Join us in honoring T H E · R E V E R RAV·~ SHLlTA at our 72nd Annual Dinner Sunday, May 5th, 1991 1 1 N/ )\V~ l~~N N' ) The Rose Castle Guest of I-Ionor Celebrating 50 Years of'I' orah Leadership •He has been a beacon of Torah-by instruction and by personal example. •He has been a source of guidance to Jews from all four comers of the world, shouldering the responsibilities of Kial Yisroel. • He has taken a personal interest in his talmidim and served as an inspiration to all who come in contact with him. • His Torah stature, sage counsel and sincere personal concern for others have made him a much sought-after Torah leader: senior member of the Council of Torah Sages of Agudath Israel; president of Chinuch Atzmai, member of the Vaad Hachinuch of Be' er HaGolah Institutes and advisor to scores of other organizations . ... N_ow it is Our Turn! YESHIVA~ n::i·~· TORAH VODAATH nD"TI i111n AND MESIVTA Mn::i•nlJill 425 East Ninth Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218 For reservations and further information please call the dinner office: (718) 941·8000, 8026 THE,EWISH OBSERVER THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly except July and August by HOWING ON TO THE INSPIRATION the Agudath Israel of America, 84 William Street, 4 A Statement by the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class postage paid in New York, N.Y. of America Subscription $22.00 per year; two years, $36.00; 6 A Time For Gratitude ... three years, $48.00. Outside of the United States BASED ON AN ADDRESS BY RABBI PINCHAS MENACHEM AL1ER N'"'7v (US funds drawn on a US bank only) $10.00 surcharge per year. Single copy $3.00; foreign 9 Purim Under Cloudy Skies, $4.00. Send address changes to The Jewish Sarah Shapiro Observer, 84 William Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10038. Tel: (212) 797-9000. 11 After the War, Printed in the U.S.A. Fayge Parker RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, EDITOR 13 Saying Goodbye to Raphael Yehuda EDITORIAL BOARD 15 Re-Union: Moscow Joins the Jewish World Again, DR. ERNST BODENHEIMER Chairman Nissan Wolpin RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS 20 Impressions Upon Visiting Jewish Moscow JOSEPH FRIEDENSON RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN A CONVERSATION WITH RABBI MOSHE SHERER MANAGEMENT BOARD 26 Rabbonim and Psychotherapists: NAFTOLI HIRSCH ISAAC KIRZNER ALLIES OR ADVERSARIES? RABBI SHLOMO LESIN Dr. Meir Wilder NACHUM STEIN RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING 32 The Nearly Missing Child, Business Manager Ezra Greher Published by Agudath Israel of America 34 Postscript: Something Special RABBI MOSHE SHERER 35 Losing at Sports, Winning in Life Experience, PflfSIOENT Michele Gross THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not assume responsibility for the Kashrus 37 Poetry: Hello There, Erma, Blimie Friedman of any product, publication, or service advertised in its pages 38 Second Looks on the Jewish Scene 'D Copyright 1991 WHEN FASHION IS ELOQUENT, WHAT DOES IT SAY? APRIL 1991 Sheindel Weinbach VOLUME XXIV I NO. 3 40 Poetry: The Empty Seat, Nightwalk, Chaim Feinberg 41 Letters to the Editor AFTER THE ALLIED VICTORY IN THE GULF WAR ON PURIM, ON THE EVE OF PESACH, THE FOLWWINC :l''ili.K:i ili,nil ,,,, A CALL FROM THE MOETZES A CALL OF THANKSGIVING TO HASHEM (a free translation) Let us thank G-d for the wondrous deliverance and awesome miracles he has wrought for us through the defeat of our wicked enemy and the thwarting of his designs to destroy the nation of G-d that dwells in Zion. The miracle of our deliverance in this instance was evident to all the world. All the more significant, it became manifest on Purim, a day marked for the downfall of our enemies - a clear sign of the hand of G-d coming to our aid at a time of darkness and distress. Now, as Pesach - the festival of our redemption - arrives, let us reflect upon the connection between one deliverance and another, as indeed we do each year as we recite the words of the Haggadah: "In every generation, enemies rise up to destroy us, but the Holy One, Blessed Be He, saves us from their hands." This is the obligation incumbent upon us at this hour: to express special, heartfelt prayers of thanksgiving to He who watches over Israel. Upon further thought, however, we must recognize that with thanksgiving alone we have not fulfilled our duty. It is our obligation to ponder deeply and take instruction from all that has happened. We have all been witness with our own eyes to overt Divine intervention on our behalf, without any military effort expended by the people of Israel. Moreover, in spite of harrowing Scud attacks that wreaked frightful destruction upon buildings and homes, our brothers and sisters miraculously escaped with almost no casualties. It is essential, then, that we take to heart the lesson of this experience by deepening and reinforcing our own simple faith and trust in G-d at all times. "It is only He who gives us strength to do valor." We must root out from within ourselves every measure of reliance on any other force in this world other than HaShem for our good fortune, both in our personal lives and in our life as a people, as it is written: "Blessed is the man who trusts in HaShem; and HaShem will be his succor." And our Chazal have taught us that only through a person's spiritual merits does he earn G-d's favor for blessing and success in all his endeavors. If we indeed want to express our thanks to HaShem, it is our responsibility to continue in the ways that bring man close to Him, the ways of Torah, Avodah, and Gemillus Chassodim. We dare not grow lax nor slip back from the levels of effort in these areas that we undertook during the time of crisis. We must rather build upon them even further, increasing our Torah learning, improving in our Tefillah and our praise of G-d, extending our generosity in Tzedakah and Chesed, refining our character, and strengthening bonds of closeness between man and his fellow man - and particularly our hond with our fellow Jews who have arrived from the Soviet Union. It is worthy of note that the Meshech Chochma( Pars has Bo) writes that the entire existence of the Jews in the lands of exile depends upon their observance of the precepts and parameters of conduct that distinguish the Jewish people from other nations, that ennoble every aspect of their lives with sanctity. In our time, it is particularly these values that call for strengthening. We pray that through the merit of our renewed efforts in drawing close to our Father in Heaven, His compassion and kindness will never be removed from us. This Pesach, may we see the ranks of all Israel joined in devotion to HaShem and His Torah, leading ultimately to the ingathering of all our exiles to Zion with joy. 12 Nisan, 5751 - MOETZES GEDOLEI HATORAH OF AMERICA ;~TATEMENT WAS ISSUED BY THE MOETZES GEDOLEI HATORAHOF AGUDATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA. i"tl::l :l,U '7!l 1 i1? ,.,,i1 Ni,i' r,,i' nl!llJ 1wN o)·p::i:m o)tnm n?nln nlJ1wnn ?lJ DiN )l::i? 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