Symphilosophie International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism https://symphilosophie.com Rivista internazionale sulla filosofia romantica Philosophical Romanticism and German Idealism Manfred Frank Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak Christoph Haffter Alexander J. B. Hampton Rylie Johnson Laure Cahen-Maurel Giulia Valpione David W. Wood TRANSLATIONS Friedrich Schlegel, Novalis, Caroline Schlegel, August Wilhelm Schlegel nationale Zeitschrift für philosophische Romantik r Inte Revue internationale de philosophie romantique 1/2019 Symphilosophie 1 / 2019 https://symphilosophie.com Editors-in-Chief — Direction Scientifique — Responsabili intellettuali — Herausgeberinnen: Giulia Valpione Laure Cahen-Maurel Università degli Studi di Padova Université Paris-Sorbonne Dipartimento FISPPA Centre Victor Basch Piazza Capitaniato, 3 1 rue Victor Cousin 35139 Padova 75005 Paris [email protected] [email protected] Email: [email protected] Associate Editor — Comité de rédaction — Comitato redazionale — Mitherausgeber: David W. Wood (University of Leuven) International Editorial Board — Comité scientifique international — Comitato scientifico internazionale — Internationaler wissenschaftlicher Beirat: Karl Ameriks (University of Notre Dame), Frederick C. Beiser (Syracuse University), Christian Berner (Université Paris-Nanterre), Giorgia Cecchinato (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), Sandro Chignola (Università degli Studi di Padova), Fabrizio Desideri (Università degli Studi di Firenze), Augustin Dumont (Université de Montréal), Michael Forster (Universität Bonn / University of Chicago), Manfred Frank (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak (CNRS), Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University), Jane Kneller (Colorado State University), Guillaume Lejeune (Université de Liège), Laura Anna Macor (Università di Verona), Elizabeth Millán Brusslan (DePaul University), Lydia Moland (Colby College), Charlotte Morel (CNRS), Dalia Nassar (University of Sydney), Roberta Picardi (Università degli Studi del Molise), Klaus Ries (Universität Jena), Olivier Schefer (Université Paris 1), Jimena Solé (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Alison Stone (Lancaster University), Márcio Suzuki (Universidade de São Paulo), Denis Thouard (CNRS / Centre Marc Bloch), Federico Vercellone (Università di Torino), Leif Weatherby (New York University), Daniel Whistler (Royal Holloway, University of London), Taro Yamazaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology). Selection and Evaluation of Manuscripts: the articles published in the journal are subject to double-blind peer review or a single-blind peer review in the case of invited articles. The list of reviewers can be found here: https://symphilosophie.com/editorial-board/ — Sélection et évaluation des articles : les articles publiés dans la revue font l’objet d’une évaluation en « double » ou en « simple aveugle » (dans le cas d’articles soumis à l’invitation du comité de direction). La liste des évaluateurs est disponible à la page suivante : https://symphilosophie.com/fr/comite-scientifique/ — Selezione e valutazione degli articoli: gli articoli della rivista sono sottoposti a una procedura di revisione a doppio o singolo (in caso di articoli scritti su invito della redazione) cieco. La lista dei revisori è consultabile alla pagina: https://symphilosophie.com/it/comitato-scientifico/ — Auswahl und Bewertung der Manuskripte : Die Beiträge, die in der Zeitschrift erscheinen, unterliegen einem double-blind oder einem single-blind peer review im Fall von Beiträgen, die auf Einladung der Redaktion verfasst wurden. Die Liste der Gutachter finden Sie auf der folgenden Seite : https://symphilosophie.com/de/wissenschaftlicher-beirat/ Symphilosophie is published yearly — Symphilosophie paraît une fois par an — Symphilosophie viene pubblicata con cadenza annuale — Symphilosophie erscheint einmal pro Jahr. Statement of Copyright Policy: Symphilosophie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) – https://creative commons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode Copyright © 2019 by contributing authors — contributeurs — autori — Autoren. SYMPHILOSOPHIE 1 / 2019 CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE –SOMMARIO – INHALT Editorial (Laure Cahen-Maurel & Giulia Valpione) ......................................................... 5 ARTICLES/ ÉTUDES/ SAGGI/ ABHANDLUNGEN Philosophical Romanticism and German Idealism L’« ironie romantique » comme procédé musical. L’exemple de Tieck, Brahms, Wagner et Weber - Partie I (Manfred Frank) .......................................................... 23 Between Romanticism and Idealism: Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger, Philosophy as the Thought of Revelation - Part I (Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak) ................. 39 Romantic Religion: Dissolution and Transcendence in the Poetics of Hölderlin (Alexander J. B. Hampton) .......................................................................................... 61 Grenzen der Reflexion: Pragmatismus, Idealismus und Frühromantik als Formen unendlicher Philosophie (Christoph Haffter) .......................................................... 75 From Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre to Novalis’ Poetic Historicity (Rylie Johnson) ... 105 Novalis’s Magical Idealism: A Threefold Philosophy of the Imagination, Love and Medicine (Laure Cahen-Maurel) .............................................................................. 129 TRANSLATIONS/TRADUCTIONS/TRADUZIONI/ÜBERSETZUNGEN Twelve Letters from the Romantic Circle (1798-1799) (English translation by David W. Wood) ................................................................................................................... 167 REVIEWS/ COMPTES RENDUS/ RECENSIONI/ LITERATURBERICHTE Romantik und Recht. Recht und Sprache, Rechtsfälle und Gerechtigkeit, a cura di A. Arnold e W. Pape, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018 (recensione di Giulia Valpione). .................................................................................................................................... 191 Brill's Companion to German Romantic Philosophy, a cura di E. Millán Brusslan e J. Norman, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2019 (recensione di Giulia Valpione) ............... 197 Idealismus und Romantik in Jena. Figuren und Konzepte zwischen 1794 und 1807, ed. by M. Forster, J. Korngiebel and K. Vieweg, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2018 (reviewed by David W. Wood)………………………………………………………200 NOTICES/ BULLETIN/ BOLLETTINO/ MITTEILUNGEN Conferences, Workshops and Calls for Papers ........................................................ 205 Symphilosophie International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism Editorial Welcome to the inaugural issue of Symphilosophie, a new online peer- reviewed international journal devoted to research on philosophical romanticism. The journal is completely open-access and will appear once a year. Symphilosophie is a quadrilingual academic and editorial undertaking: the website, which was launched at the end of 2018, is in four languages, and the journal publishes original research articles, new translations, book reviews and review-essays in English, French, Italian and German. It also aims to be a site for news and events relating to philosophical romanticism (conferences, workshops, research seminars, etc.). The primary research field of the journal is philosophy. This is not on account of a wish to be exclusive. But rather because a large number of experts acknowledge that the complexity and richness of the philosophical writings and ideas of the romantics still remain greatly untapped and unexplored. Moreover, a single specific academic venue for publishing new work in this field has been lacking up to now, despite the recent burgeoning interest in philosophical romanticism thanks to the work of philosophers, historians of philosophy, and specialists of German idealism. Romantic philosophy is currently enjoying a renaissance not only in Germany, but also in North and South America, Asia, as well as Italy, Belgium and France. The philosophical period of the journal is Frühromantik – i.e. the period of early German or Jena romanticism. However, in the same interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary spirit of early romanticism, Symphilosophie transcends the limits of philosophy and is open to literature, the arts and the sciences, just as it is open to European romanticism beyond the frontiers of Germany. Nevertheless, the topics to be treated should still retain a link with the field of philosophy. Thus, this is a philosophical journal. But why “symphilosophy”? Friedrich Schlegel and Novalis coined the neologism, and it is a term related to “symphony” and “symposium”. Appropriately, this linguistic kinship furnishes an expression rich in philosophical evocations, including back to Plato, yet it also signifies a new forward-looking approach to collective practice and philosophical collaboration. Above all, in the minds of its creators the word originally reflected the profound intellectual affinity of two thinkers who initially met at the University of Leipzig in 1791/92. Their Symphilosophie 1/2019, pp. 5-22 LAURE CAHEN-MAUREL, GIULIA VALPIONE symphilosophy, properly speaking, was first focused on Johann Gottlieb Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre. Indeed, in the years 1795-1797, the two “Fichticized”, carrying out an intensive exchange of views about a system of philosophy that had sought to complete Kant’s work into a unified philoso- phical system. A year later, the “two” became the nucleus of a romantic “circle” or larger group of young people, including
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