Published by tha Ukrainian National Association inc.. a -fraternal non-profit association! rainian Weekly vol. LIU No. 36 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1985 25 centi Ukrainian students fined, released from East German prison Wasyl Stus dies in labor camp JERSEY C1TY, N J. - As serving the'fifth year of a 10- by Hanya Diuk children, Mr. Leszczyszyn, is in his The Weekly was going to press year labor-camp term for final year of studies at the London it was learned from dissident "anti-Soviet agitation and LONDON - Two Ukrainian stu– School of Economics, majoring in sources that v'asyl Stus, a propaganda1' in Camp No. 36- dents have been released after a three- management sciences. Depressed at his member of the Ukrainian 1. This was to be followed by father's death in April, he took a year week ordeal in an East German jail. Helsinki Monitoring Group, five years of internal exile. Mr. Oleh Leszczyszyn. 21, of Coventry and off and decided to go away with his Stus, a poet, was reported to be friend, Mr. Fedyszyn. it was his first died in a Perm labor camp on George Fedyszyn. 22, of London were suffering from severe heart arrested on their way to a holiday in trip behind the iron Curtain. Wednesday, September 4. Mr. disease and ulcers, among Poland. East Getman authorities claim Mr. Fedyszyn graduated from Essex Stus's wife, valentyna Pope– they were trying to smuggle "anti-state University last year, majoring in classi– !iukh, who resides in Kiev, was other ailments. He was 47. propaganda" behind the iron Curtain. cal studies, and he has spent the last 12 informed of his death via tele- More details about the death of The pair were thrown into an East months trying to find a job. gram sent by the camp ad- Mr. Stus and his life will Berlin jail on August 1 after a customs Mr. Leszczyszyn's older brother, ministration. Mr. Stus was appear in next week's issue. check at Frankfurt-on-Oder, East Ger– Roman, 26, at first told reporters: "1 many, when it was claimed they were suppose that they could have been carrying anti-Communist literature. carrying a magazine or book without They had traveled by train through realizing its significance to the Commu– France, West Germany and East Ger– nist authorities." He also said that they І Terelia sentenced many at the start of a hiking holiday. expected it to be a long, drawn out They were questioned by police and affair. After Oleh -Leszczyszyn's re- to 12 years for customs men, and were then arrested. lease, however, his brother told The The anxious Leszczyszyn family dis– Weekly that he had in fact taken quite a 'anti-Soviet agit-prop' covered Mr. Leszczyszyn's whereabouts few Ukrainian-language books of gene– , through telephone calls to the British ral interest with him. He would not WASHINGTON - Ukrainian ca– Foreign Office, and they were mystified identify the books. tholic activist Yosyp Terelia has been by the allegations. The youngest of four After his release, Oleh Leszczysyn sentenced to seven years in a labor camp said: "l'm just relieved and delighted to and five years of internal exile on be home. We were never badly treated, charges of "anti-Soviet agitation and Red Army deserter but we were interrogated eyery day and propaganda," according to samizdat feared we might get a heavy sentence." sources. "All the time 1 was there 1 was Mr. Terelia, 42, was convicted on shot in USSR thinking about my mother and worry– August 20 by a regional court in Uzhho– MUN1CH - A Soviet soldier who (Continued on page 16) Yosyp (Continued on page 11) defected in Afghanistan, then stayed in Britain for six months before returning, it was thought, of his own free will to the Labor Day festivities draw thousands to Soyuzivka Soviet Union, was shot after arriving in mountain air and the company of good Friday evening, August 30, with New the USSR. The West German daily KERHONKSON, N.Y. - Thou– friends, or to dance the nights away on Generation playing for guests' dancing newspaper Bild reported the incident, sands of Ukrainians from throughout Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings pleasure. but no date was specified. the United States and Canada made their way to the Catskills of New York to music by three bands: Tempo, lskra The daytime hours on Saturday were Sgt. lhor Rykhov, 22, and a fellow state, more specifically, to Soyuzivka,. and New Generation (an offshoot of devoted to a swim meet, with competi– deserter, Pvt. Oleg Khlan, 21, had the year-round resort of the Ukrainian Nova Khvylia). tion for trophies and medals in indivi– arrived in Britain in June 1984 afterthey National Association, for the annual The weekend's activities began on (Continued on page 4) were found by a British lawmaker while Labor Day weekend festivities that being held by Afghan guerrillas. Lord signal the end of summertime activity Bet hell, a Conservative member of for the young and not-so-young. Parliament, sponsored their stay in Britain. The guests came to attend perfor– in November 1984, upon learning mances by three superb artists: Metro– that the two were planning to return to politan Opera star Paul Plishka, pianist (Continued on page 16) Thomas Hrynkiw and international cabaret singer Alex. The always po– pular Tempo orchestra directed by Dushnyck dies lreneus Kowal also performed to the audience's delight. JERSEY C1TY, N.J. —Dr. Wal– ter Dushnyck, editor of The Ukrai– For stories on the tennis and nian Quarterly, longtime community swimming championships, see center– activist, scholar and author, died on fold.^^„^^„„„„„„„ Thursday, September 5. The pana– chyda will be held at the Jarema funeral home on Sunday, September The guests came also as participants 8, at 7 p.m. The funeral liturgy will be and spectators of the annual national offered at St. George Ukrainian tennis and swimming championships Catholic Church on Monday, Sep– organized by the Carpathian Ski Club tember 9, at 9:30 a.m. Surviving are of New York under the auspices of the Dr. Dushnyck's wife, Mary, and son, Ukrainian Sports Association of the Mark. More on the achievements of United States and Canada (known by Dr. Dushnyck during his lifetime its Ukrainian-language acronym, will appear in next week's issue. USCAK). Others came simply to enjoy the fresh Cabaret singer Alex performs with the Tempo orchestra. 2 Г THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1985^,^No. 36 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Poles mark Solidarity anniversary GDANSK. Poland - Thousands of Jozef Pinior, formerly a senior Soli– Poles, as well as Solidarity founder darity organizer, and two colleagues. Lech Walesa and othecsenior figures of Wladyslaw Mekarski and Edward Lvovskaya Pravda commentary reveals the now outlawed free trade union, Majko, were detained by police on gathered on August 31 here at the unknown charges. A plaque on the wall fate of Catholic activist Kobryn birthplace of Solidarity for a Roman of the bus depot commemorates the Catholic mass marking the union's fifth local Solidarity strike committee. by Bohdan Nahaylo fact. Mr. Kobryn refused to take part in anniversary. Throughout Poland. Solidarity sup- the proceedings, availing himself only Meanwhile, three Solidarity activists porters marked the union's anniversary "An issue of the western Ukrainian of the right to make a final statement, with masses and mostly peaceful gather– while the Rev. Budzinsky praised his were arrested in the southwestern oblast newspaper Lvovskaya Pravda Polish town of Wroclaw as they placed ings. in Krakow, some 2.000 people reporting on the trial of the Ukrainian colleague and, in particular, "spoke a wreath commemorating the union's chanted ! Solidarity slogans during a Catholic activist vasyl Kobryn has highly of his honesty." founding at the bus depot that once march after mass at Wawel Cathedral, recently become available in the West. in his final statement, Mr. Kobryn served as the local Solidarity strike and club-swinging police dispersed Altho ugh the 47-year-old chairman of apparently made a defiant speech committee's headquarters. them. an unofficial group campaigning for the defending his convictions and activities. in the capital city, Warsaw, some legalization of the Ukrainian Catholic Mr. Lisyuk comments sarcastically that 7.000 persons broke into a cheer after a Church was sentenced on March 22 to the accused not only tried to assume the Sakharov's stepson mass at St. Stanislaw Kostka Church as three years' imprisonment for "anti- mantle of a "martyr for faith, perse– a man shouted through a bullhorn: "Let Soviet slander," until now no other cuted for his 'religfous beliefs,'"but also us swear to make Solidarity live." A details about his trial had been known. had the audacity to act as if he had a on hunger strike loudspeaker suspended by wires between Lvovskaya Pravda of April 3 right to speak "in the name of the WASHINGTON - The stepson of nearby buildings broadcast tapes by published a lengthy commentary on Ukrainian people." interestingly Solidarity underground leader Zbig– Andrei Sakharov, fearing the Soviet Mr. Kobryn's trial by A. Lisyuk titled enough, though, it seems that Mr. niew Bujak. who has been a fugitive Union may be concealing the death of "The Clattering of an Empty Barrel." Kobryn refrained from bringing na– since the 1981 declaration of martial the dissident physicist, has gone on a Although the piece sets out to discredit tional feeling to the forefront, and law, and the Rev. Jerzy Popieluszko. and ridicule Mr. Kobryn and other concentrated on the religious issue. This hunger strike to pressure the Kremlin to campaigners for the rights of the out– prompted the author to accuse him of allow him to see his parents, reported (Continued on page 13) lawed Ukrainian Catholic Church, it deliberately not linking his faith with the Associated Press.
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