€Ui meritan. Vol. LIII. iZV%:™\Z»°cVV&r" ELLSWORTH, MAT,ME, WEDNESDAYS’ AFTEK MOON, OCTOBER 23. 1907 >"STS%£%£.?££££• I No. 45; ftMuttiatmcntf. aiifoirtfflemfnU. LOC AL AFFAIRS. tor,, is considering a proposition to take In the event of an arrangement | IIHIIHIIS"11 ■ ‘ 11 !■" Ift-'l" |||,IJ|I Ml 1i11 ■ >1 " " " ■1 ■ 111.H 11" " " " HI |J1 chaste. below made, the house will undergo exfcen- JfKW .% nVFRTl'KH *• NTS* THIS WETK. AN ELEGANT || I sive repairing and in every respect be Burrill Nat’l Bank Charter extended. pat in first-class order. Should Mrs. Admr notice—Eat Joseph H Lawrence. § i Acimr notice—Est Calvin H Banker. Cunningham return to Ellsworth, she will MERRILL PIANO I THE BUBRILL NATIONAL BANK, OF ELLSWORTH, BEGS I Mrs L A Emery—Girls wanted. recofvo a hearty welcome. Cabinet bed for sale. to be sold at auction mail to tlv TO ANNOUNCE AN EXTENSION OF ITS CHARTER BY THE i Harry M Hellatty—Souvenir post cards. Mary F. Hopkins and Elizabeth by | Staples Piano A Music Co. Masses A. are soon to a women’s highest bidder. COMPTROLLER TO OCT. 21, 1927, AND WILL CONTINUE TO f J A Thompson—Stationery. HWcher open J A Haynes-Cash market. uxchfcnge on tb« «**<• •»* floor of A rare chance to get a piano DO BUSINESS UNDER THE CAREFUL DIRECTION AND DILI- I fchoGrtf-ly Bar Harbor, Me: building, adjoining the First national your own price. GENT SCRUTINY OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. 8 J Clement—Pianos. § bank building. Fancv w rk and cooked Send postal card forcir Winter Harbor: asking foods will be sold on commission. The lar free ON THIS SECURE AS SECURITY FOR YOUR DE- = Non-resident tax notice. contaiuing information. BASIS, will be about the middle Atlantic, Me: exchange opened POSITS, WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR BANKING BU8I- ~ of November. S. J. Ceement, L E Joyce—Boiler and lath machine for sale. 160 Main NESS, OR A SHARE OF THE SAME, ASSURING YOU OF A 1 Bangor, Me: Mrs. Isaac E. Bridges has closed her St., CAREFUL ATTENTION TO EVERY DETAIL OF ANY BUSI- Girls wanted. ! home on the Han rock nad, and, with her Bar Harbor, M>- f Boston: NESS YOU MAY INTRUST TO US. children, has gone to Weehawken, N. J., ■ 1 Dana Estes A Co—Money and investments, to liye. One son remains in Ellsworth to PERSONAL INTERVIEWS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLI Cl- § New York: * attend the school. Two of the WEST ELLSWORTH. LAKEWOOD. Local wanted. h4gh boys S TED. = representative J N Trainer—Help wanted. are employed on a steamship plying be- i Mrs. Cora Parish, of York, is visiting John S. Martin has returned to hi* Cleveland, O: tween New York and Savannah, Ga. The | her sister, Mrs. Ciarington Carter, and home in Hancock. | Lincon Oil Co—Salesmen wanted. other two sons and the are with daughter friends here. her. Winnie Garland, who has been with‘* SCHEDULE OF MAILS ''.Ira. Sarah Girter will return to Old : grandparents, has returned to his hoia <i 1 I A School of instruction F. and A. M. EiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHttiHHiiHmtHinitinfiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiimiiiiiniMiHiiniiuiii* AT ELLSWORTH POST-OFFICE- Town Jh?j week, to the home of her i Eden. in effect Oct, 7, 1907. will be held at Masonic hall in the Man- daughter, drs. Lizzie Mishor. Gran., of Clifton, a il v ning block next Wednesday, opening at I Byron spent We will sell for MAILS RECEIVED. Miss Vernie G. who is an here last the of V **5 you. 10 a. in. There will be instruction in the Carter, experi- I days week, guest From Wr*T—7.*1 a m, 4.Wand 0.08 en ed nurse in Lizzie Frost. We will rent for you. pm. unwritten work in the forenoon and after- the Old Town hospital, has ; from a 12 5.55 Eaht—ll 07 m, 05. and 10.52 p m. re urned there after a two weeks’ visit with SELL We will for noon. At 6.39 will be Martin A. Garland has gone to Li t- buy you. MAIL CLOSES AT t'OSloFllCE. o’clock, supper We will the title. served. In the the third he.- parents, Henry A. Carter and wife. more Falls to visit his sister, Mrs. J- / certify •4oi»G East—6.30 u m, 4 and 5.30 p in evening degree be worked for a fe w weeks. We write all kinds of insurance. Goiso West—L.4', 11.30 a m, 5 30 and 9 p m. will by Lygonia lodge. This Brown, H. Meader ca.ne home from Ban- YOUR Byron ! will be followed of both Write us and we will call on you No Sunday i»>al*. by inspection Mr. amith and Mr. Gatcomb, of 1- immediately. go/ Thursday. Esoteric and Lygonia lodges. cock. are expected this week to move % Lester Garter left Saturday for Bar Har- The entertainment which will be given building for Mrs. G. E. Garland. REAL Miss A. is a week he has c. w & Mary Harley spending bo *, wher) work. f.Xmason, by the Dirigo club in connection with its Quite an ha3 been xniuto in Boston. improvement has moved his First National Bank Bldg.. Thanksgiving eve ball will be in the Harry Higgins family to on the estate of C. F. Rollins, by movi-,^ Main Strekt. Me. C. A. Hanscom and wife left for Bar Harbor for ESTATE. Ellsworth, Monday nature of a musical comedy, entitled, the winter. buildings and making repairs. Baltimore. and will be made C. Seeds came home from FOR SALE “Popularity,” up largely Harry Bangor Miss Mae French, who has been ve y U| Charles I. Staples left to-day for Port- of scenes from Miles from for a few visit. 28.210 feet of land situate on south side and at foot of Sea street, Northeast Harbor, “Fifty Boston”, Friday days’ at Lawrence, Mass., for some time, v.: i uv Maine. This lot of land Is on the shore aud title given to low-water mark. land on business. “The the Place and the “The iTime, Girl,” Harry and Fred Standley entertained a proving rapidly. II. W. Carr property. Water street, Ellsworth, Me. C. R. Burriil and wife have returned Spring Chicken” and “The Mayor of of frieuds at Idlewood even- Farm with buildings In good repair. East I Hue hill. Me. party Friday Ethel, little daughter of Hollis 1 cy\ from Bar Harbor for the winter. Tokio”. It will be presented by a local 7 Acres line shore property, East Bluebtll, Me. ing. and wife, of formerly of V 5 cast of Rehearsals will Bangor, Fred of twenty-five. > 3 Acres of Laud west aids High Street. Ellsworth. Me. W. Mathews, Rockland, is vis- Willis J. Smith left Monday for Port- place, has been in the -r next week. Bangor hospil One 11-2 house and New stable New his Rev. R. B. begin story newly shingled painted. 28x32. hennery 13x42 iting brother, Mathews. land after a few days’ visit to his father, appendicitis. The operation was * «- with six acres of land more or leas all free lrom rocks, with well of water at the never-falling Parcher a native of door. Wood-house aud rarrtage-house connected with the house; cuts live tons of hay. This Seth T. Campbell, of Island Falls, was in George Bartlett, \in South. cessful. Isa very desirable loeatlon for summer home, or for a market acesalble Ellsworth, died at Harden, being easily Ellsworth a few last week on bnsi- Edmonds, Wash., Sept. received a bad cut on the to Bar Harbor markets. Situated at Lainolne. a out two rul es from U. *. days Emery fionsey Maine, Coaling 30, aged seventy-four years. Mr. Bartlett NORTH E LLS W ORTH. station. Apply to C- W. & F. L. Mason. ness. head by a falling crowbar while at work left Ellsworth about fifty years ago, and Mrs. Albert McKenzie, of Brockton, on the dam. Charles B. James has built a news! I. visited here but once, thirty nine years Mass., is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. A. Bert Cart or cam;* from Seboc station Beatrice Savage, cf New York, is speo4* FOR SALE. ago. He was one of the pioneers of Ed- Bowden. for a few visit to his the winter with her a Mrs. Vim monds. He leaves a son and daughter. Of Thursday days’ ing ant, A on Central St., one on Main St., two on School St., and one Mrs. Frank E. Burns and Ger- Ellis. property daughter his own family, one brother and two sis- grandparents. on Franklin St.—all at reasonable prices. trude, of Dexter, are guests of Mr9. John ters are F. of Ed- John wife and daughter Harold Maddocks has returned I also have Insurance of all kinds for sale—some good securities, aud living—Edgar Bartlett, Higgins, Flora, P. Eldridge. of came to attend the from Aroostook where he a prices are right. monds, Mrs. W. P. Woodward and Mrs. Bangor, Wednesday county, The John Greenan place on Grant street M. M. Whittaker, of Ellsworth. fhneral of Mr. Higgins’ sister, Mrs. been employed. Arthur Giles. Wes^cw.tH;,!.*.^. Q W T APLEY, has been sold to Rufus Crawford, who Mias Ellen M. Stone, the missionary Melvin McGown and wife have refci d will it. occupy whose capture by Macedonian brigands a Flora O., wife of Arthur H. Giles, died home from Bar Harbor, where they ?o Wo represent Capt. S. L. Lord, who is seriously ill at few years ago stirred the world, will lec- Oct. 14, aged forty-seven years, after two been visiting relatives.
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