Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:IX Issue No:263 Price: Afs.15 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29 . 2015 -Sawr 09, 1394 HS www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes Foreign troops failed in bringing ANP will resist changes in Afghanistan, India are Gawadar-Kashgar trade peace to Afghanistan, says Karzai route: ASFANDYAR bound by a thousand AT Monitoring Desk AT Monitoring Desk ties: Ghani KABUL: The ex-President Hamid NATO during its mission in Af- hands mounting militancy, he Karzai said that foreign forces in ghanistan wanted to help Afghan, added. KABUL: The Chairman of Awa- government wants the route to Afghanistan have failed to bring failed to bring stability to Afghan- Talking about recent situation mi National Party, Asfandyar Wali pass through Punjab province of The Indo-Afghan partnership has peace to the war-hit country. istan. The foreign forces are yet in Afghanistan, Karzai said that the Khan, said that the party will re- Pakistan. In an interview with Trend to bring lasting peace and stability country is on the right track to- sist against changes to the original Asfandyar Wali Khan said that blossomed despite barriers caused by News Agency in Azerbaijan, Ha- to Afghanistan, as people of the wards development. A new gov- map of Gawadar-Kashgar eco- the tribal belt has been left out in mid Karzai said that through country are still suffering at the ernment has been established in nomic corridor. the new map of the economic cor- geography and political hurdles, says Afghanistan and Afghan masses Talking after a party meeting, ridor. Narendra Modi opted for electing country s leader the prominent Pashtun nationalist He added that the Pakistani through a democratic process, he leader said that his party will spare government is intended to give 70 AT Monitoring Desk added. Karzai hoped that situation no efforts to prevent the Pakistani percent share of the project to in Afghanistan will further im- government from brining changes Punjab and 30 percent to all other KABUL: Hinting at the impor- while growing up in the 1950s. prove. to the route. He announced to call provinces. A delegation of ANP tance of Afghanistan and India re- In the meantime, the Indian The former Afghan president on all-party meeting in Khyber will also hold meeting with the lations, President Ashraf Ghani on Prime Minister said: We have a also urged Azerbaijan to open its Pahktunkhwa and Baluchistan. Chinese ambassador in Islamabad Tuesday said that the two coun- shared interest in the success of an embassy in Afghanistan. The The original route was expect- to brief him on concerns of the tries are bound by a thousand ties Afghan-led and Afghan-owned move will further improve ties be- ed to pass through conflict-hit ar- party regarding the proposed and millions of memories. process. This should be conduct- tween the two countries, Karzai eas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and changes in the economic corridor, President Ghani is in India on ed within the framework of the said. He added that the two coun- Baluchistan. However, the federal he said. a three-day state visit. He attend- Constitution of Afghanistan, with- tries share common history and ed a press conference on Tuesday out the shadow of violence. It cultural similarities. Karzai said with Indian Prime Minister Naren- should reinforce the political, eco- that the two countries should work dra Modi. After comprehensive nomic and social progress of the together to enhance bilateral coop- talks with the Indian Prime minis- last fourteen years. And, it should eration. Afghanistan opened its ter on the entire gamut of bilateral protect the rights and aspirations embassy in Baku, the capital city ties and key regional and interna- of all sections of the society, in- of Azerbaijan, and we hope that tional issues, Ghani told the con- cluding Afghan women. Assert- Azerbaijan will also open its em- ference in New Delhi that Afghan- ing that the Indo-Afghan partner- bassy in Kabul, he added. istan and India are the only coun- ship has blossomed despite barri- Karzai said that Kabul was tries that need no introduction. ers of geography and hurdles of interested in expansion of econom- The ties between Afghanistan and politics, Modi said the success of ic relations with Baku. India are engraved in our land- an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned Talking about importance of scapes, from the haunting, empty process within the framework of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway project, frames where the giant Buddhas the Constitution of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai said that the rail of Bamiyan once stood to the rem- without the shadow of violence, route is the easier way to connect nants of Hindu temples that stud was in their shared interest. We Afghanistan to Europe. the Afghan countryside, to Sufi share Afghanistan s pain over per- shrines and minarets, forming the sisting terrorism and extremist vi- cultural heritage of India. He said olence that destroy lives and de- 43 rebels killed as Herat will become insecure within while other countries have to over- rail progress. I thank him for co- 52 PEOPLE KILLED come their past to build a future, operation against terrorism, Modi reinforcements weeks if govt keeps looking the India and Afghanistan can build a said and expressed his gratitude to future based on their past. He said the Afghan security forces, who in Badakhshan landslide reach in Kunduz other way: Ismail Khan he welcomed the emphasis in bi- protect Indians in Afghanistan as AT Monitoring Desk lateral transport agreement which their own people. He said the Pres- KUNDUZ CITY: As many as 43 would allow Afghan trucks, goods ident shared his impressive vision Taliban militants were killed in two KABUL: Mohammad Ismail and that the government will be to India. He said terror should be for Afghanistan s prosperity, districts of northern Kunduz prov- Khan, the former minister of ener- blamed for it because of its care- confronted and should be over- based on its talent, resources and ince as additional troops arrived gy and water and a prominent Ji- lessness on security situation coun- come. He said the Afghan govern- location. We believe that Afghan- to fight the large number of insur- hadi leader has warned that inse- trywide. ment is committed to changing the istan s direct surface link to India gents closing in on the provincial curity will increase unprecedent- He called on Mujahideen to regional nature of cooperation. He and the rest of South Asia, and in- capital, officials said on Tuesday. edly in western Herat province come together for confronting the said terror could not be classified creased connectivity to sea could Heavy fighting continued for within upcoming 20 days due to self-proclaimed Daesh (ISIS) ter- the fourth day on Tuesday after inattention government leaders on rorist group, for saving Afghani- nearly 2000 insurgents attacked security situation countrywide. stan and for putting a full stop to police and army posts in the Imam Ismail Khan expressed the re- insecurity in the country. Sahib district near Kunduz City. marks at a session in Herat city on However, Major General Taj Sixteen militants were killed in Tuesday which celebrated the 23rd Mohammad Jahid, the command- Qala-i-Zal district and a senior anniversary of Mujahideen s vic- er of Zafar 207 Unit of the Afghan Taliban commander and his 27 KABUL: At least 52 people have slide in northeastern Badakhshan tory against the then USSR. National Army (ANA) in western fighters were killed in Imam Sahib Ismail Khan has several times zone, assured that anti-government been killed in a devastating land- province on Tuesday. district on Monday night after se- Shah Waliullah Adeeb, the gov- criticized the National Unity Gov- elements have no capability to curity forces launched a major op- ernment (NUG) leaders for inat- fight the security forces in the Batikot district ernor of Badakhshan province, said eration in the evening, said Mo- the landslide in Khwahan district tention and inefficiency towards western zone. He told the session hammad Omer Safi, the provincial the people of Afghanistan. He has that people should not have any chief unhurt in of the province. governor. said in his interviews with local tension about extension of war and He added that the way to the He told Pajhwok Afghan News TV channels in Kabul and Herat conflict to the western province bomb attack landslide hit area was covered with security forces initiated the oper- that the process of naming and se- because the security forces are well ation in Imam Sahib and extended JALALABAD: A district chief on snow and the only way to reach lecting nominee-ministers for the capable of foiling any kind of at- the landslide affected people was it to Qala-i-Zal district. The mil- new cabinet will lead the country tack by militants. Tuesday survived a roadside itary operation will continue until bombing that ripped through his through helicopters. We will not towards insecurity and another Remarks and concerns of the into good or bad and everyone turn Afghanistan into a hub that all militants are eliminated, the crisis. former Mohammad Ismail Khan should stand united both regional- connects Asia s diverse regions and motorcade in eastern Nangarhar be able to reach the district today. governor said. province, an official said. We are waiting for helicopters to On Tuesday, he once again told about presence of Daesh in Af- ly. Ghani said Afghanistan s quest beyond. On Monday night, soon The militants overran several the session in Herat that he was ghanistan are not new; the promi- is for democracy and they are in- after his arrival, Ghani met with The Batikot district chief, Haji come tomorrow and take us to the areas in the two districts, forcing Ghalib, was travelling in a vehicu- concerned about security situation nent Jihadi leader has mentioned spired by the Indian tradition of Afghan students in India.
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