Savouries Breads Sweet Products Sweet Products Catering/Banquet Range

Savouries Breads Sweet Products Sweet Products Catering/Banquet Range

SAVOURIES BREADS SWEET PRODUCTS SWEET PRODUCTS CATERING/BANQUET RANGE Ex GST Inc GST Ex GST Inc GST Ex GST Inc GST Ex GST Inc GST Ex GST Inc GST Catering Slabs 56 Portions Pies Dinner Buns and Rolls Muffins Doughnuts FROZEN ONLY .SPCV Chicken & Vegetable Pie P $2.80 $3.08 .BDC Continental Dinner Bun $0.47 Texas .DCF Cream Finger $2.20 $2.42 .ZHSCHC Chocolate Cake $29.00 $31.90 .SPCU Beef Curry Pie P $2.45 $2.70 .BDM Multigrain Dinner Bun $0.47 .MTAC Apple & Cinnamon Crumble P $1.95 $2.15 .DJAM Jam Doughnut P $1.29 $1.42 .ZHSVAN Vanilla Cake $29.00 $31.90 .SPCC Chicken Curry Pie P $2.45 $2.70 .BDW White Dinner Bun - no seed $0.47 .MTBB Blueberry P $1.95 $2.15 .DAC Apple & Custard Doughnut $1.40 $1.54 .ZHSCOF Coffee Cake $29.00 $31.90 .SPMI Mince Pie P $2.45 $2.70 .BDWM Wholemeal Dinner Bun - no seed $0.47 .MTWC Wildberry Crumble P $1.95 $2.15 .DSC Salted Caramel Custard D/nut $1.40 $1.54 .ZHSLG Lemon & Ginger Cake $29.00 $31.90 .SPPS Pepper Steak Pie P $2.45 $2.70 .MTCC Double Chocolate Chip P $1.95 $2.15 .DCIN Cinnamon Doughnut P $0.67 $0.74 .ZHSSUL Sultana Sponge Cake $29.00 $31.90 .SPSP Shepherd's Pie P $2.75 $3.03 Hamburger Buns .MTRW Raspberry & White Choc P $1.95 $2.15 .DIC Iced Ring Chocolate $1.55 $1.71 .ZHSCC Chocolate Cherry Cake $29.00 $31.90 .SPSM Steak & Mushroom Pie P $2.45 $2.70 .BHWS White Hamburger Bun $0.83 .MTOP Orange & Poppyseed P $1.95 $2.15 .DICA Iced Ring Caramel $1.55 $1.71 .ZHSARC Apple & Raspberry Crumble $30.00 $33.00 .SPSB Steak Bacon & Cheese Pie P $2.45 $2.70 .BHW White Hamburger Bun - no seed $0.83 Texas Soft Centred .ZHSLCC Lemon Cheesecake $30.00 $33.00 Sweet Slab Cakes Ex GST Inc GST .SPST Steak Pie (Chunky Steak ) P $2.45 $2.70 .MTCH Chocolate and Hazelnut P $2.15 $2.37 Catering 10" Cakes 16 Portions .SPSC Steak & Cheese Pie P $2.45 $2.70 Knot Rolls .MTSC Salted Caramel P $2.15 $2.37 .FSAPP Apple Pie $73.00 $80.30 Ex GST Inc GST .BKWS White Knot Roll $0.83 Regular .FSARC Apple Raspberry Crumble Cake $51.50 $56.65 .KBCAR Carrot Cake $24.00 $26.40 Sausage Rolls Ex GST Inc GST .BKW White Knot Roll - No Seed $0.83 .MRCC Double Choc Chip P $1.60 $1.76 .FSCMD Chocolate Cake $52.00 $57.20 .KBCR Choc Raspberry Decadence $24.00 $26.40 .SSRT Beef Sausage Roll P $1.70 $1.87 .MRBB Blueberry P $1.60 $1.76 .FSBB Blueberry Cake $51.50 $56.65 .KBCH White Choc Hawaiin $24.00 $26.40 .SSRP Pork Sausage Roll P $1.70 $1.87 Specialty Rolls .MRAC Apple & Cinnamon P $1.60 $1.76 .FSCOF Coffee Cake $51.50 $56.65 .KBSUP Caramel Supreme $24.00 $26.40 .SSRHC Bacon & Cheese S/ Roll P $1.70 $1.87 .BCIN4 Cinnamon Bun - 4 Pack $6.15 $6.77 .MRWC Wildberry Crumble $1.60 $1.76 2 Days notice required on slabs Approx Size - 68 x 40cm Catering 10" Cheesecakes 16 Portions .SSRSR Spinach & Ricotta Roll P $1.95 $2.15 .BCIN Cinnamon Bun - Individual $1.60 $1.76 .MROP Orange & Poppyseed $1.60 $1.76 All slabs will be cut in half for handling/shipping Ex GST Inc GST Mini .CBCM Choc Mint $24.00 $26.40 Tray Cakes (pre sliced 15 portions) .BMR Minigrain Roll $1.13 .MMCC Double Choc Chip $0.95 $1.05 .CBHM Honey Macadamia $24.00 $26.40 Pasties Ex GST Inc GST .BPANR Panini Rectangular $0.98 .MMLC Lemon Crumble $0.95 $1.05 .TCCC Carrot Cake P $20.80 $22.88 Savoury Party Range Ex GST Inc GST .SPPM Pastie - Meat & Vegetable P $2.25 $2.48 .BPANT Panini Triangular $0.98 .MMRW Raspberry & White Choc $0.95 $1.05 .TCSS Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake P $20.80 $22.88 Party Pies .SPPC Cornish Pastie P $2.25 $2.48 .BHD White Hotdog Roll $0.83 .MMSCC Savoury Cheese, Chive & Onion $0.95 $1.05 .SPMP Party Pie (Steak Mince) P $0.80 $0.88 .BWSR Wholemeal Sesame Seed Roll $1.13 .SPMS Party Shepherds Pie P $1.05 $1.16 Cookies (6 packs) Ex GST Inc GST Party Sausage Rolls Quiche - 10cm Ex GST Inc GST Elite 10" Cakes Ex GST Inc GST Bulk Economy (Minimum 150) .6PBC Peanut Butter Choc Chip (6) $8.40 $9.24 .SSRM Party Sausage Roll Beef P $0.75 $0.83 .SQL Lorraine P $2.45 $2.70 .BHWSL Soft White Hamburger Bun - Sliced $0.90 .KCAR Gourmet Carrot Cake $44.00 $48.40 .6CC Choc Fudge (6) $8.40 $9.24 .SSRSM Party Spinach Ricotta Roll P $0.80 $0.87 .SQS Spinach P $2.45 $2.70 .KRV Red Velvet $44.00 $48.40 .6SB Shortbread (6) $8.40 $9.24 Party Quiche .SQLC Leek & Capsicum P $2.45 $2.70 Turkish Bread Ex GST Inc GST .KCR Choc Raspberry Decadence $44.00 $48.40 .SQML Party Quiche - Lorraine P $1.05 $1.16 .KCH White Choc Hawaiian $44.00 $48.40 .SQMS Party Quiche - Spinach P $1.05 $1.16 Slices Ex GST Inc GST .BT4 Baby Turkish Flat Bread - 4 Pk $3.85 .KSUP Caramel Supreme $44.00 $48.40 .SQMLC Party Leek & Capsicum P $1.05 $1.16 .KBF Black Forest Cake $44.00 $48.40 .1SHH Hedgehog Flag P $1.45 $1.60 Mini Muffins Savoury Party Range Ex GST Inc GST Scones Regular Ex GST Inc GST .1SLC Lemon Curd Coconut Square P $1.45 $1.60 .MMCC Double Choc Chip $0.95 $1.05 Elite 10" Cheesecakes Ex GST Inc GST Party Pies .1SCAR Caramel Slice P $1.45 $1.60 .MMLC Lemon Crumble $0.95 $1.05 .SPMP Party Pie (Steak Mince) P $0.80 $0.88 .BSCP Plain Scone $1.20 $1.32 .CORC Oreo Cookie Cheesecake $44.00 $48.40 .1SSCB Salted Caramel Brownie P $1.70 $1.87 .MMRW Raspberry & White Choc $0.95 $1.05 .SPMS Party Shepherds Pie P $1.05 $1.16 .BSCF Fruit Scone $1.30 $1.43 .CCAR Carrot Cheesecake $44.00 $48.40 .1SRR Rocky Road Square P $1.45 $1.60 .MMSCC Savoury Cheese, Chive & Onion $0.95 $1.05 .1SWBR American Brownie (Wrapped Only) $2.20 $2.42 Mini Pies & Tarts (5cm) Ex GST Inc GST Cup Cakes Ex GST Inc GST Party Sausage Rolls .1SCOC Coconut Slice P $1.85 $2.04 .ITMAL Mini - Almondine Tart $1.45 $1.60 .SSRM Party Sausage Roll Beef P $0.75 $0.83 .CUPC Chocolate Cup Cake $1.70 $1.87 .IPMAP Mini - Apple Pies $1.10 $1.21 .SSRSM Party Spinach Ricotta Roll P $0.80 $0.87 Tick indicates the product is available Frozen, .CUPV Vanilla Cup Cake $1.70 $1.87 Wrapped/Packaged & Labelled .ITMBT Mini - Banana Toffee Tart $1.55 $1.71 P please ask for carton quantities .ITMCUS Mini - Custard Tart $1.05 $1.16 Individual Portions Ex GST Inc GST Ex GST Inc GST Party Quiche Texas Muffins .IPMLMP Mini - Lemon Meringue Pie $1.45 $1.60 .SQML Party Quiche - Lorraine P $1.05 $1.16 .SLCC Carrot Cake Slice $1.95 $2.15 .MTWAC Apple & Cinnamon Crumble $2.15 $2.37 .ITMFR Mini - Mixed Fruit Tart $1.55 $1.71 Some Products in our range are not suitable for re- .SQMS Party Quiche - Spinach P $1.05 $1.16 .SLLA Lamington P $1.75 $1.93 .MTWBB Blueberry $2.15 $2.37 .IPMPEC Mini - Pecan Pie $1.55 $1.71 freezing. Please ask our customer service team for .SQMLC Party Leek & Capsicum P $1.05 $1.16 .SLAP Apple Slice - full lid $2.05 $2.26 .MTWCC Double Chocolate Chip $2.15 $2.37 Ex GST Inc GST more information Danish Pastries .SLDA Apple Slice - Lattice $2.22 $2.44 .MTWRW Raspberry & Wht Choc $2.15 $2.37 Danish Pastry - Mini .SLNAP Napolean Slice $2.45 $2.70 .MTWCH Chocolate and Hazelnut $2.35 $2.59 .DPMAS Apple & Sultana $1.10 $1.21 .SLVAN Vanilla Slice $1.95 $2.15 .MTWSC Salted Caramel $2.35 $2.59 .DPMCH Chocolate $1.10 $1.21 .ITAL Almondine Tart (10cm) $2.70 $2.97 .MTWC Wildberry Crumble $2.35 $2.59 .DPMJC Jam & Custard $1.10 $1.21 .IPAP Apple Pie - Full Lid (10cm) $2.20 $2.42 .MTWOP Orange & Poppyseed $2.35 $2.59 .DPMAP Apricot $1.10 $1.21 PASTRIES .ITBAN Banana Toffee Tart (10cm) $2.70 $2.97 Regular Muffins .DPMWC Wildberry $1.10 $1.21 Croissants .ITCUS Custard Tart (10cm) $2.10 $2.31 .MRWCC Double Choc Chip $1.80 $1.98 Ex GST Inc GST Danish Pastries Ex GST Inc GST Traditional .IPLMP Lemon Meringue Pie (10cm) $2.70 $2.97 .MRWBB Blueberry $1.80 $1.98 .DPCM Mini Croissant P $0.67 $0.74 Danish Pastry - Mini .ITFR Mixed Fruit Tart (10cm) $2.80 $3.08 Allergen Statement .DPCL Large Croissant P $1.70 $1.87 .DPMAS Apple & Sultana $1.10 $1.21 .IECL Chocolate Éclair $2.32 $2.55 Slices .DPFAC Filled Almond Croissant $1.60 $1.76 .DPMCH Chocolate $1.10 $1.21 .DPFMS Match Stick $1.75 $1.93 .1SWCOC Coconut Slice $2.05 $2.26 All products are produced in a facility that Packs (on foil and clear wrapped) .DPMJC Jam & Custard $1.10 $1.21 .DPFAS Apple Custard Strudel $1.90 $2.09 Individual Portions handles nuts, including peanuts.

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