Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1983 The ommeC nt, October 20, 1983 Bridgewater State College Volume 57 Number 17 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1983). The Comment, October 20, 1983. 57(17). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/472 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. THE COMMENT Vol. LVII No. 17 Bridgewater State College October 20, 1983 B.S.C. Champ Defends Title By Beth Ward and new toy, and then Bonnie third. Joe Gouveia decided to enter a race in Then came 1982, which Southwick, MA. Being the Bonnie states as being "the Many people have heard of first race Bonnie had entered, greatest race in the world". jetskiing, yet very few know · she finished first in the The race was held at Lake of Bonnie Gordon; the women's division. This Havasue, Arizona. Bonnie National Women's jetski inspired her to pursue the ·explains that her own jetski champion of 1982. Ms. Gor- sport of jetskiing, and boy did . ~was shipped to that race,, don is a sophomore at she persue it! which helped in contributing Bridgewater State College Then in 1980, she entered a .to her victory {a $500 purse and will be defending her title regional race in Alpine Bay, · was awarded). She was then on the 29th and 30th of this Alabama, which marked her and still is National Women's month at Lake Havasue, Ariz- as a professional in that Champion. ona. Bonnie has been prac- sport. Finishing fourth did Bonnie will be defending ticing for the big event at the not discourage Bonnie from her title on October 29 and Nip on route 104 for approxi- furthering her interest. 30th .. at the same location mately an hour a day. In 1981, Bonnie went to the and will leave for her destina- Bonnie is the "Rocky" story Nation a Is in Linc o In, tion on Sunday, October of B.S.C .. She was never Nebraska. She explains that, 23rd. "The competition this interested in jetskiing until "the race should have been year is tough and the butterf- her father bought a Jetski mine if I hadn't crashed com- lies are already in my stom- from a friend. Thewholefam- ing into the first bouy." Non- ach." Despite this fact, ily started playing with their etheless Bonnie finished Seep. 12 ~_.._.._.,,._.._........,.....;...."""".--............. ...,._,_..._... ............. ___..__,,.......,."""".__..__....._.._.._,,_..,....._...,. Conjusing· Dates· A Word to the Wise 1 ~eriJor cl.a~~~&r ... c()'J'lP~!e.ct.a ,, ... flJ~~iOf'l, .. iJ: .~LJQ9~f!.li·~J:l ,.~tu~~t. ~~---.....-~;~···~~~t;"'~ ~~"'l:<1~,~~0J;~(i:;r;4~~i!!l11'1!1~~-\,f!t,314, .'iJllll1»'•t,j;1'J'ili;;i~i0'.; ·W:'proSip~bffve speak*3r$r' afso··wu:rua~ct Mkirig for' . · . ··.· · <posea thedateon topage 2·7• Recentlythe Comment had .··w• ''Was 1 and then placed them in three possible speakers. Mr. A discrepancy in the 1983- ·~nder _December • thi~~ing theopportunitytospeakwith priority. After voting, the final Deep told the Comment that 84 "New Dimensions" stu- it was in the correct position, Mr. Deep, Vice President of list of speakers recom- one hundred and fifty rep­ dent handbook has the because Novemberap~eared Student Services about the mended to speak is sent to sonses were received and of potential of confµsing senior at the top of the page, the process and selection of a the President of the College these responses, a total of students asto when theirfor- dean said. She also noted guest speaker tor Commen­ and to the Board of Trustees ninety-three different names mal degree application t~at the .mistake. was not cement. for approval. Once the Board were submitted. These rep­ should be turned into. the picked up rn proofing, before Jn the past, seniors were of Trustees approves the lies were for national as well Registrars office for May gra- the handbook wa~ printed. asked during the school year . speaker, the President issues as local people. Among some duation. On page 14 of the Dean Jones said that s~e for suggestions for a guest an invitation to a perspective of the most popular names handbookthe date printed ~as been assured by Regts- speaker at Commencement. speaker and then waits for a were: Tip O'Neil, Senator reads November 1. On page ~rar Thomas w_alsh that there A class meeting was usually 15 response. Kennedy, Mi.chael Dukasis, 27 however, the deadline no problem •f students fol- held and suggestions were This year, however, in Alan Alda, Natalie Jacobson, printed is December 1. lo~ the December 1 dea.dline then sent to the Convocation 7 order to save time, and to Paul Tsongas, and Dr. Busa­ According to Associate printed on page 2 and they Committee. The Convoca­ expedite the process, Mr. glia, a well known psycholo­ Dean of Students Martha will not be penalized for tion Committee, which con­ Deep sent out letters to gist. This list was sent tothe Jones, who is in charge of so. She did stress that sists, of eight faculty, and doi~g seniors during the summer Convocation Committee for putting the handbook seniors should m~ke every administrators, and eight stu­ regarding their ordering voting. Thanks to the many together, the discrepancy atten:ipt .to ~et their Degree dents from the junior and occurred in printing; She said Appllcat1on m by November gowns. Along with this infor- See p. 13 the error was very easy to 1, so that the Registrars staff I make, because of the layout can do the appropri~te l of the months at the top of paperwork for graduating pages 3-83. The person in seniors. Hotline • """ ia :!It Dr. Kryzanic Speaks Opens By Paul Foster miles from Boston. I CCI ·.:: Other reasons he gave for CCI (,) By Bonnie Bowden u The first of what is hoped to watching that area. include CCI be a series of faculty lectures the costs. Since 1981 the cost I N I Q) October 27 will mark the was held on Tuesday, for building an American Qi official opening ofJhe Con­ . October 11 in the Bridge- presence there has been ..c (,) sumer Hotline, .which will be water .Dining Room. Dr. climbing. Presently the U.S. i sponsored by the BSC chap­ Michael Kryzanic of the col- is sending 300 million dollars 0 ter of MASSPIRG. The lege's political sc·ience in economic support, while 0 Hotline, which can be utilized Department spoke before a 253 million is spent on mil­ .c 0.. by calling 697-1344, will deal large audience, on the topic itary aid. Next year 625 mil­ with questions on consumer of Central America and what lion dollars will be spent in El complaints and also the small it means to you. Salvador, mainly for eco- claims court. The Hotline will Dr. Kryzanic started the nomic aid. When the next b~ available to Bridgewater lecture by telling the elections are held in theC~n­ arid surrounding communi­ audience what he tells his tral American country the I ties, and. will be staffed five Political Science classes, U.S. will underwrite the eight I ·days a week by MASSPIRG that what Mmes out of polit- million dollar cost. Kryzanic i members. Hotline hours will ics has a direct affect on eve- pointed out that with all this I be from 11 :00-3:00 p.m. Mon­ ryone. In tliis c,ase Central money the U.S. is sending to ! day through Friday, and 6:00- America, specifically El Sal- a country of five million peo­ l 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, vador, does affect us and it is ple,if the money could be dis­ Wednesday, and Thursday worth knowing what is going · tributed to each person, each l nights~ The consumer hotline on down there because San ·would receive$12. Whatdoes I want to help you get ·your Salvador, the capital of El all this money mean? says President Rondileau and Marie Ferrante In the bear suit. money's worth. Salvador, .is only about 2,800 See p. 12 l 2 The Comment Thursday, October 20, 198~ Letters to the Editor :!!! Keep the =~:=::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:;:;:;:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::· Drinking Age at 20 Students, Guns, and Money By Brenda Araujo few drinks, if necessary, and dance so that when closing The proposal to raise the time arrived, they would be drinking age in Massachu­ sober enough to drive home By Diane Parent Could many of the signers lippi inevitably would lead to setts to 21 is being consi­ safely. place more emphasis on their more government control dered this week. Governor Those who turned 20 in the Education, especially post checkbook balance than on and would result in further Dukakis has stated that he past year or will turn 20 high school education, is the high ideals envisioned by segregation of the rich and would not veto the bill. before the end of the year theoretically designed to fos­ legislators such as Defilippi? poor. Does this agree with It appears that there have should not have their drink­ ter individual thinking and Would we allow the our basic ideal of been no significant changes ing privilege taken way. For support for new ideas. How­ government to limit what is democracy? in the number of minors who many college students, going ever, a bill presently before taught in our institutions? Supporters of this bill are able to acquire alcohol.
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