or claims to ;arts of eight summers and "We should move as quickly and 'lave another, just done, at one time or quietly as we can into a fully integrated bout every staff job on the place. Last society." summer both he and Mrs. Goodman as- sisted Mrs. Verduin with the Midget By quietly, Bishop Lichtenberger said nd Girls camps. he meant "we should move toward it as quickly as circumstances will allow, tak- The new assistant, known to many ing into full consideration the local situ- Lanugans as "Foote", grew up in Clem- ations." Dn, S. C. He is married to the former idiss Carolyn May of Ware Shoals, S. C. In the South, he said, the church Goodman is a high school industrial could "help keep open the line of com- rts teacher. munication, not only between whites and In his new job, he will assume major Negroes but between whites and ssponsibility in areas of personnel and whites." In this effort, he said, the romotion. The expansion of the whole church would "provide the atmosphere amp and conference program of the in which people can talk with one an- 'hurch, both at Kanuga and in the other." iocesan camps, is making it increasingly Attending the installation ceremony ecessary to recruit and train additional were Bishop Henry, the Rev. John W. ersonnel not now participating in the Tuton, Mr. and Airs. V. Jordan Brown, rogram. and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Field of Kanuga is a rapidly growing part of Trinity, Asheville. lie Christian Education program of the jChurch. Nine years ago the Kanuga [rogram drew a little over 600 campers jind conference delegates to eight ses- lions. Last year, more than 1,200 per- Convocation Dean ons attended the 13 sessions. The Rev. H. Roger Sherman, Jr., rector of St. Andrew's, Canton, has been elected dean of the Convocation of Asheville. He succeeds the Rev. W. Mel- Virs. Smith Dies vin Maxey, assistant rector of Trinity, Asheville. Mrs. A. H. Smith of Asheville, lother of Miss Eugenia Smith, the The Rev. John W. Tucker, priest- ishop's secretary, died at her home in-charge of St. Agnes' and St. Cyp- n Dec. 30. rian's, Franklin, was chosen secretary- She was 93 years old. treasurer. Lay Ministry Year - Round The Ministry of the Laity where St. John's in the Wilderness, Flat every layman is a minister to the world Rock, long active only during the sum- and clergymen are ministers to their mer visitor season, is planning to stay congregations is basic to the develop- open the year-round. ment and leadership of Laymen's Work So far this winter, Sunday services in the Episcopal Church, according to have been conducted by lay readers, the Rev. Howard V. Harper, executive with Bishop Henry and other clergy director of the National Council's Gen- conducting Holy Communion services. eral Division of Laymen's Work. Congregation leaders say that for the emphasis of laymen's The second first time in many years, they see the is the in- work. Dr. Harper states, on way clear for having services there the telligent use of lay manpower in every Sunday, winter, spring, summer the Church: "to deepen the service of and fall. spiritual lives of the men; to extend the ,1 impact of Christianity; to support the kind of program the Church should have; and to enlist the special skills and Pleasant Project talents of the men in the service of our The three Guilds of Grace Memorial Lord." Church, Asheville, for a year have been entertaining for and visiting the women In a statement on the present status who reside at Deerfield Home. of Laymen's Work in the fall of 1958, recently sent to all bishops and to Their programs have consisted of diocesan chairmen of laymen's work, luncheons, a musical hour and tea, and Dr. Harper declared that the concept a TV party and tea. Recently one of of the Ministry of the Laity "involves the Guilds held its regular meeting at a 180° change in our idea of the respec- Deerfield. tive functions of the clergy and the The project is one which well might laity." be copied by other WA groups. "It has been vividly summed up in the statement that the laity are the players and the clergy are the coaches," Day Returns he said. The Very Rev. John W. Day has Dr. Harper also makes a plea for returned as priest-in-charge of St. every diocese to establish its own Gen- John's, Haw Creek, succeeding the Rev. eral Division of Laymen's Work where N. C. Duncan. i: laymen can serve "as a mobile power Dean Day served the church for sev- unit." Explaining that on the diocesan eral months last year. level "the laymen's program is not a separate thing but is simply the pro- gram of the diocese at the points where that program needs lay manpower," the MOVING? executive director offers suggestions on diocesan organization and procedure, as Tell Our well as ideas on parish organization. Circulation Manager Copies of the statement are available Box 2154 from the General Division of Laymen's Work, 281 Fourth Avenue, New York Asheville, N. C. 10. )rdinations Tourist , The Rev. Claude Collins of St. An- The Rev. Dr. Herbert Koepp-Baker, .rew's, Bessemer City, was ordained rector of the Church of the Incarnation. 3 the priesthood on December 20. Highlands, who got home for Christ- He was presented by the Rev. Melvin mas, is gone again. 4axey of Trinity. Asheville, and the This time he is lecturing and direct- 'Lev. H. Roger Sherman, Jr. of St. ing research in the Southern Illinois Andrew's, Canton, preached the ser- University Graduate School. He'll be lon. The Epistle was read by the Rev. gone through March. J. Mark Jenkins of Calvary, Fletcher, In December, he returned from a six- jid the Gospel by the Rev. Roland J. week lecture and clinical tour which yhitmire, Jr. of the Church of the Re- took him to 15 major western colleges deemer, Shelby. and universities from Wyoming to ; A'Ir. Collins will continue as priest-in- Texas. Dr. Koepp-Baker serves as barge at St. Andrew's; Trinity, King's consultant to the Children's Bureau and ilountain, and St. John's, High Shoals. the Department of Health, both of the On January 5, in the Church of the Federal Department of Health, Educa- Jood Shepherd, Tryon, Paul C. Smith tion and Welfare. ^as ordained to the diaconate. His "other ministry" is in the area of i He was presented by the Rev. Dr. C. the treatment and education of handi- '. Fishburne, of Holy Cross, Jr. Tryon, capped children with emphasis on 'nd the sermon was preached by the speech and language disabilities. He is Lev. Charles L. McGavern, formerly of internationally recognized as a leading :Vyon, now of Macon, Ga. authority on children with cleft lip and Also taking part in the service were cleft palate, and his writings in this le Rev. Grant Folmsbee, the Rev. field are works of reference in medical Flonroe C.
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