- if-- : - Frta & P.t ' t : r Korea,' Oct. 18. ; tn & r.i ' i' China, Oct 15. rrT? From YaieoiTtrt M fTrfiTff'f' ff Marama, Nov. C. For Yaaeonveri Makura, Nov. 5. Evening Bulletin. Est 1882. No.' 5367. Hawaiian Star. Vol. XX. No. 6408. 12 PAGES. nONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY, OCT. 15, 1912. 12 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTO nnn w.Jziiu JO1 i, $ j4--? MmmttMS MAKE OFFICIAL smwjiim; H h m 7tr M&fEm mMM FMRMC S LEMB WML MMSE m MM pp Picnipf-,'iftffinii- p mmm.. Giants Slash Out Easy Victory; i h t mm I omorrow Tells Lhamp lonshm mtlm, i;feyu.l, .n3 W LIU II r I 111 li'ulj if 1 Observers and Umpires As- .'7'.'. -i signed to Opposing Armies : and;Stations y v r FIELD HEADQUARTERS m 3 .- -3 I: - SCHOFIELDiBARRACKS AT 1 - .i iii ' ' 7 frr m . a n n n n n n n So Says Attorney-gener- a! in: a nnn nnn a General Macomb and Staff Will Formal Opinion v to Move' to Leilehua "7 nGOYEBXOR'S C0M3TE5T OX - ,tt Mrs. Roosevelt And Wounded " Jake n y snoonxo n Mott-Smit- boosevelt- vl h 1 - U . U , Saturday ; j n ; Governor; Frear,' discussing the' n yy:MahsChildrert$H ' To get ; the mobile army of Oahu, n attempted .assassination of Roose-,-8 approximating 3,000 men, into the tt velt, this ; mornings commented : n , i egrams Sympathy 8 v "it is not fatal to his homlna-- H field for the coming inspection ma- tt ' "Men in public life and In the tt 1 ---as a. tion If the candidate, falls at the tt neuvers requires, just as much detail tt public eye .' such Roosevelt1 tt U time' of filitg' his nomination pa- - 8 and preparation as to put an army 1 tt must --.naturally : expect - that at tt ' - Condolence Pour From tt pers to tl&U his party affiliation tt three times that site into action. There tt any time they may be made the tt And In tt and he may do. so subsequently is the same amount of paper work at tt'.victims of assaults from fanatics, tt tt and' by separate. letter, of later tt headquarters, the same perplexing de- tt it is regrettable, but it is and al- - tt World--Abs- bl U ways All Over The t e It date than the pate of .placing bis tails to be worked out, and the same ; tt has' been true that the lives tt ' last-minu- 4CiaEF2IETERS v tt nominaticn papers In your of-- tt number of te oversights to be tt of prominent men always are in tt Indian catcher, who floored. In 'the . 4 w tt flce.M. -- Attorney-gener- al ..LInd. tt rectified. A whole division could be tt more danger than those of the r - s ' Republic- - tt ordinary- individuals.' . tt tt car's ODlnicn on ilaui tt turned out with ho more trouble than r y JEFF, TESREAU : suppose -- ortn-- tt an nominations, t ; . is being taken with one brigade; tt that this unf tt 'While the maneuvers proper do not Mcflraw's great, youngster, who stood tt nate affair will . have a tendency tt ... y today. iA , ! commence until next Monday, General the test tt to swing some votes .to? Rbose--i tt Vr CHICAGO, IIU Oct 15 Col.. Roosevelt's phys!:lans;thls aftsrn::n ; velt, that; he might i other-- tt bulletin-rtatlnjultratriMr.- R Jv.Aserting . that the Xalluro, of Macomb, his. adjutant general, ;and. the tt noti sued ; r.:. 3 a - tt republican nominees from Maul .' to have a considerable staff attached to Joe Wood Is Hammered Out bt tt wise have received rJust how merefle$rCOUndf but. a serious wound; in; the chest. Absoluts q.!:t x "to tt many, not. even; the.;:election tt I write their party affiliation on the what, is be known .as vthe central next '. - ropers seLt to ' station, which is to be located at the tt mohth:inarface;;iirur wtr' :: - nomination the Ter - - s' doubtedly ; to- in- tt . etf sJte olheftwJOstAShofieliBarr .Sr-Hrtter- tt tne 7eaers or governments and from hundreds of private citizir.;. .1 ritorial Lea tlary t t . : racks, will take up their field quarters tt fluence votes jn his ,fajrort hoWt man ilar, kept busy; receiving and .filing these and t.' ? Invalidate the nominations of those - 1 metsasu ar.v..r!.3 - - : V-t- Saturday.- wHl any tt ever." t ? ? - , nita, Attdrncy General Lindsay' this there on There be more Important ': ..'' . amount of work which is to come up BOSTOrf, Mass Oct 15w Under n n tt a n n n n a tt ttttaa n morning cave his' written opinion on clos- at the last minuter, which can be better the terrific strain of five games M'; "'' y ' the protest of the democratic party's er, than any previous. world's baseball K?ilx: fAssociated Press Cablel handled on the ground than from de ! n representatives, which .was submitted series; both the NewYorks and the - MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct 15-- John Schrenk, thejeraied launiryrr-- to him .yesterday by Secretary IE. A, partment Headquarters in Honolulu . who shot Roosevelt,' was arraigned here today 'on a charge of attempt;.! ' - Boston Red Sox slumped today in the IS ; -. Macomb, who will be direct ' a. General Mott-Smlt- f- .- ... ' '. ' ;y ' : ' ;.r r- murder. He pleaded guilty. t ' ; ' . or of maneuvers and chief umpire, will field, but the fierce hitting . of the MOfW.3 In each Instance ; in which a candi resulting game y party have a considerable staff attached to Giants made the sixth 'I date failed to i peclf his af headquarters, assignment of the big series one of the most sen- filiation, the nomination paper was his' the of LA F0LLETTE TELEGRAPHS HIS SYMPATHY TO COLO !iEL officers being announced this morning sational on. record. t held tip by Secretary Mott-Smith,- " and HI : :. ' It was hitting, a contin- ': ' : '; ' " as follows: this fierce ;"y : :i j, i Associated Press Cable V: l' ' not, filed until later, word,; supplying Station Brigadier Gener uation ' of bombardment of yes- necessary Central the MADISON, Wis. 15-- R. M. today the information was receiv al Macomb ."Major George H. McMan- - terday, that drove "Smoky Joe" Wood Oct Senator LaFolIette telegraph edV In -- substance the Attorney Gen us, inspector; CoL from box, in his attempt ed his profound sympathy for Col. Rcosevelt ; ry opinion division Lieut Ar the beaten eral's holds that the law does Campbell, adjutant general; to wlrt over metro- v SMOKY JOE WOOD IN HARD BATHE chibald three times the 1 not specify tae manner in which this 'I' - Associated Press 1 "v Major B, Frank Cheatham, chief quar- - politans. .Wood plainly showed the Of Boston, who couldn't win his third Cabtel Vv''"V statement of party affiliation shall effects lot r the great efforts he put game from the Giants. NEW YORK, N. Y; Oct ISMrs" Roosevelt, Theodore Ro6iee!t Jr" be made; therefore, inasmuch as the (Continued on Page 8) forth in the first two games, when hej and Miss Ethel Roosevelt together with Dr. Alexander Lambert the farv statement is made, in some manner held New York at his mercy. Today Giants hit everything that came near Prince Telegraphs Capture of ily physician, are hastening to the bedside of Col. Roosevelt In Chlca; 3. , the papers before nomination are he was Ineffective, his curve, ball the plate, getting sixteen safeties, in- 10,000 Turks and placed formally on; file; the nomina- old- - clean-u- p no on it, and his cluding several drives, - X-R- .V. havlhfiv "stuff AY EXAMINATION SHOWS DOCTORS WOUND SERIOUS tions are va!li V'.y' v'., REPUBLICANS ARE Both were off in field- Artillery . 5 timt speed had been lost He was v teams their The Repu; Means arei not. alone in ' ; errors and evidently. ing. New York had four ' ' tired. ' ." this failure to express party affilia- lAssociated Prew Cable : ; (Associated 'iress. CableJ r v. yyy;:- . .. On Other hand, .Tesreau, Boston five. ' th "Jeff f: Germany, Oct. 15. 15-C- oI. tion on their nomination papers.The MuggkY; McGraw's .husky youngster, The games now stand 'three for heidelbero; V CHICAGO; lll Oct" Roosevelt arrived In this , city lats' last . - Montenegro hasr Secretary explained this morning BUSY IN had a world of speed. Even at that each team, and according to the turn Prince Peter of. tel night from Milwaukee, and was attended by a corps of physicians. This X-ra- that five democrats .were guilty of ; flipped in New York yester- egraphed his former tutor in Heidel morning a thorough examination by y; was made of ths wound, after -- he could not entirely check Boston's of a coin ' the same omission.' In four instances, JM 1 berg University that Montenegro has physicians gave out an official statement. In statement sluggers, y y day, by the captains, the deciding which the this after they had been notified by him, game played Boston to- won a glorious victory, that 10,000 fo the first time the seriousness of the wound Is revealed The physi- 'The game early developed intoa is to be in artillery the candidates sent in their, notifica- duel of basehlts, in which the Giants morrow. Turks with their have been cians say that, the hurt Is deep. The bullet cut the chest wall without party . tion of affiliation by separate ' . H. E. captured. ) striking any organ,' entering an inch below the right nipple, f led, getting . a start that made them Score: R. vital and en- letter, and :n one instance by an safe", eo se- New York 11 16 '4 ranged ' upward four Inches, imbedding Itself deeply.
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