CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS, AND DEBATES OF THE FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESS!ON. SEN.ATE. As their names were called the respective Senators~elect .came forward, and the oath prescribed by law was administered ·to them. MoNDAY, .December 2, 1895. The Chief Clerk called the names of- Donelson Caffery, of the State of Louisiana. The first Monday of December being the day" presc~~e~ _ by. ihe Thomas H. Carter, of the State of Montana. Constitution of the United States for the annual meetmg of Co~­ William E. Chandler, of the State of New Hampshire. gress, the fu·st session of the Fifty-fourth Congress commenced this Horace Chilton, of the State of Texas. day. The respective Senators-elect whose na:mes had been· cal}~d (with_ The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. the exception of Mr. Caffery) came forward, and the oath pre- . The VICE-PRESIDENT of the United States (Ron. ADLAI ;E. scribed by law was administered to them. STEVENSON, of the State of lllinois) called the Senate to order at The Chief Clerk called the names of- 12 o'clock meridian. Shelby M. Cullom, of the State of illinois. PRAYER. Stephen B. Elkins, of the State of West Virginia. Rev. W. H. , ... ~ ~uRN, D. D., Chaplain to the Senate, offered the William P. Frye, of the State of Maine. - .llLJ.LD John H. ~ar, of the State of Iowa. - following prayer: · As their nanies were called the respective Senators-elect came Almighty God, we devoutly bless _Thee. that the men chosen~ forward, and the oath prescribed by law was administered to them. · represent the sovereign States of this Umon upon the :floor of thiS The Chief Clerk called the names of- body Thou hast had in Thy care and guard~anship; that none has Isham G. Harris, of the State of Tennessee. been smitten by the shadow feared of ~an, but all are. ready to George F. Hoar, of the State of Massachusetts. answer to the roll call of the Senate: Grrd them for therr respon- William Lindsay, of the State of Kentucky. sible and laborious duties. Grant them, and all that are dear to George W. McBride, of the State of Oregon. · . them,_help, strength, ~heer, an~ peace. TherespectiveSenators-electwhosenameshad been called (With Amidst our gra~ulations and JOY Ol~r hearts of sympat!:Iy turn to the exception of Mr. Lindsay) came forward, and the oath pre- . a darkened home m Iowa, where a wife and daughter Sit mourn- scribed by law was administered to them. ing the departure from the~ of the husband_and fa~her, lately a , The Chief Clerk called the names of- member of this House. VISit them, 0 God, who didst she_d the James McMillan, of the State of Michigan. tears of sympathy at Bethany, and grant them Thy consolation. Thomas S Martin of the State of Virginia We likewise comm~nd to 'l'hy fath~·ly ~oodness the household John T. Morgan, of the State of Alabama. • of an humb~e a~d faithful servant of. this House, who tin:ough Knute Nelson, of the State of Minnesota. many years m hiS lowly P~· by fidelity, c~mrtesy, and stainless As their names were called. the respective Senators-elect came character, adorned the doct;rmes of God hiS ~aviOur .. We pray forward,andtheoathprescribedbylawwasadministeredtothem. that they may find conso~ation and strength m the fruth of the The Chief Clerk called the names of- res~rec~on and eternal life. R. F. Pettigrew, of the State of South Dakota. LikeWISe we c~mmend to Thy fatherlytendernessthe trme-hon- William J. Sewell, of the State of New Jersey. ored officer of this Hous~ who for more t!:Ian threescore years has George L. Shoup. of the State of Idaho. been !?resent at the openm~ o~ every sessH?n of qongress, but who John _M .. Thurston, _of the State of Nebraska.. now hes ?POll a bed of affiict10n, w:orn With pa1:-ll and exhaust_ed As their names were called the respectiv~ Senators-elect came. b¥ sufferm~. Comfort anq bles~ him, 0 Lot:d, and grant to raise forward, and the oath prescribed by law wa-s administered to them. hrm from his couch and ?:r:mg hun _back to his accustomed place. The Chief Clerk called the names of- · · Keep us all by. Thy DIVIne Providence, a~d g;rant that by our Benjamin R. Tillman, of the State of South Carolina. devotion t~ Thee m the g_ospel of Thy Son, m life !lnd deat!I we Edward C. Walthall, of the State of Mississippi. may be Thine, wholly Thine; an~ so a~theendof this mortalJOo/- Francis-E. Warren, of the State of Wyoming. ney co~e to the land of everJastmg life. Through Jesus ChriSt • George P. Wetmore, of the State of Rhode Island. our SaVIour. Amen. Edward 0. Wolcott, of the State of Colorado. CREDENTIALS. The respective Senators-elect whose names had been called (with · The VICE-PRESIDENT presented the credentials of GeorgeL. the exception of Mr. Wolcott) came forward, and the oath pre­ Shoup, chose11 by the legislature of the State of Idaho a Senator scribed by law was administered to them. from that State for the term beginning March 4, 1895; which were SENATORS PRESENT. read and ordered to be filed. The Senators-elect having been sworn and taken their seats iD SWEARING IN OF SENA?-'ORS. the Senate, the following Senators were present: ' The VICE-PRESIDENT. The names of the newly elected Sen­ From the State of- ators whose credentials are on file will now be called by the Sec-· Alabama-John T. Morgan and James L. Pugh. · retary. As their names are called they will please come forward Arkansas-James H. Berry and James K. Jones. and receive the oath of office. ..- California-George C. Perkins and Stephen M. White. The Chief Clerk read the names of- Colorado-Henry M. Teller. · Augustus 0. Bacon, of the State of Georgia. 1 Connecticut-Joseph R. Hawley and Orville H. Platt. Lucien Baker, of the State of Kahsas. Florida-Wilkinson Call and Samuel Pa-sco. James H. Berry, of the State of Arkansas. Georgia-Augustus 0. Bacon and John B. Gordon. Marion Butler: of the State of North Carolina. Idaho-Fred T. Dubois and George L. Shoup. l 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 2, nztnois-Shelby :M. Cullom. their doings be guided by Thy spirit and ordered by Thy will. Indiana-David Turpie and Daniel W. Voorhees. Be the God of this nation! Rule Thou in the hearts of our rulers! Iowa-William B. Allison and John H. Gear. Satisfy our people with good things, temporal and spiritual; and Kansas-Lucien Baker and William A. Peffer. may all men learn to praise Thee for the riches of grace in Christ Kentucky-Joseph C. S. Blackburn. Jesus, our Lord. Amen. Maine-William P. Frye and Eugene Hale. The CLERK. Representatives-elect, under the provisions of the Ma1-yland-Cha.rles H. Gibson and Arthur P. Gorman. Constitution of the United States, this is the hour fixed by law Massachusetts-George F. Hoar and Henry Cabot Lodge. for the· meeting of the House of Representatives of the Fifty­ Michigan-Julius C. Burrows and James McMillan. fourth Congress of the United States of America. The Clerk of Minnesota-Cushman K. Davis and Knute N elson. the House of Representatives of the Fifty-third Congress will Mississippi-James Z. George and Edwar d C. Walthall. read the names of those whose credentials show that they were Mis!;ou,ri-Franeis l\L Cockrell and George G. Vest. regularly elected to this body in pursuance of the laws of their Montana-Thomas H. Carter and Lee Mantle. respective States and of the United States. As the roll is called, Neb1·aska-William V. Allen and John :M. Thurston. follOwing the alphabetical order of the States, those present will Nevada-William M. Stewart. please answer to their names, that we may discover if there is a New Hampshire-William E. Chandler and Jacob H. Gallinger. quorum present. New Jersey-William J. Sewell and James Smith, jr. The roll was called, showing the presence ·of the following­ New Yo1·k-Edward Murphy, jr. named Members and Delegates: No1·th Camlina-Marion Butler and Jeter C. Pritchard. ALABAMA. North Dakota-Henry C. Hansbrough and William.N. Roa.ch. Jes.<:e F. 8tallin&-s. John H. Bankhead. Ohio-Calvin S. Brice and John Sherman. George P. Harrison. Milford W. Howard. Oregon-~orge W. McBride and John H. Mitchell. Gaston A. R obbins. Joseph Whooler. Pennsyl-vania-MatthewS. Quay. James E. Cobb. Oscar W. Underwood. Rhode Island-Nelson W. Aldrich and George P. Wetmore. ARKANSAS. Philip D.McCulloch.jr. Hugh A. Dinsmore. South Carolina-Benjamin R. Tillman. - · - John S. Little. Robert Neill. South Dakota-James H~ Kyle and R. F. Pettigrew. Thomas C. McR-ae. Tenne!;see-William B. Bate and Isham G. Harris. CALIFORNIA. Texas-Hora.ce Chilton and Roger Q. Mills. John A . Barham. Eugene F. Loud. GroveL. Johnson. James McLachlan. Vermont-Justin S. Morrill and Redfield Proctor. Sa.mnel G. Hilborn. William W.Bowers. Virginia-John W. Daniel and Thomas S. Martin. James G. Maguire. Washington-Watson C. Squire and John L.. Wilson. COLORADO. West Vi1·ginia-St€phen B. Elkins and Charles J. Fanlkner. John C. Bell. Wisconsin-John L. Mitchell and William F. Vilas. CONNECTICUT. Wyoming-Clarence D. Clark and Francis E. Warren~ E. Stevens Henry. Charles A . Russell. Ebenezer J . Hill. HOUR OF MEETING. Nehemiah D. Sperry. DEL!..WARE. On motion of Mr. COCKRELL, it was Jonathan S. Willis. Orde-red, That the hour of the daily meeting of the Senate be a o'clock m.
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