Ike Disagrees With Macmillan On Proposed Summit Talks esident Asks -- Spring F reign Chief Edition at owan s..P... 2 Meeting First Serving The State UniversitJl a/Iowa and til. People of Iowa CitJl Disarmament, Europe l!.slubllshed In lUtilJ - ~ ' I ve Cents a Copy A. OCL8tt!d t'resa Leased Wlr .. aO!! Wirepooto ' UDUI'd l're s InlernalJOn \l Le ~ Wire )0 a Cll y, Iowa, larch 21 , I!IS!! Today's Probable Topics 1 GETTYSBURG IA'I - President Eisenhower was reported Friday night to have disagreed wilh Bri­ tish ,prime Minister Harold Mac­ millau's proposal lhat the West • make a firm offer of a summer­ time summit conference with Rus· 1 sia's Premier Nikita Khrushchev. evo· ts Authoritative informants said Mr. rme galnst e s Eisenhower stuck to his view that sucp a high level parley must billie on whether a prior foreign ~inisters meeting succeeds in eas­ ing East-West tensions. Planning Chief Tibetan ; l Mr. Eisenhower and Macmillan talked over their dHferences face­ Spring Arrives With Fever, to-face during an initial 2-hour meeting in a mountain lodge per­ In Soviet Union Tribesmen ched atop the summit of one of tbe Catoctin Mountains in Mary­ land. Promise Of Sun And Fun The two IlId.r. r.aHirmed tht\r Gets Demoted By GRETCHEN BROGAN lea t five fc t. We aren't a. worried • f.w m.mberl wert abl. to BaHle Reds ".rmination to .t.nd' firm StaH Wrlt.r as u ual about kt'Cpini tlw m n m.k. it. The nlllt w_rm d.y ".In.t S.vl.t thr ••t. to West Ber· Josif Kuzmin Replaced The first warm lazy day of the cligibl , because we lhink mnny will find u. out in full foret, Report Violent Fighting lin. By Alexei Kosygin new season drifted slowly into Iowa slud nt hale had nough lr 10- I promlll ... In Holy City Of Lhasa ' / Conference spokesmen described City thi week. jumped two or thr('{' Ing to lep in ond repl cc ny one Re clion. to th w ather v ried their initial meeting as "a free-Cor· MOSCOW CUPI) -Deputy Pre­ puddles, circled an occa ional we 10 e." among the faculty rnemb< r . Pro- NEW DELlII,- fl'PI- TIIx>I n a!K' discussion of Russian pressure mier and State Planning Minister snowbank and then struck th SUI We wc re (ortunat ('nouRh to in- f(' ,or Simon L Lt! g r~ , h ' d of the trilx'. m n In\' dtd I h., jlcred campu full force. terview _on of the truly big m n n w corl' ('our. f' in lIydrauhc DIf­ Buddhi t city or thn jl "'ridllY in a against Berlin and West Germany. JosiC Kuzmin , who once was Nikita I They reCused (0 provide any details. The progress of Ule spring-like on campus. Bill a klinll.' , M , fu . ion nd Thermodyooml Confu· violent climax to montl of . klrm­ S. Khrushchev's choice as head of The talk, the first oC a 4-day day was followed clo ely by reports Slayhome, Ihe 1 57-58 S I champ- . ion, th COUf't' whkh m Is ~ n L hin, wllh th troop. of Commun- review, was carried on as the two Soviet industrial planning and of an epidemic of that strange and io n cIa cull r. H eavc u the tim w kly for 2 hour credit, I t hiM. according to rrport men sat relaxing in easy chairs in economic growlh , was dismissed wild disease, Student Spring Feve r. in. id information on this year' Iwa . in hi 'h pirit · Thur day. He reochinll III' 0 Ihl a sun bathed room of Mr. Eisen· The day, and po si bly th fev r, race. "Competil ion I. rough, l'w had (h. e ch ry ..... ord. for hi The hard·riding Khamba trilX'. ­ Friday and replaced with a con­ cau d The Daily Iowan to decide nevcr . een such treml'ndou . pirit ; public. ··Studt'nt. c n "top worrying m n rod down from tta- Himal y­ hower's private mountain lodge at sumer goods expert. Camp David, 65 miles from Wash­ this wa a good time to int erview they're cutting thosI' cia .. e right aboul my CO llr t'. All . ('(: 1i on wlll a and batlled Red hin . e troop ington, D.C. Alexei Kosygin, form er Commis­ everal of our well known student and left. I Ulink thiB y ur 's notional d finil Iy m t I'cry day all th within th walls 01 th holy city, and faculty campus figures to fi nd champ may be an SUI man ." t of thl' m . tt' r. 0 mati r tlw r ports Id . Macmillan led off by giving Mr. sar of Textil e, and a deputy pre­ re out what spring will be like at The Kh.mb •• wer. Slid to en­ Eisenhower a confidential report mier was named to succeed Kuz­ Scarl.tt O'Burn A3 Florida what my per on I fe Ii nil. are I SUI this year. last year'. $5,000 Sunt . ~ Schol.r- f ~ thaI , tht' studenl ' Iuition I es loy widespread popular support_ on hiS Kremlin talks with Khrush­ min as head of "Gosdlan, " the We weren't .ur. about the w... Tiler. h.v. boon report, .f ,.... chev three weeks ago, as well as ship winner •• Id ,h. t . he h.. entltie him to 0 complt'l ly com­ top state planning commi;sion. No ther .0 firlt w. Int.rvi.wed oM gott,n oH to • ver., . Iow . t.rt plcl' cour . Anythlni for duca· I.t.d fighting betw ..n the tribes­ his talks last week with France's of our student wtlther txIMrt­ men _nd Chlne.e tr.. p. for near­ President Charles de Gaulle and reason s were given for the change. .0 far. " I .m not .s worried lion , ( alway .. ay." Blinard BUI Snow, A4, North .bout the wllth.r ' 1 I w• • ," . he Prof. Egb rt Ea y, h ad or th ly two YUrt. West German Chancellor Konrad Kuzmin was given the lesser Pol., head of CSC (C.ntral Snow Lha a I. Ih ill' of th fam d Adenauer. s.id. " I WII afr.ld we might Und('rwot r Bo. kl'tweanng Sc­ post of minis ter in charge of the Committ.e), the IIrOUP which fur· have ,now from now until school qUl'ncl' wa n'l quite a pi 'a. ont. Potala Palac or th Dal i Lama, Mr. Ei ••nhower and M.cmillan, ca binet's new Scientific and Eco­ ni.he. SUI with wlnt.r weath'" is out. I will s.y th. t it hili b•• n He aid he re rl'tt d the n . Ill' r !iglou - and polit ical hi·ad of Ti­ .och flanked by four top .ide" nomic Council, according to a 2- H. IlIid, "Thi. 1.. 111 lib the Illst _ littl. uncomfort. ble out on the to announc a lough n . policy 10 bet. .rr.nged to resume their far­ of • IIrlit sellsen. We m.y be The Chin R d , who fore d paragraph announcement by the roof .nd down by the riv.rbank hi, departm nt .." Tw . nty fiv cuts r.nging di.cuilions .ft.r • dinner abl. to manllg. on. or two more until r.c.ntly, but I am looking wl}1 haw 10 b' hmlt m my cla es their rul(' on Tibet in I SO , were In the Aspen lodge which Is IIrv­ Tass News Agency . good bllzzardl and • little .ddi· forward to som, rea lly hot d. ys thl, year. On cut mor Will reduce report d to be plonning "fitrong In. IS th.ir confer.nce sit._ On the fac~ of it, KUImin was tion.1 "Itt, but it'l ju.t .bout "OW, possibly ,v. n In tho 30's." the ludent'. grad to an A- . We mea. ur ... lo qu 11 lht tribellmrn's IT'S SPRINGI I ?-But Chuck Kiple, A2, Ottumwa seem •• bit Disarmament and European se­ demoted. Howevel', his duties re­ ov.r. We _r.n't .v.., sur. the AnoUl r coed champ Elizabeth have lo m 'et a Iiltle often r this rebellion. curity promised to figure as the confused. We cen h_rdly bl.me poor Chuck, he hn just hurd th.t snow .cheduled for the w"kend '. em ·t r inc w ha \le thr en w Th Chlnr. Communi. tA ho\'e main highly important. It is not Sharp~ye, AI, Flighty, the. ' Irl who ba sket - 10 J('orn Studenl will not main talking point in today's ses­ unusual when a new agency such snow is expected _II over the state on this first morning of spring. will arrive. C.rt.lnly was • won­ been atl mpting to t up Tibet derful yellr, though." rode In the mo t conv rtlbles lo:l . • .. sions. Mr. Eisenhower asked three u the Scientific and Economic But for Chuck, and all of you, it will be p.rtly cloudy Sund.y-.nd fall , i. already making new plan R. be ex c ll.~t'd to slIn?sUw. a an 'aulonomou. r ,Jon" within J ack Sopped hoe, A2. Au tralia, of his top experts in this fi eld to Council is established to remove warmer, the w•• th.r Bureau SIlY •• "Yes. I aw two of them loday Our fi nll l Int. rvl.w was With the phere of China proper.
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