Gas leak Senate plan Overhaul It's a ‘miracle’ New York vows to fight ban Whalers should pipe didn’t blow /3 on its revised commuter tax /5 expect changes /II e-.-Py, > ,. -:,,• -.. •. t y ; iianrhpBlpr Hrralft Wednesday, April 12, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents S arto r Airline deal tops list o f three near failure 0» s Bv Andrew Yurkovskv Talks continuing, > Manchester Herald zA cj rough and tumble, X tfl South Windsor Town Manager tn H Ric hard J. Sartor is at the top of for Eastern sale MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE! M the list of three finalists for the X pos t of Manchester’s town man- X ag(;*r, a source said today. NEW YORK (AP) - Peter V. n Ueberroth’s $464 million deal to 5 8 13nfield Town Manager Robert buy strike-bound Eastern Air­ r J. Mulready is second on the list. lines veered toward collapse p been built on a reputation and Manchester Assistant Town today in an apparent impasse U u r name is Manchester Manager Steven R. Werbner is in CP with its parent Texas Air Corp. for quality and service. third place, the source said. Dow Jones News Service Sand and Gravel. Unfor­ a . CD The source said that the ranK­ quoted Eastern President Phil •< tunately our name only Whether you’re plan­ ing of the three finalists was Bakes as saying the parties > planned a news conference later T3 made Monday by the town Board tells part of the story. ning for a new home, 2. of Directors and by members of to “ explain why this deal didn’t go Today our products range the manager search committee. through.” But Eastern attorneys office building or a new The new manager will taKe told The AP the news conference cO was canceled. from ready mix concrete, 00 patio, find out why at LO 'Over for Manchester Town Man­ ” I don’t thinK you can say that ager Robert B. Weiss when he the deal is definitely off,” East­ brick and block, architec­ Manchester Sand and 'retires in June. PETER UEBERROTH ern attorney David Boies said. "not optimistic" tural and landscape Gravel, Tnere's More Mayor Peter P. DiRosa, who “ All you can say is there is no deal I heads the search committee, right now and the parties are still aggregates, construction Than Meets The Eye! disclosed the identities of the talKing.” trustee taKe control of Eastern three finalists on Tuesday. He supplies and more. Since In Washington, an official of the from Texas Air chairman FranK refused today and Tuesday to say Air Line Pilots Association, Lorenzo while the airline changes 1924 our business has what the ranKing was. speaKing on condition of anonym­ hands. Lorenzo, according to Public comments on Werbner ity, said he had been told by union sources, refused to go along with made on Tuesday by search officials that the deal to buy the a trustee. committee member Ronald nation’s seventh-largest airline Eastern’s unions have accused Osella. a Republican director, appeared near collapse. Lorenzo of gross mismanage­ prompted a harsh response from Patrick Flynn/Manchaatar Herald But sources close to Ueberroth, ment and robbing Eastern of vital Democratic Director Stephen T. speaKing on condition they not be assets. Cassano during a closed-door A TARGET FOR CRIME — Elsie Joseph, Spencer Street. Police are warning identified, said it appeared to JacK Bavis, head of the air­ MANCHESTER SAND AND GRAVEL session of the directors Tuesday of East Center Street, Manchester, turns women not to bring their handbags into them that each side was trying to line’s pilots union, said the unions night before their regular meet­ her back on her pocketbook in her cart stores because of a rash of purse- outbluff the other as part of a would not go back to worK with 60 Adams Street (203) 643-2133 ing. Osella said. while she shops for vegetables Tuesday grabbings in town since December. rough-and-tumble negotiating Lorenzo in control. ‘‘They’re not going to do it for the guy they hate P.O. Box S "P eter and I also had a strategy. at the Shop Rite supermarket on the most,” he said. ‘‘They’ll do it discussion but it was a much Separately, a federal judge in Manchester, Connecticut 06040 for Peter. If he’s there, we’re more reasonable discussion,” Miami today found no legal there.” Osella said. grounds to order Eastern’s pilots Ueberroth and Lorenzo walKed Osella said in a Manchester bacK to worK, dealing the airline String of handbag snatchings out of the talKs at U.S. Bank­ Herald story Tuesday that he another setbacK in its effort to end ruptcy Court Tuesday evening. didn’t feel that Werbner should be a crippling striKe begun by the Eastern’s three unions and its in the top three because he1acked Machinists union March 4. creditors also took part in the experience as a town manager. Eastern said it will appeal. has women shoppers worried meeting; for the deal to worK, all Cassano declined to comment The confusion over the ex­ TOTAL ASSETS the parties had to be in TR.--- NET LOANS this morning on the activities of baseball commissioner's attempt agreement. the search committee, saying By Maureen Leavitt The latest episode occurred Saturday. A to buy the paralyzed airline came ”Your Local Hometown Bank” Millions Millions Hartford woman was accused of trying to steal ” I ’ m not optim istic,” the that DiRosa was the spokesman. Manchester Herald hours after a midnight deadline former baseball commissioner DiRosa said today, “ I will not an elderly woman’s bag at the Shop Rite expired for reaching final agree­ 83.2 MUliun 94.3 MU. Shirley Mozdzierz remembers the time she said as he left. deny that a harsh exchange took supermarKet, police said. ment on details of the taKeover left her purse unattended at a supermarKet and Lorenzo refused to comment. 87 MU. place (between) Mr. Osella and The victim noticed her pocketbooK was from Texas Air boss FranK 73.3 MU. came bacK to find it gone. Lorenzo. Judge Burton R. Lifland, who is 74.3 MU. several board members.” missing from her cart and was able to chase her He added, "Comments in your LucKily, her purse was taken from her and retrieve the bag, police said. Sources said the stumbling See EASTERN, page 10 paper made by Mr. Osella were shopping cart at Shop Rite supermarKet, 214 Most victims have not been as fortunate. Wood blocK was a union demand that a not in the best interests of how the Spencer St., by someone who cared. Mozdzierz, said purse snatchers maKe off with an average process should be conducted.” of East Hartford, said the supermarKet of $100 to $300 every time they strike. manager knew her, saw her leave the purse and He said that a previous publica­ The main targets are women who leave their removed it from the cart before someone else tion of the ranKing of the handbags unattended in the carts, he said. Battle lines form did. candidates was also not in the Wood said increased patrols at the marKets Nottion G Lately, people haven’t been so lucky. Since best interests of the search. resulted in some arrests for shoplifting but none December, police have reported 32 purse 1986 1987 1988 He would not go into detail for purse thefts. It is difficult to apprehend 1986 198"' 1988 snatchings or attempted robberies at four area on Bolton charter about the closed-door session. suspects because many times shoppers don’t supermarKets. DiRosa today would not dis­ realize their wallets are missing until the TOTAL DEPOSITS "There’s nothing we can do about it,” said TOTAL EARNINGS close the salary that would be group. Committee for the Appro­ Gary Wood, a spoKesman for the Police Bv Andrew J. Davis Millions offered the new manager, but he val of Bolton’s Charter, have said Thousands 8.07 jlTare Department. ’’This is the old picKpocKet game.” See PURSES, page 10 Manchester Herald 80'.000 did say that it might be close to the town manager proposal will 88 MUlion 8 .0 ' EPS the salary that Weiss would have not cost the town money in part 81.6 MU. BOLTON — Proposed changes 800 made. in the Town Charter have at­ since the the town would no longer M'.OOO Weiss’ current salary is $68,000. need an executive assistant. But 18 EPS tracted opposition from a new 69.3 MU.' The town Board of Directors last organization and both candidates Campbell said it will cost the town year denied an increase to $72,000 Judge orders killer released for first selectman. money since a town manager will «tir contl-*' succ«*® Vl«h ^ because of his role in the aborted Bolton Residents Against Char­ need support staff. eontlo"''* 1987 revaluation. ter Revision was formed Tuesday He said the charter changes DiRosa said he hoped to discuss to fight the changes proposed by proposed also include plans for a 1 ■n>anV yo"- the procedure of the search with a to supervised home program the Charter Revision Commis­ town planner, human services consultant hired to assist in the sion, said its president. Robert L. director and parK and recreation Campbell, a Republican member lU S68 rcfi Bv Liz Llohtfoot Asherman was convicted of Freed ruled in November 1988 director. With the town facing a tlathan G. M O *'""* 1986 1987 1988 “ Some of the publicity has of the Board of Finance.
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