The Quarterly Report Winter 2000 State Bar of Georgia (2) Provide opportunities for net- ship. Please do not hesitate to call working with other attorneys and me with suggestions of what you potential clients. would like to see the Section do, and critiques of how you think we (3) Provide service to the commu- are doing. I look forward to serv- nity we represent (i.e., the enter- ing as your chair these next two tainment and sports communities years. in Georgia). (4) Promote entertainment and Alan Clarke sports in the state of Georgia. A NOTE FROM HELLO FROM (5) Provide educational and net- working opportunities for law THE EDITOR THE CHAIR ! students at Emory, Georgia State, UGA and Mercer. Bedelia C Hargrove Greetings! It is an honor to be the first chairperson of the 21st (6) Promote competence and pro- Greetings Fellow Members, I am pleased to century for the Entertainment fessionalism among entertain- and Sports Law Section of the ment and sports law practitioners welcome you to the first issue of the State Bar of Georgia. You have a in Georgia. Entertainment and Sports Law Section very dedicated and hardworking “Quarterly Report.” The newly elected Executive Board that I hope you We have numerous committees Executive Committee is eager to foster an will take the time to get to know. focusing on special areas of inter- interactive relationship with and among In the few months since our elec- est for you to become involved our four hundred and sixty plus member- tion, your officers have set forth with, and we hope to provide ship. We necessarily need your participa- an ambitious agenda for the next many occasions for socializing tion to make the Newsletter as informative two years and have exhibited and networking with others in the as possible. We welcome your ideas, sug- admirable enthusiasm and flaw- industry. There are also opportu- gestions, and comments. We invite you to less attendance at meetings and nities for you to help plan semi- submit articles for publication in the functions. nars (including this fall’s trip to Newsletter, to speak at one of our luncheon Costa Rica!) and luncheons, get lectures, and to provide us with event infor- At our first Executive Board involved with proposed legisla- meeting, held on January 11, tion in the Georgia House of mation for publication in future issues. We 2000, the Board unanimously Representatives, and reach out anticipate our next publication date to be approved the following list of with your words of wisdom and on or about July 1, 2000. All articles and goals and priorities for this term: expertise to our future members information must be submitted no later who are now in law school. than June 1, 2000. Please contact me at (1) Provide education/CLE for Please take the time to complete (404) 885-6668 or preferably by e-mail at attorneys involved and/or inter- and return the survey contained [email protected] for more informa- ested in entertainment/sports law. herein so that we can best serve tion. the needs of you, our member- 1 MEET THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair, Vice Chair of Sports, Member at Large, ALAN CLARKE BEDELIA C HARGROVE TANYA MITCHELL GRAHAM practices exclusively in the areas of practices in the areas of civil litiga- is the owner of The Law Office of entertainment law and entertain- tion, family law, business law, enter- Tanya Mitchell Graham, P.C. Over ment-related litigation, representing tainment law, and sports law. Bedelia the past eight years, her practice has artists, writers, performers, athletes, is affiliated with the firm Biggins & focused primarily on the music busi- record labels, publishing companies, Associates, she is the Fulton County ness where she has represented inde- pendent record labels, producers, producers, managers, authors and Grievance Review Attorney, she per- forms pro bono legal services for the artists, managers and promoters. Ms. others in the entertainment industry. Graham also litigates entertainment- Thurgood Marshall Scholarship A former Assistant District Attorney, related cases, and she is expanding her he is a Cum Laude graduate of Duke Fund, and she operates Hargrove practice into the motion picture, tele- University and holds his law degree Management, a sports and entertain- vision, and sports industries. As part from Emory University. Alan is past ment management company, provid- of her community service, Ms. chairperson of the Southern ing services which include contract Graham serves as legal counsel for the Regional Entertainment and Sports negotiation, endorsement procure- Georgia Golden Wings Track Club, Law Seminar and a board member of ment, marketing, and post-career Inc., a nonprofit Georgia corporation the Southern Entertainment and Art planning. Bedelia is an NBA and that sponsors a track & field club for Law Center in Atlanta, as well as a WNBA certified agent representa- youths between the ages of 7-18, and life member of the National Registry tive, and a member of the Sports she is actively involved in The Legacy Program, a leadership development of Who’s Who. He is also a member Lawyers Association, the Women’s Sports Foundation, the Gate City program geared towards DeKalb of the Tennessee bar. Alan, an County teenage girls sponsored by the Bar, and Pi Sigma Alpha. Bedelia Atlanta native and Cum Laude grad- Coalition of 100 Black Women, uate of The Westminster Schools, also participates in charitable golf Decatur-DeKalb Chapter. has been in practice for ten (10) tournaments throughout the coun- years, and lectures frequently around try. Bedelia is a Cum Laude gradu- the country on entertainment issues. ate of Seton Hall University and she Member at Large, He lives in Druid Hills and is a received her juris doctorate at ELIZABETH MALOWE member of All Saints Episcopal Georgia State University College of Church. Law. is in private practice with offices in Athens, Georgia and Nashville, Tennessee. Elizabeth’s primary prac- Vice Chair of Secretary/Treasurer, tice areas are entertainment law (mostly transactional), business Entertainment, FRANK N. WHITE organizations, bankruptcy and civil SANDRA BROWN litigation. Her entertainment prac- is a music, copyright and litigation tice (music and film) includes devel- is an Associate Director of Business attorney, and a partner in the opment and deal solicitation, con- Affairs at So So Def Recordings, Atlanta, Georgia law firm of Arnall tracts, licensing and copyright issues. Inc., Ms. Brown plays an integral Golden & Gregory LLP. His music Representative clients include Murray role in the creation of today’s music. and copyright clients include record- Attaway, Winterhawks, Xtra Large She negotiates contracts for So So ing artists signed to major and inde- and Vision Music Group. Elizabeth is Def’s major recording projects pendent record labels, unsigned a graduate of the University of including: company CEO and award artists, songwriters and composers, Georgia School of Law, and winning producer, Jermaine Dupri, producers and recording studios, Manhattanville College. Elizabeth is also her own best client, as an aspiring Xscape, Jagged Edge, and Da Brat. independent record labels and an independent music retailer. Frank is songwriter. Other personal interests As partner of Brown and Butler, Ms. include vintage guitars, gourmet a graduate of Duke University and Brown represents new groups such as cooking, and jamming with her five “Ol’ Skool” and various up and com- the University of Georgia Law year old son, Jackson, a multi- instru- ing producers. Ms. Brown is a grad- School. mentalist. uate of Florida State Law School. 2 ENTERTAINMENT & SPORTS LAW SECTION LUNCHEON LECTURE SERIES April 14, 2000, ICLE Spring Entertainment Seminar: COSTA RICA IN 2000 Non-Music Half Day Seminar Join the Entertainment & Sports Law Section for the 12th April 28 through April 30, Annual Southern Regional Entertainment and Sports Law 2000 Seminar which will take place on October 28 through November 1, 2000, in Costa Rica at the luxurious Los Executive Committee Retreat Sueños Resort. The seminar is being sponsored by the Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section of the Florida May 10, 2000 Bar, the Tennessee Bar, and our own Entertainment and Luncheon: Business Managers Sports Law Section. Attendees will gain 12 Continuing Legal Education hours including 1.5 Ethics hours, 1 July 24 or 28, 2000, ICLE Professionalism hour, and 2 Trial Practice hours. Cost of the First Annual Entertainment Law package includes round trip airfare, hotel accommodations, welcome party, poolside dinner sponsored by J.C. Bradford, Basics Seminar Inc. and Alex Smith, farewell dinner sponsored by BMI, transportation between airport and hotel, and other great September 15, 2000, ICLE extras. Additional information pertaining to this upcoming Fall Sports Seminar: Journalism, trip will be published in our next edition. Marketing, Management GEORGIA’S GENDER EQUITY IN SPORTS ACT PASSES LEGISLATIVE MUSTER I had the distinct honor and privilege Association, and the Monica Kaufman Media Award which was received by Mike of joining State Representatives Fish and David Milliron, reporters for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The Stephanie Stuckey and Kathy Ashe, Gender Equity Law essentially forces Georgia to comply with the 28 year-old fed- emcee Monica Kaufman, WSB-TV eral gender-equity law known as Title IX. The legislation requires no more than news anchor, and a host of other legis- what has been required since the passage of Title IX in1972. The legislation amends lators, sport fans, coaches, and athletes, Georgia’s “Quality Basic Education Act” to apply federal Title IX requirements to for a press conference and lobbying local school systems. The legislation calls for increased scrutiny of the way Georgia effort in support of Georgia’s Gender schools implement Title IX and imposes sanctions for non-compliance. Non-com- Equity in Sports Act. The event was pliance would make schools ineligible for post-season athletic competition and held at the Capitol on February 10, could result in a loss of state funding.
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