ZILLA PARISHAD MEHERPUR (Wrlav.zn m e h er p u r. gov, b d) r$rqlfr'{r {Efte Elr}r{(-T{ts-{B Memo No.Z.P.Meher./Eng./2020-3 ( 83 I 00) Dated: 15-l 1-2020. e-Tender Notice s O3/2020-2021 e-Tender is invited in the National e-GP System Portal (http://www.eprocure.gov.bd) for the procurement of the following works: Tender Package No. Last Date Last Date and Last Date and Proposal ID Name of work and Time of Time for Tirne for No. Tender Closing Opening Selline e-TenderlZPl (1) Supplying of Sewing Machine arziffi 01-12-2020 02-12-2020 02-12-2020 Mhp/2018- s12958 Meherpur Sadar Upazila, District-Meherpur. (2) Supplying of 17.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 pm 2019/w-034 Sewing Machine at zilla Parishad Reserved word No-04 under Gangrri Upazila, District-Meherpur. (3) Supplying of Sewing Machine at zilla Parishad Reserved word No-05 under Cangni U pazila, District-Meherpur. e-Tender/ZPl (l) Supplying of Sewing Machine at zilla Parishad worA Uo-t S under 0t-t2-2020 02-t2-2020 02-t2-2020 Mhp/2018- 512959 Gangni Upazil4 District-Meherpur. (2) Supplying of Sewing 17.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 pm 20lgAV-03s Machine at zilla Parishad under Meherpur Sadar, Gangni and Muj ibnagar Upazila, District-Meherpur. e-TenderlZPl (1) Developnrent of Arnjhupi Sheikhpari-ami-trrtGquil-@ 0t-12-2020 02-12-2020 02-12-2020 Mhp/2018- 5t2960 Development of Amjhupi Gandhorajpur Jam-e Mosque; (3) I 7.00 pnr 12.00 prn 12.00 pni 2019/w-036 Development of Baitul Mamur Jam-e Mosque, Islarnpur. (4) Developnrent of Amjhupi Alim Madrasha. (5) Developnrent of Jagoroni Club, Raipur under Meherpur Sadar Upazila, District- Meherpur. e: l'endeilZP I ( I) Const. of Shahid Minar at Borshibaria High Sehool, (rrconstjf 01-t2-2020 02-12-2020 02-t2-2020 Mhp/2018- 512961 HBB road from the H/O Was Mondol to the Glaveyeard, Boliarpur. 17.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 pm 2019/w-037 (3) Const. of HBB road from the Charalda to the Bhedagari Khal, Sonapur. (4) Const. of HBB road from the Main road to the FVO Juwel at Boliarpur under Meherpur Sadar Upazilq District- Meherpur. e-TenderlZPl (1) Supplying 512962 of Tubewell at different places of Mrherpur Zilla 01-12-2020 02-12-2020 02-12-2020 Mhp/2018- Parishad word no. 01. (2) Supplying ofTubewell at different places I 7.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 pm 2019/W-038 ofZilla Parishad reserved word no 05, (3) Supplying ofTubewell at Zilla Parishad word no I 5, (4) Supplying od pesticides Spray Machine in poor fanners at Zilla parishacl word No.0g under Meherpur Sadar Upazila, District-Meherpur. e-TenderlZPl Supplying parishad 512963 of Sewing Machine at Zilla OS No worO unaer 01-t2-2020 02-12-2020 02-t2-2020 Mhp/20I 8- Cangni Upazila, Dis: Meherpur. 17.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 pm 2019/w-039 'fender/ZP/ Supplying 512964 of Sewing machine at Meherpur Sadar. Gangni & 01-t2-2020 02-12-2020 02-12-2020 Mhp/2018- Mujibnagar under Meherpur District. 17.00 pm 12.00 pm pm 2019/w-040 12.00 e-TenderlZPl Supplying of Tubewell 512965 at tvtehe@ 0t-12-2020 02-t2-2020 02-12-2020 Mhp/2018- under Meherpur District, Meherpur. I 7.00 pni 12.00 pm i2.00 pm 2019/w-041 e-TenderlZPl (l_).Development 512966 of Gangni Darussunnah Khankaye HafeJra 01,12-2020 02-12-2020 02-12-2020 Mhpi2Ol8- Madrasha. (2) Development of HMHV Girls High School, (3) 17.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 pm 2019/w-042 Development of Gangni Technical & BM College. (4) Const. of HBB road from the Bohorpara pitch road to the H/O Gofur at Koromdi, Disqict-Meherpur. e-TenderlZP/ (1) Supplying of Sewing 512967 rraacnlne@ 01-12-2020 02-12-2020 02-12-2020 Mhp/2018- Meherpur, (2) Supplyirrg Sewing of Machine at different places oi I 7.00 pm 12.00 pm 12,00 pm 2019/w-043 reserved Zilla Parishad word No. 05, Meherpur. (3) Supplying of Sewing Maclrine at Ztlla Parishad word No. 14, Melierpur. (4) Supplying of Sewing Machine at reserved Zilla parishad word No. 01 under Meherpur District, Meherpur. e-TenderlZP/ (l) Developmenr -@ 512968 of Bagoan Kazipara Wd iE tr{osque. 0t-t2-2020 02-12-2020 02-t2-2020 Mhp/2018- Development ofGawsia Academy, Bhobanipur. (3) Casting on floor I 7.00 pm i2.00 pnr 12.00 pnr 2019/\tY-044 of Jaterpur Komorpur Eidgah under Mujibnagar Upazila, District: Meherpur. e-1'ender/ZPl parisda;ord 512969 (l) Supplying of Sewing Maclrine at Ziila No{6 0l-t2"202a 02.1 2.2020 02. I 2.2020 Mhp/2019- under Meherpur Sadar Upazila, District-Meherpur. (2) Supplying of 17.00 pm 12.00 prn 12.00 pnr 2020tw-04s Sewing Machine at zilla Parishad word No-08 under Meheipur Sidar U pazila, District-Meherpur. e: I efiderlzP/ 512970 Supplying of Sewing Maohine at zilla lrarishad tord No{4 u,rd., 0t-12-2020 02-t2-2020 02-12-2020 Mhp/201 9- Meherpur Sadar Upazila, District-Meherpur, 17,00 pm 12,00 pm 12.00 pm 2020lt9-046 n f-, (P.T.O - 02) "/ Fw D :\e-Tender\e-Tender 03. 2020 -202 i \e-Tender No tice 3. 2020 -202 1.doc Page (Page No' 02) Last Date Last Date and Last Date and orwort< for Tender --Tirne and Time of Time for Time Proposal ID Tender Closing Opening Package No. No. Selling 0t-t2-2020 02-12-2020 02-12-2020 fl) SuDblvins ot Sewlng Nl[ pm e-TenderlZPl s129',7 | 17.00 12.00 pm 12.00 uI*iru, District-Meherpur- (2) Supplving of Pm Mhp/2019- iil ;;';;l;,"Ganen; rta""rlr"e aiiitta pa,ist'ad word No-09 under Gangni Upazila' 2020/\,t-047 iiJrg Drstnct-vlenerpul 02-t2-2020 02-t2-2020 rar r5rrdu wur u rav 0t-12-2020 r l) Suoolving of Sewtng Macllll'le aI zllia pm e-TenderlZPl 5129'/2 17.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 oisiicr-H,tetrerpur () Supplvrrrg or Sewing Mhp/2019- U;;;;,i''il&ila. zilla Parishad *otd No-12 under Gangni Upazila' 2020/w-048 il;;i;. x ? rrnder 0t-12-2020 02-12-2020 02-12-2020 ol Sewlng lvlaerrrrrc 4L pm e-TenderlZPl 5t2973 Supptytng 17.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 Upazila, District-Mellerpur' Mhp/2019- Gangni 20201w-049 01-12-2020 02-12-2020 02-rz-2020 (01) SuDDIvlnP, oI Sewlllg lvlaulrrrrE ar zrrrs I pm e-TenderlZPl s129',74 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 fi4rjiunuguiup.ila, District-Meherp'r' (2), Supplving 17.00 Mhp/2019- il;]o;ffi;; i't ,iliu Parishad word No-14 under Gangni 2020/w-0s0 ;;J;fi; M.;tiin. u [ ] Dazlla. Irlslrlut'IYrEllEr P 02-12-2020 wutu r\u 0l-12-2020 02-1 2-2020 srrnnlvinp of Sewtng Maclllne aI zllla ralrsrrau pm e-TenderlZPl 512975 17.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 Meheipur, Mujibnagar upazila, District'Meherpur Mhp/2019- Z;ff ili:hrd, 02-12-2020 2020/w-051 rvruJrurr46u'l 0l-lZ-zozt) 02-12-2020 Suoolving of Sewlng Macnlne ar lvlgllvlpur oduq' pm e-TenderlZPl 17.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 undei zilla Parishad, Meherpur District-Meherpur' Mhp/2019- 512976 6"'"'*,ii up-ir. 20201w-0s2 0t-12-2020 02-12-2020 02-1.2-2020 Srrnnlving ol Sewlng vlacnlns at zrrra rorJrrou pm e-TenderlZPl 17.00 pm 12.00 pm 12.00 puriitt"O, Meheipur, Mujibnagar upazila, District-Meherpur' Mhp/2019- 512971 Ziif i 2020/w-053 2 -2020 02-12-2020 02-17-2020 lvlacnlnc aL zrrra rar rrrrau r\eJwr 01-1 / I ) SuDDlvins ol Sewlng pttt 12.00 pm e-TenderlZPl sadar Upazila, District-Meherpur' (2) 17.00 pm 12.00 Mhpi20i9- 512978 ii;-0r";;;; Meherpu-r Machine at zitla Parishad word No-05 under 2020/w-054 srroiri.* of Sewing naetreipui SaOar Upazila. District-Meherpur' be accepted in the national e-GP Portal and no offline/hard copies will ThisisanonlineTender,whereonlye-Tenderwillbeacceptedint e-GP svstem?o,11l1ll++H**Htr*dltl*:::'"'',::'.1TiJii,',:iffiiT:i-?,",lllh"il',il,l'r11liifl, ro submit e-render, registration in the Nationar 'irffi;,'-.--cr ftj}:I,ff;1:*ffitrili:11;:J['Y::"ffi,.H'r,Ji.'iil,,iiir.Ji,}ffi**"1,..#"xlill1",F},.T,::?:ff*,::5l,f:il,.:*t"#;;i;iJ';; Iil; ivu"" io'tut. ung^'r'om e'GP herp desk I,.Ji:ir1j,1",:''i"#il-J[:''l1f:::ff]frTff'"[;"'J'Hiil:";; tl (helpdesk@eprocure. gov.bd). rMd.-4'il{dla>lzoLo Mozidur Rahhan Chou/dhury) Assistant Engineer Zilla Parishad,MeherPur E -mai l-ae@zpmeh9lputgpv..
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