Ads 191 Youth Join East Penn Churches in Easter Season THE KUTZTOWN PATRIOT Serving The East Penn Voile? For More Than Seventy-five Years During the Easter Season 191 David Lightcap and William Kersh- youths have joined the churches of ner Palm Sunday morning. Kutztown and vicinity. Of this total VOL. LXXVII KUTZTOWN, PA-, t^URSDAY, APRIL 10, 1952 NO. 4* 58 are in Kutztown; 49 in Fleet­ St Paul's Lutheran, Fleetwood (21) wood; 10 at the Lutheran Home in The Rev. Harold W. Sell confirm­ ed these 18 Palm Sunday at 10:15 Topton; and 74 at Becker's St. Pe­ K.H.S. CALENDAR J ^^^i*y ter's, Lyons, Maxatawny and Dry­ A. M.: Ronald Rhoads, James School Board ; Borough Council K.S.T.C. Campus Sterner, Paul Reetz, Ronald Phil­ April 19—F.H.A. Rainbow Cab­ - C-*3St •.•'•"' |t •HP^ssssSM^WfL ville. aret Dance. t lips, Robert Moatz, Donald Heffner, it*-" The names follow: David Fisher, Warren Faust John Suggests Jointure April 23—F.F.A. 10th Anniver­ ; % VsA 1 Lets Contract for Junior High Has St John's E. and R. (15) Emerick, Leon Bergstresser, Mary sary Banquet ftgtoHnA v' \^| \ '•iiih . , " ." On April fourth the Rev. D. April 25-26—Host to County Or­ m Wanner, Mary Alice Van Buskirk, Of Nearby Districts yaam. W£\ - ^ ~SSS^mm BJifr-^' Paving White Oak Easter Program Horton Nace confirmed the fol­ Virginia Schollenberger, Nancy chestra, Band and Chorus mUUjL ^\£mmmWstffl&£X^mW * lowing at St John's Evangelical Sanders, Margaret Newcomer, Ruth May 2—F.H.A. Fashion Show 91 - i&*M&mmmvWmmWm\mW HF*'iiiipiiii i' - J j — «j mm-. and Reformed church: Patricia May 3 — Roller-skating Party, and Marian Merkel, Virginia Delp \ -.'.vjJ|jB|iJ»L Angstadt, Robert Angstadt George and Shirley Angstadt; Also Mrs. Ban May Be Placed Unless Reading Fairgrounds, spon­ «ggs^im* \ Addition Will be Made to Also Entertains Parent! -^ rc«iueste«fto sored by the Sophomores jsBf Buchman, Lee Erb, Annette George, Irvin Hilbert, Sr., and Mrs. Robert Prompt Action is Taken; I The Pumping Station; With Drama, Dances and . Shirley Haas, Richard Hauser, Dal­ Miller. May 9—Spring Concert Band Overcrowding Blamed >m.j | *fP Four l^>ts Sold Demonstrations rfe .HOMER las Kline, Nancy Kline, Audrey May 13— F.H.A. Mother-Daugh­ .-•:• < \ Becker's St Peter's E. and R. (2) ter Banquet Reifinger, Jackie Schadler, Nancy The Rev. J. Paul Kehm, Evan­ 1 Schadler, Janice Seidel, Eleanor The School Board, at its April Borough Council, at its April A film strip "The First Easter gelical and Reformed pastor, con­ meeting, voted to send letters to ••'•**/i r - meeting, awarded to Windsor Serv­ with Bible selections by Ninth Stauffer, and Neal Zimmerman. firmed Marlene Dietrich and Har­ the 11 districts that send pupils to i St Paul's E. and R. (13) ice, Inc., Reading, a $12,519 con­ Graders Anna Kramer, Sally Pren­ riet Metrolis Palm Sunday, at 10:15 the down-town schools, suggesting Bi-County Council Sr-* I * •:•• ' 1 tract for the reconstruction of tiss, Virginia Folk, Helen Zleglc USTR* The Rev. Paul E. Schmoyer con­ A. M. a jointure. Reason for the action South White Oak street from West and Nancy Pauley, featured tho firmed 13 catechumens Palm Sun­ St Paul's E. and R., Fleetwood (22) is over-crowded conditions that ! ' SH Main to Trexler avenue, the work Easter program presented today b)' day at 10:15 A.M. They included Vir­ must be remedied by the 1953-54 Sponsors Annual Vrf to begin about June first Council the KSTC Campus Junior High ginia Folk, Shirley Schmoyer, Shir The Rev. J. Paul Kehm, pastor J - TJWHBf^-' AIL *a of St. Paul's Evangelical and Re-term. HSr^/-- lr% therefore urges property owners school. Other numbers, interspers­ ley Kern, Elaine Clemmer, Joan J* "L, "?**7 %i * *v Unless prompt action is taken the on that street whose curbs need ed with Easter carols, included: ITLU CWI„„ CM...*-, m j formed church confirmed the Magazine Drive t ft. S r\\ZJ^^ s^ljrj? On-Palm-Su^day 7 7* Board may be compelled to put a [ •WpSBsp^ * &MP? repair, to have them fixed by mid- "Easter Tidings" Eighth Grade cas<; ban on said districts. They include r JBSPBmmrn • $ May. and "The First Bunny" a play dj Kniss, Jack DeTurk, Edna Ely, Den- P. M.: Sandra Price, Darryl Reit- '<• k mmWeWSf ^' *»• • the peasants of Central Europe, the following: Albany, Greenwich, •'• : A contract at a bid of $1,372 was MR Schadler and Karl Bubben- nauer, Jean Rothermel, Franklin Local Legion Auxiliary to { years ago, Grade Seven One. Th'i Lutz, Gertrude Rothermel, Noretta Longswamp, Maidencreek, Maxa­ * • given to John Moll, for the addi­ RKET moyer. tawny, Richmond, Rockland, Weis­ Benefit by Selling of tion to the pumping station plus finale was the Hallelujah Choru.% Trinity Lutheran (4) Schaeffer, Joanne Werner, David I '^ with Henry Casselberry at the ofi- Wagenhurst, Marian Zwoyer, Lovell enberg, and Windsor, plus Topton Subscriptions repairs. JN The Rev. C. L. Heckman confirm­ and Lenhartsville. It was reported that the 18 x 31 gan, during the singing of whic'i ed Barbara Bieber, Carol Hauck, Barlet, Patricia Brobst Walter M f Continued •• pet* sis—column Has) The letter which was mailed out The Schuylkill-Berks Council of foot comfort station, of cement a large white cross was formed b.r this week, was as follows: the American Legion Auxiliary is '-4- - £••*•' * j •§ blocks, at Kutztown Park, is now Ninth Grade girls. Our over-crowded condition de­ sponsoring its annual magazine sub­ under roof. It is located near the P.T.A. Program Stewardess Flies Slated for Rotary mands our immediate attention and scription drive by the Crowell Col­ GOD AND THE WORLD . *> Tor God sent not HI* Son toto the basketball court not far from the At the April meeting of the Par­ action. As evidence of our over- lier Publishing Company. Its goal world to condemn the world, !«•• the* tho world through Him might ball park. ent Teacher Association, the Care- crowded condition, we are at the I is $2,000 for the purchase of hospital be saved."—John 1:17 . Warren Weidner was granted a pus Junior High school presentel To Arabia Monthly District Governor present time using three converted beds and wheel chairs to be distrib­ one-year lease of the Park, a program, featuring an episode b> toilet rooms, a cloak room, and a uted among the 17 units of the The sale of four borough lots in the Drama Club, from "Fair Are the Mae Gallmbyer, a stewardess for storage closet as conference rooms. Council. Maxatawny township, to Arlan Mil­ Meadows" written by Mrs. Anne the Arabian American Oil Com­ The latter two conversions are At present the drive is being con­ ler, was reported. Gehris Scheaier. It depicted a Sun­ » pany (ARAMCO) since January [ without sunlight or outside ventila­ ducted in Kutztown, Fleetwood and Police Report day school picnic of 1885, in au­ first, makes an eight-to-nine-dayj tion. An old shower room is used Boyertown, and the cooperation of C^adter in the (churched Local police solved the bur­ thentic costume, complete with flight monthly to Arabia. Her route to conduct other classes. To house citizens is anticipated. The local | glaries at the homes of Dr. Francis band and barber shop quartet anil includes Paris, Rome, Turkey and the agricultural shop, the school unit secured a hospital bed in 1950,) St Paul's E. and R.: Communion "The Life of Christ" at 7:30 P. M. DeLong and Oswald Ketner, Paul with Jane Wessner as announce*. points in North Africa. She is based district is renting an old garage and the donation for 1951 will be j Easter morning at six, precede^ by Monday: at 7:30 P. M., Missionary Baer, 25, ex-convict, Mohnton, hav­ The Dancing Club, with Grace in New York City. building. The commercial depart­ either a set of bed rails or a wheel an organ meditation. Commit* ton Society. ing confessed.' Angstadt as announcer, presented Recently she visited her parents, | ment is conducted in two rooms chair. The unit, with funds earned also at 10:15 A. M. Reception to Becker's St Peter's: Cantata The police last month made 17 a waltz, a polka and a square danct; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallmoyer, j of the elementary school, space at a recent community service card new members 7 P.M. "Prince of Life"—Easter night at arrests and issued 13 warnings for Gail Skinner played a piano soltt; Moselem Springs Hotel, and Mr. j which is, needless to say, sorely party, will purchase another wheel) Moselem Lutheran: Commujjon: 7:30 P. M. traffic violations; replaced 19 lights; Sally Prentiss, a cello solo, and and Mrs. William Jaeger and Mr. j David Boger, trumpet solo, with (Continued •• psge seven—column sis) chair, making its total of items \ 10:15 A. M. Sermon "Suffering to St. Mary's: Kutztown: High Mass, escorted five funerals; answered and Mrs. Robert Kurzweg, Fleet- j available to the community, three! Victory," by Rev. Paul L. YiRnt 23 complaints, and disposed of oneMarily n Merkel accompanist Girls wood. 6 A. M. Low Mass, 10:00 A. M. dog. of the elementary school, at the hospital beds, four wheel chairs, Schwenksville. | Evansville: High Mass, 8 A. M. Stewardess Gallmoyer has been! BPW Open House at and seven pairs of crutches. One of j Ziegel Parish: E. and R. Coi^re- direction of Miss Pletsch, with pi­ flying since 1945, when as a WAVE the pairs of crutches was recently gation: Longswamp: Good Friday St John's Lutheran: Confirma­ ano accompaniment by Mr.
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