News Ii views Vision • Integrity •Quality Vol. 9, No. 4•April1995 Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Be Stupid ... It's The 1995 MONAs! That's right ladies (and gentl emen) it's som - transgender alli ance Pledge for ommunity: "\\ e thing w haven't done for awhile but we sa id , "Hey, ha to stop this b fore it g ts started! " I t's dust off those old MO A statuettes and gi' e The " Darwin Was Right" Award-to eryon out a ~ win the April issu ." MO Asar n't lik the who b Ii ved last year's Renaissance ews & Vi ews Philadelphia Chapter's Rennie Awards. Oh no, Apri l cover story. thos are giv n out to women that the chapt r picks The "All Fizz, No Socia" Award- to It's Tim a go cl rol model . The MONA is a Renais ance meri a. After a blitzkri g announcement of politi­ National pr s ntation and the name tands for: cal lobbying goals this summ r, nothing lse has Meaningless, Obscure, Nonsense Awards. b n h ard from th m. Thcs prestigious award ar picked b th eu;s The "We Ain't No Preverts" Awarcl-to J ri & Views ditorial staff. Do we have so me obscur L and Tmnsf ormations magazin for publishing a ritual or esoteric m th cl by which we pick these magazine with pornographic drawings and photos of luck')' winners? o. \\ h n v r w ~ l lik it, w it transvestit sand she-ma! s, and th n claiming to around, attired in elegant drag, sipping aperitifs, r present the transgender community. noshing on dainty fin ger sandwich s and thinking The "For Your Eyes Only" Awanl- to Spar­ about every tupid thing that we've observed in the tacus and Michael Salem for Hin g names from community over the past year. Then, we give th em th ir crossdresser mailing lists. an award. H re ar this years lucky winn rs : The "Preverts Need Not Apply'' Award-to The "Nobody Likes A Whine1·" Award- to th e Speaker of th e House, ewt Gingrich for this Linda and ynthia Phillips for complaining so gem of ewt Speak: "I am not prepared to establish loudly that th Int rnational Congress on Gender, a Federal law that allows yo u to sue your employer if Cross Dr ssing and S x Issues would draw people yo u end up not having a job because of a disagree­ away from th T xas "T' Party. It didn't. ment that involves your personal b havior at that The "Dale Carnegie" Award-to IFGE for level. Do s that mean, for example, a transvestite their remark that California Dr amin' is "for fun " should automatically have the ri ght to work as a whil IFGE's oming Together conference is "seri­ transvestite? I don't think o." ous." Registration at IFGE's con~ r nc this year was at an all -time low. That's it for th 1995 MO As. Just think, if you The "I Like The Dark Ages" Award- h r­ do or say something stupid in the n xt few months full presented to ev ryon who worked against th mayb we'll includ you when ver we g t around to ntral Oklahoma Transgender llianc . doing this again. The " Orkin Terminator" Award- to Laura B.: 11w MO A~ are a joke. o stat11 eltes, certifi­ aldwell of IFGE for this comm nt on the recent ca tes or poker chiJIS will he sent to th e winners. IFGE: Lynn-Out, Laing-In Th Int rnational foundation for GendC' r Edu­ At tlw same time, If'GE announced Ali son La­ cation (If'GE) announc cl th resignation of \1 r­ ing will fill th e position of Ex cu ti e Dir ctor of issa Sl1 errill Lynn, founder and philosophical archi­ ffGE at a date to be determined, probably late tect of th organization. The announcement was um me r. Ms. Laing currently serves as Chair of the made at the I f'GE annual convention in Atlanta, board of the Outreach Institute, and sits on the /\l arch 18. o official statem nt \\"as m·ai lable from hoards of AEGIS and Renaissance. '.\I s. 1.ynn, but insiders, who requested a 11 0 11~ · mity . ongratulations Al ison! ffGE couldn't have fl sa ~ 1 she was forced to resign or be nreel. picked anyone better. ~ He11"issa11 ff J\ <' tGs & \li1•1cs. \lo /. ~J . No . ../ ~ Chapter & Affiliate Information (£n Renaissance ~i~:~ & c:hapters Affiliates <D 1994. I\ naissancc Education Asso­ Delaware Georgia ciation, Inc., D87 O ld Eagle School Hd. , S11ite 7 19, Wayne, Pa. 190 7. Wilmington, D e laware: meets set:ond Atlanta: The A merk:an Edut:ational Cen­ Plaone: 610-975-9119 Satur<layofeat: h month. \\'1ite for info to: PO cb· In fo rmation Se1v ic:v (AEG I ), PO Box Box .5656, \\ il -mington, DE 19808 or t:all .3.3724, Det:atur, CA .300.3.3-0724 or t:all 404- $2 per issu , $16 pe r year ( 12 issu s). 302-995-1396. 9.39-0244 . In fo rmation r •sou rt:es. Back issu s are available fo r $2 pe r Maryland Atlanta: Atlanta Gende r Explorations copy plus S0.52 postage and handling. (A. C .E.), PO Box 77.562, At lanta, CA 30357, Send check or M.O. to the above ad­ d1apter is form ing in th BaltimoP 404-9.39-2128. dr ss, atte ntion: Beth Marshall. ;u·ea. \ Vatd1 for more information. Louisiana Editor-in-Chief New Jersey Angela Gardner New Orleans; The Gulf Gender Alli ­ Contributing Editors South J e rsey/Shore Area: Write Rc­ ant:e , PO 13 ox 870213, 1ew O rleans, LA Dina Amberle naissant:e South jersey, Box l 9, Mays Land­ 70187-1300. I A>eal suppmt group. ) 0An11 Roberts ing, j, 0 3.30. Meets first atur<lay or the Layout month at the Athmtit: Mental Health Cente r, New Jersey Creative Design Services 2002 Black Horse Pike, Mt: Kee ity. D<xi rs N. Central Jersey: ~ l o nm o uth/Oc:e an Distribution open 7PM. all 609-641-.3782 fo r details. Trans Ct' n<le r, (MOT ), wri te P Box8243, Beth & Ra chel Marshall Re<l Bank, J 07701 or t:all 908-219-9094. Pennsylvania Business Manager New York Barbara Schwarz Greater Philade lphia: \\'rit • Renais­ sant:e GP , 987 Old Eagle Sdwol Rd. , uite Manhattan: Metropolitan Cl'nder 1et­ 719, \\'ayne, Pa.19087. Meets third S aturda~ ' work (MCN), write .561 1l uclson St. , Box 4.5, Articles, opinion pieces and letters to the editm· are always we lcome. Ideas for ai·­ of the month in King or Prussia. Dcx1 rs open l ew York, NY 10014, or m ll 201 -794-1665, ticles and opinion pieces should be sent lo 8 p.m. all y<' ar ·round. all 6 10-875-9119 for Ext. 3.32. Local support gro11p . onr editorial office care of Renaissance, information. Long Island: :\e\\· York C IHL & Pa1t ­ PO Box 5:JO, Bensalem, Pa. 19020-0330. Lower Susque hanna Valley: \\'ritl' R<' ­ ne rs, 149 South I lmw·ll AH•. , ·l' ntl' reaeh, Complimenta1·y and irate lette1·s to the naissant:e LS\', 13 ox 2122 1l anishm g, PA NY 11720, Call 5 16-732-82 W for in fo . editor may be sent lo t.he same address. I 7 L05. ~ l ee t s on the first Saturday of tht· Renaissance is a 30l[c)[3] non-profit orga­ Oklahoma month. Call 717-780- lLSV ( l.578 ) f(ir lot:a­ nization providing education and snppot1 lo the transgender community and t.he tion and times. Central O klahoma: ex me rs Be Il l's, part general public. of the Central Oklahoma Transgender All i­ ant:e (COTA). Con tad , Hadiel Ruclnit:k. P.O. 13ox .575, Norman, O K - 3010. Local Calendar Ap1·il 1 lkn. Sour h J<·rsey . ·- Rt·n . l.')\' rm'l·I ing ~~ Resources t:o ~ t:O S Rl'n. D" la"·an· 15 Rt·n. GP . Background Papers: Significant Other Snppm·t :2:2 I:la\Jo . AIH\ ialc l\lay Background Pape rs are $1.25 ach: To network with other partners of trans­ (i Ren. Sourh j Cc" rsey 1. Myths & Misconceptions About g nd red peopl contact Ew·lyn Kirkland, (i Ren. LS V nwt'l ing C rossdr ssing PO Box ] 242, N wtown , Pa. , l 940. 13 Rl'n. Delaware 2. Reasons for Male to F male :20 Ren. .PC 27 I:lallo. Al1llialc C rossdr ssing Pen Pal Prog1·am: June 3. PART ERS: Spouses & If you would like to correspond with 3 Ren. outh Jersey Significant Others oth r p ople around the country con­ 3 Ren. LSV meetin g; 4. The Matte r of Childr n tact Pen Pal , care of Maryann Kirk­ 10 Hen. Delawarl' 5. Annotated Bibliography 17 Hen. GP land, PO Box 1242, ewtown, Pa., 24 l3all o. Al1lliat e 6. T e ll ing the C hildren: A 1 940 .. fo1y ann wi ll put you on th Pen Transsexual's Point of Vi ew Pal Li st and giv you a copy of that Ii t 7. AIDS/ HIV Safety and Ethics. so you ma correspond with as many . Unde rstanding Transs xualism new fri ends as you like .
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