/ / ■' f '. ■- l . ■ - r m Democratic Caucus ■ ■ h The Weather Cloudy tcnlght with change ot Analysis snow by a.m. contlhuing Into late Sunday. 'Tonight's 10w near ■ • Page 16'\, 20. Tomorrow's high about 30. Monday.' party cloudy, cold. Manchester—-A City of Village Charm VOL. x a , NO. 131 (Si x t e e n p a g e s —t v s e c t io n ) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 972 (dasiUled Adveittslng on Page U) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Airliner Crashes In Albany; 17 Die ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — An looked up and the plane was across the street, said he was airliner making an insirument tipped to the left and the tail watching television when he approach to Albany Airport was down. Then I saw it go heard a noise and looked out with a capciclty load of 44 pas­ over the house, there was a the window to see pieces of the sengers fell into a residential thump and then dead silence.” plane and fragments of the neighborhood and crashed Jim Basils, who lives in the Roeen home flying through the through a two-story home. next block, rushed to the scene. air. Authorities said 17 persons He said he and others "bust­ "The only tiling I did was to were killed Friday night, in­ ed into the rear of the plane run across the street and carry cluding one resident of the and got some of the people Mrs; Rosen out of the area,” house, but the homeowner, out.” Ordway said. "She was covered building cMitractor Joseph “We saw a stewardess in with blood. She wasn't in the Rosen, 43, his wife Marcia, 36, there under the baggage and house, but she was lying out­ and their young sons 'Lawrence got her out too,” Basils ssiid. side.” and Roger escaped serious in­ One of the first to crawl into Rosen’s brother, Jerry, said jury. They were hurled out of the shattered fuselage was Rosen told him he had been the house. Thomas Grenier, a member of watching television when he The pilot imd copilot of the the Albany Rescue Squad. heard a "big boom.” The next Mohawk Airlines turboprop, a He said the Inside of the thing he remembered was re­ two-engine Fairchild F27, were plane was "a mass of bodies,” gaining consciousness in the among those who dl3d. The with some of the victims sob­ back yard. third member of the crew, bing and others pleading, Mrs. Surgent apparently was stewardess Sandy Segir, was “Where am I?" and “What am not at home and her where­ one of the 33 persons admitted I doing here.” abouts could not be learned im- ' to hospitals. Mrs. Rosen and William Ordfway, who lives mediately. her sons also were admitted. Also killed was Peter Sur- gent, who lived with his wife in an apartment on the second floor of the Rosen home. The raised-ranch house sat tdong a ' tree-lined street in a middle- Nixon, McGovern Policeman stands guard as investigators start probe into cause of planO crash at Albany Friday. Crash claimed one life in home, l^^lmard. class neighborhood. 'Ttz-wa^ fortunate that there was no fire and that people were being, carried away In ‘Spectaculars’ alive,” said Thomas O’Leary, a Mohawk vice president who lives near the Rosens. Kleindienst Heatring Stalled Dayan The site is about two miles from central Albany and near In Granite State Washington Avenue, a major WASHINOTON (AP) — With nitely helping us but caniMt let (XHifirmation is being held up McLaren, like Kleindienst, thorcughfare; a state office MANCHESTER, N. H. (AP)—President Nixon’s Re­ most of the witnesses yet to be it be known." until the Investigatlan is con­ testified that the iaettlement of W arns building complex and three hos­ publican allies have staged their big New Hampshire heard In a Senate Judiciary Mitchell, who resigned his cluded. suits against ITT’s .acquisition pitals. show in behalf of "the man who isn’t here,” while a Cabinet poet to direct President The hearings are in recess of the Hartford Etre Insurance OommlUee InvesUgatlon, final The impact pushed the house Democrat who is. Sen. George McGovern, claims he has Nixon's re-election campaign until Tuesday, when IQeln- Co., Canteen Oorp., and Grin- 15 to 20 feet off its foundation. a chance to score an upset 'victory in Tuesday’s presi­ action on Richard G. and who is slated to testify at dlenst, U.S. District Judge nell C b^. had no relation to Lebanon The first floor was shattered dential primary. ,/ ----------------------------------- Klelndlenst's nomination to be the committee’s hearings, has Richard W. McLaren, former any pledge of financial help for and the second collapsed on the attorney general faces an In­ denied the charges. chief of the Justice D epe^ the GOP convention. The music was by Lionel don't agree with Mm about this TEL A'VIV (AP) — Defense fuselag:e. The cockpit came to Hampton, the songs by Lainie trip, give Mm a chance to definite delay. Kleindienst, MitcheU’s deputy ment’s antltnist dl'Viston And Now a Judge in Chicago, rest in the backyard and the One key witness, Mrs. Dlta for the last three years, has de­ Felix Rohatyn, an ITT director, Minister Moshe Dayan kald to­ Kazan and then the politics by acMeve that generation of McLaren said he negotiated tail Jutted from the front door. governors, senators and two peace,” Rockefeller said, D. Etoard, .Washington lobbyist nounced the memorandum as are to return, for further ques­ what he called an effective set­ day he believes the Lebanese The plane had shut off one of for the Internatlmua Telephone "completely false" in sworn members of the Nixon Cabinet -v. u j .. tioning. tlement that let n r keep Hart­ government will try to restrict, its engines as it was making as the Committee for the Re- J!'*'® ■ Sc Telegraph Oorp., has dr<9 i>ed testimony at the commifiee They are the only 'witnesses ford Fire but that required it to "lieihiqw to control immediate­ t h e Instrument approach election of the President sought P' out of sight. More than a score hearings that began two days heard so far. Eastland hoped to dl'vest Canteen Oorp., peat of ly," southern Lebanese areas through a light snow and over­ to stir up the RepubUcan lo ^ - challenging Nix- of FBI agents are reportedly ago. finish their testimony Friday, GrhmeU, and some other com­ where Arab guerrillas are con­ cast, a spokesman for the Fed­ ists and turn cut a big primary s ea r ch 1 n g tor her, c<m- Klelndlenst’s nomination to but Kennedy said he had not panies it had acquired. centrated. eral A'viatlon Admlnlstratian at vote for the absent NM<ii. bbIA Frl«^y ^at lion's oentratlng on the Denver area, succeed Mlttdt^ was approved finished' ; his examination (A Altogettier,^ be testified, the "iphther they take care Of the the airport said. New York Gov Nelson A Pe^onnaJice at Peking “was a oharges llnkiqg sattlement bfi hy a 19-0'Voto at the ocmmltlee them and wanted them re- area or we shall have to do It The National Transportation R^kefelfer L :S ^ d hU own fo^ ^ American principles." * flan.' Bdwiurd ML Kennedy, D-‘ last week, but a Senatojyotpjxt oalled. W- Page Sixteen) by one way or another," he Safety Beard sent an' 11-man in­ tile Nfew HampsMre campaign K w ., said the hearingsAnte added. i vestigating team which arrived eight years agT in a p rih ^ ^ 5^*^ * independent has an^trust suits against ITT to a Asked In a radio interview if within hours. , ^ already begim and time is run­ finttodal commitm«tt to the Most of the passengers were ning in favor- of the Commu­ Republican National Convention he .tiiougfat the Lebanese gov­ ernment would fail in the at­ businessmen retimiing from nists and against the United In San Diego should not be tempt, Dayan said: "Well, then New York iClty. A Mohawk States because of Mr. Nixon's closed until the committee gets we will have to go on and put spokesman said Flight 406 from sellout- last week,” Ashbrook Mrs. Beard's testimany. Warplanes Wing North; said. more pressure and to demmi- La Guardia Airport to Albany Committee chairman James strate again that there are only County Airport was sold out, as Nixon's other rival is Rep. O. ElasOand, D-MIss., also has two altenialives." usual for a Friday night. of Paul N. McCloskey of Califor­ Indicated that he does not be­ The Israeli chief of staff, Lt. The airline said the 46 pas­ nia, the liberal challenger who lieve the hearings can be con­ Batter Defense Lines Gen. David Blazar, said his sengers Included an infant ivot approved of Nixon’s visit to cluded without exhausting ev­ forces will remain on top alert listed at first on the manifest. China. He said the trip would ery effort to find the woman SAIGON (AP) —U,sr war­ said, because, it threatened Sanh south of the DMZ to thb A along the Lebanese and Syrian The pilot was identified as "begin to break down the bar­ lobbyist. riers between our peoples.” planes pounded antiaircraft de­ bombers attacking the Ho Chi Shau Valley bordering Laos. frontiers to strike if Israeli ci­ Capt. Robert McAdams, 44, of Bastland already has issued vilian targets again come under South Hempstead, N.Y., arid “But remember that the two subpoenas for her and It fenses Inside North Vietnam Mlnh trail network in neighbor­ U.S.
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