. PAGE FORTY iEnrnntg Herald WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1969 ^4.____ Most Manchester Stores Open Until 9 O^Clock Tonight The Senior Choir of Communi­ Ladies Oulld of toe Assump­ A b o u t T ow n ty Baptist Church will rehearse tion executive board will meet For C-DAP Study tonight at 7:30 at the church. tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Assump­ M n. SYancls Mahoney, pres­ Average Daily Not Press Ron ident of the Democratic Woip- tion School library. Plans will Community Baptist Church be discussed for a bake sole Vhr The Week VkiAtf en’s Club, reminds members to board of deacons will meet to­ att€^ the Hartford County and toe October meeting. CAC Divides Self ■ September t » , u ee Tile Weather night at 7 :20 In the youth build­ Fair and coot totdght with Federation of Democratic Wom­ ing. en’s Clubs meeting tonight at Airman John K. Cervlnl, son Iowa in the 40s. Tomorrow pert- 8 In the tower suite of Hartford ot Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cer­ Into Task Forees AT 'ly cloudy, continued cool 'wMh The North Manche^r Al- vlnl o f 10 'ITilstle R d., gradu­ highs In the eos. aetmdsy’a Fire Inaurance Co. In Hartford. Anon family group will meet WjUlam R . Cotter, state com ­ ated from U.S. Air Force tech­ Manchester's C-DAP (Community Development Ac­ outloak—cloudy, chance o t leto. tonight at 8 in the parish house nical school at Lowry AFB, missioner of Insurance, will of the Second Congregeticmal tion Plan) study, aimed at a formulation of town goals speak. Colo/ He was trained as a sup­ to the year 1990, got started last night on citizen par- church. The Thursday group ply inventory specialist and as­ (d asslfled AdverUslag tm will meet at 8 p.m. in the Path­ tic pation. W) PRICE TEN CENTS South United Methodist signed to a unit of toe Alaskan The 50-member Citizens Ad­ finders Club at 102 Norman St. Air Command at Elmendorf tion, HeaKh and Social Serv­ Church nomlnaUng committee Both groups meet weekly and visory Committee (QAC), meet- ices, Education, Housing, Pub- LOW PRICES! will meet tonight at 7:30 at AFB, Alaska. meetings are open to friends Ing in toe Iflghland Park School, uc Safety and Transportation, You enkod for som offting dlfferont in m oot. so this wnofc um inli ef d the church. Also meeting at 7:80 and relatives of a person with was divided into seven task Public Utilities anil Economic will be the Commission of a drinking problem. Reservations will close to­ forces, to study toe 12 functions Development, and EducatlMi os your best m oot vahios Phrnip. 1969 Freshly Freson, BrocnibrtaMffd Quickly Nix Education and the Comnilsslon morrow for toe dessert-bridge o f ODAP. and Culture. YOUNG TURKEYS from First Priio and Com Fod, Loan, Govnmnwnt on Stewardship and E’inancS; Registration for TWCA scheduled for Mcmday evening Ih e uHimate objective of the Last night, the members of Inspectm l FRESH PORK. Computer P ick at 8 in Second Congregational classes may be made from to­ task forces is twofold; (1.) to the task force on General Qov- MEW 'TOttK (AP) — The Lodge Calls on Hanoi All tickets have been sold for Church and sponsored by toe day through Friday from 9 a.m. formulate ('by Febnuury 1970) enunent and Interpersonal aakne whh aeledtsd from the the Manchester Republican Wo­ to 3 p.ih. at the Community Women’s Club of Manchester. a six-year plan for town needs, Communications agreed that a TOBIN’S FIRST PRIZE m en's Club Ftashlon Show to be Jmy rolli by a oompOtar and y . 79 N. Main St. For reservations or informa­ to start in June 1971 and to be pressing need exists In Man­ N.E. and Now Yoric State, Young hold tonight at the Manchester Ham Sale toe noOoe duly mailed to 810 tion, contact Mrs. Elmer Odell tled into the town’s six-year cheater for better two-way cam- FSUi Ave. There h whs for­ Country Club. No tickets will be Full Oospel Christian F^ow- o f 612 JE. Center St. or Mrs. Capital Improvement Program; munlcatlon between govem- avaUahle at the door. Dubuque 34b. warded to toe tenarCh new ship, Intordenamlnaticnal, will Kenneth McAlplne Jr. of 26 and (2.) to formulate (by Mhy ment and people. aAheaa — 1800 Pennsylvania hold a prayer service tomor­ Mdrlon Dr. 1071) town goals to the year ’Dtey decided to give the prob- Pulman Shop* A'vs. T o Reciprocate Pullont Mountain L,aurel Chapter row at 7 ;30 p.m . at Orange Hall. 1990. lem top priority, 'on-the basis chorus of Sweet Adelinas will The executive board of Com­ The entire CAC will meet toe that, when the (>DAP atudy is H A M $ 2 .9 9 mehsid M. Nboon. tos TURKEYS owaputer ncUoe SMU, UnuM meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Bridge group 2 of the Man­ munity Baptist Church will fourth Tuesday of eejch month completod and when town goals Russian American Nation­ meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in at 7:30 p.m., at the Highland 8*sl priority needa are reedy report 'Tn peiMm’’ on or be­ PARIS (A P)— U.S. Am­ chester Newcomers Club of the Aim our^ S4b. fore Sept 80 for Jury duty. al C e n te r , 211 Wethersfield Ave., the youth building. Parte SebotA. A short general for a six-year CTapttal Impiove- 14 to 164b. sin bassador Henry Cabot YWCA will meet tonight at 8 WwhmMsy tos Whits Hartford. Women Intereeted in meetlng those nights will be fol- ment Program, they will have New Zipper Can Lodge called on Hanoi to­ at the home of Mrs. Allan House rspUsd toat the Presl- singing four-part barber shop Eckbreth, 93A Sycamore Lane. Miss Gloria Jean Bantley of lowed by workshop seaslons, to to be sold to the pubUc. Expect only toe best when you day to stop belittling stylo harmony may attend any buy 1st Prize at Pinehnrst H A M S S .6 9 dsot wW#eKai’ exanqA from Jury 99 Walnut St. was given a bridal be followed in turn by anotoer The members of this task duty. American troop withdraw­ rehearsal. For further informal The Golden Age Club will shower last Friday by her cou­ short general meeting, for hear force are: Roger M'cDermott, als from Vietnam and to tion, call Mrs. Truman Cran­ Phimp broad breasted lb meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the sin. Miss Joan Bantly of 77 Ing progress reports from toe chairman; Atty. Irving Aron­ O secr Mcqfnr start reciprocating by pull­ dall, 58 White St., or Mrs. David Senior Ctlzens Center, Myrtle seven sufboomm(ttees. son, Donald (fonrad, James 6. younfi: 11 to 13 lb. Tur- Wetoerell St., who will be her ing out some of its forcea. Ounas, 114 Linwood Dr. and Linden Sts. bridesmaid. In addition to that meeting, Hoimea, Robert Stone, Mrs. keys lb. S 5 « BACON fc. 99c eaich o f the seven sUUoommlt- Emma Swanson and Robert Lodge said Presldsnt Ntxon’s teea will schedule at least one VonDeck. B a rric a d e s order to puli out 60,(XW U..B sol­ other meeting a month. Liaison with the nine-member PINEHURST SELECTED OORN-FED diers by mId-Deesmbsr "coasU- Last night, toe seven wmrfe- 5^'*^ Atty. Go Up Again tutes a slgnlflcsnt stap,” and Shops were for general discus- ®'*fi>***® Kelly, with the town W hole10to124b.Loin should bs taken sertousiy. He told the North Vietnamese Sion purposes - to be briefed on their respective funcUona, In B o g s id e and Viet Cong at the leth sss- and to prepare prooedurea tor Bkm of ths Paris psses talks: WOMEirS SHOES "The overriding fact rsprssMt- future meeUngs. Ekuto o f toe Among the suggested Study LONDONDERRY, Northsrn sd by ths rsmovsl of thess subcommittees listed toe study areas for this taSk force are: l b Provisions tor people and groups PORK LOINS Ireland (AP) - Bsrrtcades forces la that toe trend of our areas to be pursued, on a priori­ ty basis. to communicate with govem- Israeli Premier Golda Meir waves to the crowd af­ went up sgsin In Bogslde today toree strength is derisively The participants were told ment and for government to ter she flew into Philadelphia's International Air­ Arabs Boost as poUoe and tnwps moved up doom. lUg. 914.00 Rib Plortian 3 H>. axv* "Tour side knows this,” he that a monthty newsletter will CENTER CUT port today en route to Washington and talks with reinforcements after one man 1 9 0 be published, to keep aU CAC oommurricatl^ Loin Portion .......... lb. President Nixon. Governor Raymond P. Shafer of added. members InfUied a t th e piog- Pennsylvania (left) and Philadelphia’s Mayor Peace Hopes "Tour side should take It sari- Jl etons-thpowlrig clash 'betweenbetween ously rather than dismiss It or ress being made by all ^ Rib Center Chops.. lb. James H. J. Tape (right) were part of the crowd Buckks or 0oiws Protestant and Roman Cstbrilo bsUttls It by mesntnglasB srtlh- subcommittees; that chairmen of 5,000 who were on hand to greet her. UNITED NA'nONS, N.T. of other town agencies and of ^ ^ Loin C en ter.........lb. (AP) — Diplomats q>eoulated crowds. msUosl Juggling or by slighting British army tooops built phraasa." private g r ^ wUI ^ Invitod ST oT ^ o. ^ today that toe Arabs may bs be­ BLACK • BROWN • BLUE to task force meetings; and “r, Whide Poik Loins eat bito coming more receptive to Big barbed wire checkpoints around' After listing U.S, units al­ that town employes pro- Four efforts to work out a peace The Diamond, a square on the / ready withdrawn or those vHris.
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